Hamas Leader Abbas Runs the PLO Like a Mobster

Hamas Leader Abbas Runs the PLO Like a Mobster

Despite the substantial international aid flowing into Palestinian territories, its leaders are shamelessly diverting the resources to line their own pockets. Hamas’ leader Mahmoud Abbas runs the PLO like a mobster, impoverishing his people while using them as human shields.MORE

November 30th, 2023

November 30th, 2023

On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, President Biden and Antony Blinken keep pouring billions and billions of dollars into Iran, who are using that money to produce weapons and oil for Russia and China while also funding terrorist organizations like Hamas.MORE

There’s More Than Enough Evidence to Kick Biden Out of Office

There’s More Than Enough Evidence to Kick Biden Out of Office

You’ve got to be deaf, dumb and blind to believe Joe Biden didn’t know what Hunter and the rest of the family were doing—they were selling his name and using his influence to profit for themselves. Joe was involved in scores of phone calls, which he says did not involve him. His staff had numerous…MORE

Jews and Righteous Gentiles Ban Together in Support of Israel

Jews and Righteous Gentiles Ban Together in Support of Israel

A peaceful March for Israel unfolded in the nation’s capital, drawing an impressive gathering of nearly 300,000 people. In stark contrast to some pro-Palestine rallies marred by violence, this march served as a heartening testament for unity. It showcased Jews and righteous gentiles standing shoulder to shoulder, rallying in solidarity for a noble cause—extending their…MORE

This Is The New Civil Rights Marxism: Levin

This Is The New Civil Rights Marxism: Levin

Mark Levin: “I call this the new civil rights Marxism. If you don’t buy off on Marxism, and they’ve taken over the entire civil rights movement, which is now an economic movement, if you don’t agree to the destruction of our economy, if you don’t agree to taking wealth from those who create it and…MORE

Levin: The Democrat Party Is An Autocratic Party

Levin: The Democrat Party Is An Autocratic Party

Mark Levin: “So the point is the Democrat Party is an autocratic party. And, by the way, like most autocratic parties and autocracies, they camouflage their true purpose by claiming they’re doing these great things for the people, especially the poor. They’re doing this great things because they defend democracy. How? By destroying the voting…MORE