Jack Smith Has Recruited an Incestuous Group of Lawyers to Go After Trump

Jack Smith Has Recruited an Incestuous Group of Lawyers to Go After Trump

A special counsel is supposed to be independent and objective.  But Merrick Garland’s choice of Jack Smith is anything but.  Watch as Mark unravels Jack Smith’s web of corruption, spun to unite a small army of pit bull lawyers and prosecutors- who have all worked together before predominantly under Obama and Biden—to ensnare Donald Trump…MORE

The Democrat Party’s Anti-Semitic Attitudes and Incendiary Comments Are On Full Display. Why Isn’t Anyone Muzzling Them?

The Democrat Party’s Anti-Semitic Attitudes and Incendiary Comments Are On Full Display. Why Isn’t Anyone Muzzling Them?

The Democrat Party would have you believe they are the party of inclusivity and acceptance. Nothing could be further from the truth. Now, as Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal says the quiet part out loud, Mark recounts the abusive history of the Democrat Party’s anti-Semitism. Is the Biden Administration dead-set on abandoning our closest ally, Israel?MORE

August 1st, 2023

August 1st, 2023

On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, Jack Smith has destroyed our electoral system by bringing more phony indictments, and now anyone who dares to challenge or question the outcome of an election can be indicted. MORE

Mark Interviews Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu About What’s Really Happening With the Israeli Court Legal Battle

Mark Interviews Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu About What’s Really Happening With the Israeli Court Legal Battle

Over the last 30 years, Israel has undergone a judicial revolution by the most activist judicial court on the planet. Systematically the court arrogated powers of the legislature and the executive to itself.  Now, Netanyahu’s government is trying to bring its judicial system back in line with what existed in Israel during its first five…MORE