Levin: Electing Joe Biden Is Electing Evil

Levin: Electing Joe Biden Is Electing Evil

Mark Levin: “What is this election about? In fact, what is society about? It is good versus evil, isn’t it? Forces of good forces of evil, constantly clashing, and who is going to win? This election is about good versus evil, and I’m going to make the case, just part of it, that electing Joe…MORE

Revealing Biden’s Blind Eye to China

Revealing Biden’s Blind Eye to China

China’s aggressive military maneuvers against Taiwan pose a grave global threat. Yet, the U.S. response under Biden is dishearteningly passive, enabling China’s hegemonic rise and jeopardizing global stability.MORE

Levin: The Left Has To Get Through 70M+ Americans To Get To Trump

Levin: The Left Has To Get Through 70M+ Americans To Get To Trump

“This is the United States Constitution, that the Democratic Party and the media despise, they wave it around as they try to destroy it. And you’ve heard about the Fifth Amendment, and I want to read you one partial sentence out of the Fifth Amendment: No person shall be deprived of life, liberty or property without due…MORE

April 10th, 2024

April 10th, 2024

On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, the liberal media is the propaganda wing of the Democrat party, and the credibility of the mass media has never been lower because the American public is on to them. MORE

Senate Leader Takes Aim at Trump, Ignores Dems’ Anti-Semitism

Senate Leader Takes Aim at Trump, Ignores Dems’ Anti-Semitism

Chuck Schumer took to the congressional floor to assail Donald Trump for remarks suggesting Democrats don’t support Israel or the Jewish people. However, Schumer overlooks his party’s true anti-Semitic stance, alienating Jewish voters with their anti-Israel policies. The Democrats’ self-destruction doesn’t require Trump’s assistance.MORE

Levin: Secretary of State Blinken Is A Danger To America

Levin: Secretary of State Blinken Is A Danger To America

Mark Levin: “But you, Blinken, you’re the worst of the worst. I know, as a matter of fact, all about your background, all about your associations, all about your interests and your purpose — it is to destroy the State of Israel, that’s what you’re about. It doesn’t matter why. It matters that you’re doing…MORE

April 9th, 2024

April 9th, 2024

On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, the Democrat party refuses to condemn the Islamist mindset spreading throughout our country from one no-go zone to another. MORE