August 30th, 2023

August 30th, 2023

On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, it’s time to break up the cabal of radical Democrat lawyers who make up the D.C. judiciary.MORE

Bill Barr Had the Opportunity to Appoint a Special Counsel to Investigate Hunter Biden. Why Didn’t He Do So?

Bill Barr Had the Opportunity to Appoint a Special Counsel to Investigate Hunter Biden. Why Didn’t He Do So?

As more and more dirt is unearthed on alleged Biden Family corruption, former Attorney General Bill Barr is the focus of intense scrutiny. Why did Barr fail to appoint a special counsel to investigate Hunter BIden? Now, as withering criticism mounts, Barr is making the media rounds to cover his flawed judgment. And Mark is…MORE

Biden Plus DOJ Equals Police State

Biden Plus DOJ Equals Police State

We have to recognize that we have a growing police state in America, and that police state is controlled by one party, the Democrat Party. They are using all the instrumentalities of the culture and government to monopolize the society. That’s what autocratic parties do. They can call themselves whatever they want, but the Democrat Party has an horrific…MORE

August 29th, 2023

August 29th, 2023

On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, a judge is supposed to be a referee and ensure that the rights of the defendant are protected, which includes setting a date for trial.MORE

The Democrat Party is a House of Smoke and Mirrors

The Democrat Party is a House of Smoke and Mirrors

Democrats are the party of smoke and mirrors. While they proclaim themselves a friend to the oppressed and a proponent of the “little guy”, their sordid history reveals a much more caustic chronology. From Democrats’ deep entanglement with slavery, to their attacks on individual freedoms, Mark reveals their party’s role in shaping decisions that tear…MORE

August 28th, 2023

August 28th, 2023

On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, three people were hunted down and killed by a gunman in a racially motivated shooting at a Dollar General store in Jacksonville, Florida.MORE