On Wednesday’s Mark Levin show, The country is turning into a comic book. Americans are supposed to dig in and wonder whether Trump will go to a debate or not. The internet is going nuts over Trump not going to the Fox News debate yet there are more important issues like immigration and ISIS that are not being talked about. Americans need to push the candidates to focus on substantive issues instead of cheering on candidates like Trump for calling names. Meanwhile the establishment candidates are looking over Americans shoulders to take advantage of the distraction that Trump is causing. Also, why is Trump so nice when talking about Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and Chuck Schumer, yet brutal against Ben Carson and Ted Cruz? It’s impossible to make deals with the likes of Reid, Pelosi, and Schumer. We need a president who will move away from dealing with Democrats by defeating them. Later, conservatives need to keep an eye on Marco Rubio and the Establishment, because they are going to try to take Ted Cruz out. Finally, Senator Rand Paul calls in to talk in about his candidacy.
The Hill
Clinton: Justice Obama ‘a great idea’
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