February 5th, 2024

February 5th, 2024

On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, the talking points of the Democrat party and the media claimed for years that the southern border was secure, but now they are telling us if the massive new border bill is not passed it will not be secure. MORE

Paws of Perseverance: One Dog’s Incredible Road to Recovery

Paws of Perseverance: One Dog’s Incredible Road to Recovery

When a Hamas grenade blew up, Mikey, an IDF bomb-sniffing dog, bore the brunt of the explosion. The pup’s condition was dire, and it seemed likely he would never walk again. However, because of Mikey’s importance to the IDF, he has undergone groundbreaking treatments. Witness his remarkable road to recovery.MORE

Levin: No Two-State Solution, No Final Solution!

Levin: No Two-State Solution, No Final Solution!

Levin: “They’re saying from the river to the sea we’re having an influence in America, we are having an influence of Europe. They are with us, the annihilation of Israel, the annihilation of the Jews. While our media sits there and defends Biden and Blinken, while our media uses this jerk’s statistics against Israel. While…MORE

Levin: Will Biden Remind Americans Who He Really Is?

Levin: Will Biden Remind Americans Who He Really Is?

“I want to spend the short amount of time we have left directing a question to Joe Biden. I hear you want to run on democracy. Well, when you run on democracy, Mr. Biden, will you remind the American people how you opposed integrating our public school system? Will you remind the American people that…MORE