Levin: The Democrat Party Is An Autocratic Party

Levin: The Democrat Party Is An Autocratic Party

Mark Levin: “So the point is the Democrat Party is an autocratic party. And, by the way, like most autocratic parties and autocracies, they camouflage their true purpose by claiming they’re doing these great things for the people, especially the poor. They’re doing this great things because they defend democracy. How? By destroying the voting…MORE

CNN’s Legal Beagles Beclown Themselves With Their Take on the 14th Amendment

CNN’s Legal Beagles Beclown Themselves With Their Take on the 14th Amendment

At first glance, J. Michael Luttig, a former federal judge. and Laurence Tribe, former Harvard Law professor, present formidable legal reputations. However, when it comes to Trump and the 14th Amendment, their TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome) – riddled brains confound their legal judgment. Mark shows what a real constitutional scholar looks like as he “corrects”…MORE



In Mark’s new book, THE DEMOCRAT PARTY HATES AMERICA, the Great One reveals the sinister history of the Democrat Party- from the Confederate rebels, to the Ku Klux Klan, to modern day American Marxism.  As you Levinites well know, Mark tells it like he sees it, and he sees the modern Democrat Party as everything…MORE

Robert Reich’s Trumped-Up Constitutional Argument is a Hot Mess

Robert Reich’s Trumped-Up Constitutional Argument is a Hot Mess

American Marxist Robert Reich believes that the 14th Amendment disqualifies Trump from running for the Presidency again. His ignorance is stupefying. Fortunately, Mark brings the constitutional receipts. From alternate electors to Congress’ authority under the constitution, Mark shreds Reich’s trumped-up charges.MORE

September 14th, 2023

September 14th, 2023

On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, Hunter Biden has been indicted by a Grand Jury in Delaware on three Federal gun-related charges. MORE

Kamala Harris Advocates For Government-Forced “Equal Outcomes”

Kamala Harris Advocates For Government-Forced “Equal Outcomes”

“Supposed, so-called extreme leaders are suggesting it’s a bad thing to care about and pay attention to inequities, to say DEI is a bad thing, when, in fact, if we want fair outcomes, we must understand what are disparities and then accommodate and adjust for those disparities if we want equal outcomes. So, environmental justice…MORE