September 23rd, 2024

September 23rd, 2024

On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, a war needs to come to an end at some point, except for when it comes to the Jews and Israel because that is a forever war for the establishment. Israel is not allowed to win, fight back, or even try to destroy their enemies, even though it is the Biden administration that started the fire in the Middle East to begin with. World War 3 is about to break open thanks to the appeasers and sellouts in the Biden/Harris administration and the media. The Democrat party and the media are one in the same, particularly CNN and MSNBC; we don’t need Democrat surrogates telling us Israel is bad when they are just trying to survive. Also, Kamala Harris is running the most disgraceful presidential campaign in American history. She is lying to the nation, especially Jews and the people of Pennsylvania, running a dishonest campaign and spending millions of dollars on propaganda ads. Later, Mark is joined by Congressman Mike Lawler (R-NY) to discuss his bill that will increase Secret Service security for Presidential candidates and the role of Congress in revoking funding to radical colleges and universities like Columbia University. Mark also speaks with former Ambassador to Israel and author David Friedman about the constant attacks that Israel faces every day by Hamas and other Iran-backed terror groups, and about his book One Jewish State: The Last, Best Hope to Resolve the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict.

Fred Trump, like his son Donald, a special person and generous friend of the Jewish people.

Right Scoop
“At what point did we decide that it’s totally normal for a member of Congress to side with US-designated terrorist groups?”

Maggie Haberman Defends Media’s Trump Coverage — System Not Built For Someone Who Lies And ‘Speaks As Incoherently’ As Trump

NY Post
Kamala Harris to skip traditional Al Smith dinner, first time presidential candidate has ducked charity event since 1984

Car Insurance up a Whopping 55% in Biden-Harris Admin’s America

Red State
Dems Quietly Freaking Out Behind Closed Doors, Worry That Trump Will Outperform Polls


The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcription of Hour 1

Segment 1
Hello, America. Mark Levin here. Our number 877-381-3811.  877-381-3811. I want to thank all the folks have been filling in here and there. I think we finally have this resolved, at least for a while. Today will be the first day in which we try and do our full 3 hours. And you can’t say doctor’s orders, but we do what we have to do here, don’t we? We Philadelphia boys were tough. We can’t just surrender, you know, We’re not just give up. You know, ladies and gentlemen, I’m watching what’s going on in Israel today. We’ve all been watching what’s been going on for a long time now. Actually before October 7th with Iran and Hamas. Hezbollah. We talk here about forever wars, forever wars. And we we talk about that rightly. In other words, at some point, a war needs to come to an end. Except apparently when it comes to the Jews in Israel. Now I am. Stunned by the American media. I am disgusted by the American media. Now, the reason is because there’s not a dime’s worth of difference between the American media and the Democrat Party. The Democrat Party feels the American media and the American media feels the Democrat Party. Their staff on Capitol Hill. Their staff in the White House and so forth, They’re one and the same. Particularly MSNBC and CNN, but ABC. George STEPHANOPOULOS, the rest of them. Israel’s not allowed to win. Israel is not allowed to fight back. Israel is not allowed to destroy their enemies. Israel’s not even allowed to try to destroy their enemies. A totally different standard is applies to the state of Israel and to the Jews there than any other country on the face of the earth, including art. And this administration, this administration lit the fire, the forest fire that is still burning in the Middle East. And they keep telling Israel, we have a solution for you. Surrender the way we did in Afghanistan. Surrender not only surrender, but the people who raped and pillaged and murdered your people. Give them a country right on your border. Give them Judea and Samaria. Give them your ancient homeland. Oh, yes. And don’t worry, it will protect you. The same Harris Biden administration that hasn’t lifted a finger to stop Iran, but instead has been the bankers for Iran has been the oil. What should I say? The oil commodity salesman for Iran that has breathed life into that horrific regime where the people of Iran would like to overthrow it? By the way, Mr. Producer, an American, is this too, too hard hitting today? Should I do? Slapstick? I’m just curious. Should I do slapstick Philadelphia as I would I should do. We wanted a little lighter, a little happier. Well, that’s just the nature of the world. And this is conservative talk radio and this is what we do on conservative talk radio. We talk about things that matter in everybody’s life. This matters in everybody’s life. This is crucially important because World War Three is about to break open. And that’s thanks to the appeasers, to the sellouts in the Harris Biden administration. How is it possible that we have a vice president of the United States, a sitting vice president of the United States, who hasn’t been asked a single damn question about what’s going on right now with Israel and Hezbollah? Not one question. How is that possible? And she wants her promotion to be commander in chief, President of the United States. How is that possible? And then we have the Democrat flunkies, the reprobates, thoroughly out there telling us what we don’t need to know where she stands. So we kind of know where she stood. We don’t need Democrat surrogates, mouthpieces, grifters, operatives telling us what we, the people need to know and what we, the people need to hear. But it’s already starting. The death toll in Lebanon. I think I just heard 400, 450 dead, several thousand wounded. How many of those are terrorists? We have no idea. So we’re going to get the same propaganda. Now, let me tell you a little story, just a sort of a notes history about Lebanon. Lebanon was a beautiful, beautiful country on the Mediterranean. A thriving country. Where Muslims, Christians and Jews lived side by side. It was a little paradise in the Middle East. It truly was. But people got along. There was commerce. It was a very lucrative resort and travel business there. People invested there. And then one day, guess what happened? The president of Lebanon, who happened to be Christian, was assassinated. He was democratically elected. Well, who assassinated him? Iran through Hezbollah. The terrorists assassinated him. They toppled the government. Now they still have a representative government there, a democracy in Beirut, Lebanon. But Hezbollah in the end calls the shots. Why? Because Hezbollah’s more powerful than the Lebanese army. There was a civil war in Lebanon. And Hezbollah won. So they toppled a beautiful country with beautiful people. They toppled, they assassinated the president. And many people escaped. Many people in our country today are Lebanese. Some are Muslims and Christians and Jews. Some of them are in Europe. They escaped with their lives. That’s what’s going on in Lebanon today. The people of Lebanon, like the people of Iran, like the people of Yemen. They don’t want war. They don’t want Iran. They don’t want the Houthis. They don’t want Hezbollah, but they’ve got them. And so when people keep talking about why not the Israeli stand down and so forth and so on. What are we talking about? These are terrorist organizations. Terrorist states. That have killed Americans. They have come here and blown up our towers. Taken out our airliners. They’re trying to assassinate as I speak. Donald Trump. You know, I wish I could be much more light about this, Mr. Producer, and do a tap dance and cut jokes. I just can’t do that. You know what I mean? Just. It just. Just doesn’t work. Anyway, ladies and gentlemen, here’s the problem. As you know, on October 7th, Israel was attacked. Their people were slaughtered, raped. Butchered. On October 8th, Hezbollah started firing their missiles, their more sophisticated missiles into Israel. Israel has had to. Swallow 9000 missiles from Hezbollah since October 8th. But Israel was focused in large part on dealing with Hamas. Because they wanted to get their hostages out, among other things. 9000 missiles fired into a sovereign democratic nation. Our ally. And Israel has had enough. Hamas is on the run. They have a plan for finally squeezing them out of existence. And so they have decided that Hamas, which has 100,000 men under arms, that is a massive military. They have 150,000 sophisticated missiles. That has been somewhat reduced as a result of what Israel has been doing and is going to do. And Israel is said enough. Now, here’s my problem. None of this would be going on. But for the Harrisburg administration, none of it. And what has the Harris Biden administration done to Iran as a result of what Iran is doing to the state of Israel? Nothing. Nothing. Well, what do you want them to do? Well, what did Reagan do? He took out their entire oil infrastructure and that stopped them. Well, what would Trump do? What did Trump do? He took out Soleimani and you warned them. You do anything else, we’re going to take out more. And that stopped them. What does Biden done? What has Harris done? Nothing. In fact, the more Iran does and the more its surrogates do, the more the terrorists do to the Jews in the Middle East. The more Biden and Harris put pressure on Netanyahu. And they’ve tried to topple the Netanyahu government. I want to play something for you. This was played a few years back in the last election. Trump versus Biden. But I want to play something for you, because I know we have a large Jewish audience. Obviously, the vast majority of the audience isn’t Jewish, but we have a large Jewish audience in New York and in Philadelphia, in L.A. and other places. And I want you to listen to this, and I want you to ask yourselves, after you listen to this, what exactly has Kamala Harris? Done. To support and defend Israel. Please take your Democrat hats off. What is she said in the last 72 hours? Not a damn thing. Israel’s fighting for its survival. Its survival. She has said nothing. Not a word. Because she wants the vote of the river to the sea. Crowd. Dearborn, a stand she’s thrown in. She’s thrown in with the wrong side. That’s why. I want you to listen to this. This is a piece that was done, as I said, a few years ago. Go ahead. Brooklyn. Across the river, the city of friendly people sometimes called Dodger Vale in 1955. Holocaust survivors looking to begin their new lives who were arriving by the hundreds in Brooklyn. They quickly outgrew their synagogue that was run from a garage, prompting their rabbi to meet with the building’s owner, Fred Trump. Today, the Beach Haven Jewish Center stands strong on a plot of land given to the Jewish community for $10 by Mr. Trump. Fred Trump made it his priority to help construct the solid brick synagogue, to provide a lifelong place of worship to survivors arriving from Poland, Germany and Austria and their families still worship there today, passing by a simple plaque on the wall that reads Fred Trump Humanitarian. 62 years later, Donald Trump followed in his father’s footsteps to erect another building the United States Embassy in Jerusalem. Israel has no better friend than President Trump on November 3rd vote to honor the loving legacy his father gave to the Jewish people. Vote for Donald J. Trump for President. American Liberty Fund is responsible for the content of this advertising. I believe the election is the fifth. But you know, in several states, Pennsylvania and others, early voting has already started or is starting. So now the question arises is the use of pagers and walkie talkies. Oh, my goodness. What has Israel done here? An act of terrorism, says a former Democrat secretary of defense, CIA official, chief of staff. Terrorism. Oh, yes. They used pagers and walkie talkies to either kill or injure 3000 Hezbollah. Fighters, if not leadership. Which, by the way, was absolute genius. Absolute genius as they’re laying the foundation. We’re trying to be the start, the beginning of the end of what’s been going on against the. State of Israel. So now Israel is attacked when it uses guided bombs. Israel is attacked when it uses its IDF foot soldiers. Israel is attacked when it uses pagers and walkie talkies. Israel is attacked by the American media, a.k.a. the Democrat Party, a.k.a. Harris, a.k.a. Biden. For trying to survive, for God’s sakes. But trying to survive. I’ll be right back.

Segment 2
A couple of pieces of business and then I want to continue. I feel good today, too. I sound good, Mr. Producer. We’re going to be making a few adjustments in a few markets. Ladies and gentlemen, as we. As we approached and as we, as I say, make a few adjustments in a few of our markets. The purpose, my purpose in doing this program. Is to reach as many people as we can. Throughout the United States. These are crucially important times. We cannot afford to lose this election. We have issues that are crucial. Conservative talk radio is the only place where they can actually be addressed. I understand Soros and others are trying to buy up different stations, including some of the ones several we conservatives are on, but we’re going to plug ahead. So. As the station adjustments occur. Not many, but a few. I’m going to make you aware of it. I also want you to be aware that you can always go to Mark Levin, Show Icon. Click on Audio Rewind and select your favorite platform. And listen to the program via podcast. That’s Mark Levine Show. Mark Levine Show dot com. Click on Audio Rewind and select your favorite platform or search Mark Levine Show on your favorite podcast platform. And you can also find my full podcasts, my interviews, my specials on YouTube. We have our own YouTube channel. You can go to at Mark Levine Show or Search Mark Levine Show in YouTube. And I would encourage you folks to write this information down or go ahead and download it. So as I make these adjustments, because these are adjustments I wish to make as I make these adjustments. You won’t miss a beat. I believe in loyalty in this business. And most of the affiliates, the PDS and the general managers and the regional market managers are very, very loyal and they’ve carried the show for a long time. But every now and then, every now and then you got to go out on your own. That’s Mark Levin Showcase. Click on Audio Rewind and select your favorite platform. Again, we’ll have you making a few adjustments. Not many. I mean, after I’m on over 500 stations. We’ll be right back.

Segment 3
So let us continue. Very, very important. What’s going on? Let’s continue. Here is Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu earlier today. Cut one. Go. I have a message for the people of Lebanon. Israel’s war is not with you. It’s with Hezbollah. For too long, Hezbollah has been using you as human shields. It placed rockets in your living rooms and missiles in your garage. Those rockets and missiles are aimed directly at our cities, directly at our citizens to defend our people against Hezbollah strikes. We must take out those weapons. Now, starting this morning, the IDF has warned you to get out of harm’s way. I urge you take this warning seriously. Don’t let Hezbollah endanger your lives and the lives of your loved ones. Don’t let Hezbollah endanger Lebanon. Please get out of harm’s way. Now, once our operation is finished, you can come back safely to your homes. Cut to go. On October 7th, the Hamas terrorist monsters burst into Israel, murdered our people, raped and beheaded our women, burnt babies alive, and took 255 innocent people hostage, including many Americans. A day later, on October 8th, another Iranian terrorist proxy, Hezbollah attacked Israel completely unprovoked. They fired missiles and rockets into our cities. They made 60,000 Israelis leave their homes along the Lebanese border, becoming refugees in their own land and the subsequent months. They haven’t stopped for a single day attacking us. No country can accept the wanton rocket in of its cities. We can’t accept it either. We will take whatever action is necessary to restore security and to bring our people safely back to their homes. I mean, I ask you folks, will we accept 9000 missiles fired into our country? In Israel is the size of New Jersey. What would we accept? 9000 missiles fired into the state of New Jersey. Or any state by Mexico or by Canada. I mean, seriously, folks, would we? I mean, this is really. So out of kilter. And then George STEPHANOPOULOS on ABC’s This Week, a Democrat Party sleazeball hack. Yes. This guy Kirby on John Kirby, who is? It was sort of the Tokyo rose of our time. Even though he works for Harris, Biden is the Tokyo Rose of our time, a propagandist of the worst order going way back but including Afghanistan. Our surrender there. And what happened to our. Our heroes there and well beyond. Listen to this. Listen to STEPHANOPOULOS as if. The prime minister of the Jewish state is supposed to be a lapdog to Harris and Biden. Listen to this. Cut three go working on that. But how so? Because we just heard Prime Minister Netanyahu right there seems to be disregarding whatever the United States is calling for. Well, what is the United States calling for exactly, George? Now George STEPHANOPOULOS has become a very, very wealthy man. Moving from the White House to ABC Television Network. And of course, ABC News is part of a conglomerate, a left wing corporation. You saw how they treated Donald Trump. And so he’s a propagandist. That’s all he is. He’s paid. As a propagandist for the state run media. And the state run media means the Democrat Party, state run media. But listen to the question to Kirby. I mean, these are two basically two Democrat operatives talking to each other. I mean, he says you just heard Netanyahu right there seems to be disregarding where they whatever the United States is calling for. What is the United States calling for? We have a president who’s not with it. We have a vice president who’s in hiding, who’s running the most disgraceful campaign for president in American history. She hopes to slide into the Oval Office. And by the way, an important point. The people she’s appointed around her are Israel haters. Israel haters. Out of the Obama regime and worse. And the juice that she brings in and appoints around her. Are the. So there are the Jews that do not believe in the state of Israel. They do not believe in the state of Israel and they exist. And they exist. A two state solution means you don’t believe in the state of Israel. And it starts with Blinken all the way down. Go ahead. Prime minister can speak for himself and what and what policies he’s trying to pursue, what operations he’s trying to conduct. Well, of course, recognize that the tensions are much higher now than they were even just a few days ago. We certainly have been monitoring the reports of air strikes back and forth across that border, but it’s not strikes back and forth. There’s evil and there’s good. There’s an elected country and then there’s a group of terrorist surrogates put there by Iran. You, Jack, you see, if you’ve lost your moral clarity, if you’ve lost your moral way, this is how you talk. This is how you think. They don’t talk about Nasrallah. They talk about Netanyahu. Netanyahu won’t do it. You know, he doesn’t seem to be listening to us. Not because of He listens to you. His country will cease to exist. Our country’s barely hanging on. Go ahead. Your score for us. How important it is to try to find a diplomatic solution. Diplomatic solution, ladies and gentlemen. A diplomatic solution with terrorists. With Iran. Ever. We try that. Doesn’t appear to be working. And when it fails, who suffers? The Israelis suffer. The Jews. They die. A diplomatic solution. Sometimes there are no diplomatic solutions, like when you’re dealing with terrorists who don’t want a two state solution, they want a final solution. They tell us this all the time. Meanwhile, on their watch, diplomatic solution, Iran is going to have three nuclear weapons. Maybe before the election. On the diplomatic solution. Now, this is serious stuff. It is a big, big problem. We’re dealing with not just an incompetent administration. But an affirmatively stupid administration and a media that gives it cover. A media that gives it cover. Let’s go to cut for Please go. Appears that the Gaza ceasefire talks have gone cold. Is that right? They were always cold because Sinwar and his ilk were never going to agree to a deal. Period. Ever? Never. What is it going to take? We had our own 911. Israel had his October seven. They see what Iran is doing. The Hutus are literally firing advanced missiles at our ships. Iraq has now been taken over by Iran. Iran has taken over Iraq. It’s taken over Yemen. It’s taken over Lebanon. It’s taken over the Gaza Strip. Diplomatic solution. The diplomatic solution is there. What a disgrace. How disgusting does it get? Go ahead. I would say that we are not achieving any progress here in the last week to two weeks. We have now not for lack of trying. But thank you. And good night to you. Now. Leon Panetta, former CIA director, former secretary of defense under Democrats, of course. He does this interview with somebody named Lee Cowan. And he’s very upset about what’s taking place. With Israel and Hezbollah very, very upset. What’s he upset about? Well, listen to this one on CBS Sunday Morning. They even take their Sunday morning show and destroy it. Used to be a nice show. CBS Sunday Morning, always liberal. Always light, but always liberal. But get a load of this. Cat five Go lucky to be able to place an explosive in technology that is very prevalent these days. And turn it into a war of terror. Really? War of terror. This is something new. Is it terrorism? I don’t think there’s any question that it’s a form of terrorism. Former defense secretary and former director of the CIA, Leon Panetta, wasted no words in describing what he fears may be the result of letting this particular genie out of the bottle. This is going right in. Shut up, you idiot, you moron. I don’t remember all this hand wringing during World War Two. When the British and we. Bomb Dresden, turn it into a fireball and everything there. Almost nothing survived. I don’t remember this. When we dropped two atomic bombs on Japan. I don’t remember this. Even with conventional warfare during World War Two, the constant ringing of the hands and so forth and so on. Let me ask you a question, America. There are over 700,000 casualties in our civil war. Our Civil war. All Americans. 700,000 casualties. Was it worth it to eliminate slavery and keep the union together? Was it worth 700,000 deaths to do so? I would say yes. I would say yes. Was it worth it dropping the atomic bombs? Was it worth bombing Dresden to win World War Two and defeat the Third Reich? And Kojo. I would say yes. Yes. And these people are whining about pagers and walkie talkies and Israel defending itself. Are you kidding me? Are you kidding me? I’ll be right back.

Segment 4
So there’s the people of Israel are fighting for their survival. Again, here we see the movie The Exodus. Ever see these black and white movies about Europe in the 1930s? Apparently, they didn’t have much of an impact on the Democrat Party, apparently didn’t have much of an impact on Leon Panetta or John Kirby or George STEPHANOPOULOS, or for that matter, Joe Scarborough, because Israel was under attack. And what do they do? They attack Israel. I’m going to widen this up this hour, but I needed you to be full throated about this. We have an election coming up weeks away. While I have this platform, it’s very, very important for people to think this through what they’re going to do and why they’re going to do it. That is, there’s really no choice. Kamala Harris has not said a damn thing. Nothing zero in the face of what is taking place. Can you imagine? Can you imagine the Jews under attack in Europe in the throes of the Jews under attack now in the 2020s. They want to eviscerate, obliterate the Jews. And a vice president who wants to be president of the United States has said not a damn thing, not a word in the last 72 hours. Here’s Joe Scarborough on MSNBC. Cut six. Go. Well, it’s even more remarkable, Jonathan Lemaire, when you realize that it was Bibi Netanyahu that funded Hamas for years and it was Bibi Netanyahu who sent a minister three weeks before the October 7th attacks and told told Qatar, give Hamas more money, keep the money flowing, that it was Bibi Netanyahu and Donald Trump who knew in 2008 about the illicit funding for Hamas, and they did nothing to stop it because they wanted Hamas funded. It was Bibi Netanyahu that knew about this attack a year before it happened and didn’t move on it. It was Bibi Netanyahu who is in charge of that. He didn’t want Hamas funded because Scarborough has a low IQ and Scarborough is a propagandist. He basically is a puppet, said That is, they put their hand in his head. Does the administration or Tom Friedman or somebody and he just regurgitate? It was actually the head of the Mossad. That suggested that Qatar continue to fund Hamas. All you have to do is research this. Netanyahu never supported it, unfortunately, had to go along with it because they have a coalition government. But their hate for Netanyahu. Can you explain that to me, America? Can you explain to me the hate for Netanyahu? By these Democrats on these television networks, on these cable shows. If it’s not antisemitism, what is it then? What is it? They reach out to some left wing Democrat Jew who gives them cover. Like this idiot, Doug Emhoff, the husband of the biggest Israel hater ever to run for president of United States, Kamala Harris. They reach out to these self-hating Jews, and that gives them an excuse. That gives them cover. No, it doesn’t. No, it doesn’t. Just because somebody is quote unquote, Jewish or quote unquote, not Jewish, nobody gets a pass. Nobody gets a pass. Jew, Christian, Muslim, nobody. SCARBOROUGH Hate for Netanyahu. STEPHANOPOULOS Is hate for Netanyahu. Kirby’s hate for Netanyahu can go right down the list. I don’t care if they’re Jewish or they’re gentile. There’s something horrific, horrendous about this. And it is constant. It is a drumbeat. It is an effort to dehumanize Netanyahu like they try to dehumanize Donald Trump. That’s what it is. He’s the elected leader of Israel. That’s who he is. Unlike the head of Hezbollah who murders his way to the top, unlike the the Islamo Nazi who runs Iran, unlike the Nazis who run Hamas. And we go right down the list. Right down the list. Well, one minute. It’s not 2 minutes. All right. Well, in any event, I think that’s very, very important for you to understand exactly what we’re dealing with here. We’re dealing with a huge problem. You could fix this in the election. You can fix this. I’m telling you.