October 25th, 2024

October 25th, 2024

On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, in breaking news, Israel has begun precise strikes on military targets in Iran. China and Russia said they will stand behind Iran, while President Biden and Kamala Harris won’t let Israel defeat Iran the way they want to. Israel informed the Biden administration right before the strike. They had to do that because this administration would have leaked their plan. Also, Harris’s last desperate attempt to win the presidency is to push the Hitler campaign strategy. This is evil and diabolical. Harris and the Democrats are obsessed with Hitler and Fascism, but the Democrat party today is the party of the Neo-Nazis. This is the party that surrounds themselves with antisemites. The party that cuts off arms to Israel. Now, Hillary Clinton is comparing MAGA to Neo-Nazis. Hillary Clinton is the most loathsome and vile demagogue in American politics in half a century, and given all the reprobates who’ve been out there, that’s saying something. Later, Captain Sam Brown calls in with an update on his election Senate run in Nevada.  He’s leading in the early vote count, but Americans cannot let up on voting.  Finally, Dave McCormick calls in and says thankfully Benjamin Netanyahu didn’t listen to Biden about a ceasefire. Israel’s existence is under attack, and we need to show absolute conviction with Israel in their fight. His race for Senate in Pennsylvania is close but Americans still need to turn out and vote.

Auschwitz survivor Jerry Wartski rips Kamala Harris for calling President Trump a fascist

Asked about Mitch McConnell & Mike Johnson jointly calling on Harris to quit the “fascist” rhetoric or else risk inviting another assassination attempt on Trump, Harris doubles down

Speaker Johnson’s joint statement with @LeaderMcConnell calling for Vice President Harris to stop using dangerous rhetoric

NY Post
Swing-state county reports thousands of suspected fraudulent voter registration forms

NY Times
Live Updates: Israel Launches Airstrikes Against Iran in Retaliatory Attack


The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcription of Hour 1

Segment 1
Hello America. Mark Levin here.  Our number 877-381-3811.  877-381-3811. Welcome, America. I hope many of you have voted. If you haven’t, now’s the perfect time. It’s Friday. This weekend’s the perfect time. Tens of millions of people are doing it. They can’t all be wrong. And you know what? I have a feeling that if you vote early, it’s more likely that your vote will be counted. We’ve already heard from Pennsylvania, they say could take four days to get ultimate results because they don’t start counting to the polls close. Unlike Florida and Georgia, that count as voting comes in. We’ve already heard from Phoenix, a.k.a Maricopa County. It might take them a week, believe these places. Now we heard from Michigan. It may take them several days past the election. So on election night, everybody’s going to be commenting on what they know, but they won’t be able to comment on what they don’t know. Well, they. Well, this is the the big week, maybe ten days, 11 days left where the Democrats are obsessed with Adolf Hitler and fascism. I address this on Life, Liberty and Levin on Saturday. I address it on Sunday and expose the Democrat Party for being the party today of the neo-Nazis. That’s right. The anti-Semites, the Jew haters, the Israel haters, they’re the modern day neo-Nazis. I mean, you hear Netanyahu, you hear Israelis, you hear Jews in this country and you hear me. You’ve heard of what happened on October 7th as the worst. Genocide since the Holocaust. And you’ve heard me talk about these these terrorists as Nazis, the Hamas Nazis, the Hezbollah Nazis, the Iranian Nazis. Because that’s what they are. And so when Kamala Harris uses blood libels against the Israeli Jews. When she embraces the Hamas. The Hamas civilian death numbers and blames Israel rather than Hamas. When she refuses to undertake her. Responsibility is vice president. To sit at the front with the Speaker of the House when the head of state speaks, in this case Netanyahu, but boycotts him and only him. Once she surrounds herself with these Islamists, anti-Semites, when her best friend, it turns out, is one of them. One, her pastor is another Jew hater. I mean, these people don’t just collect around somebody because they they want jobs, they want influence. It’s because there’s there’s pretty much agreement. So the neo-Nazis are in the modern day Democrat Party, Talib Omar. AOC Yes, even Bernie Sanders and his ilk, the party that cuts off arms from from Israel as they’re preparing to fight Iran. And as they are fighting Hamas and Hezbollah. Who go on TV. And trash the state of Israel and trash the IDF and trash the elected prime minister. They’re the neo-Nazis. The Democrat Party is the home of the neo-Nazis. That’s correct. Jerry Ward Ski is a outwits survivor. He’s a Holocaust survivor, is 94 years old. 94 years old. And he hears this talk about Hitler. He hears. Hillary Clinton talking about 1939. Hillary Clinton, who doesn’t talk about 2024. 1939, when the neo-Nazis were at Madison Square Garden. And then she wants you to believe that when patriotic Americans who love their country love the Constitution. Love liberty. Many of whom. Many of whom. I’m in the military in fight against tyranny. Now MAGA is neo-Nazi, according to her. Hillary Clinton in the last half century and this is a big statement, is the most vile, cancerous, poisonous public figure in the United States of America in the last half century. And there’s a lot of lowlifes, as you well know. But I want you to listen carefully, Mr. Producer. Ramp up the volume, and you folks should raise your volume, too. I want you to listen to what this Holocaust survivor has to say. Cut one. Go. My name is Jerry. Works here. I’m 94 years old. And survivor of Auschwitz that much as Adolf Hitler invaded Poland when I was nine years old. He murdered my parents and most of our family. I know my birth mother will never know in a thousand lifetimes. For her to accuse President Trump of being like Hitler is the worst thing I ever heard in my 75 years. He is living in the United States. I know President Trump and he would never say this. And Kamala Harris knows it. She owns my parents. Everybody else was murdered by Hitler. An apology for repeating this lie. Why should the Jewish people support president? Because he’s a mensch. I believe that President Trump is definitely going to be good for Israel because everything that he’s done up to now was in favors. He never double crossed anyone and he never shows any weakness. Watching President Trump pray for the hostages at a hotel and getting to spend time with him so meaningful. He has always stood for the Jewish people and the state of Israel. What about what the man has to say, which is 100% correct? Yeah. What about it? It’s pretty disgusting what these people are doing. It’s a it’s a campaign of character assassination. Harris is literally advocating. For more of this. She got she was asked by, let’s see Jacqui Fox’s Jacqui Heinrich about the Mitch McConnell Mike Johnson letter, which I’ll get to later, calling on her to quit the fascist rhetoric or else risk inviting another assassination attempt on Trump. And you know what she does? She doubles down. I’m going to call him up for what he is. I think I’m the only one that’s ever told you that Most of the people in the media today and most of the people in the Democrat Party leadership, the apparatchiks, the ruling class. They weren’t all that upset that Donald Trump survived two assassination attempts. They really weren’t. They use these words Hitler and fascists and all the rest of it. They know they’re stoking the worst of the worst. They know the possibility exists that somebody else will take action against Donald Trump. And they keep doing it. They do the same with Netanyahu. They do the same with Supreme Court justices, but especially with Trump. Especially with Trump. Look what they’ve done to the man already with lawfare. The endless character assassination. The impeachments. Look already what’s taking place. George Washington University Law Center. There’s a woman there, Professor. She’s heading an operation. That if Donald Trump’s elected. To lead efforts to sabotage his presidency, his administration in Congress. Jamie Raskin, whose father was a Soviet read just as he is, just as he is, he was involved in every challenge for every Republican. 2000 since, what, the last 20 years or so? And Jamie, the Red has already said that he will move to impeach Donald Trump should he win election and do everything he can to stop them. They’re the ones who don’t accept elections. They’re the ones who don’t accept the Constitution. They’re grave danger to this society and they don’t care. They are violent. They point to January six. Harris is going to stand there on January six where Donald Trump did not tell you that he’s a threat to America, a threat to America, sending the signal out to the prosecutors, to the Department of Justice, to their Democrat judges like Duncan and this woman, Giles. Chiles, the most radical judge in the Eastern District of Virginia, who rules that, yes, non-citizens have a right to be on the voting rolls. Twists the law to accommodate the Department of Justice, which has twisted the law to accommodate the Democrat Party. They want non-citizens to vote. They don’t want voter I.D. The borders open for a reason. And it’s not good government. Kamala Harris has nothing to recommend her for the presidency. She’s vapid. She’s dumb. She’s a radical. She’s lying to the American people. It’s the most diabolical and evil campaign in American history. That’s what it is. And so she gets this letter from Mitch McConnell, Mike Johnson, a public letter, saying, please cut it out. And she doubles down. She doubles down. And she’s going to do it again on January six. She’s not going to stand in front of the Portland, Oregon, courthouse that was under attack by a tiff and Black Lives Matter and others for two months straight. She’s not going to stand in front of the. The land where the police precinct used to exist in Minneapolis that was burned to the ground thanks to her running mate who wouldn’t call in the National Guard at the request of the Democrat Party Mayor. Now, she won’t stand in any of these places because that’s the militia of the Democrat Party at work, just like the Islamists, a.k.a. the neo-Nazis, chasing Jews in colleges and universities, attacking Jews who are exercising their free speech in New York and L.A., attacking synagogues with swastikas and so forth. This is Hillary Clinton’s America. This is Kamala Harris’s America. This is Jamie Raskin’s America, Talibs America. It’s not our America. It’s not our America. Madison Square Garden. All of a sudden, it’s only remembered for 1939 when the neo-Nazis were there. Gee, I wonder if Joe Kennedy Senior was there. He was a neo-Nazi. He supported the Third Reich and Hitler. It was so bad that as ambassador to Britain, FDR had a Yankee. And there were a Democrat senators who also worked hard pressuring Hollywood not to run movies about Hitler. Piece done by The Daily Beast Reality. There may be that. Daily Beast reality. Think very quiet about that. And then there was Franklin Roosevelt. Franklin Roosevelt. Who purposely prevented Jews from immigrating to the United States from Europe. He kept the cap on. It wasn’t a matter of increasing the number. It was a matter of yellowing the number that had been provided for by law. 90%. Of the Jews that were provided by law, they could have come here, were prevented. Were prevented. He had an opportunity when they were bombing outwits. Excuse me, when they were bombing the railroad tracks to bomb the tracks that were going into Auschwitz and Auschwitz itself. He chose not to. He Kerridge The New York Times not to do stories on the Holocaust. So they didn’t. The New York Times will do more stories in the coming 48 hours on a madison Square Garden rally. A Patriotic Americans. And people who want to make America great again, they’ll do more. Stories on that than they did throughout the Holocaust on the extermination of the Jews. I’m on to these people and I’m going to talk to them on my opening statement and all about them on Saturday night and on Sunday night after the rally at Madison Square Garden. The Democrats don’t run on campaigns to tell the American people what they really believe. They lie. They hate the country. They hate our patriots. They hate our monuments. They hate our founders and our framers. They hate our military. They hate the cops. They hate patriotic Americans, hard working Americans. They hate you. Those of you who support Trump, those of you who are voting for Trump, those of you who attend these events, they want it to be said that you’re neo-Nazis. That’s what they want. That’s what they want. Here we have Donald Trump, a Jewish son in law, a daughter who converted to Orthodox Judaism, three Jewish grandchildren. Here we have Donald Trump. Who signed the only executive order to protect Jewish students under the 1964 Civil Rights Act from violence and intimidation. Bill Clinton didn’t sign that. Obama didn’t sign that. Biden didn’t sign it. It was Trump. And a long list of things that Trump has done to support the state of Israel, the Jewish homeland, the Holy Land. Obama didn’t do it. Bill Clinton didn’t do it. And Kamala Harris is busy cozying up to Iran, is busy cozying up to the violent Palestinians. While she trashes the Israelis and seeks this support from the Jew haters in our own country, whether they be in Dearborn, Michigan, or elsewhere, they’re the neo-Nazis. I’ll be right back.

Segment 2
But they keep at it. Begin to wonder if they don’t want Donald Trump harmed, Don’t you, Mr. Producer? So here is Hillary Clinton yesterday who has a hammer. RADACK She’s a bleeding hemorrhoid and the body politic always has been cut to go. And you know, one other thing that you’ll see next week, Caitlin, is Trump actually re-enacting the Madison Square Garden rally in 1939? I write about this in my book. Nobody read your stupid book. Go ahead. Glenn. Roosevelt was appalled that neo-Nazis, fascists in America were lining up to essentially pledge their support for the kind of government that they were seeing in Germany. So I don’t think we can ignore it and I don’t think we can ignore it. As our friend Jimmy from Brooklyn said yesterday. Notice how the Marxists always claim to represent democracy and call their opponents fascists?

Segment 3
We have two incredibly important and big, big, powerful shows as we get closer to Election Day, the formal day, although many of us have voted. And tomorrow night on Life, Liberty and Levin, we have Ted Cruz and Katy Perry, of which they’re fantastic. But in my opening statement, you are definitely not going to want to miss this. So if you’re not sure if you’re going to watch it live, please set your DVR. Whatever recording device you have on your smart TV or so forth, because I go right into the middle of this Hitler campaign strategy that they’re using, and I explain exactly who Hitler is, exactly what he did, exactly who the sympathizers were. I get into this this General Kelly in great detail. I get into this whole propaganda effort by the Democrat Party in their media and how un-American it is, how devious it is, how diabolical and evil it is, and how dangerous it is. But that’s who these people are. You must remember that the Democrat Party has never accepted our traditions and norms and our values. The Democrat Party as an institution has never accepted our country. That’s correct. The Democrat Party has never accept. Our Constitution. The Democrat Party held on to slavery to the bitter end. They fought a war over it. They caused a war over at the Civil War. And they were very much prepared to burn down our country. And divide our country and break it to pieces. And it was we, the Republicans, who had to put an end to it. That’s the real history. It’s the Democrat Party. Even after this civil war and the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. Which they hoped. What? Prevent reconciliation. And it did for a long time. But they persisted in their racism. With segregation, separate but equal is equal. That’s what the Supreme Court decided, just as the Supreme Court had decided. That’s slavery. Was constitutional before the Civil War. And I want to remind you, it’s the Democrat Party all through. The early 1900s that push Jim Crow. The Democrat Party’s aren’t Republican governors. These aren’t Republican senators. These are Republicans. They’re all Democrats. And now the Democrats. Embrace the Hitler propaganda in their Hitler campaign strategy. That’s what’s going on here. Let us be abundantly clear. Kamala Harris, Hillary Clinton, the neo-Nazis in their party. Talib Omar. Much of their media. Bernie Sanders That’s right. I hope one of these bastards sues me. I really do. Do you know what kind of discovery I’m going to conduct? They have no idea who they’re messing around with. No idea. I’m not kidding. Our own them and I’ll own everything they own and I’ll do to them what they’ve done to Rudy Giuliani. I’m not kidding. I’m not kidding. But that said, let us be clear. Kamala Harris has decided that the Hitler campaign strategy is the only way she can win. That’s it. Here’s Eric Swalwell on CNN today. Yes, Listen to this. Listen to this guy cheating on his wife, humiliating his family and his children with a communist Chinese spy. That this guy is on CNN and he’s not walking around the country with a bag over his head as our homeless person is shocking. It tells you what the Democrat Party will tolerate. Cut three. Go! John, he’s also in cognitive decline. And in that ad. Donald Trump’s not in any kind of cognitive decline. These are the people who covered up for Joe Biden for four or five years. Who obviously had dementia. And so now they call Trump cognitive decline. This is the party. This is the party who did nothing to lift the finger. I left a finger. For Jews during the Holocaust. Their newspaper of record covered it up, censored it. This is the party that’s running around calling everybody Hitler. I’m glad the Fox people are using this. This Washington Examiner piece on how many times they view Hitler. We’ve talked about that for years. Had we not missed a producer? How many presidents and Republican candidates and others they’ve called Hitler. And I’m going to do some of that on Saturday. But understand. I’m not copying anybody. They’re copying me. And that’s okay. And that’s okay because we need to get this out. But here’s this lowlife, this puke, this pervert. Eric Swalwell. Go ahead. A little too on the nose. The way that he’s acted in the last week, standing almost completely frozen on stage. He’s obviously watching somebody differently than we are, isn’t he? He obviously is. Frozen on so many dancers on the stage. Two people fall ill. They have to get doctors. It’s taking ten, 15, 20 minutes to to deal with them. So he says, well, let’s play the music. So they’re dancing. They’re having a good time. That’s cognitive decline, you see. They compare that to Joe Biden. This is a grotesque. Grotesque group of people that run this party now. They are disgusting. Disgusting. They’ve purified their party of any so-called moderates. They’re trying to purify their party of anybody who actually loves this country. They’ve purified their party. And people who support Israel replacing them with Islamists. And neo-Nazis. That’s what this party is doing and they’re trying to drag the country down. That’s why she lies about abortion. It upsets all these women who don’t know any better because they don’t listen to this show and they don’t watch me on Fox that she has no intention of replacing Roe v Wade. She opposes Roe v Wade. What she wants is abortion when the baby’s in the birth canal. That’s infanticide. That’s murder. What she wants. And Tim Walz actually voted for as governor is if there’s a botched abortion, the baby is left to die. That’s what he voted for. And that’s what happens in Minneapolis excuse me, Minnesota. Those are the facts. You parents out there, you want parental involvement. Well, Tim Walz. And Kamala Harris don’t believe it. They believe that you should have genitalia reassignment operations and so forth and so on without notifying parents. That’s why she picked him, was because that’s the law in the state of Minnesota. They don’t want to discuss this. And if you asked me, that sounds like the Third Reich. Parents having no notification when their children’s genitalia has changed. To me, that sounds like the Third Reich. To me. To me, medically killing babies are in the birth canal. To me, that sounds like the Third Reich. To me, allowing Babel’s babies to die on steel tables after botched abortions. To me, that sounds like the third, right? To me, no parental involvement or notification when their children are given abortions by the state. To me, that sounds like the Third Reich. How about that, America? I got more small while I’m in no mood to listen to this punk. Then we got Obama. Obama, who shows up to tell black men what they’re supposed to do. He has no role in their life. He’s living. Not like a millionaire, like a man that’s worth $200 million. The white dominated society is the CRT crowd calls it. The white supremacist society is the 1619 Crown calls it. It’s been very nice to Obama, very good to Obama. It’s called a Hollywood. They’ve given them tens of millions of dollars. For what? And so where do they move? Where do they buy homes? Where do they buy homes? They don’t go back to their roots. They buy homes where there’s very few black people and minorities, period. Martha’s Vineyard. They buy mansions and they have walls around them. The hypocrisy is beyond belief. Then he goes, He drops any parachutes in for Kamala Harris. And what does he tell young black men? You’re misogynist. Excuse me. Yeah. You should be voting for a black woman. Don’t think for yourself. We don’t do that in the Democrat Party. We identify by ethnicity and race. That’s it. Not by substance. Get with the program. Then they bring Bruce Springsteen into Atlanta and there’s a guy that looks like he’s having issues. Bruce Springsteen. Joe Scarborough goes on. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Now I notice that these come out. Harris events. These big events, they need. They need these. You know, these these singers, they need Hollywood, these actors. To fill up the stadium. And I also saw in Atlanta, my wife sent me this. That as soon as the entertainment was done and it was time for Kamala Harris to speak, the place emptied out. Now there’s video of this. The media haven’t reported on it. The place emptied out. That’s the truth. That’s what happened. But. You watch The New York Times and the media will spend more time talking about Madison Square Garden. And by the way, there’s going to be a lot of Jews there. My buddy Sid is one of the people introducing. President Trump. Oh, yes, it’s Jewish. How about that? Well, there must be something wrong with said right now. There’s something wrong with the critics. They will spend more time talking about that than they ever reported on the Holocaust. They’ll talk about January six till they’re blue in the face, but they won’t talk about the deaths, the murder, the rapes in our cities as a result of Democrat mayors undermining cops as a result of illegal aliens coming through those at the the border. They won’t talk about all the women, mostly of color, who are sold in the sex slavery. Will they? We know it’s a massive problem now. They won’t talk about the 325,000 children that are missing, most of whom are brown and black skinned. They won’t talk about them. Well, they know it’s going to be January 6th. And the people who want to destroy the Constitution, the Electoral College, the people want to destroy the independence of the Supreme Court. They hate people who are attacking our First Amendment, Second Amendment rights, due process, equal protection, that people who want to undermine separation of powers. They’re there on January 6th. Right. They want to talk on Tuesday. She does about how they believe in democracy and Donald Trump as a threat as they try to put him in prison. And by God, if they win this election, he’s going to prison. This is who they are. If this doesn’t motivate you to vote to get your friends out, to vote, to take a more active role than you normally do, nothing will. Nothing will. Nothing I can say beyond my my statements of fact. I’ll be right back.

Segment 4
Let me be clear. Kamala Harris is desperate and she is promoting the Hitler campaign strategy. That’s what it is. That’s what it needs to be called. So I would ask all the backbenchers in TV and radio and elsewhere. Follow what I’m saying and repeat it. And I will not condemn you. I will be proud of you. I will encourage you. Kamala Harris and the Hitler campaign strategy. It’s evil. It’s diabolical. She doesn’t give a damn if it results in another assassination attempt. Let’s be honest. Let’s be honest. What else? She doesn’t give a damn if it if it divides this country. In horrific ways. She could care less. Anything for power. America. Their power hungry. That’s who they are. That’s what they are. They’re power hungry. Anything for power. We even have a situation here in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. The district attorney, Heather Adams, held a press conference today. 2500 potentially fraudulent voter registration applications were received near the deadline. How much more of this is going on? I asked the median, America, you have no shame. You have no decency. You always say, are you going to accept the next election? And when Republicans say, well, we got to see what happens. What about this? And what about this, you phony judges who won’t even hear evidence? What about it? You think it’s only happening in Lancaster County when you have a Democrat Party that has an open border, when you have Democrat Party judges like this radical left wing judge Patricia Gale. The most radical judge in the Eastern District of Virginia, ruling that the law requires non-citizens to be on the voting list so they get the vote. Am I living in Alice in Wonderland here? What the hell is that? That’s a corrupt judicial system with corrupt activist judges. That’s what the hell it is. That’s what it is. So they’re running on the Hitler campaign strategy. They want the border wide open. They do not want voter I.D.. They do not want non-citizens removed from the list. What are we to make of this? We’ve never seen this in American history. The Democrat Party never did this before. It’s controlled by Marxists and Islamists. Oh, and neo-Nazis. And neo-Nazis. And so now they’re now they’re using the Hitler campaign strategy. Don’t vote for Trump. He’s Hitler. Don’t vote for Trump. He’s a fascist. Don’t vote for Trump. He’s a dictator. How many nutjobs are out there who keep hearing this? And then when he’s elected, God willing, president of the United States, they’re not going to accept the results. Why? Because he’s Hitler. Because he’s a dictator. Cause he’s a fascist. We can’t have him in the presidency, can we? So we need to impeach him. We need to do everything possible to stop him. And they already had the slip and fall lawyers. That sleazy slip and fall lawyers at George Washington University Law School and elsewhere who are plotting to sabotage his presidency already. But they believe in democracy, don’t you know? We have to crush them at the ballot box. America. Those of you who are on the fence. Get the hell off the fence. What the hell is wrong with you? You hate Trump more than you love your country. This is even bigger than Trump. Don’t you understand what these people are trying to do? This is revolution. Revolution in every respect. Revolution by campaign strategy. Revolution by immigration. Revolution by lawfare. They don’t play fair. They don’t play by the rules. These are dangerous people. I don’t know how much longer I’ll be on radio with George Soros buying up radio stations and all the rest of it. But while I am. I’ll be damned if I’m going to be quiet about this. I’ll be right back.