Capitalism Triumphs Over Marxist Claptrap

Capitalism Triumphs Over Marxist Claptrap

Mark knows that free-market capitalism is the antidote to the Marxist rhetoric espoused by figures like Robert Reich and other Democratic Socialists. In a scathing critique of Reich’s ideology, Mark offers an enlightening economic lesson, showcasing the strength of capitalist principles.MORE

January 4th, 2024

January 4th, 2024

On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, President Biden is playing from the same playbook that the Democrats put out against Donald Trump in 2020, claiming to save our democracy while burning down our Constitutional republic. MORE

Mark’s Climate Change Reality Check

Mark’s Climate Change Reality Check

The climate change narrative is one of the greatest fictions spun by the Democrat party. Watch as Mark skillfully dismantles the myths surrounding the climate change discourse and traces the evolving narrative back to the 1970s.MORE

Presidents of Major Colleges Spew Poison at Congress

Presidents of Major Colleges Spew Poison at Congress

Presidents from three poison Ivy League colleges faced a congressional inquiry regarding the surge of anti-Semitic incidents on their campuses. Their hollow sympathies brimmed with false equivalencies and were devoid of concrete strategies to combat hatred. College campuses, once regarded as educational sanctuaries, have tragically transformed into breeding grounds for anti-Semitism, compelling Jewish students to…MORE

January 3rd, 2024

January 3rd, 2024

On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, Harvard’s millionaire serial plagiarist and moral reprobate Claudine Gay has become a media, civil rights, and Democrat Party hero overnight, not because she’s a victim but because she got to be president of Harvard by means of the American Marxist agenda. MORE

Israel’s Cries of Sorrow Fall Upon the World’s Deaf Ears

Israel’s Cries of Sorrow Fall Upon the World’s Deaf Ears

The reports emerging from the Middle East are truly heartbreaking. Stories of abductions, sexual assault, and murder persist, alongside an escalating death toll that shows no signs of abating. Israel grieves for its most innocent victims, yet the world remains passive, and this collective indifference may be one of the most profound tragedies amidst this…MORE