July 31st, 2024

July 31st, 2024

On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, was Kamala Harris lying about her positions while she was campaigning in 2020 and while she was Vice President, or is she lying about what her positions will be if elected? The answer is she is lying now because she is a pathological liar and a lightweight radical candidate being propped up by a propaganda Democrat media just like President Biden. Also, Harris’ reaction to Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech and her comments about him later stoked the attacks on Israel, and she is responsible for the Middle East blowing up as much as anyone else in the Biden Administration. She has given a voice to the pro-Hamas rallies and protests on our streets and college campuses because she is a radical Marxist like Bernie Sanders. Hamas, Hezbollah, and Iran, along with Russia, China, and North Korea, are all rooting for Kamala to win because she is weak. If Josh Shapiro is asked to be Kamala’s VP and he accepts, he will be selling out his Jewish heritage for the Democrat Marxist antisemites.

Heritage Foundation
The Senate Border Bill Is a Disaster for Border Security

Jerusalem Post
‘Anyone over Trump’: Gazans lend support to Kamala Harris, fear pro-Israel Trump presidency

Washington Free Beacon
Kamala’s NatSec Adviser Probed Over Ties to Iranian Influence Network

Why I Have Changed All My Policies, by Kamala Harris

Here Come the Flip-Flops

The Kamala Harris Psyop

Washington Examiner
Without a primary, Kamala’s flip-flops are just lies

Jerusalem Post
US Senator Graham calls for military force against Iran over Hezbollah threats

The Telegraph
Biden criticises Obama administration amid tensions over White House race

New McLaughlin Poll: Trump Leads Kamala

Photo by Julia Beverly

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcription of Hour 1

Segment 1
Hello America. Mark Levin here. Our number 877-381-3811.  877-381-3811. I want to thank Brian Mudd sat in last night. Right, Mr. Producer, good man. WJNO, Florida, one of my home stations. Did a great job. I understand. Where was I? I was at Christians United for Israel, their annual meeting. And I was invited to participate along with my wife, Julie, and my mother in law, Salvi. And we went with Pastor John Hagee. I say John Hagee is my pastor because I admire him so much. And he’s got a fantastic in mass of church and parishioners down there in San Antonio, Texas. But this is a man who’s so committed to his faith and so committed to the Jewish faith and the Jewish people in the state of Israel that he has amassed. Membership in the Ku fie Christians United for Israel over ten and a half million members. And you can go online and pick up some of this was just very, very important. There’s a lot going on. And I have a couple of questions for you, America. Kamala Harris. Was Kamala Harris lying all these years? Was she lying all these years when she was giving answers to questions or making statements like a good Marxist Islamist? What she threw in with the hate America crowd when she threw in with the hate Israel crowd when she threatened with a no borders crowd The defund the police crowd The attack ICE and the Border Patrol crowd. Was she lying? For the last decade or two where she lying now when she’s trying to change our positions on fracking. On defunding the police and all the ones I just mentioned. Well, the real Kamala Harris. Please sit the hell down. Who is she? She’s making statements like she’s not the vice president of the United States, like she has no role in this administration. I’m going to make the border stronger than Trump. Wait a minute. Aren’t you the vice president? Okay, we’ll play along, but not for long. She’s not. The borders are. She was. But again, we’ll play along right this second. Now, she was vice president of the United States. Isn’t she still. She acts like she has nothing to do with this administration, the policies of this administration. She acts like her past is in her past and somebody else’s bad. This is what happens when you have a lightweight. A radical. A weirdo. May I say she’s weird. A weirdo. A character. Who’s never had to fight to become the quote unquote, nominee of the Democrat Party. And she’s the putative nominee, no question about that. So we all hang around. Oh, who is she going to pick as vice president? Wait a minute. We’re already done talking about her being picked as the nominee. In one of the most outrageous coups in American history, one of the most outrageous impositions of a candidate by a political party. We just went through a Soviet style process. Move along. Move along. Don’t look back. She’s it. She’s the winner. She’s the greatest thing since sliced bread. Now, you know, I’m not into all these polls, but I looked at them. You would think with billions and billions of dollars of positive press in merely a week’s time. That she’d be slaughtering Donald Trump and the polls, but she’s not. The last national poll, I saw Trump’s two points ahead. And then they go to the states. Well, this state is this this state, is that okay, fine, whatever. And she’ll get. Constant positive billions and billions of in-kind unreported contributions by the Democrat Party media. But again, that aside. She’s not made any great movement. This time in the summer when Michael Dukakis and George H.W. Bush were running, Dukakis had a 17 point lead over George H.W. Bush. So these polls mean nothing right now, but they’re using these polls to drive the propaganda. They want you to believe that the nation, the nation is is rallying around Kamala Harris. The black community is rallying around Kamala Harris. The left is rallying around Kamala. While there’s an awful lot of rallying around going on, but I’m not seeing any great jump in the numbers a little here and there, but nothing major. So the question to Kamala Harris is, were you lying before or are you lying now about who you are? The answer is she’s lying now. But that is an important question. They call it flip flopping. I call it pathological lying. She’s a pathological liar. And now they’re spending tens of millions of dollars on ads to promote that pathological liar as a pathological liar. And she acts, as I said, like she’s not the vice president of the United States. She’s the number two in the Biden-Harris regime. She used to vouch for Biden’s brilliance. Remember, she supported his policies. And she acts like she hasn’t been involved in making any decisions. Me borders aren’t. No, no, that’s a Republican trick. They are always this way. They’re right wing white supremacists. That’s how they always do. And so now she’s going to pick a vice pick. Will it be Josh SHAPIRO, Pennsylvania? Now, that would really help her. She needs Pennsylvania. He Jewish? Excuse me. I’m Jewish. I don’t care how many Jewish people she has around her, her husband. If it’s Josh SHAPIRO, if Attorney Grabowski, if it’s Phil Goldberg, I don’t really care. She’s the most anti-Israel. Public figure next to Bernie Sanders. Next to Talib Omar. AOC in the United States of America. She has never denounced Bernie Sanders positions. She has never denounced the Stooges. The Islamists, the Marxist Center Party, the Hamas wing of party. She’s never denounced them. She’s thrown in with them. She’s so close to care. It’s an ugly picture. Care. A Hamas front group. And other other groups that are front groups in the United States of America, for Iran, for Hamas and all the rest of the reprobates. But now we’re told, look, she’s got a Jewish husband. We get that? That means he’s a weirdo. May I say he’s weird. Oh, she might pick Josh SHAPIRO. Now, that might hurt her with the river to the sea crab, which is a big part of the Democrat base, as you well know. But nonetheless, Josh SHAPIRO, she’s got a Jewish husband, Jewish running mate. If it’s him, wow, then all is forgiven. The way you treat Netanyahu is forgiven the way you gave a speech supporting the protesters. All the protesters. You mean the ones funded by Iran, Qatar and Hamas? Oh, yes, them. It’s all forgiven. The comments she made after she met with Netanyahu and stabbed him. And the Israeli people are never taught forgiven. Don’t forget her husband short. Oh, I forgot. And by the way, here’s the good news. All this crap. Who is she going to pick? She’s going to pick somebody from one of these battleground states. Josh SHAPIRO, rest of the country going, the hell is Josh SHAPIRO? He’s been governor for about 4 minutes. Oh, he’s a moderate. Oh, I love it when the media tell us who the moderates are, don’t you? He’s a nobody is a loser. He opposes school choice. While they say he supports. Really? But that aside, ladies and gentlemen, it won’t matter. History tells us people vote for the president. They don’t vote for the vice president. George W Bush. A George W Bush picked Dick Cheney. Right. Nixon picked Agnew. We can go on and on down the list. It’s not determinative of anything. So far, Kamala Harris. She’s gone to friendly audiences. We have an official request into the White House to speak to her, don’t we? Mr.. But is. We have an official request to do an interview with Kamala Harris. Now, if I’m her, you know, I would. I would racialize everything, you know. She won’t talk to me because I’m Jewish, straight and white. That’s got to be the reason now. Because she’s a coward. That’s right. She’s a coward. She doesn’t want to be pinned down. When did she have a press conference? Never. She hasn’t had one. I don’t know. And how long has she? Has she sat down with anybody who’s not a sycophant or a surrogate? To be. She sat down with Lester Holt. He didn’t ask tough questions. He asked real questions. He was very good. She came off like an idiot. Have you ever been to the border? No, but I haven’t been to Europe either. Oh, okay. Got it. A moron. Let me tell you something. She’s a liar. She said a line back then are lying today. I’m not. I’m for fracking. Oh, but. But we have you on video. I know. Don’t believe your eyes. You know, like Biden. Don’t believe what you see. She’s dumb and she’s a liar and she pretends she’s not part of the administration. You know, when I become president, I’m going to secure that border. And by the way. You want to take a look? I just posted the Heritage Foundation analysis and there are many good out there and many good analyses out there. The Senate border bill is a disaster for border security. The media will never tell you this. All they keep doing is using this as a as camouflage. But that bipartisan bill would have had more resources. It would have done this, would have done that. They’d like three talking points related to the bill and Trump opposed it. I will sign it. So I’m not just talk. I’m action. Yeah, that’s what you are. Would have done nothing to secure the border. Nothing. Includes more than $20.2 billion for border funding and hundreds of pages of border and immigration reforms. The key takeaway is that neither the funding nor the statutory reforms were truly secure. The border and border security is the only measure that Congress should use. And this is from people who knows something about the border. Mark Morgan. And Tom Homer Holman. Both of whom, you know, with more than 7 billion for the Department of Homeland Security. It goes on and on and on. It codifies Biden’s open border tools. That’s what it does, unacceptably codifies what Biden is doing. Codifies, accepts, codifies Crisis levels of daily illegal immigration, creates a three year border emergency authority to allow agents to expel illegal aliens back across the border during extraordinary migration instances. But the numerous exceptions and limitations swallow the authority in whole. Secretary of Homeland Security has the discretion to activate the authority after the U.S. Customs and Border CBP encounters an average of 4000 illegal aliens daily for seven consecutive days. Secretary activation of the emergency authority becomes mandatory after it encounters 5000 daily for seven consecutive days or 8501. Not counted in those numbers are unaccompanied children. Parolees. Those who claim a fear of persecution have already been in the U.S. for 14 days or already travel beyond 100 miles from the southwest corner. Look at Swiss cheese. Not only that, it doesn’t count the people that the administration is bringing into the country. Half a million now, probably closer to a million. The secretary would not be able to activate the authority for more than 270 days, 225 days and 180 days in any calendar year. The bill then adds cumbersome and confusing calendar calculation requirements that further limit the secretary’s use of the emergency authority, and the Secretary and President can suspend the authority unilaterally. So it’s nothing. It’s nothing. And I want to thank the media for not reporting on this, because they’ve demonstrated once again what a bunch of slobs and thugs they actually are continues to allow these crisis level numbers of illegal alien encounters means that border agents would remain overwhelmed. More illegal crossers will evade the agents, turning them into Garraway’s bad actors would slip through the limited and rushed vetting. It goes on and on and on. And by the way, on my own, I can tell you that the so-called funding doesn’t even take place till 2028. But if you only had signed the bill, the bipartisan well, we’d have a secure border. I’m going to sign the bill. Trump wouldn’t sign the bill. There needn’t be any bill under Donald Trump. He’ll close that damn border and he doesn’t need this. This would make it almost impossible for Donald Trump to secure the border. Almost impossible. So the bill is the opposite. It’s like the Inflation Reduction Act that creates inflation. I’ll be right back.

Segment 2
Now. When we come back, ladies and gentlemen. When we come back. Israel is under attack on three sides. The other side is the Mediterranean Sea, all because of Iran. What will Kamala Harris do about this? It’s a joke, right? Kamala Harris cannot stand up to these enemies, not because she’s a woman. Not because she’s a woman of color. Because she’s pathetic. She’s weak. She’s worse than an appeaser like her boss, Biden. They’re actually funding the enemy. Now, if you want to run for president, you need to be treated. Everybody does equally. You’re going to be subjected to criticism. Your background is going to be looked at. The things that you have said are going to be discussed. And if you’re an incompetent moron and an ideologue to boot, you’re going to be called out for it. Just like Biden was called out, just like others have been called out, they can’t take the heat. What do they say, Mr. Producer? Get out of the garage. Right. Not the kitchen. Can’t say that. You understand what I’m saying, America? She’s a candidate for president of the United States. It’s about us, not her. I’ll be right back.

Segment 3
I think Kamala Harris’s boycott of Benjamin Netanyahu when he gave his speech to a joint meeting of Congress. Short while ago. Last week, in fact. And then her. Unconscionable, immoral, contemptible comments. After she met with him and he was gone. Helps Stoke. Help stop the attacks on Israel. It’s part and parcel of what this administration has done. And yes, she’s the vice president and yes, she’s responsible for the Middle East blowing up as much as anybody else. And yes. She’s given voice to Hamas and their statistics and to the river to the sea. Hitler youth crowd in our streets. Yes, she has. Period. She must take responsibility. For what she says and what she does. She must take responsibility for being vice president. The second most powerful person in the executive branch in the country. She can’t, on the one hand say she had nothing to do with any of this, and then on the other hand, say, I’m a leader. Look at me. I was vice president. She has stoked the fires, the fires of hell in the Middle East. She stokes racial animus in her own country. She rejects 1776. She promotes 1619. She and Biden today and their party are trying to destroy the Supreme Court. Because they don’t like decisions. That the court hands down. So they want to destroy the Court. She wants to destroy the Senate. She says she would get rid of the filibuster rule. She wants to destroy the voting system, attacks the Electoral College. She wanted to get rid of fracking and fossil fuels. Now, of course, she needs Pennsylvania, which has a massive amount of oil and natural gas. And so now she’s. She’s opposed to what she used to support. Is this what we’re going to put up with? Is this kind of extremism, ideological stupidity. That is Kamala Harris and her supporters and the media. Is this what we’re going to accept? The same lies and fictions about Biden, the same entities that created that are now creating it around Kamala Harris. Why won’t she make herself available to individuals who are challenge her, who raise questions about her lies and her hypocrisies in her her contradictions? Why won’t she make herself available so she can defend the policies of the administration that she’s in? Why won’t she make herself available so she can be questioned about her positions when it comes to good and evil in Israel and Iran? But she won’t. She says she wants to debate Donald Trump. That’s fine, but to the exclusion of the rest of us, to the exclusion of a real media, not a propaganda in-kind contribution media. Hezbollah is rooting for Kamala Harris. Hamas is rolling for Kamala Harris. Devotees are rooting for Kamala Harris. Iran, The mother ship. The mother Blankenship is rooting for Kamala Harris. Russia wants Kamala Harris, China wants Kamala Harris, Cuba and Venezuela. They want Kamala Harris. North Korea. They want Kamala Harris. Why? Because she’s weak. And she’s in ideologue of the left. Can you imagine? If you think it’s bad now, imagine putting Bernie Sanders in a dress. That’s right. I said it. They call our guy Hitler. Don’t say Bernie Sanders in a trance. Oh, no. Well, that’s what she is. Ah, maybe Bernie Sanders. Better yet, is Kamala Harris in a suit? Although I think she wears pantsuits. But you get the point. You get the point. Matter of fact, if I can find it. I have a piece here. In which it is said. That the Gazans. It’s very confusing. Gazans, Palestinians, Hamas peons. We don’t even know we’re talking about half the time. That they want. Kamala. Anybody but Trump? Gee, I wonder what that’s all about. In the Jerusalem Post. Gazans are hoping Kamala Harris becomes the next president of the United States due to fears of, what, another four years with Donald Trump and the position would mean for Palestinian statehood and humanitarian aid to the enclave, according to interviews published on Saturday by Al-Monitor. Everything is out. Al-Monitor Al Jazeera. Al Franken. Harris has notable absence from Prime Minister Netanyahu’s congressional address Last week was interpreted by some about Gaza and the West as a political statement. See what I mean? Kamala’s got our back. Shoot the missiles, boys. When meeting with Netanyahu, she had strongly advocated for an end to the war, declaring in a televised statement, We cannot allow ourselves to become numb to the suffering, and I will not be silent. That’s not what happened. Netanyahu was gone and she said that. Get it right. Jerusalem Post, which is getting worse and worse by the day. Muhammad Abu Di Chirac Yabba dabba do. A displaced Palestinian from northern Gaza. They never talk about the displaced Jews from northern Israel, do they, Mr. Producer? No. Or the millions of displaced Jews and Christians from the entire Middle East. What happened to all those Christians? They used to populate these these these countries. Where are they? Where are the Christians that were in Bethlehem or Constantinople, which is now Istanbul? Get it? Where are they? They’re gone. What happened to them. They were not welcome in their own homeland. Bethlehem. The birthplace of Jesus is 80% Palestinian. Right. Dan, your whole speech was met with applause despite protests raging outside where American flags were burnt and improperly and excuse me, property vandalized. And who funded them? Where’s this guy, Christopher? This guy’s got to go. He’s such a jackass. He’s such a mumbling buffoon. Uncle Shah claimed. For us, the applause sounded like bombs falling on the heads of Palestinian children. Give me a break. Give me a break. Hamas has been elected. 85% of the Palestinians in Gaza still support Hamas. They support what Hamas did to the Jews on October 7th. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. This entire area, which was not Palestine for Palestinians, was Egyptian. The Israelis captured it in the 1967 war to defend themselves. They gave it to the Palestinians in 2005. Here, take it. It’s right on the Mediterranean. It’s like the French Riviera right there. On the Mediterranean. And look what they turned it into a terror state where people starve, people are brutalized and murdered. And that’s Hamas. Hamas, which still has their support. I’m sorry. The truth hurts. I didn’t do the polls. I didn’t do the surveys. A Palestinian organization did, and an Arab organization did. I didn’t do it. It’s what they found, not me. How dare you? So what has Kamala Harris said about the attack on the Druze people who are Israelis in a town of 11,000? The Druze. Who have safety in Israel, but not any other part of the Arab world where they would be exterminated. They were hit with a. Guided missile. Provided to Hezbollah by Iran. What did the United States do in response to that? Nothing. None of our business. Yes, it is. We paid for it. We paid for all of this. That is the Harris Biden Biden-Harris administration. And but love the questioner about this. She needs to be questioned about it. Why are you people pouring tens of billions of dollars into Iran directly and indirectly? Why are you doing that? Look what Hezbollah did. Hezbollah is a surrogate of Iran. They were created by Iran. She didn’t make a personal statement. She still is not over the slaughter of those 12 kids. And. Massive injuries to dozens of others. And those pictures, they were on the Internet and I posted them. You saw little kids with their limbs missing. Missing. Missing. She didn’t say personally a damn thing. The statement was put out. It didn’t even quote her. When’s the last time she specifically, by name, condemned the leader of Hezbollah? Go ahead and Google it. When? When did she specifically condemn Xinhua, the leader of Hamas in Gaza? Now they knocked off that fat slob billionaire who was stealing from his own people. Did the Israelis and I want to congratulate them, and we should be congratulating congratulating them as a nation. This piece of crap that they knocked off in. In Lebanon, the number two Hezbollah of Hezbollah. He was involved in the murder of 241 Marines, you might remember, in the 1980s. We had a $5 million bounty on his head. Did Kamala Harris congratulate the Israelis now? And you know what the media say today, CNN, MSNBC, all the creeps, all the other thugs in the media. Hi. This might cause escalation, might cause escalation. Israel’s been taking thousands of missiles from Hezbollah since the day after October 7th. The Houthis are firing on them. Hezbollah is firing on them. Hamas is attacking them. Iran’s backing the whole damn thing. And then you have a vacuum, you see. So what happens? The terrorists step in. And they’re going to keep pushing and pushing. And there’s one tiny little country that’s fighting back. And so there’s a lot of questions to ask Kamala Harris. Who’s on the wrong side. But she has a Jewish husband. I said she’s on the wrong side. Give a damn about her husband. He said, Nebbish, when I talk. Okay, That’s Yiddish. He’s a nebbish. He’s even worse than that. He’s a schmuck. Oh, my God. I didn’t call him Hitler. Said he’s a schmuck. Now, that said, I didn’t call my cat lady, did I, Mr. Minister? Now call him a schmuck. They say Hitler. I say schmuck. What’s worse? Nonetheless. What has Kamala said? About Iran today. What did she say today? Nothing. Nothing. Not a word. Now, Kamala, I have some questions for you. Please present yourself somewhere. I mean, we can talk about abortion, too. I know you’re obsessed with abortion. We can talk about that. But I want to talk about some other things, too, if you don’t mind. You were withholding you. The Harris Biden. Biden-Harris administration. 11. Military systems. Ammunition, so forth and so on from the Israelis. Has your funding around. What are you going to do about it? Oh, we don’t get to ask any questions. All right, I got another one. You support abortion? But she supported a born an abortion pill in the Senate that prevented parental notification all over the country nationally and also required the states to allow abortion right up to the moment of birth paid for by the taxpayers. I want to ask you about that. I want to ask you if you’re going to run a commercial showing us how this reproductive right see how they steal the language? Oh, it’s a reproductive right when you actually kill reproduction. But that’s all right. I just want to ask you a simple question. Why don’t you show us a video of this? Fantastic. Fantastic procedure you’re running on all over the country. I also would ask you, you do understand after the Dobbs decision, we have more abortions in this country now than we did before the Dobbs decision. You do understand that, right, Carmela? I have so many questions I want to ask her. But she won’t make herself available. It’s all propaganda. When we come back. You might recall, Robert. What was his name? Mallory. Malley. I apologize. Robert Malley. Who was the envoy chosen by the Biden Blinken Trader ship? That’s right. Traders. To negotiate our deal with Iran, and that’s what makes them traitors. Why? Because he was a special pleader for Iran. You don’t appoint an envoy who’s a special pleader to a terrorist state that wants to blow us off the face of the earth and is threatening to kill former officials in the prior administration. And a little spy ring that he had on there. And that makes the Alger Hiss matter look like a joke. But wait a minute. Kamala has somebody who’s a special pleader for Iran to. Oh, do tell. Do tell. Well, I will. I’ll be right back.

Segment 4
It’s amazing. You watch the Democrats in the media, how do they treat conservative and Republican black women with respect? That what they do? How do they treat conservative women with respect? Is that what they do? How do they treat conservative blacks with respect? Is that what they do? No, that’s not what they do. They’re bigoted, they’re racists, They’re biased. They’re partisan. They’re hateful. They’re vile. Case after case after case. And they sit there and pass judgment on everybody else. My Pramod Kamala Harris has nothing to do. With physical features. Even though she’s very weird, wouldn’t you say she’s weird. Mr. Abbott and Joe Biden. He’s weird. You know, when they have a picture together, that’s like, double weird. That’s right. The Daily Double Weird. The two of them. Weird. May I say weird? Now, if I’m them, I’m busy calling people Hitler and Eva Braun and, you know, the stuff like that. But we’ll resist that part of the resistance. But weird. Yeah, they’re weird. Stupid. Yeah, they’re stupid. Extremist. Yes, she’s an extremist and she’s a liar. Just listen to her. And it was against Fran. I don’t know. I never said that. I’m for fracking. Border borders. I know. I know. My borders are. Now that Bill I’m I’m all action. I’m not talk, you know, and so forth. Now she’s. She’s ducking serious people with serious questions. That’s right. She’s done the rope a dope. Like Biden. Biden lives the rope a dope. He’s lived the rope a dope for 25 years now. She says, you know what? He can do it. I could do it. I don’t have dementia, but I have this horrendous extremist rap and I give stupid responses and I and I laugh a funny way and people don’t like it. And we’re being you know, I’m recreating myself with the help of the media in America, Al Jazeera, Pravda Media, and of course, my campaign and hundreds of millions of dollars. Don’t believe what you heard before or saw before now. Same tricks they use with Biden they’re using with her. When we come back, I want to further pursue what I was pursuing earlier this week. Josh SHAPIRO, the Democratic governor of Pennsylvania, you know, he’s Jewish. How does a Jewish politician join a Harris ticket?