January 18th, 2024

January 18th, 2024

On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, there are a high amount of slaves in America today at the southern border thanks to human trafficking, but President Biden and the American media have no problem with modern-day slavery and are doing nothing about it. MORE

Exposing the Link Between Hamas and Iran

Exposing the Link Between Hamas and Iran

The Israel Defense Forces have uncovered a complex network of insidious underground terror tunnels in Gaza, filled with weapons, supplies, and even a precision-guided missile factory. It’s the largest underground infrastructure on the planet– and something only a well-funded terrorist organization could have built. Funded by Iran. A country funded by the U.S. Shame.MORE

The Democrats Will Say Anything to Smear Trump

The Democrats Will Say Anything to Smear Trump

They call Trump, “Hitler.” The Dirty Dems said the same thing about Barry Goldwater, accusing him of authoritarianism. The underbelly of political history repeats itself and exposes the Democrat Party’s reliance on a worn-out playbook of hate and derision.MORE

January 17th, 2024

January 17th, 2024

On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, Democrats are trying to control Israel by taking down PM Benjamin Netanyahu through leaks to the media and working behind the scenes with individuals in Israel to betray Netanyahu.MORE

Hey Joe, Read the Constitution

Hey Joe, Read the Constitution

Biden has made it clear that the vicious Marxist Left is going to try and characterize Donald Trump as Hitler. Trump was president for four years and we didn’t lose our quote unquote, democracy. But we’re a constitutional republic. The framers of the Constitution were repulsed by the idea of a democracy, which is essentially…MORE

Levin Exposes The Monumentally Outrageous Interference In This Election

Levin Exposes The Monumentally Outrageous Interference In This Election

Mark Levin: “One of the things that relates to our election, whether it’s Iowa or the rest of our states and the general election is the monumentally outrageous interference in this election by Joe Biden personally, and by his surrogates at the Department of Justice, and his party members in the judgeships, and the unelected…MORE

January 16th, 2024

January 16th, 2024

On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, Donald Trump won the Iowa caucus in a historic landslide, but what we are not hearing is that Nikki Haley completely failed. MORE