July 28th, 2023

July 28th, 2023

On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, Chris Christie has done nothing for the United States or to fight cancel culture or protect children from the Marxist Democrat ideology invading elementary schools. MORE

The Press Hounded Ken Starr for Investigating Clinton.  Today, They Give Jack Smith a Free Pass

The Press Hounded Ken Starr for Investigating Clinton.  Today, They Give Jack Smith a Free Pass

Extra! Extra! When it comes to Special Counsels, why does the mainstream media treat Democrats and Republicans differently? Mark reveals how Trump Special Counsel Jack Smith flies under the media radar while former Special Counsel and Clinton investigator Ken Starr was hounded incessantly in the 90s. Does it have something to do with who they’re…MORE

As Biden’s DOJ Turns the Screws on Trump, it is Time For Republicans to Take a Stand Against Democrat Tyranny

As Biden’s DOJ Turns the Screws on Trump, it is Time For Republicans to Take a Stand Against Democrat Tyranny

As Biden’s tyrannical DOJ launches a full-court press against Donald Trump, turning the law on its head in hopes of derailing his bid for the Presidency, leading Republicans are finally mounting a counter-attack. It’s about time. If Biden’s unholy tactics are successful in taking down Trump and destroying the rule of law, he can use…MORE

July 27th, 2023

July 27th, 2023

On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, the entire purpose of the Hunter Biden plea deal was to cover up and protect the Biden Crime Family, and now it is collapsing to the point of labeling Hunter Biden as a foreign agent.MORE

Trump Is Fighting Not Only For The Country, But For His Life

Trump Is Fighting Not Only For The Country, But For His Life

Is this Biden’s DOJ or is it the Mafia? It’s getting difficult to tell the difference. Biden’s Special Prosecutor Jack Smith has trotted out yet another unlawful grand jury indictment designed to sideline the former President and throw him into prison. How did we arrive at this point? Mark reveals that it only takes one…MORE

July 26th, 2023

July 26th, 2023

On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, the judge in the Hunter Biden federal court case put her foot down and refused to sign off on the corrupt plea deal, forcing Hunter to plead not guilty instead.MORE