September 28th, 2023

September 28th, 2023

On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, it’s shocking how many lawyers in the House Oversight Committee and House Judiciary Committee do not understand the basics or the history of impeaching Presidents. MORE

Levin: The Democrat Party Is The Monopoly Party In This Country

Levin: The Democrat Party Is The Monopoly Party In This Country

Mark Levin on Fox and Friends: “The Democrat Party knows what it wants to do. The Democrat Party is the monopoly party in this country. When you think about the news that you report or what people are talking about every single day, it involves an initiative or an outrage involving actions of the Democrat…MORE

Mark Levin: Democrat Party Is An Autocratic Party That Seeks To Replace Loyalty To The Party To Loyalty To The Country

Mark Levin: Democrat Party Is An Autocratic Party That Seeks To Replace Loyalty To The Party To Loyalty To The Country

Mark Levin: “There’s an entire explanation when I go from Chapter Three to Chapter Four about the Democratic Party that it is an autocratic party. It’s not like the Republican Party.  The Republican Party is a political party. In many ways, it is an ineffective party, in many ways when people vote, it’s the default…MORE

September 27th, 2023

September 27th, 2023

On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, the Democrat party is a typical autocrat party that seeks to destroy the nuclear family, our border and sovereignty, and our capitalist economic system, and their media demonstrates day in and day out that they are all in. MORE

What’s Killing America: Inside the Radical Left’s Tragic Destruction of Our Cities

What’s Killing America: Inside the Radical Left’s Tragic Destruction of Our Cities

A stunning book about how America’s biggest cities are being destroyed by progressive policies and woke Democrats. Many Americans have no idea how badly our largest, Democrat-run cities have deteriorated. We’ve been complacent for far too long, assuming that the craziest elements of the radical Left would stay confined to the East and West coasts. But…MORE

The Border and Budget Are Exploding.  Thanks Biden.

The Border and Budget Are Exploding.  Thanks Biden.

The U.S. is in a death spiral right now. Spending is out of control, our debt continues to mount, and our porous borders are allowing murderers, rapists and drug traffickers to waltz into the country.  We’re witnessing the destruction of citizenship and sovereignty, and it’s a death knell for our country.  Will Republicans in Congress…MORE

Speaker McCarthy Launches an Impeachment Inquiry Against Biden

Speaker McCarthy Launches an Impeachment Inquiry Against Biden

As evidence of corruption and influence peddling has intensified, House Speaker Kevin McCarthy has finally launched an Impeachment Inquiry against President Joe Biden. Does the GOP have the evidence to finally expose Biden’s alleged political corruption? Or is this simply a tit-for-tat game to avenge Trump’s impeachments? Mark weighs the possibilities.MORE