March 20th, 2024

March 20th, 2024

On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, the Democrat party has never embraced the Declaration of Independence or the Constitution and has rejected American values and morals. MORE

Levin: It’s Time To Impeach Joe Biden

Levin: It’s Time To Impeach Joe Biden

“While the Democratic Party is trying to overthrow governments, Democrats trying to put a former president in prison while it’s funding terrorists and terrorist regimes like Iran and Hamas, Schumer said something I agree with, it’s time for course correction right here in America. Not an election, a course correction. It’s time to impeach Joe…MORE

The Truth About Democrats’ Actions Towards Israel

The Truth About Democrats’ Actions Towards Israel

Chuck Schumer’s Senate proclamation regarding Benjamin Netanyahu’s supposed obsolescence for Israel post-October 7th is alarming. Proposing America’s intervention to engineer the Middle East without acknowledging Israeli sentiment, Schumer epitomizes Democratic authoritarianism and their regrettable abandonment of Jewish interests. Such totalitarian impulses must never find acceptance, especially when they entail the abandonment of Jewish people.MORE

March 19th, 2024

March 19th, 2024

On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, the U.S. Department of State is supposed to keep track of all Americans traveling abroad, which is why it is embarrassing that we do not know how many Americans were left behind in Afghanistan because they don’t know how many were there, to begin with. MORE

The Democrats Want Trump in Prison

The Democrats Want Trump in Prison

In a barrage of 91 spurious felony charges and four baseless indictments, the Democrats collaborate with rogue DAs and special counsels in a sinister bid to imprison Donald Trump. But what’s their endgame? A diabolical scheme unfolds: paving the way for a 2024 election like none other, securing Joe Biden’s path to victory, and ultimately…MORE

March 18th, 2024

March 18th, 2024

On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, leftist media outlets continue to twist Donald Trump’s words and lie about his words and intent.MORE