August 14th, 2024

August 14th, 2024

On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, President Trump gave an outstanding speech on the economy and beyond. He defined Harris-Biden, he spelled out what they’ve done to our country, and he set forth a pro-growth agenda, and made clear that government is not the answer. Trump made clear, and this is important, that Harris has been vice president and is still vice president, so why does she say what she will do if elected rather than just do it now?  And “she cannot solve the problem because she is the problem.” Trump also underscored that Americans were better off when he was president than now when Harris is vice president. Also, Democrats keep using the word joy. They are saying that Kamala Harris is running a joyous campaign. Do people seem happy as they struggle through the Biden-Harris economy?  They are trying to project something that doesn’t exist. This is not morning in America with Ronald Reagan. The economy has heart disease – it’s very ill and the answer for Democrats is to shove more sugar into it. This is the Bernie Sanders, Chuck Schumer, Harris economy. Later, the Biden/Harris administration allegedly gave Tehran a list of Israeli Mossad agents/spies involved in the Haniyeh assassination. This is beyond a betrayal. This administration is serving up Israel to the enemy. They’re giving aid and comfort to terrorists. Israel is fighting a multifront war, including with the Biden/Harris administration. We’ll see if this story is true. Finally, Harris is running a dictator’s election. She and her team are creating impressions – she’s the angel and Trump is the devil. Her original positions are not well known but she’s changing them through statements and press releases.

Harris campaign’s Google ads rewrite news headlines

Kamalanomics: The Worst Food Inflation in Nearly Half A Century

Susan Rice Admits Kamala Has Been An Integral Architect Of Biden’s Policies

Jerusalem Post
US allegedly presented Tehran list of Mossad agents involved in Haniyeh assassination – report

Foreign Affairs
Chairman McCaul Presses Biden-Harris Administration on Need for Robust Implementation of the Security Supplemental

Just The News
Kamala Harris’s friendship with Disney exec comes under scrutiny ahead of ABC debate

Right Scoop
“Donald Trump is more popular NOW than in 2016 and 2020” – CNN’s data guy on the state of the race

Washington Examiner
Media’s pro-Harris hype affecting polls hard

Photo by Grant Baldwin

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcription of Hour 1

Segment 1
Hello, America. Mark Levin here. Our number 877-381-3811.  877-381-3811. President Trump gave a speech that was about 85% on economics, and I thought it was outstanding. Was an outstanding Trump speech on the economy and beyond. He defined Harris Biden. He spelled out what they’ve done to our country. He set forth a pro-growth agenda. Make clear that government is not the answer. But they’re fearmongering about him blowing up Social Security. Medicare is preposterous, he said. After all, I was president for four years and I protected them. Trump made clear, and this is important, that Harris has been vice president and that she still vice president. So why does she keep talking about what she’s going to do if she’s elected rather than what she has done and is doing? And if there’s some great idea, why doesn’t she get it done now? It’s a great point. And he said she cannot solve the problem because she is the problem. Trump also underscored that Americans were better off when he was president than now. When Harris is vice president, that’s sort of a take off. You’re better off four years ago than you are today under Reagan. And he had energy. He was focused. He was on target. He’s in fighting mode. And a good, really good sense of humor. Now, this is I want you to keep in mind, a few weeks after there was an assassination attempt on a man. A few weeks after the Democrat Party and their media did a switcheroo pulling by now. Putting Harrison. And after Putin like state run media. Slobbering affection for Kamala Harris. And I got to thinking about a lot of this. The Democrats keep using in their media the word joy. She’s joyous. They’re running a joyous campaign. Look around you, ladies and gentlemen. The people seem happy. Are people struggling? When you go to the grocery store, people happy. They’re happy. The prices they’re happy. Some of the empty shelves. They seem happy. When you pull up into the gas station, you to look at the pump. Let me ask you this. Are you happy when you go to the mailbox? And your bills are in there and you have to open the bills and you got to figure out what you’re going to do with them. Especially your credit card bills. Are you happy? Are you joyful? Now. I spent an awful lot of time. Out in about. Purposely. At grocery stores. The other day. The DMV. At diners. Bagel places. Wal-Mart wherever. Been Home Depot. Home goods. And I’m watching people. They’re not happy. People are stressed out. The other day. When I was at the hospital. People are stressed out. They’re upset. They don’t know how they’re going to make ends meet. They worry about coming bills, how they’re going to pay. They’re worried about the future, the economy, the future of the country. They’re worried about crime in open borders. They wonder what the hell is happening to their country. This isn’t morning in America. Like with Ronald Reagan. That’s not what it is. We reach story after story. About illegal immigrants raping women and children. And beating other people. It’s not morning in America. That’s not what we’re looking at. We’re wondering if the America that we were born into. There are parents new. Whether our children will know the same when our children’s children. The media trying to create. A completely different narrative. A completely different world view. They’re trying to. Project something that doesn’t exist. And they know it. And we know it. Like this story yesterday that we discussed and is all over the media today. Conservative media. That headlines from news articles. On Google are being changed by the Kamala Harris campaign. Like she’s not getting enough good slobbering spittle producing media coverage. That they’re changing the headlines or news articles. As if this is some kind of a friggin dictatorship. To make Kamala Harris look even better. You don’t do that. Number one, if you have character. Number two, if you believe in democracy. And number three, if your goal is to swindle and lie and deceive the American people. But you don’t do that if it’s a time of joy, you don’t have to do it. It’s not a time of joy. We have people in this country who are ripping down the American flag and replacing it. But the Palestinian flag when people on TV. Poor, trashing our country left and right. We had a presidential candidate, a former president, Donald Trump, who was ambushed, assassinated, murdered in front of our eyes. We see what happened again in Ferguson. A police officer, a black police officer fighting for his life. With critical brain damage. She was thrown to the ground by by protesters protesting. What? We have Islamists and Marxists in our midst who are trying to overthrow the country. Our schools don’t teach. They preach. We know what’s going on. It’s not a warning in America. It’s not a gay time. It’s not a joyful time. She’s running a happy campaign. She’s not running any campaign. Her handlers are running a campaign. Her operatives, her pollsters. Her consultants are running a campaign. They’re dropping $90 million in ads telling you how fantastic she is and how and how horrible Trump is right now as I speak. In two or three specific states. They’re trying to create as many citizens out of their invasion that they created as humanly possible. And they are 3.3 million new citizens in three and a half years. And they’re targeting battleground states now. Because they want to win by any means, by hook or by crook. They’re registering people without voter I.D., without proof of citizenship. That was the secret executive order that Biden signed. All of these things are being used. False headlines. Citizenship. Registration. Massive free propaganda state run media. Massive dark money campaign at. Because they don’t trust you. They fear you. And so they seek to manipulate you. It’s thought control. It’s mind control. It’ll work on some people. The issue is whether their work on enough people won’t take many. Then they do the push polls. After weeks of nonstop. Celebratory. Promotional. So-called news coverage. They then conduct polls of their dirty work and they say, Wow, look at this. Kamala’s neck and neck, even as a slight lead over Trump. And so they create yet another news cycle on the polls that they take of their own propaganda. If propaganda didn’t work. It wouldn’t exist. It does work. All you have to do is turn on cable TV and watch the left. Endless propaganda. All aimed at you. This is all aimed at you, aimed at your fellow citizens. The right to vote is destroyed. When the voting system is manipulated by getting as many new citizens registered to vote as possible because, you know, the vast majority will vote Democrat. The right to vote is eviscerated. When you’re registering people without proof of citizenship. Without voter ID at government welfare centers. The right to vote is eviscerated. When actual information and knowledge about a candidate, Kamala Harris is manipulated, is concealed. He’s changed. This is what happens. In dictatorships, whether they be fascistic or Marxist. The repetition. The fiction. Creating the notion of this great leader, the great Kamala, the great prosecutor. She ducks and weaves. She ducks and weaves because she doesn’t want you, the American people, to know who she is. When she feels it serves her benefit. She was Joe Biden’s right hand man. When she feels it doesn’t. She had nothing to do with Joe Biden. She talks about what she’s going to do, and yet she’s the vice president and The Apprentice president of the Senate. What has she done? And the things that they’ve done, they lie about. Did you know that? She’s an economic genius. The inflation that she, her administration and her party created. When they were handed 1.4% inflation. That she’s going to fix because it’s Donald Trump’s fault. Did you know that? The latest inflation report. Shows that inflation didn’t go up as much as they thought it might. Even though the report before it went up more than they thought it would. But all of a sudden, happy days are here again. No, they’re not. Go to the grocery store this evening. Go to the gas station. Nothing’s changed. Nothing’s changed for the. The American people, working class people, the middle class, the lower middle class. Nothing’s changed. Do you feel optimistic about the future? I understand why Washington’s optimistic. If Kamala Harris wins, Washington becomes even fatter, more bloated, wealthier, more powerful. But you don’t. The opposite happens to you. The stronger Washington gets, the weaker you get, the fatter Washington gets, the thinner you get. I understand why the media are giddy. I understand. Why the Democrats are giddy. But the idea that the American people are giddy. We’re happy. A joyful the crime going through the roof. With a wide open border with fentanyl poisoning. Our communities. With war everywhere you turn and bigger wars are about to break out. With our police beaten in the streets. Well, judges who don’t judge and do their jobs. With health care costs going through the roof because of the government. I don’t see all this joy. Happy days are not here again. It is not morning in America. I’ll be right back.

Segment 2
Over at Breitbart as Americans stroll the grocery aisles, writes John Carney, confronted with sticker shock at every turn, a central issue that has plagued the Biden-Harris administration since its inception comes into focus. Inflation is still taking its toll. It’s not just any inflation, but the kind that strikes at the heart of every family’s kitchen grocery prices. The numbers tell a grim story. Polls consistently show that inflation is the top concern for voters, and it’s easy to see why under the Biden-Harris regime, the cost of food at home, quote unquote, that is bureaucratized for groceries has surged by over 21%. A recent YouGov poll found that a staggering 77% of Americans consider inflation a very important issue. Financial Times found 78% of registered voters say inflation has been one of the three biggest sources of personal financial distress. Food inflation is at the heart of voter anxiety over price increases. The Financial Times poll found that 78% of voters said food inflation is a major drag on their financial situation. Well, ladies and gentlemen, who are you going to hold to account for this? Who’s responsible for this? Harris and Biden.

Segment 3
Kamala Harris, tomorrow is going to have some kind of prepared, orchestrated, staged speech about the economy. She’s going to try and tell you things you want to hear. He’s going to try and deflect blame. She’s going to tell you how she and Biden and the regime have done so many fantastic things and that she wants to build on them. How they’ve increased employment, how they’ve lowered inflation, how they’ve done this and that, folks. Just don’t be played for fools. You know what’s going on? If you go under, if you’re going to a doctor, if you’ve gone to a grocery store. If you’d gone to a gas station, if you’re getting your car fixed, if you’re buying school supplies, new clothes for your kids, you know what’s going on. You see it when you drive to a fast food restaurant. Have you ever seen prices like this in your life? Well, are you better off today than you were under Donald Trump? The answer is no. And so Kamala Harris’s job is not to reveal herself. Kamala Harris’s job is to lie to you. To get your vote. That’s all she wants. That’s all she wants. And they’re changing the voting system. They’re changing the voters. That’s what The New York Times said. They’re changing the voters. They’re changing the registration system. So that if they win the next election, there’s no turning back. It won’t matter. Susan Rice is a diabolical, poisonous, radical Marxist Islamist leftists, in my humble opinion. Attached to Barack Obama by the hip. Has spent so much time working in the Biden administration behind the scenes under the radar. And she let the cat out of the bag Every now and then. One of them do. One of them don’t get the talking points or forget them. Now, listen very carefully to Susan Rice. And again, don’t ignore what you’re experiencing in your life right now. Don’t ignore your stress, your concerns, your frustration, your worries about the future. Act on it. That’s why you vote. Susan Rice cut one on MSNBC yesterday. Go. I think it’s very important to remember that this has been the Biden-Harris agenda. Kamala Harris has been an integral architect and execute her of the policies of the Biden-Harris administration. All right, that’s enough. There she is. She is the number one Svengali behind the scenes, the invisible hand. She’s the hammer in the sickle. I think it’s very important to remember that this has been the Biden-Harris agenda. Kamala Harris has been an integral architect, an executor of the policies of the Biden-Harris administration. Period. Period. It’s not enough to complain about what’s taking place. I get it. It’s not enough to hope that things will get better. As so many people go deeper and deeper into debt, their jobs are on the line. The future looks bleak economically. The value of the dollar is going down while expenses are going up, interest rates are up, inflation is up. It’s stagflation. That’s what we’re in. Of course, Washington is not going to call it what it is because Washington created this. The Democrat Party created this. They deserve a good kick in the ass from you pushing them out of office. All of them. Or if they think you’re a sucker. And people out there who are, as Rush said, low information voters, plus the zealots, if in the end they outnumber us, it’s going to get worse. Let me put it to you this way. Do you think a Harris administration. Do you think a Harris administration knows how to create jobs? Through more taxation and regulation. Is that. Is that how the small businesses you might work for, the big businesses you might work for if their taxes go up and they’re more highly regulated? You think your job might get harmed? You’re going to lose your job. We’re going to tax the big corporations. Okay? Now they’re going to fire you. It’s that simple. And taxed them for what? The money goes to the government and then the government decides who gets it. Let me ask you something. Were the trillions of dollars spent on the Inflation Reduction Act? After they spent it, they said I’d had nothing to do with inflation reduction. It was climate change, electric vehicles, multiple billions of dollars for an Internet that wasn’t even built to reach people who don’t have it. Billions of dollars into the pockets of left wing non-government organizations to fund the featherbed their supporters, their advocates. Is this what you want? This kind of oligarchy. We’re certain people become super rich and certain people become impoverished. When you look at the billionaires who backed this Marxist Islamist agenda or backed the Democrat Party. Ask yourself, how did they become billionaires? Look at Bill Gates. Microsoft. Well, it’s a private set, tremendous amount of money, billions and billions from government contracts, federal government contracts, state government contracts, local government contracts. He loves government. Loves it. And you can go right down the list. Susan Rice. Very important to remember that this has been the Biden-Harris agenda. Biden-Harris agenda. Just a perfect example just demonstrates what a liar and a cheat and a fraud and a deceit she is. The Republicans have sought. To reverse and eliminate. The incredible tens of billions of dollars that were passed under the so-called Inflation Reduction Act that actually increased inflation have had nothing to do with inflation reduction. They tell you that after the fact again. To reverse the vote on the IRS. The Democrats have blocked them and Biden has said he will sign. He will not. He will veto whatever comes to his desk. That’s what he said. And yet in that bill, the so-called Inflation Reduction Act was all this money for the IRS to hire 87,000 new agents. Now let’s just deal with that. Here you are on your back. You’re struggling. Your credit card debt is through the roof. Those of you who may not be. Near poverty are struggling to that extent. You’re not doing better. You’re not moving forward. You’re not advancing. Look around you. Are people happy? Is the economy bustling? Are there opportunities everywhere? Well, there are. When the economy is doing well. It’s sick. The economy is heart disease. It’s very ill. And the answer for the Democrats is to shove more sugar into it. More desserts. Just keep pumping it, pumping it, pumping it full of carbohydrates. This is the Bernie Sanders economy. This is the Kamala Harris economy. This is the Elizabeth Warren economy. This is the AOC economy. This is the Hakeem Jeffries and Chuck Schumer economy. They got what they wanted. They rammed it all through without a single Republican vote. Not in the House and not in the Senate. Not one. They rammed it through one party rule, one party monopoly. They rammed it through trillions and trillions of dollars on top of trillions of dollars for COVID covered was to be one time, yet one time trillions. Then on top of that, multiple more trillions. And now the baseline for the federal government is trillions and trillions of dollars out of whack. You don’t hear the Democrats talk about cutting spending. They’ll cut defense, but they’re not. Cutting overall spending. Why? Because the massive government is theirs. They own the bureaucracy, every inch of it. They’re not going to reduce their voters, their work force, their donors. They’re not going to do it. This is their power center. Their power center is in out in our towns. It’s not out in our villages, our townships, our communities, our cities. Their power is Washington and all Washington and all the time. Name one time. When a Democrat has created private sector jobs. But they’re not even Democrats. They’re socialists economically. And they’re Marxists culturally. They’re Marxists. You’re going to get Marxist class warfare populism from Kamala Harris. You’re going to get a complete lack of accountability. She’s going to be pointing over there, pointing at Trump, pointing at big business, pointing at the rich, pointing here, pointing their gas. Don’t look in the mirror. Write Kamala, Don’t you look in the mirror. Don’t you have second thoughts about what you believe, what you’ve done? Everywhere she goes, everything she touches is worse than when she got there. San Francisco’s dead. California’s dead. You want to create the United States in the San Francisco, in California or that nut? She’s running with Minneapolis, Minnesota. Because that’s what they do. That’s what they know. They’re not experienced on how to create jobs. They’re ideologues. So they rely on their ideology. That’s all they know. And they don’t want to know anything else. Joe Biden hadn’t spent a minute in the private sector half a century on the government dole. Kamala Harris. A quarter of a century in the government dole. Donald Trump was never on the government dole. He’s president for four years. He created an entire skyline. He created industries. He created tens of thousands of jobs for blue collar workers. Union, nonunion, tens of thousands of jobs for Americans black, white, Hispanic, Asian, Jewish, gentile, Muslim didn’t matter. He created a living. For thousands and thousands and thousands of families, average families. Kamala Harris hasn’t done any of that. That’s why Trump knows that when you’re surrounded by the bureaucracy in Washington, when you’re surrounded by their media, when you’re surrounded by their politicians, you have to fight them. You have to battle them. You have to remember who you represent. Kamala Harris does not represent you. You know how I know. Cause she’s scared of you. She’s manipulating you. She wants nothing to do with you. She won’t engage. And when she finally does engage, it’ll be scripted. It’ll be a lie. So it’ll be backed up by billions in in-kind free media, billions and dark billionaire money. She runs such a joyous campaign. Look at how they lie. She’s hated by virtually anybody and everyone who’s ever worked for it. Article after article after article. Do the media not believe their own reporting in the past now? See the media like Kamala Harris and she’s like them. They just like. There are media reports after media reports. Just a few months ago, going back years had how Kamala Harris is hated by her staff keeper. Staff uses the F-bomb. Every other sentence screams at the top of her lungs, tells them not to look her in the eye. On and on. Now suddenly she’s joy. She’s happy. She’s smiling, unlike Trump. The thing she originally said is what she believes. She believes that no borders. She believes in no detention centers, which means these rapists, these gang members, these cop killers. Which means these sex slavers. All the rest of them. They cannot be vetted if you don’t have detention centers. They’re going to wind up in your communities. I don’t care who you are. I don’t care what color you are. I don’t care how much money you make. I don’t care how you vote because none of them do either. When they rape somebody, they don’t ask them what party they are. When they rape somebody, They’re not thinking about racial equity. They’re not thinking about. The Palestinians. They’re marauders. They’re hunters. When you put illegal aliens on free government health care. There is no health care. You can be as free as you want. The system can handle it. No system can handle it. No country on the face of the earth has an open border like we do. No country on the face of the Earth hands out welfare benefits like lollipops to people who come in illegally into their country, stealing it from you, stealing it from you. Her first statements about what she believes on the border. No ice. Defund the police? No. No centers. In order to determine who’s who. No private health care. She believes it. She believes it and she’s going to keep lying about it. And McLaughlin just did a poll with MRC. The vast majority of the people being asked about what they think about Kamala Harris are unaware of her radical positions. They don’t know that she stands for these things. Because the media, the billionaires and she want to make sure it stays that way. I’ll be right back.

Segment 4
This fall, Americans will head to the polls with several critical issues at stake. Obviously economy, border security, national security, parental rights, the debt, inflation, so much more. I’ll be right back.