Steve Moore: Within Six Months, I Think We’ll See a Lot of Jobs Coming Back to the U.S.
Posted on March 18, 2025
Steve Moore on Life, Liberty and Levin. “I want to make sure everyone understands this. Trump inherited a mess, a god-awful mess from Joe Biden. We had record high deficits, record high debt, record high numbers of illegal immigrants coming over the border. The inflation rate was rising again. He rose prices on groceries and gasoline by 25 and 30 percent. It takes some time to correct for that and to clean it up, and that’s why what Trump is talking about, yes, there’s going to be some short term pain, but long term, I think within six months, give him six months, I think we’re going to see a big bull market. I think we’re going to see a lot of jobs coming back to this country.”