Israel’s Cries of Sorrow Fall Upon the World’s Deaf Ears

Israel’s Cries of Sorrow Fall Upon the World’s Deaf Ears

The reports emerging from the Middle East are truly heartbreaking. Stories of abductions, sexual assault, and murder persist, alongside an escalating death toll that shows no signs of abating. Israel grieves for its most innocent victims, yet the world remains passive, and this collective indifference may be one of the most profound tragedies amidst this…MORE

Levin: These Are The Kinds of Israelis The Democrat Party Supports

Levin: These Are The Kinds of Israelis The Democrat Party Supports

“One of the reasons you hear liberal Democrats even on this network from time to time, but Thomas Friedman in “The New York Times,” Biden administration and Blinken leaks to the media, the usual mouthpiece has trashed Benjamin Netanyahu, they hate Benjamin Netanyahu the way they hate Donald Trump, because Benjamin Netanyahu has not gone…MORE

January 2nd, 2024

January 2nd, 2024

On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, just because it’s a new year does not mean we can expect anything different from the Biden Administration regarding the border, the economy, or the Middle East.MORE

Pramila Jayapal’s False Moral Equivalency

Pramila Jayapal’s False Moral Equivalency

Horror stories about violence against women continue to emerge from Israel. Yet, self-proclaimed women’s rights champion Pramila Jayapal fails to adequately condemn these atrocities, choosing instead to seize every opportunity to criticize Israel and its actions during the conflict. Shame on you, Pramila. Shame.MORE

Reagan and Trump Kept our Military Strong, Ready, and Capable

Reagan and Trump Kept our Military Strong, Ready, and Capable

There’s a monkey on Israel’s back. It’s called Joe Biden. If Trump were president, do you think he’d be telling Benjamin Netanyahu where and when Israel can strike the Hamas horde? Do you think we’d even be in this predicament? Trump had his heel on the neck of the terrorist regime in Iran. They had…MORE