October 4th, 2024

October 4th, 2024

On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, our government has certain responsibilities and it’s not redistribution of wealth. Their core functions are to secure the border, keep our streets safe, and help with natural disasters. President Biden, Kamala Harris, and their administration are way over their head with Hurricane Helene’s aftermath because they are incompetent, lazy, and driven by ideology. Alejandro Mayorkas said 3 months ago that “FEMA is tremendously prepared for hurricane season.” Now he says FEMA doesn’t have money to make it through the season. Well, which is it? The latest reports are that FEMA is seizing shipments of goods and is blocking citizens trying to help the victims. Also, Jack Smith and Judge Chutkan are getting in their last attempt to try and stop Trump before the election. The rumor is that if Donald Trump is elected President and Democrats take the House of Representatives, they will take Smith’s document and try to use it to impeach Trump and cripple his presidency. Chutkan and Smith should be disbarred. Later, Eric Hovde calls in to discuss his Senate run against extreme liberal Sen. Tammy Baldwin in Wisconsin. She’s a rubber stamp for the progressive left and Hovde will work with Trump to save America.  Finally, Rep Cory Mills calls in from North Carolina where he has been helping assist devastated communities from Hurricane Helene. Mills explains the incompetence of the Biden-Harris administration’s response.

NY Mag
Jack Smith’s October Cheap Shot

Right Scoop
Mayorkas 3 months ago said “FEMA is tremendously prepared for hurricane season” ⇢ ⇢ ⇢ Mayorkas now: “We’re broke”

Right Scoop
FEMA is seizing shipments of goods so they can distribute them AS THEIR OWN

Daily Mail
Kamala Harris’s gushing tribute to Dick Cheney backfires spectacularly: ‘The single most evil man in the 21st century’

NY Post
Kamala Harris boosted solar firm linked to Chinese slave labor with nearly $2B in handouts to set up US plant

Fox News
Firefighters union will not endorse Harris or Trump for president

Blaze Media
‘People need help’: Cory Mills helps locals with Hurricane Helene relief efforts in North Carolina

Just The News
Senators request answers for billions to Iran, its terror proxies

Photo by Jabin Botsford/The Washington Post

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcription of Hour 1

Segment 1
Hello, America. Mark Levin here. Our number 877-381-3811.  877-381-3811. Lots to get to this. Remnants of Hurricane Katrina. Let me just start this way. Our government has certain central responsibilities. It’s not redistributing wealth, it’s not mandating per type of lawnmower or automobile. You can have electric vehicles, 98% of what the federal government does, it’s not even supposed to do. But those core functions, securing the border, safety in the streets. Natural disasters to give a helping hand. Obviously, the ruling class, this administration, Harris and Biden, are over their heads. And I’m going to tell you why. A number of reasons. Number one, they’re incompetent. Number two, they’re driven by ideology. Number three, they’re lazy. Kamala Harris did not attend any pre-hurricane meetings at FEMA the way Trump did and Pence did about. Locating certain supplies, personnel, backup personnel. They were not involved in any of it. Kamala Harris was not involved in any of it. Four days on the West Coast, she knew this storm was coming. We all knew this storm was coming. All you have to do is watch any of the Weather Channel’s Fox Channel, listen to the radio. They told us this was going to be a monster. And it is. And it was. That’s number one. Number two, some of you may not like this, but I remember the response to Katrina in New Orleans and I remember their response to Puerto Rico and so forth with Donald Trump. I find it amazing that in the middle of this and in the middle of a hurricane season, Mayorkas announces that they don’t have enough money. 1.4 billion going to illegal aliens. And then we point this out. When we hear this, when we read this, they tell us we don’t know what we’re talking about. Borders wide open. They tell us we don’t know what we’re talking about. Kamala Harris wants you to believe she gives a damn about you. She doesn’t. And then there’s jobs number 256,000 jobs created. Let me tell you something. That’s being celebrated is being heralded as unbelievable blockbuster. You should see the headlines. Even some of these so-called. Finance and economic costs on these various programs are unbelievable. The numbers are great. Now they’re not. That’s about 5000 jobs per state. Have you thought about it that way, Mr. Producer? It’s nothing. I remember the Reagan years when we were creating six, seven, 750,000 jobs a month. No, we’re not. This isn’t some great thing. It is for Washington, D.C., perhaps. Perhaps Wall Street and the stock market, but it isn’t. It’s not that great at all. And they can say it all they want and I’ll respond all I want. That’s not a great number. But they were predicting 140,000. Who was what? Moronic Egghead was predicting that. Well, we’re going to have a soft landing. A soft landing, even a soft landing, America. And exactly what I said took place when it came to the longshoremen’s union. Behind the scenes. Biden. And Harris. Told the union and the other party, the maritime group. Come to some kind of deal before the election. Some kind of deal. Put the rest of it off after the election. And they did. So rather than their iron clad phrase the left likes to use when they don’t mean it. 77% salary increase. The Longshoreman boss. At least tentatively agreed the 62%. It’s a big, big difference. But they’ll work on the automation. On January 15th. Oh, I see. So they’re trying to do everything humanly possible to ensure that Harris is elected president, including phony numbers. Now, the real number, but the phony number interpretation. Including when the longshoremen’s union. And all the rest of that stuff. And there’s a lot more I do want to get into this evening. We’re also going to have Cory Mills on the program. He’s a representative from Florida. This guy is spectacular. He’s a veteran combat veteran. But he goes to these places, he goes to these sites when there are these natural disasters are when there’s war. He’s been in North Carolina. I want to talk to him. And there’s a lot of reports now and it’s not coming from the Trump campaign. There’s a lot of reports that not only is FEMA in the Biden-Harris administration, not only are they. Late to the Johnny on the spot if they’re there at all. But they’re actually now interfering with local charities. There’s even one report that they they took the foodstuffs from one put it in their own warehouse and say, We all distribute this. We’ll make the decision on who gets what. It’s in a news. I didn’t make it up. But you can see there was a lack of urgency. Even now, there’s a lack of urgency. It’s just, you know, you got Samaritan’s Purse, you’ve got other charities in there, churches in there, you’ve got volunteers, and they’re neighbors. You’ve got veterans in there flying helicopters and so forth. The American spirit exists, but this is horrendous. Over 200 people dead and still hundreds and hundreds unaccounted for. This is a horrendous. Horrendous thing. And I just. I don’t I don’t see Harris and Biden taking charge. I just see more photo ops, a couple of speeches, and then off they go. It’s like the border. It’s like Palestine, Ohio, and we can go on and on. But I want to make a little bit of a turn here. I want to address something because it is still fundamental to the way our society is supposed to function. And that is the justice system. I want to read something to you by Ellie Hoenig. I don’t know Alan Hoenig. I believe he is a legal commentator on CNN. Guys, pretty straight up doesn’t mean I agree with everything, but I don’t have to agree with everything. He’s pretty straight up and he he talks about this Jack Smiths October surprise because, again, they’re throwing everything they can to try and take out Trump. Jack Smith has failed in his quest to trade Donald Trump before the 2024 election. So instead, the special counsel has bent ordinary procedure to get in one last shot just weeks before voters go to the polls where voters are already going to the polls. Smith has now dropped 165 page doorstop, meaning this thick document doorstop of a filing in federal court on the issue of Trump’s immunity from prosecution. Judge Tanya Chunk And that’s an Obama appointee who suddenly claims not to care about the impending election despite her earlier efforts to expedite the case to get it in before the very same election, which got reversed and chastised by the U.S. Supreme Court. Duly complied with Smith’s wishes. Redacted. Add a few obvious names whoever might. Arizona Governor Redacted Page 16 be and made the rest public. And that would be doozy, by the way. There are two headlines here, he writes. The immediate takeaway lies in the revelations contained in Smith’s oversized brief. He asks the judge, by the way, for and received permission to file brief. There was 100 pages, 80 pages long, four times the normal maximum. Normally, you can only file a document that’s 4045 pages. He asked for 180 and she granted it. She grants him everything. And he he writes. We now have damning new details on Trump’s effort to pressure Vice President Mike Pence to throw the election his way. Trump’s phone use and use of Twitter. As the riot unfolded and his conversations with family members about efforts to get Tesla’s electoral loss. The story structure is the same as we’ve long known, but the new details lend depth and dimension. They lend crap, by the way. But the larger issue, if less obvious, the headline is that Smith has essentially abandoned any pretense. Hell bent on any rule. He’ll bend any rule, rather. Switch up any practice so long as he gets to chip away at Trump’s electoral prospects. At this point, there is simply no defending misconduct on any sort of principled or institutional basis. Quote But we need to know this stuff before we vote. Is a nice bumper sticker, but it’s neither a response to nor an excuse for Smith’s unprincipled norm breaking practice. It also overlooks the fact that the Justice Department bears responsibility for taking over a two year, two and a half year period to indict in the first place. Let’s go through the problems with what Smith has done here to Trump. First, this is backwards. This is important for you to understand. And the judge rubberstamped every piece of this. None of this could have happened without her. The way motions work under the federal rules and consistent with common sense, is that the prosecutor files an indictment. The defense makes motions to dismiss charges, to suppress evidence or what have you. And then the prosecution responds to those motions. Makes sense, right? It’s certainly worked for hundreds of years in our courts, but not here. Not when there’s an election right around the corner and dwindling opportunity to make a dent. So what happened? So Smith turned the well-established, thoroughly uncontroversial rules of criminal procedure on their head, and he asked Judge Changqing for permission to file first, to file first. Even with no actual defense motion pending. So he wasn’t responding to anything. He filed his indictments. And then he says, I want to file a motion. Trump’s team objected, and the judge acknowledged that Smith’s request to file first was, quote, procedurally irregular, unquote. Moments before she ruled in Smith’s favor, as she’s done at every consequential turn. Which brings us to this second point. Smith’s proactive filing is prejudicial to Trump legally and politically. It’s ironic. Smith has complained throughout the case that Trump’s words might taint the jury pool. Accordingly, the special counsel requested a gag order that was so preposterously broad that even Judge Jenkins slimmed it down considerably in the Court of appeals, narrowed it even further after that. Yet Smith now uses grand jury testimony, which ordinarily remains secret at this stage, and drafts up a tidy 165 page document that contains all manner of damaging statements about a criminal defendant made outside of a trial setting and without being subjected to the rules of evidence or cross-examination. Files are publicly generating national headlines. You know, Jose, those allegations, the voters. Sure. And also members of the jury pool. That brings us to our final point. Misconduct here violates core Department of Justice, principle and policy that Justice Manuel and I was the first to point this out on FOX. The justice manual that is their internal Bible at DOJ essentially contains a section titled Actions that May have an impact on the election. Now dismiss, filing, qualify. May it have an impact on the election, of course. So what does the rule tell us? Quote, Federal prosecutors may never select the timing of any action, including investigative steps, criminal charges or statements for the purpose of effecting any election. And remember, Smith begged the judge to flip the rules on their head so he could file this document first and quickly. Any action, by any reasonable definition, with the election right around the corner. Anyone who objected to James Comey’s outrageous announcements about Hillary Clinton email investigation on the eve of the 2016 election should feel the same about Smith’s conduct now. What’s the distinction? I’m going to hand this one over to one of the Department of Justice, most esteemed alums who explained it this way to the Justice Department’s internal watchdog, quote. To me, if an election were 90 days off and you think it has a significant chance of impacting election less, there’s a reason you need to take any action now. You don’t do it. Those words were spoken by Sally Yates, former deputy attorney general under Barack Obama, venerated career prosecutor, no fan of Trump who unceremoniously fired her in 2017. And liberal folk hero, as usual. Yates. Was spot on in. Our explanation conveys this indelible truth. If prosecutors bend their principles, depending on the identity of the prey, then they’ve got no principles at all. Every rule was turned on its head inside out. This judge rubber stamped it time and time again. That finally should never have been made. She said he could. That filing never should have been made on her calendar. She sets the date. Never should have been done. That filing should never have been made public. She allowed it to be public. That filing never should have contained grand jury information or been as long as it was. But she gave the rubber stamp on that. And they made it public. And now you know what I hear in America that if Donald Trump’s elected president and if the Democrats take the House, they’re going to take this document. And as soon as he’s sworn in, try to use it to impeach him and cripple his presidency. They say they believe in democracy. No, they don’t. They’re Stalinists. Judge can should be disbarred. If there were an honest legal community in Washington, D.C., she would be disbarred and hence removed from the bench. Jack Smith should be disbarred. If there were an honest legal community in Washington DC, he would be disbarred and sent off to The Hague to sell ice cream on the corner. I’ll be right back.

Segment 2
Little update on this weekend, Life, Liberty and Levin, the Saturday program. The people at Fox are very, very good and they said, Mark, we’re going to go from the Butler event with President Trump. We just think it’s quite historic and we’re going to have live programming through the night. Would you do life, liberty and live in life? And so I said, Well, of course I would. And then I was doing my Blaze show, and halfway in the middle of it, we had to stop because everyone was in excruciating pain from sitting too long. It’s very difficult in this little, you know, two, three, four or five weeks. This should be pretty much over with. So then I called them and I said, I’m not going to be able to do it live. You’re going to have to have the show in front of me go an extra hour and so forth. And they said, We understand. What about Sunday? I said, you know, Sunday, I can do Sunday. So this Sunday, 8 p.m. Eastern. Life, Liberty and live in. We’re going to have Tom Cotton. We’re going to have Bernie Moreno, the candidate for the Senate in Ohio. He has a real shot at winning that seat. My monologue is going to be a killer. How do I know? Because I’m going to give it. That’s how I know. So this weekend, Sunday, 8 p.m. Eastern Time. Yes, they’re Sunday Night Football. I won’t encourage you to go ahead and DVR record recorded on your smart TV. However you do it that way. In case you forget, you can still watch it. Just record it. I’ll be right back.

Segment 3
The American media is akin to Pravda in Russia and Al Jazeera in Qatar. I’ll give you a perfect example. As a result of this hurricane, there are I.V. fluid shortages in our hospitals. Now, did you know that, Mr. Producer? Yeah. Procedures are being canceled, postponed I.V. fluid shortages. Yeah. Not a word, not a report. And nothing zero people out there know what I’m talking. Talking about up and down the Eastern seaboard. And here’s Biden. Biden last night on the hurricane. Just listen to this. Cut five. Go. What the states the storms, though, need. President. So what is the status of the storm zone? What do they need? What you saw today? On the storm zone. Yes, sir. What’s going to tell them? It doesn’t matter. They’re going to We’re very happy across the board. So we decided we had to go back to the farm, invested more money with. This. This is the the twilight zone. These people live in. And by these people I mean Biden, Harris and that whole regime. I don’t know what storm you’re talking about. Well, what other storm is there? They did everything that they needed. And they’re very happy across the board. So we just got to we have to go back to Congress to get some more money for it. Okay, Now, ladies and gentlemen, when did they know they didn’t have enough money? Had to be months ago. Congress is not in session. There’s an election going on. $1.4 billion of the FEMA money. Was pulled out of FEMA and given to illegal aliens. They’re taking care of. But it’s a flat out lie. Get everything they needed. They’re very happy across the board. No, they’re not. They’ve been lying about Governor Kemp, too. Governor Kemp said Biden’s been great and blah blah. But no, he reiterated that Biden didn’t return his column. But at some point they finally did. You can tell you can see Kamala Harris was not involved in a single pre-hurricane meeting the way Trump would be with Pence. She was gone. I’m going to tell you something about her. She’s not only a radical kook. She’s not only a serial pathological liar. She’s not only a dummy. She doesn’t want to do the work. She doesn’t want to do the work. Whether it’s the border, whether it’s hurricanes. What the hell did she do? What the hell does she do? And here’s Biden. Everything’s fine. And that’s the way they look at it. Everything’s fine. No, everything’s not fine. How many years did they tell us? The border is secure? Now, they said they needed that bipartisan legislation. Well, wait a minute. I thought the border was secure. They just lie. Here we are, July 2024. That’s not that long ago. Two months ago. Two months ago. Mallorca’s Cut six. Go! FEMA is tremendously prepared. This is what we do. This is what they do. And the key here, Rebecca, is also to make sure that the communities who are potentially impacted are prepared as well. And it’s not just hurricanes and fire wildfires. Also extreme heat, which certainly some parts of the United States are already experiencing. Okay. So there is in July. Everything’s good where tremendously prepared, quote unquote. And it’s not just hurricanes, wildfires, extreme heat. We’re ready for anything and everything. And two months later there aren’t any money. So here’s what he says. Two months later, this past Wednesday, Cut seven. Go. We are meeting the immediate needs with the money that we have. We are expecting another hurricane hitting. We do not have the funds. The FEMA does not have the funds to make it through the season. What? Two months later, you don’t have the funds. Yeah. We got to go to Congress. What else? They’re campaigning. This is how they prepare. These people are liars and they’re incompetence. Even put their ideology aside. Why would you? Why would you give these people a. A better job, a promotion. Kamala Harris does her promotion for what? And this fall he was impeached and Schumer destroyed the impeachment clause, refused to hold a trial. Summary judgment lets him off the hook. So this guy who’s destroyed the border at the direction of his bosses, Biden and Harris, this guy who. Let’s step back a second, folks. Look at what they’ve done to FEMA. Look at what they’ve done to the Secret Service. Look at what they’ve done to the Department of Justice in the FBI. Just look. Look what they’ve done. They either politicized them. Or they let them die on the vine. If two assassination attempts against Trump and we’re looking at the Keystone cops, the higher levels of the Secret Service. What the hell’s going on here? Fima. With people dying. Dying people we can’t find. Now, FEMA’s interfering with private charity efforts, private rescue efforts. What is that? And then we have Biden tell us. They got everything that they needed. And they’re very happy across the board. Now, I know that’s not true. We’ve played audio of people who aren’t. Fox has shown you people who aren’t, people who are going there, Donald Trump and others, they see it. The governors see it. They all see it. The American people say it, but don’t worry, the border is secure. We’re on top of the Secret Service. And everything. Got everything. Everybody got everything they need. Let me tell you something. And I mean this. This is a very rural area. The western part of North Carolina, a very rural. Very small population and very Republican. I’m sorry, ladies and gentlemen. You can’t tell me that that doesn’t play into the mix here. We’re told the North Carolina everything’s going to be close. 40,000 votes across seven states will make the difference. I’m sure they’re doing everything they can to find everybody. In North Carolina, but they’re not. I’m sure they’re going to make sure they do everything possible to make sure those people vote, but they’re not. They’re not. Here’s Nancy Pelosi days after Hurricane Katrina in 2005. Where George W Bush couldn’t get a break. Remember, Brownie? It is amazing to me how pathetic George W Bush has become. He sees what’s going on in the country. He sees what’s going on with this administration. He sees the toll that it’s taking on the American people. And he sits there like a bump on a log. And the Cheneys are even worse. They’re contemptible. They used conservatives and Republicans for decades. Now people need to save the country. Everybody needs to step up. They either choose Harris. And we’ll also think about that Harrison was. Or they’re silent. I have nothing but contempt for George W Bush at this point and nothing but. While I despise the Cheneys, let me put it that way. Here’s Nancy Pelosi. Just days after the Hurricane Katrina in 2000, five cut ago, that any objective observation of what has happened in the first four or five days in the Gulf state would say that this is not a success, that we can do better as a country. And again, we have to evaluate the actions that were taken, the judgments that were made, because we still have people on roofs of building. We still have people who are sick, who are not receiving oxygen. We have children who are not in school. The list goes on and on and on. And what we have that right now. And where’s Nancy Pelosi? Nowhere. What does she say? Nothing. Not a word. There’s not a single Democrat in Congress who is speaking out about what’s taking place here in this administration with FEMA, the lack of resources, the lack of prioritization. Ed Harris, of course, was off on a fundraising junket and Joe Biden was there getting sunburned on the Rehoboth Beach. I’ll be right back.

Segment 4
FEMA is tremendously prepared for a hurricane system. So what he says. Now there’s more because I wanted to cover this very thoroughly. Over. Right scoop. FEMA is seizing out on these commercials, keep popping up shipments of goods so they can distribute them as their own. You believe this? Elon Musk reports in Asheville, North Carolina. Shipments of good to help the victims of heroin are being seized by FEMA so they can distribute them as their own. Here’s the post from Elon Musk. This Elon Musk is a great hero. I told you from day one when he took over Twitter. He he posts this. Musk just received this note from a SpaceX engineer helping on the ground in North Carolina. FEMA is not merely failing to adequately help people in trouble, but it is actively blocking citizens who try to help. Hey, Ellen. Update here on side of Nashville, Asheville, North Carolina. We have powered up. Bear with me. I have to pull it up. But bye. Bye. Bye. We have powered up. Two large operating bases for choppers to deliver goods into the hands. We’ve deployed 300 plus Starlinks. And outpour is it has saved many lives. The big issue is FEMA’s actively blocking shipments and seizing goods and services locally and locking them away to state that they are their own. It’s very real and scary how much they have taken control to stop people from helping. We are blocked now on the shipments of new starlings coming in until we get an escort from the fire department. But that may not be enough. In a lot of the chopper fliers, the volunteers are saying the airspace is being blocked. See government is about power. When you abandon the Constitution, when you abandoned separation of powers, limited government, federalism, that is state sovereignty, and of course, ultimately the rights of the individual, you’re left with this tyranny. And so these entities exist for themselves. There was a reporter on recently. I saw them on cable today who said that they had brought from helicopters a number of people. To one of the local motels to put them in housing in the motel. Registrar said, I’m sorry. Hotels fell, he said, filled with home. FEMA employees said they finally got there. They took up the local hotels. So there is nowhere for these people to go. And as I say, Nancy Pelosi hadn’t said a word. There’s not a single prominent Democrat in Congress, not one who has said a damn thing. They were all jumping up and down during Katrina. Nobody’s in charge. Biden is not in charge. Biden just said, Everything’s great. Everybody got everything. They need it. This is sick. This is delusional. And Harris is off and running with Barack Obama. Because, truth be told, Harris is a Barack Obama plant. That’s right. Barack Obama’s been working her like the communist Chinese works smaller. He actually campaigned for her when he was president to be attorney general of California, pushed her to be the senator. Was involved in knocking off Biden and replacing him with her. So I just want you to be aware of that, too. But the good news is Barack Obama couldn’t get anybody elected. Remember when he used to endorse people and they would lose? Yeah. Barack Obama. There is a guy in the middle class. Huh? Huh? He comes in office doesn’t have really much, much money. And now he and his wife are worth like, what, $200 million? They have estates everywhere with walls around them. My goodness. Walls. Yes, walls. So she turns to Oprah Winfrey, multi-billionaire. She turns to Obama worth hundreds of millions of dollars. She doesn’t campaign in Newark, New Jersey, or Camden, New Jersey, or Elizabeth, New Jersey? No. There’s a lot of places where she should be campaigning that she’s not. To me, this is just so obvious. And so I will ask the question over and over again. I will ask it enough so that other people in this business start to regurgitate it. Do you really hate Donald Trump more than you love the country? Now the vast majority of you would say, no, I love the country and I like Donald Trump. But this is what you should say to people in your family or your friendship circle, colleagues and so forth. Well, I don’t really care for Harris, but I hate Trump. Excuse me. You hate Trump more than you love your country. That’s Disney. Liz Cheney and her old man. That’s former Congresswoman Barbara Comstock. They hate Trump more than they love the country. That’s Christine. Whatever they call that, that now that’s a weapon. The moron, former governor of New Jersey and so forth and so on. They hate Trump more than they love the country. It’s a big deal. Let’s see. Max then updated his text he received with this just received the text 20 minutes ago. The level of belligerent government incompetence is staggering. Hey, Ellen. Updated here on site of Asheville, North Carolina. FEMA is both incompetent and stopping people from helping. How can I help? It’s true. They are now about to shut down the airspace to regulate, quote unquote, the private helicopters that we are riding in to deliver StarLink and supplies. We are pushing back with Trump team as well to help us, but not looking good. This is right from the ground. We need help to get word out about FEMA. We spoke with Ivanka and handed out star links with her yesterday, but FEMA then showed up and started blocking us. It continues. The largest concern for us here is the FAA throttling flights from our choppers where they are requiring to from information emission mission now to deliver a discrete code. Now, doing this takes a long time and very cumbersome to the operation. This is the largest concern and most help we could use. We could use up, we would appreciate. Power hungry. Red tape. But everything’s okay. Biden says everybody’s getting everything they need. We’ll be right back.