October 16th, 2024

October 16th, 2024

On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, Kamala Harris is sharpening her teeth. Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Bill Clinton, and her campaign have decided she can’t win on substance or policy. So, she is on the attack against Donald Trump. Harris is trying to cast Trump as the enemy from within while trashing Trump for saying the enemy from within.  They are fear-mongering and they keep dehumanizing their political opponents. Also, Kamala Harris sat down with Fox News’s Bret Baier. She came into this interview with 2 game plans – filibuster and attack Trump.  She had an agenda and had no intention of answering questions. Baier called in to discuss the interview and to explain that she didn’t have any specifics to his questions. We didn’t learn a lot from this interview. Later, if you like an open border – you should vote for Harris. If you want to support Iran – you should vote for Harris. If you’re happy with inflation – you should vote for Harris.  Finally, Alaska-at-large candidate Nick Begich calls in to discuss his race.

‘Pennsylvania is such a mess’: Inside Team Harris’ unusual levels of finger-pointing

The Hill
Biden angrily rebukes Trump in Pennsylvania

Photo by Kyle Mazza/Anadolu

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcription of Hour 1

Segment 1
Hello, America. Mark Levin here. Our number 877-381-3811.  877-381-3811. Well, Kamala Harris is showing her sharpened teeth. Obviously, they’ve decided Harris, Obama, Clinton, Biden, all the grifters, all the hangers on. All the hammer sticks. Those are human hammer rights. All the hammer products she can’t win. On substance. She can’t win on personality. She can’t win on policy. Attack, attack, attack. And so it started. She’s at the Washington Crossing of Pennsylvania, which to me is an iconic place. Washington crossing. I spent a lot of my. Childhood there, as did my brothers, as did those of us who attended my parents. De camp. We used to hike there. And that is where. Washington. Washington’s crossing. That’s where they began their trek. In the freezing December. Crossing the Delaware, the Battle of Trenton, which would be the first successful battle in the Revolutionary War. And Kamala Harris goes There would Never Trumpers. She goes there with the lowest of the low. And what does she do when she’s there? I’ve got clip after clip that Mr. Producer got. Trump is unstable and unhinged, she announced. Trump considers any American who doesn’t support him. The enemy, she announces. The Constitution determines if we can criticize the president without being targeted by the military, she announces. And so there they are, fear mongering and scare tactics, because the fact of the matter is. This is where the Democrats live. This is who they are. And they’re going to spend hundreds of millions of dollars in the last 20 days of this election. Trying to scare the hell. Out of the American people. For instance, cut one. Mr. Producer. Go. Donald Trump is increasingly unstable and unhinged. Yeah. Flapping seals and he is seeking unchecked power. Consider what his closest advisers have said. His national security adviser, two defense secretaries, his former chief of staff, his own vice president, all have warned America Donald Trump is unfit to serve. Really? And what about that? Okay. And what about the 92% of your staff that quit? What is your chief of staff say? They’re too scared to come forward. I wonder why. What did your former communications director have to say? And so forth and so on. The truth is that Donald Trump had lousy defense secretaries, his national security adviser, John Bolton. Who regularly. Encouraged me to encourage Donald Trump to hire him. Turned on Donald Trump. I don’t even talk to the guy anymore. And Mike Pence has to answer for himself. Mike Pence has to answer for himself and one day will because I know he wants to run for president again, but he will fail because in a choice between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris, it’s a simple choice. For those of us who love this country, love Israel, love our principles, love our freedom. It’s not complicated, but this is what she does. So Washington crossing, she doesn’t have an agenda, not a serious one. She doesn’t have a substantive set of policies that can pass that make any sense. She’s a chameleon. She has to be a chameleon in order to hide her radical left wing beliefs and policies. Cut to Mr. Producer. Go. And now Donald Trump is telling us how he intends to use power if he is elected again. He has stated that one of the biggest threats America faces is, quote, the enemy from within, the enemy from within. A phrase that was made famous. In the 1830s by Abraham Lincoln. But she’s too stupid to know. And her speechwriters are too stupid to know the enemy from within. We have enemies within thanks to the open borders, thanks to Harris and Biden. We also have Marxists in Islamists. They marched down the street. They burned the American flag. They tell us what they want to do to our country. They want to destroy what they call the empire. We do have enemies who are within. And if you have somebody who wants to fundamentally transform America, which seems to be the rallying cry, the Democrat Party, I don’t exactly call them allies of America, do you? But she goes on. Go ahead. The. The enemy from within. So now keep something in mind. She’s trying to cast Donald Trump as the enemy from within, isn’t she, Mr. Producer? He’s unstable. He’s unhinged. He’s going to use. The military is going around the shop. He’s going to throw us in prison. He may even execute some of us. They call him Hitler. They call him all kinds of names. Two assassination attempts. Maybe more. For all we know. They dehumanize him. She still dehumanizing him? She’s using the same mantra. She’s using the same propaganda she’s using in the same. Hot button issues. That gets all these nuts out there excited. All these nuts out there excited. We got to take him out. He’s unstable, he’s unhinged. He doesn’t believe in America. He doesn’t believe in the Constitution. He’s going to round us up. Somebody do something right. There’s Kamala Harris after two assassination attempts against Donald Trump. That we know there may be more. She goes right back. So the hysterical language. She goes right back to it. To further inflame. To further inflame people that might do Donald Trump harm. That’s right. I speak the truth because she wants some votes, because that’s all she ever wants, except when she doesn’t. She got the nomination without a single vote. Go ahead. At language hearkens back to understand hearkens back to Abraham Lincoln, you idiot. It hearkens back to Thomas Jefferson, who said something very similar. It hearkens back to Associate Justice Joseph Story, one of the great legal minds who wrote about it. It hearkens back to Ronald Reagan, all of whom said, if this country falls, it will be because of the enemy from within or because of what happens from within the country, not outside the country. That’s exactly what Donald Trump is talking about. She’s such an ignoramus. She’s so illiterate when it comes to everything. History. Literature, English economics that she and her grifters put together this argument that he’s unstable, he’s unhinged, he’s going to round people up, he’s this he’s that the enemy within. Oh, my God. Was the Ku Klux Klan. The enemy from within? Yes. We’re slave holders. The enemy from within? Yes. Where is segregation? The enemy from within? Yes. Are the anti-Semites the enemy from within? Yes. And I can do a whole list of enemy from within. Go ahead. Clear about what he is saying. He considers any American who doesn’t support him or bend to his will. No, no, he never said that. And that’s not what he believes. And you’re a liar. And God forbid if this kind of. Sickening propaganda. They’re totalitarians. Use the tyrant’s, use that fascists and Marxist use that autocrats of every kind use, God forbid. This enables you to slide into office. Because you’re using the most grotesque abuse of the English language in the abuse, the political system and the abuse of the American people. You don’t care. And remember her sitting on that Senate Judiciary Committee, how she treated Brett Kavanaugh. How she lied to her teeth and remember. When the head of ICE was sitting there as a witness and she compared them to the Ku Klux Klan. It’s the same lady. Remember this? Remember who she is? She will step. To any level. To any level. For power, for attention. And to be president of the United States. She’s the one who is enormously dangerous. And remember, also, it is she and Biden who attack our First Amendment rights, free speech. It is she and Biden who attack our Second Amendment rights, the right to bear arms. It is she and Biden who attacked the Fourth and Fifth Amendment due process. Due process equal protection which she and Biden. Who defy a Supreme Court that says, no, you can’t hand out student loan money like this, but they do it anyway. It’s she and Biden. Who want to destroy the independence of the Supreme Court, and they attacked the justices. If she and Biden and her running mate who want to destroy the Electoral College, but she and Biden who reject separation of powers, it’s she and Biden who want to stuff the judiciary like a politburo. To get the answers that only they want. Not judges as referees. If she and Biden. Who’ve attacked our history. Who attacked our founders? There she is. How dare she stand at Washington Crossing? How dare she stand on the hallowed ground where George Washington State, where her supporters hate Washington, dismiss him as a slave owner? How dare she stand on that hallowed ground and act like she’s the one defending this country, defending our independence? When she sides with the very people who trashed this country, trashed its founding. Who reject the Declaration of Independence. And reject the Constitution as well. How dare she stand there and pretend that she’s a great patriot? That she defends Americanism when it is she who is the Marxist Islamist. I’ll be right back.

Segment 2
Kamala Harris, a chameleon as a Bengali. But in her heart, you know she’s wrong. Marxist. Islamist. She was just pouring it on on sacred ground. Washington Crossing. The great commander of American forces. General George Washington. Who her supporters despise. They despise him. The way they’ve talked about the founders, but they always seek cover. He’s not waving the American flag, standing behind the declaration in the Constitution, now standing behind George Washington. What do you think George Washington would think of what’s taking place here? She has said horrendous things about Donald Trump. So they’re back on the Dehumanization campaign. She’s trying to draw attention, or so when I’ll tell you why a Fox poll just came out. Nationwide now popular election. It’s Donald Trump, 50%. Kamala Harris, 48. I’m not a poll guy, but I’m telling you why they’re reacting the way they are. I’m telling you why they’re reacting the way they are. They’re scared. Whether they reason to be or not. It doesn’t matter. They’re scared. And they’re in full. War mode for dehumanization mode. Cut three. Mr. Producer, go. We here know the Constitution is not a relic from our past, but determines whether we are a country where the people can speak freely. Now, this is an amazing thing. And those of you are in the audience. You know what I’m talking about. The Constitution. It’s not a relic of the past. How many of these people that is radical left wing Democrats have talked over and over again that the Constitution is a relic of the past. Woodrow Wilson said it’s a relic of the past. Obama said it’s a relic of the past. Kamala Harris believes it’s a relic of the past. Which is why they defy it. This is stunning. They’re all now constitutionalists. I’m sure that Sam Alito. Clarence Thomas. Gorsuch, among others, are pleased to hear this, that Kamala Harris is now one of them. The Constitution is not a relic of the past. My God, I could burn all my books now. Because in many respects I’ve been responding to them and their attack on our Constitution. The real position of Kamala Harris and her supporters is that the Constitution is too confining. That we need activist judges who will get us around the firewalls in the Constitution. That’s separation of powers, is it? That’s not that. Federalism where states actually have something to say cannot be tolerated. The centralisation of government. The reliance on masterminds and experts. The rejiggering of human nature. The remaking of the Republic. This is what every so-called progressive has said. For 120 years. And this is what Kamala Harris believes. She was the most left wing senator in her short term in the Senate left. A Bernie Sanders. She never supported an originalist constitutionalist to any federal bench ever. The Constitution is not a relic, she says. It determines whether we are a country where the people can speak. So why doesn’t she comply with it? Why are they handing out hundreds of billions of dollars in student loan forgiveness when the Supreme Court said no? Why are they attacking the Supreme Court? Why are they undermining the Bill of Rights? Why are they doing all those things that people who hate the Constitution and the country and want to fundamentally transform it are doing? She’s a fraud and a phony. I’ll be right back.

Segment 3
Ladies and gentlemen, during the breaks, I watched some of this interview with Brett Baier and Kamala Harris. And Brett Baier was actually not actually was absolutely fantastic. It’s clear Carmelo came in with two game plans. She and her grifter advisers filibuster and attack Trump in the worst way. Basically, the speech she gave in the Washington Crossing today was what she was trying to do during the interview, and she started. Can I finish? Can I finish? She would not address his specific topics coming right out of the box. And here I want to show you, Mr. Producer, who’s the best of the best? This is how it began. Cut one. Go. How many illegal immigrants would you estimate your administration has released into the country over the last three and a half years? Well, I’m glad you raised the issue of immigration, because I agree with you. It is it you see, stop right there. So she was going to spend the whole time trashing Trump and the Republicans on the bipartisan bill and so forth. But that’s not what he asked her. Go ahead, Jen, that people want to rightly have. And you know what I’m going to talk about? Yeah, but do you And just a number, do you think it’s 1 million? 3 million. But let’s just get to the point. Okay. The point is that we have a broken immigration system that needs to be repaired. So you’re Homeland Security secretary said that 85% of apprehension not finished. We have we have estimate of 6 million people have been released into the country. And let me just finish. I’ll get you the question, I promise you. I was beginning to answer. And you actually, when you came into office, your administration immediately reversed a number of Trump border policies. Most significantly, the policy that required illegal immigrants to be detained through deportation, either in the U.S. or in Mexico. And you switched that policy. They were released from custody awaiting trial. So instead, included in those were a large number of single men, adult men who went on to commit heinous crimes. So looking back, do you regret the decision to terminate remain in Mexico at the beginning of your administration? At the beginning of our administration, within practically hours of taking the oath. The first bill that we offered Congress before we worked on infrastructure, before they had the Senate, the House, and the presidency. We offer. They had the Senate, the House and the presidency. Go ahead before the Chips and Science Act, before any before the bipartisan Safe Communities Act. The first bill, practically within hours of taking the oath, was a bill to fix our immigration system. Yes, ma’am. It was called the U.S. Citizen Citizenship Act of 2021. And it’s essentially so. But but way to citizenship for the U.S.? Yes, ma’am, I finish. May I finish responding here? But you have to let me finish you. The White House and the House and the Senate, they didn’t bring up responding to the point you raised. Okay. And I’d like to finish. Yes, ma’am. We recognized from day one that to the point of this being your first question, it is a priority for us as a nation and for the American people. And our focus has been on fixing a problem. We have one more clip, Rich. Let’s go with it. Go ahead. That border bill would have put 1500 more border agents at the border, which is why I believe the Border Patrol agents supported the bill. It would have allowed us to stem the flow of fentanyl coming into the United States, which is a scourge affecting people of every background, every graphic location in our country, killing people. It would have allowed us to put more resources into prosecuting transnational criminal organizations, which I have done. Yes, as the attorney general, former attorney general of a border state vice president, prosecuted trafficking of drugs, sex and human beings and Democrats. Let me just finish. Six Democrats voted against that, learned about that bill and told them to kill it because he preferred to run on a problem instead of fixing a problem. And in this election, this is rightly a discussion that the American people want to have and what they want are solutions. And she’s filibustering. She’s not answering a question, he said. Six Democrats, God bless him. Six Democrats voted for that bill, which means Donald Trump didn’t kill it. A bipartisan group of senators killed it. Go ahead. It was not playing political games with the issue, I hear, but actually is focused on 56 Democrats who voted against that bill. It would have allowed 1.8 million illegal immigrants into the country a year. A lot a lot of conservatives had a problem with it. These are the six Democrats. Beautiful. Beautiful. Beautiful. And he put a photo of each of the six Democrats up on the screen. We did that on Sunday. But it gives the lie to this. And finally, somebody in the news has picked up on this. So we salute Bret. She was this way throughout the interview. I mean, again, I only saw during the breaks she was confrontational. She wanted to filibuster because she only had 25, 30 minutes. That’s what they wanted. I believe Fox wanted, like, an hour. She gave him 25, 30 minutes. We have another cut. Go. There’s a lot of people that look back and what you said in 2019 when you first ran for president. And there have been changes and you’ve talked about some of them. When it comes to integrate immigration, you supported allowing immigrants in the country illegally to apply for driver’s license, to qualify for free tuition at universities, to be enrolled and free health care. Do you still support those things? Listen, that was five years ago, and I’m very clear that I was. Wow. That’s a long time ago. Five years ago. Mr. Producer, isn’t it? What’s changed? She’s running for president. She’s a chameleon. She’s a pathological liar. She wants to get elected, and then she’ll go back to being old Kamala, Marxist, Islamist. Go ahead. Make that statement over and over again. And as vice president of the United States, that’s exactly what I’ve done. Not to mention before you, if that’s the case, you chose a running mate, Tim Walz, governor of Minnesota, who signed those very things into state law. So do you support that? We are very clear and I’m very clear, as is Tim Walz. She always says she’s very clear when she’s as opaque as can be. Go ahead. We must support and enforce federal law. And that is exactly what we will do. We will do it, but not now. While I’m vice president, of course, had nothing to do with the border. I was not the border czar. I mean, she’s worse than a Svengali. I’m quite serious. She makes Houdini look look like an amateur. She’s the greatest political magician I’ve ever seen. Except. She’s not very good at hiding her political tricks here, is she? We know who she is and we know what she is. She’s attacked Donald Trump, this enemy from within. Donald Trump responded to this in an interview that he had today cut for. Go. Kamala Harris has said you sounded unhinged and unchecked power is in our future. What do you say? I thought it was a nice presentation. I wasn’t I wasn’t unhinged. No. You know, they are they’re a party of sound bites. They’re some somebody asked me, can they be brought together? You know, it’s very. I never thought really, I wasn’t thinking like they could, because they are they’re very, very different. And it is the enemy from within. And they’re very dangerous. They’re Marxists and communists and fascists, and they’re sick. I use a guy like Adam Schiff because they made up the Russia Russia Russia hoax. It took two years to solve the problem. Absolutely nothing was done wrong, etc.. So they’re dangerous for our country. We have China, we have Russia, we have all these countries. If you have a smart president, they could all be handled the more difficult or, you know, the Pelosis, these people, they’re so sick and they’re so evil. If they would spend their time trying to make America great again, we would have it would be so easy to make this country great. But I heard about that. They were saying I was like threatening I’m not threatening anybody. They’re the ones doing the threatening. They do phony investigations. I’ve been investigated more than Alphonse Capone. He was the greatest nation. No, it’s true. It’s called weaponization of government. It’s terrible thing. All right. They’re the threat to democracy. And that’s the truth. That’s the truth. They’ve unleashed criminal investigations at the local, state and federal level civil attacks to try and bankrupt the man. They literally want to put him in prison. They’ve interfered with this election in one courtroom after another. They unconstitutionally appointed a special counsel who’s like a Doberman with a bone in his mouth, and he won’t give it up. I mean, this is all true. They impeached him twice. They conducted a criminal investigation. And this is all while he’s president. They tried to handicap him. They tried to kneecap him. We have Jamie Raskin, who is a staff. Colonist who not only objected to other elections that counts of Electoral College when it came to other Republicans, but he’s already announced that should Donald Trump win. Listen to this. Should Donald Trump win? That he will lead the effort to fight to fight him on the Electoral College when the House and the Senate meet. And if he fails, he will lead the effort to impeach him. They’ve already announced it. They’ve already announced that the same thing they did before, the same thing they did before. But you see. They’re for democracy, just not the founders. Therefore, democracy, just not the Constitution for the democracy, just not fair and honest elections. Therefore, free speech, just not yours. And we go on and on and on. On and on and on. And it’s going to get worse. It’s going to get more desperate as we come to the final days. Less than three weeks. They’re monitoring the polls. I’m not really. They keep flashing it on the screen on Fox 5248. That’s the national number right now with Trump in the lead. Please don’t embrace that and sit on your laurels and say, well, I can wait till Election Day to vote no. Vote early. Get it done. Help Get out other people to vote. You can see. How cancerous, how poisonous these people are that it is they who are dehumanizing. Dehumanizing their political opponents. It is they who unleashed the criminal justice system against their political opponents. It is they who seek to bankrupt their political opponents. It is they who seek to prison their political opponents. They’re doing it as we speak. They keep saying what Donald Trump’s going to do. He was president for four years. He didn’t do any of it. Now they had about 100 Republicans or so so-called. At Washington’s crossing to listen to this maniacal hateful. Speech. And Kamala Harris. And Kamala Harris. You know, they talk about what Trump says. I’ve never heard anything so horrendous in my life from any candidate. It’s the stuff that she was spewing. Never. Never. Or the stuff that she said about ICE and the Klan or the stuff she said. Brett Kavanaugh. She’s a nasty person. She’s an angry person. Just as those staffers, the 92% who quit on her when she was vice president. Yes. Kamala Harris is on with this guy, Charlemagne. This guy gets more face time on Fox then I think kill me. What do you think Mr. is? Cut five. Go! Donald Trump would go in to the Department of Justice and manipulate it in such a way that it would be used as a weapon against his political enemies. Yeah, he’s going to lock you all up if he gets back in office. Well, you know, Bob, I mean, I don’t know what the big deal is about this Charlamagne. Tha God or whatever the hell he calls himself. You’re impressed with this guy. He may have influence. But he sounds like a fool. Yes. He’s going to lock you all up if he gets back in office. Is that an intelligent comment? Is that an intelligent comment? I don’t know. Has Charlemagne objected to the effort to lock up Donald Trump in one jurisdiction after another in one courtroom after another? I don’t think so. I don’t think so at all. Yes. He’s going to lock you all up if he gets back in office. Hey, Charlemagne, you want to bet $1,000,000 on that that he’s not going to lock them all up? You strike me as a very wealthy man and good for you. But you’re the God. It has got. So he’s got to lock y’all up. He’s going to lock up Kamala Harris, y’all, right? That’s you. All right? He’s got lock up Joe Biden. He’s going to lock up. Tim. Tim Walz. I assume that’s what they mean by you are. Put your money where your mouth is. Now. He’s not going to lock you all up. And they know it. And this is the dehumanization of Donald Trump. They’re creating something that doesn’t exist. And has never existed. Go ahead. You should look at his words. I don’t think that you as a journalist, don’t we look at your words. I’ve looked at your words. I’ve looked at your positions. You trash your country. You trash the police? You’ve trashed the military. You’ve trashed the Border Patrol. You’ve trashed ICE. You’ve trashed Netanyahu in Israel. We look at your words, we look at your actions. We look at your possessions. We are. But you’re so power hungry, you try and change them. In the last 70 days. You went in hiding for most of this campaign after you were anointed. You never got elected. You didn’t get one vote. But you’re Madam democracy. You’re Madam democracy. 14 and a half million voters in the primary disenfranchised. No big deal. No big deal. Yeah. Listen to the things they say. I’ll be right back.

Segment 4
Well, I don’t know if it’s possible, but we’re going to try to see if we can get Fred Baer on the program next hour. You have another clip, Mr. Producer. Go ahead. You back called Donald Trump. He’s misguided. You say now he’s onstage, unstable. He is unstable. He’s not Well, you say he’s mentally not stable. He’s not. Let me ask you this. You told interviewers that Joe Biden was on his game. That ran around circles on his staff. When did you first notice that President Biden’s mental faculties appeared diminished? Joe Biden I have watched in from the Oval Office to the Situation Room, and he has the judgment and the experiment and experience to do exactly what he has done in making very important decisions on behalf of the American people to the concerns raised. Joe Biden is not on the ballot. I understand Donald Trump. Donald Trump. But you talked about him and Donald Trump. George Clooney said within a few minutes of talking to President Biden at a fundraiser that he thought this was not the same Joe Biden that we saw on the debate stage is on the ballot. I understand you met with him at least once. Judgment. Go ahead, Piers. You didn’t have any concerns. I think the American people have a concern about Donald Trump, which is why the people who know him best, including leaders of our national security community, have all said we are 200, 200 generals and admirals come out and endorse Donald Trump. The vast majority of the military retired, active. Reserves. Guardsmen are going to vote for Trump, not for Harris. She’s hollowed out the military not once. When she was a senator, did she vote for any military budget or any increase in pay for military personnel. Not once. I’ll be right back.