March 31, 2011
On Thursday's Mark Levin Show: Do you realize just how large our deficit is? Mark compares it to other times in American history and just how much more expansive our debt is and how the Republican leadership is not taken enough significant steps to cut it. We don't need as much massive government as we have – we can sustain ourselves just fine. If you are a liberal, you are anti-Constitutionalist and you reject the Constitution. Also, Mark talks about comments from Republicans like Senator Scott Brown who say that the Tea Party is extremist or out of touch; they're the ones out of touch, not us.
Chicago Sun Times
Food prices jump most in 36 years, from beef to eggs to butter
ABC News
Gas Prices See Highest March Price Ever and 7th Consecutive Weekly Increase
Tax Foundation
No Country Leans on Upper-Income Households as Much as U.S.
Fox Nation
Congressman: Reading the Constitution Is 'Silly'
Daily Caller
Sen. Scott Brown calls Republican spending cuts ‘irresponsible’
American Thinker
Fear of a Government Shutdown?
Foreign Policy
Shah: GOP budget would kill 70,000 children
CNS News
Going Broke: Treasury Down to $58.6B in Cash, $130.5B Borrowing Authority
Human Events
McConnell: All 47 GOP Senators Co-Sponsor New Balanced Budget Amendment
Daily Mail
Former NHS director dies after operation is cancelled four times at her own hospital
Washington Examiner
Group of Senators push to shield more Obama appointees from confirmation
Senate comes up with plan to reduce by a third presidential appointments needing confirmation
March 30, 2011
On Wednesday's Mark Levin Show: Larry Elder from KABC in California fills in for Mark. He discusses the differences between when President Bush went into Iraq and Afghanistan, and our current military operation in Libya. He also discusses a news report that the U.S. is covertly assisting the Libyan rebels and asks how does this benefit America? What is the vision of President Obama for America, and is it in our best interest? Also, both political sides are playing the American voter out, but the Democrats are doing it more than the Republicans are.
March 29, 2011
On Tuesday's Mark Levin Show: Mark plays audio from Senator Chuck Schumer discussing what words and language he is being told to use when describing the Tea Party and Speaker Boehner. You must understand that the Left is trying to shape the language and political discourse of what issues are being presented to the media. Why is it that President Obama and others won't allow us to reduce our debt – despite the economic consequences of it? Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice David Prosser calls in and talks about the political attacks on him from state unions before his election next Tuesday, April 5th. Finally, William Bennett – author of The Fight of Our Lives, calls in and talks about his new book with Mark!
NY Times
On a Senate Call, a Glimpse of Marching Orders
Real Clear Politics
Schumer To Fellow Dems: I've Been "Instructed" To Call GOP "Extreme"
Fox News
Dems Prepare to Profit from Shutdown
Daily Caller
Reid vows to stand in the way of any efforts to reform Social Security
National Review
Wisconsin Fight Goes to Court
National Review
Obama in Libya
Real Clear Politics
Rep. Hoyer Blames GOP "Hard-Liners" For Potential Shutdown (Video)
March 28, 2011
On Monday's Mark Levin Show: Mark gives commentary on President Obama's speech on Libya. Mark describes the inconsistency of it, and how we still don't know what is going on or why we went into Libya in the first place. Mark questions when was Obama’s realization that Gaddafi was a bad person, when he's been against the United States for over 40 years? Rather than explain to the American people and our military the goal of the Libyan operation, we were given a lecture with no clear points. Also, Mark explains how we are now seeing a liberal transformation of our foreign policy; we are trying to internationalize our efforts and go to groups like the United Nations, rather than looking out for our own sovereignty.
Media Matters' war against Fox
The Hill
Reid urges GOP to ditch Tea Party
Washington Post
The Republicans’ Hispanic problem
USA Today
Groups target states' illegal-immigration bills
Washington Post
U.S. deploys low-flying attack planes in Libya
March 25, 2011
On Friday’s Mark Levin show: Mark talks about the GOP senators agreeing to push a balanced budget amendment. Mark says, it should be called ‘limit the size of government under the constitution amendment’. The elements of this plan are really good. Also, Mark explains that we don’t need a no-fly zone in Libya, just kill Gaddafi and get end it. Finally, Clint Walker, star of the old western TV show Cheyenne calls in and discusses Obama’s handling of his Presidency.
Human Events
Senate GOP Demand Balanced Budget Amendment for Raising Debt Ceiling
Additional information on War Powers Act
The Hill
Kucinich: No intent to seek impeachment of Obama over Libya
Wall Street Journal
Antiwar Senator, War-Powers President
NY Times
Islamist Group Is Rising Force in a New Egypt
Indianapolis Star
Tea party leader says he'd endorse Daniels
Controversial Wisconsin Union Law Published Despite Court Order Blocking It
Brazilian plastic surgeon says operated on Qaddafi
Napolitano: Security Along U.S.-Mexico Border 'Better Now Than It Has Ever Been'
American Spectator
Illegals Fastest Growing Segment of Foreign-Born Population
March 24, 2011
On Thursday's Mark Levin Show: Mark explains the history of the War Powers Act, how various Presidents used it, and why he doesn't agree with it. He also says that if Congress doesn't want a particular war, they have the ability to defund the operation. He rejects the use of our military this way because there is no stated military goal from the President that says what exactly our mission is. And yet, no matter what President Obama does, you still won't hear any criticism of him from the mainstream media, even as America is being torn apart. Finally, Mark talks about how we are now weakening our American sovereignty by trying to base our American policy in the eyes of the international world and the United Nations, rather than our own.
Fox News
Did Qaddafi Deserve U.S. Funding? Foreign Aid Under Scrutiny Amid Mideast Unrest
National Review
The Bush Administration Agrees to Pay Libya Reparations for Air Strike Ordered by President Reagan (August 16, 2008)
Baker Institute
National war powers commission report (PDF)
Federalist Society
The War Powers Resolution: An Unnecessary, Unconstitutional Source of "Friendly Fire" in the War Against International Terrorism? (February 15, 2005)
The New Media Journal
County, DHS Officials Stage Mock Terror Exercise Featuring 'Anti-Immigration' Shooters
Sunday Morning Herald
Cinemas attack nutrition rules
Daily Pilot
Newport council moves forward on banning leaf blowers
The Hill
CBO: Taxing mileage a 'practical option' for revenue enhancement
March 23, 2011
On Wednesday's Mark Levin Show: Mark asks and explains what conservatism is and the principles that America stands on. He discusses what President Reagan believed as far as foreign policy and intervention – he was able to distinguish between allies and adversaries. Our political leadership is to preserve and defend the American society. We are supposed to be building alliances with nations that will continue to advance the principles of freedom, liberty and democracy, and to preserve this society. Therefore, what is President Obama doing by intervening in Libya without giving a clear mission or goal? Former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld calls in and talks about our current foreign policy, and what we should do. Finally, Ed Martin (Senate primary candidate in Missouri) calls in and discusses Claire McCaskill’s tax problems.
Real Clear Politics
Conservative Foreign Policy & Reagan's Legacy
Fox Nation
Statements Made by Then-Senators Obama, Biden Haunt Libya Mission
BIDEN FLASHBACK: Launching an Attack Without Congressional Approval is an Impeachable Offense
Wolf Files
Joe Biden: War without Congressional approval warrants impeachment (for Republican presidents only)
The Telegraph
Jerusalem bus bomb kills one and injures 30
Anthony Weiner: Waiver might work for New York
Sacramento Bee
Hawaii radiation levels safe, show tiny increase
CEO of Starbucks, Which Supported Obamacare, Now Worried Mandate Will Hurt Small Businesses
National Review
CAIR sought Qaddafi millions
Investors Business Daily
IBD Poll Suggests 30 Million Americans Seeking Job
March 22, 2011
On Tuesday's Mark Levin Show: Why is President Obama out of the country instead of in America explaining to the military and the people what our goal in Libya is? We can't just send our troops out and not have a strategic goal in mind. Mark says that this administration's stupidity and incompetence is growing each passing day, and it is hurting the country in the end. Also, a Florida judge has ordered Sharia Law to be accepted in a Florida courtroom. Finally, Mark talks about and explains the declaration of wars and when they have been used or have not been used.
The Hill
White House: Helping install 'a democratic system' is goal in Libya
St. Petersburg Times
Judge orders use of Islamic law in Tampa lawsuit over mosque leadership
Israel News
Muslims Continue Pushing Christians Out of Bethlehem (September 12, 2008)
Red County
Government Shutdown? NOT Happening: Part II of our Exclusive Interview with John Boehner
US Approaching Insolvency, Fix To Be 'Painful': Fisher
Tax Prof Blog
Tax Foundation: No Country Leans on Upper-Income Households as Much as U.S.
Washington Examiner
Unser case shows something is horribly wrong in the U.S. Forest Service
CNS News
19,000 Jobs Worth $1.1 Billion in Wages Lost Nationally Since Offshore Drilling Moratorium Imposed
Obama cutting short Latin America trip
March 21, 2011
On Monday's Mark Levin Show: President Obama hasn't made coherent statement about what our objective is in Libya. What’s our military supposed to do – and why isn't Obama articulating the point to them? Mark says he wants Obama and the liberals to stop apologizing for America's past; we have freed millions of people from tyranny worldwide. What does the government run efficiently besides the military? They are making a disaster of healthcare, social security and our economy. Also, Adam Hasner, former Florida State House Majority Leader and tea partier calls in to talk about his 2012 Senate exploratory committee against Senator Bill Nelson.
Reagan Foundation
President Reagan's Address to the Nation on U.S. Air Strike against Libya – 4/14/86
The Hill
Nader: Impeach Obama for 'war crimes'
Real Clear Politics
Kucinich: Obama Ignored Constitution, His Own Advice With Strikes On Libya
Kyodo News
U.S. regulator says Fukushima nuclear plant stabilizing
The Baltimore Sun
Obama's health care reform is unhealthy for hospitals
Wall Street Journal
White House Seeks to Boost Public Support for Health Bill
Daily Mail
Cancer operations are denied to thousands of elderly patients 'because of ageism'
China takes hard line on activists, many missing
McCaskill will sell 'the damn plane'
Red State
Wisconsin Judge Maryann Sumi & Her (SEIU, AFL-CIO) Political Operative Son
Wall Street Journal
How Washington Ruined Your Washing Machine
National Review
Adam and the Eve of a New Election Cycle in Florida
Home sales dive, prices near 9-year low
March 18, 2011
On Friday's Mark Levin Show: We now have a rogue Wisconsin judge filing a restraining order against Governor Walker's collective bargaining law. The Democrats didn't like that the Republicans took control of the state, so not only did they leave the state to protest, but now they are going to the courts about it. Also, there are now threats against politicians, and you don't hear the media asking about the pro-union workers’ civility. Also, Mark gives an update on the Libyan no fly zone. Finally, Phyllis Schlafly calls in and discusses her new book, The Flipside of Feminism.
Wisconsin Journal Sentinel
Judge temporarily blocks implementation of public union law
Judge Maryann Sumi
Few radioactive particles on U.S. west coast: sources
Gallup Finds U.S. Unemployment at 10.2% in Mid-March
US Cost of Living Hits Record, Passing Pre-Crisis High
CBO: Obama understates deficits by $2.3 trillion
Helen Thomas to Playboy: Jews 'own the White House’
Barack Obama's Women's NCAA pick: UConn (Video)
Ronald Reagan & George W. Bush
March 17, 2011
On Thursday's Mark Levin Show: Mark announces that Landmark Legal Foundation has filed a legal complaint against the NEA for questionable campaign contributions. We can't let these big public sector unions continue to take taxpayer money and use it for their own agendas and institutions. Why are the American people and the 54 conservatives that voted against the Continued Resolution being attacked by the GOP leadership? There is a campaign being led by Speaker Boehner and Congressman Cantor to dampen the influence of conservatives. Since when is following the Constitution considered extreme?
Landmark Legal Foundation
Mark Levin Show
Retiring General Council of NEA Attacks Landmark Legal
Washington Times
House votes to strip funding for NPR
UN approves no-fly zone over Libya
Sky News
Gaddafi Warns Of 'No Mercy' In Rebel City
Joy Behar: 'I’m Sure People In Concentration Camps Made Jokes About Each Other and The Nazis'
Trump Questions Facts Sorrounding Obama’s Childhood
Daily Caller
Mark Levin to GOP leadership: ‘You’re not going to talk to us this way and get away with it’
March 16, 2011
On Wednesday's Mark Levin Show: Mark reads a 1977 speech from Ronald Reagan where he discusses conservatism and how there are more conservatives than people believe. Conservatives believe in the Constitution, liberty and the principles of freedom and prosperity – what is so wrong with that? Why is the GOP Leadership calling out the Congressmen who voted against the Continuing Resolution as being extreme? The Left now knows that Speaker Boehner is weak and they will use this against him as they try to further implement their agenda. Also, President Obama picks his winner for the NCAA basketball tourney!
Reagan 2020
Reagan's Speech at the 4th Annual CPAC Convention: A New Republican Party (February 6, 1977)
American Thinker
NFL player spokesman: Playing for owners like 'slavery'
You Tube
Margaret Thatcher on Socialism (H/T NRO)
Daily Caller
GOP leaders, mainline caucus fume at conservative ‘no’ votes on three-week CR
CNS News
U.S. Debt Jumped $72 Billion Same Day U.S. House Voted to Cut Spending $6 Billion
Some in GOP grow tired of right wing
Houston Chronicle
Federally-paid National Guard troops to leave U.S.-Mexico border by June 30
Boehner invites Obama, Biden to St. Paddy's Day lunch
News Alert
Trumka: We Drove Health Care Reform Down Republicans Throats (H/T Dan Riehl)
President Obama likes chalk for NCAAs
National Review
The Brackets of Leadership
Yahoo News
Feds deploy more radiation monitors in western US
LA Times
Wholesale prices up 1.6% on steep rise in food
Housing starts see biggest drop since 1984
Former George W. Bush aide Ari Fleischer says Sarah Palin's got no chance in 2012
March 15, 2011
On Tuesday's Mark Levin Show: The American people have become subjects, not citizens. Mark goes through the roll call vote on the Boehner Continuing Resolution. Speaker Boehner has sold out conservatives – he went against what the American people wanted, and instead played politics. Congressmen Louie Gohmert, Mike Pence and Senator Rick Santorum call in and say that we need to stay united and keep demanding that Obamacare be defunded and that the deficit be reduced. We need courageous fiscal discipline.
Fox News
White House Urges Supreme Court Not to Jump Into Health Care Law Cases Prematurely
Pajamas Media
Fear the Media Meltdown, Not the Nuclear One
March 14, 2011
On Monday's Mark Levin Show: Mark discusses the recklessness of the mainstream media when speaking about Japan's nuclear facilities. Mark says that the media is not reporting that a nuclear power plant can be as safe as any other kind. Also, Mark talks about comments from Congressman Michael Grimm saying that there is an extreme element on the right that is against Obamacare. Since when is telling the government to limit their spending habits considered extreme? Finally, Senator Marco Rubio and Congressman Tim Huelskamp call in and discuss the continuing resolution.
The Telegraph
Japan nuclear plant: 'no Chernobyl possibility'
American Spectator
Godzilla Redux
National Review
Growing GOP Opposition to Short-Term CR
The Hill
Sen. Rubio to oppose new spending bill
Tax Prof Blog
Tax Foundation: On April 1, U.S. Is #1 (World's Highest Corporate Tax Rate)
Riehl World View
Is This Why Christie Didn't Join ObamaCare Suit?
The Hill
Gov. Daniels endorses GOP Sen. Lugar, a big Tea Party target
The Hill
GOP freshmen uneasy about latest stopgap bill, lawmaker says
Y Net News
Gaza celebrates; Fayyad condemns terror attack
March 11, 2011
On Friday's Mark Levin Show: Mark gives an update on the horrific earthquake and tsunami that hit Japan and the Pacific early Friday. Mark also focuses on and says that a vote for the continuing resolution is a vote for Obamacare. The Republican leadership needs to be reminded that they were voted into power primarily because the American people did not want Obamacare, nor the enormous amount of spending that is going on. The Levin Surge is still going strong as Mark urges people to call their Congressmen and tell them to vote no on the continuing resolution unless the healthcare funding is taken out of it. Finally, the Republicans need to stop giving up the leverage that they have to the Democrats.
BBC News
Tsunami hits Japan after massive quake (Live updates)
ABC News
Pictures from the Japan Earthquake/Tsunami
Washington Times
Will House GOP rescind Obamacare funding appropriation?
National Review
Conservative Groups Don’t Like the Short-term CR
Energy Tomorrow
Facts Don't Support Claims on Gulf of Mexico Oil Production
American Solutions
Top 3 Myths in Obama's Lecture on Gas Prices
Bill Clinton: Drilling delays 'ridiculous'
Riehl World View
Cornyn, Scarborough Battle Over Recruitment Story
Human Events
Outrage! US Government Funding La Raza with Your Tax Dollars
March 10, 2011
On Thursday's Mark Levin Show: Mark calls for a Levin Surge on your House of Representatives. Tell them to vote no on the continuing resolution because it doesn't cut funding for Obamacare! Both Congressmen Michele Bachmann and Steve King call in and discuss how the American people do not want Obamacare, and that conservatives made a promise that they would vote against it, and they need to keep that promise. Wisconsin Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald calls in and talks about the Wisconsin unions and Governor Walker's budget proposal law. Finally, Congressman Pete King calls in and discusses the Congressional hearings on radical Islam.
Real Clear Politics
Jesse Jackson In Wisconsin: We're "Going To Escalate The Protests" (Video)
Gateway Pundit
LESTISTS SCREAM As GOP Lawmakers Flee Wisconsin Capitol (Video)
Commentary Magazine
Peter King Hearings Highlight the Problem of CAIR in the Muslim Community
Rep. Ellison Weeps During Radical Islam Hearing Testimony (Video)
Riehl World View
Rep. Keith Ellison's Shameful Tears At Radicalization Hearing
Real Clear Politics
Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee: Muslim Radicalization Hearing Is "Playing Into Al Qaeda" (Video)
March 9, 2011
On Wednesday's Mark Levin Show: Mark discusses the breaking news of the Wisconsin State Senate voting to adopt reform changes that were requested by Governor Scott Walker. He salutes him for standing strong through this time. Mark also talks with Senator Jim DeMint about the Republican leadership and how we need to stand on our conservative principles and need to slash this massive budget. The American people have cut back their spending because of rising energy and food prices – why can't the federal government do the same? Finally, where exactly are the liberals taking us? What is their endgame?
The Hill
Senate rejects dueling spending plans, leaves legislative stalemate
Schenectady Gazette
Why Reagan’s the one (Nov 3, 1980)
Obama administration appeals healthcare ruling
CNS News
Neither GOP Nor Democrats Plan Balanced Budget in Next Decade
Daily Caller
Surprise: New NPR interim CEO a Democratic political contributor
Wis. GOP strips public workers' bargaining rights
Washington Times
Justice Department puts political correctness over safety
The Hill
King receives threats on hearing's eve
March 8, 2011
On Tuesday's Mark Levin Show: Mark discusses how we shouldn't tap into our strategic petroleum reserves just to help President Obama. It’s his own fault because of his policies both abroad and at home that gas prices are rising, and he is not doing anything about it. Oil exploration and oil drilling creates jobs! Mark also goes after the Republican leadership and says he is very unhappy with them and urges the freshman, newly elected Conservatives to start getting aggressive and telling the American people exactly what is going on. We can't be surrendering our negotiating points and giving into the liberal belief system. Finally, Mark talks about Donald Trump and says that he's a situationalist and questions some of his political contributions.
Washington Times
U.S. sets $223B deficit record
The Hill
Reid attacks GOP budget for trying to cut money for Nevada's cowboy poetry festival
Washington Examiner:
Feds: No new drilling permits, but we'll tap into Strategic Petroleum Reserve!
News Meat
Donald Trump’s Political Contributions
Trump hits back, slams Sen. Lamar Alexander
The Independent
Japan must develop nuclear weapons, warns Tokyo mayor
Project Veritas
Project Veritas Investigates: NPR
Welfare State: Handouts Make Up One-Third of U.S. Wages
Wall Street Journal
U.S. Appeals Florida Ruling on Health-Care Law
Med Page Today
Obama Administration Appeals Health Reform Ruling
March 7, 2011
On Monday's Mark Levin Show: Michael Barry of KTRH in Houston fills in for Mark. Michael plays audio from Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee as she curses out her staffer – where's the civility in that? Also, the mainstream media is not giving a voice to the silent majority of Americans who don't want massive entitlement programs or the country deteriorating. If we weren't silent, we wouldn't be dealing with the belittling of America that is happening from within. We should eliminate so many entitlements and social programs, and have people live with the consequences of making poor decisions. Finally, Michael talks about the social problems in poorer parts of the country and what may be some of the causes of it.
The Post Chronicle
Remember The Alamo! 175 Year Anniversary
Wall Street Journal
Deficit for Fiscal 2007 Slides (October 5, 2007)
Fox News
Sarah Palin Slams Kathy Griffin: She Is a 50-Year-Old Bully
Milwaukee teachers union drops lawsuit seeking to include Viagra in health insurance plans
White House promotes Muslim help against terrorism
March 4, 2011
On Friday's Mark Levin Show: Happy days are here again! President Obama has lowered the unemployment rate from 9% to 8.9%! The recover has begun! Of course, that figure is wrong and if you listen to the mainstream media, they act as if Obama did everything himself, as if the American people sacrificing doesn't have an effect on it. Since when do Americans accept a system that is destructive to the productivity of the country? We are the most prosperous nation in the world, and yet we are constantly being told that we're stupid and that the only solution has to be big government.
The New Underclass and Barack Obama
National Review
The February Jobs Report: Solid but Not Stellar
Bureau of Labor Statistics
Unemployment 2001-2011
Gallup Finds U.S. Unemployment Hitting 10.3% in February
CNN Money
Home prices: The double-dip is near
Hot Air
Sebelius: Yes, we’re double-counting Medicare savings
Economics 21 – August 9, 2010 (H/T Hot Air)
CMS Medicare Actuary Disavows the Medicare Trustees’ Report (PDF)
You Tube
Michele Bachmann exposes $105 billion in hidden Obamacare funding (Video)