October 2nd, 2023

October 2nd, 2023

On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, how many of you would sit down and cut a deal with progressive Marxist Democrats in the House?MORE

Biden to All Immigrants: Come On In!

Biden to All Immigrants: Come On In!

Can you name one society that has survived with open borders? We’ve turned the border over to the Mexican drug cartels, who now have a presence in every major U.S. city, and they’re killing us. They’re destroying our youth. They’re destroying our economy. Our school districts can’t handle this. Our hospitals can’t handle this. Law…MORE

September 29th, 2023

September 29th, 2023

On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, Barnes and Noble is censoring the sale of The Democrat Party Hates America, in most stores, by refusing to put it on their shelves, instead leaving them in boxes in the back room. MORE

The Democrat Party Is Intent on Consolidating Power by Doing an End-Run Around the Constitution

The Democrat Party Is Intent on Consolidating Power by Doing an End-Run Around the Constitution

When the Founders created the Constitution they knew one constant truth: separation of governmental powers prevents Tyranny. But the Democrat Party craves power. And the Constitution stands in the way of their desire for an autocratic centralized regime. After all, you can’t create the perfect society if everyone doesn’t go bow down and obey.MORE

September 28th, 2023

September 28th, 2023

On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, it’s shocking how many lawyers in the House Oversight Committee and House Judiciary Committee do not understand the basics or the history of impeaching Presidents. MORE