Biden to All Immigrants: Come On In!

Biden to All Immigrants: Come On In!

Can you name one society that has survived with open borders? We’ve turned the border over to the Mexican drug cartels, who now have a presence in every major U.S. city, and they’re killing us. They’re destroying our youth. They’re destroying our economy. Our school districts can’t handle this. Our hospitals can’t handle this. Law…MORE

Levin Takes On The Media’s Hate

Levin Takes On The Media’s Hate

“You can see the media in this country. They hate Trump. They hate conservatives. They hate the MAGA movement. They want the border open with the Praetorian Guard for the Democrats, the Praetorian Guard for Biden, who is corrupt, who should be under criminal investigation and is not. They undermine our institutions in this country.…MORE

Levin: Hamas Wing of The Democrat Party Is A Problem

Levin: Hamas Wing of The Democrat Party Is A Problem

Mark Levin: “The Democrat Party has a problem and it’s affecting the entirety of the United States. They have a Hamas wing in the Democrat Party. Tlaib is one of them. But there’s more than one. They call themselves democratic socialists. They had a massive rally, or whatever they call it, about a week ago…MORE