July 10th, 2024

July 10th, 2024

On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, it wasn’t that long ago when both parties agreed that only American citizens should be allowed to vote in federal elections. Then Bill Clinton had an idea with motor voter – to register as many people as you could. It was the first time Democrats started chipping away at voter security and it has never stopped. When you destroy the sanctity of the vote you are destroying the right to vote. Democrats don’t believe in voting – they believe in control, and power. The House passed a bill to ban illegal immigrants from voting in federal elections and every House Democrat voted against it except for 5 of them. We have a growing police state that demands facial recognition but when it comes to voter ID Democrats say that’s racist. Also,  the debate about President Biden has changed, it’s no longer about his dementia, it’s about whether Democrats can win or not with him. Sen Chuck Schumer is open to removing Biden as the Democratic Presidential nominee and Nancy Pelosi won’t even say if she supports Biden. Not once do Democrats say what will benefit America, it’s about what will help the Democrat party. Finally, Captain Sam Brown calls in to discuss his race for the Senate in Nevada against a Biden supporting leftist.

The Hill
House passes bill to ban noncitizens from voting in federal elections

Barbara Jordan’s Prescription for Fixing Immigration — and Our National Despair (2016)

Washington Free Beacon
‘Could Have Diagnosed Him From Across the Mall’: Democratic Neurosurgeon Tells NBC Biden Clearly has Parkinson’s

Bennet becomes first Democratic senator to publicly turn on Biden, warning of a GOP ‘landslide’

Schumer open to dumping Biden in 2024

‘Like a Funeral’ ‘Shell-Shocked,’ Endless ‘Tears’: This House Dem Meeting on Biden Was a Mess

Yeshiva World News
Air Force Officer Admits: “Leftist IDF Refusals Led To Lack Of Response On Oct. 7”

Statement From Director Of National Intelligence Avril Haines On Recent Iranian Influence Efforts

Daily Mail
George Clooney calls on Joe Biden to STEP DOWN from the 2024 presidential race and rips his brutal debate performance

Michael Douglas: ‘Deeply Concerned’ About Biden, Calls for Him to Step Down ‘Valid’

Powerful Democrat Officials Steered Top Biden DOJ Official to Alvin Bragg’s ‘Get Trump’ Squad as Lead Prosecutor

Photo by Al Drago/Bloomberg

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcription of Hour 1

Segment 1
Hello, America. Mark Levin here. Our number 877-381-3811.  877-381-3811. Wasn’t that long ago America when both parties agreed. They’re not. Only American citizens should be able to vote in our elections, and they should be able to prove that they are, in fact, American citizens. To do otherwise was not only fraudulent but was an attack on our franchise. That is an attack on every legal vote. Then Bill Clinton had an idea. With motor voter. To register as many people as you could at the DMVs and elsewhere. As the first. Chipping away a voter security. And it’s never stopped. In fact, when the Democrats took over the House during the Trump presidency, H.R. one, the very first bill the introduced. Was a voting bill that would destroy every single barrier. Two fraud. States would not be free to have voter ID. States would not be free to clean their rolls. People could vote in precincts that are not their precincts. Every vote would count unless you could prove otherwise. Of course, they had the Dropbox. They had absentee ballots without signatures, without dates. It was a crime if you were to challenge somebody’s vote. Even if you knew for sure that they were voting illegally. So when you destroy the sanctity of the vote, you’re destroying. The right to vote. You’ve destroyed it. You’ve destroyed the process. The Democrats do not believe in voting. They believe in control. Power by any means. By all means. And so they will use voter suppression, voter repression, their own history, Jim Crow, segregation, poll taxes, literacy tests. That’s them. Turn it on. The Republicans accused them of that history when it is their history. And they’d say, when you demand voter ID and you demand that only citizens vote. Obviously, it’s racist and obviously you’re intending. You’re intending. They threaten people so they won’t vote. So the law becomes a crime and crime becomes the law. Here’s how The Hill newspaper put it today. There was a vote literally minutes ago on the SAVE Act, Chip Royce Bill. Safeguard America Voter eligibility. The saver. House Republicans and a handful of Democrats rights. The Hill approved a bill that seeks to expand proof of citizenship requirements to vote in federal elections and impose voter roll purge requirements on states. Legislation formally titled The Safeguard America Voter Eligibility Act SAFE cleared the chamber in a 221 to 198 vote, with only five Democrats voting yes. Only five Democrats. Goes to the Senate where they write, it’s all but certain to be ignored amid opposition from Democrats. President Biden has vowed to veto the measure. Voter ID and proof of citizenship. And by the way, clean your rolls, make sure the people on the rolls actually are citizens. They’re not dead. They’re not from other countries. They’re not illegal. Suddenly, this is controversial. Suddenly to stand up. And support. This is racist. It’s the people who are pointing the finger of racism. Who are the racists. You know, black people know how to vote. Other minorities know how to vote. They have ID, they’re required to show ID when they get on an airplane. When they buy booze, cigarettes. A host of other things. What kind of mindset is it in a political party that wants you to believe that? Because you need to demonstrate that you’re an American citizen and you you actually have a right to vote? That that is racist. That it is suppression or repression. The Democrat Party is an evil party that has been sabotaging every one of our institutions, including the franchise, the vote. Illegal aliens. If they vote, they’re distorting our system. Eight people are dead and people are voting for them. They’re distorting our system. And a thousand other connivance has. That can overspill thinker. And why is it that the Democrat Party doesn’t oppose any one of them? Instead, they say, you cannot prove you don’t have the evidence. No judge will say that fraud was committed. But as I’ve said now for several years. When you legalize fraud or you enshrine fraud in the electoral process, there’s nothing to prove. It’s the process itself. That becomes the fraught. You can’t prove at drop boxes that ballots are being stuffed into those boxes illegally, illegitimately. There’s no camera. There’s no security guard. There’s nothing. Unless you happen to catch somebody with an iPhone or something. You can’t prove that voter harvesting that is counting votes after the election, that people are going into mental institutions or nursing homes aren’t filling up ballots for somebody else. How do you prove it? Particularly where a signature may not be required. So the Democrat Party looks at all the voting requirements that have helped this nation through difficult periods and not difficult periods to ensure that there is a real vote, a legitimate vote. And they’ve gone through the process to destroy every single. Security system that’s in place. There have been interviews. People have gone into the inner city. They very, very black people. And they asked them. Give a voter ID? Yes, I do. Well, what if you were told? That the reason there shouldn’t be voter ID is because it will be discriminatory, racist. And they laugh. I remember extensive interviews being done. Because it’s ridiculous. Here we have a growing police state that demands numbers, that demands facial recognition, that demands. Driver’s licenses that demands all kinds of ID and then all of a sudden, when it comes to voting, no, no, no, no, that’s racist. That’s discriminatory. That’s unnecessary. That’s bureaucratic. Every single House Democrat voted against. A voter I.D. and against. Forcing states to go through their voter list to ensure that the list is kosher. Every single Democrat in the House voted against it except for five of them. Five of them. And the Biden regime said if it did pass, he would veto it, which means it could never become law because you’re not going to get the two thirds override that you need in Congress. And it’s going to die in the Senate anyway, they say. This is The Hill newspaper. Opponents of the bill say its core idea establishing non-citizen voting as illegal is redundant. He argued that its provisions were more likely lead U.S. citizens being denied the right to vote than to preventing votes by foreign nationals. How so? If a voter I.D. is discriminatory, then why do we have these driver’s licenses and other requirements for showing ID? Why do we have a customer service? Why do we have a Border patrol? Why do we have a census? What even Internal Revenue Service on all those forms, you have to demonstrate you are who you are in all those interviews. You have to demonstrate you are who you who you say you are. You have to have your Social Security, you have to have other information. You have to have a passport. You have to have all kinds of stuff. That’s what the federal government requires right now, today. And yet when you vote, it’s redundant. And then they they cite the Hill because they obviously agree with the Democrats. It’s a radical left wing operation anyway. One study by the Brennan Center for Justice found 30 suspected, not confirmed cases of non-citizen voting out of 23.5 million. Now we know that’s not possible. I explain last week, or was it the week before that virtually every federal entity that a person comes in touch with. They now have voter registration forms that you can fill out if you’re getting some kind of government benefit. Period. That don’t require an identification. And under the radar. The Biden regime, one of his first executive orders, was to direct every department and agency to do everything possible in every way. To register people who come into their offices, and most of these offices cater to Democrats. And would be Democrats. That’s just the way it is. Vote is 221 to 198. Only 23. Majority surplus in votes. Only 23. You know, this caused me to think about Barbara Jordan. Barbara Jordan was a great congresswoman from Houston. Just a brilliant lady. She’s a liberal. But she had integrity and she loved America and she was a black lady. And she. Among others, led this investigation, this study initiative report. On immigration in this country because it all gets down to immigration. This is why the borders wide open and this is why the Democrats, all but five, voted against voter I.D. because they want illegal aliens to vote. And it’s impossible after the fact to make a determination. It’s just impossible. And the Center for Immigration Studies. We ran an op ed that she wrote 18 years ago. She was a civil rights leader. Former congresswoman, the first African-American woman elected to Congress from the South. She was the chairwoman of the US Commission on Immigration Reform. She was a great woman. And in this report. What they laid out. The proposals they laid out are common sense proposals that conservatives and Republicans have been arguing for ever since. She talked about a commitment to democratic ideals and constitutional principles. The Americanization ideal, she called it. The Americanization ideal. One person, one vote. What does that mean when we fight constantly over when and where we’re allowed to vote? And who gets to tabulate the results? Worst in many precincts, citizens citizenship is not even a prerequisite for voting. This is what she wrote. Do. The French ambassador and the Bulgarian head of the International Monetary Fund get to pick the D.C. City Council to. How can we assimilate newcomers to our ideals and principles when our own children don’t learn? What those vague concepts are, let alone. What they entail. Yes. 15 years ago. And then president admitted, I believe, in American exceptionalism, just as I suspect that the Brits believe in British exceptionalism and the Greeks believe in Greek exceptionalism, which suggests that exceptionalism is subjective and to a degree jingoistic. That was Obama. But the point is the Democrat Party. Is now an American Marxist operation. They say they’re protecting the vote. Just remember what I tell you over and over and over again. They’re not protecting anything that is traditional. That is instrumental to this republic. Quite the opposite. They will destroy anything that is in their way. They will devour it. They will crush it. The Democrat Party is about the Democrat Party. It’s about monopoly power. There’s nothing to do with black people, minorities, white people, the right to vote. It’s a power grab. I’ll be right back.

Segment 2
The names of the five Democrats who voted for the voter ID requirement and the requirement that voter rolls be cleansed of people who aren’t supposed to be on them, including those who have deceased. Henry Cuellar, Democrat of Texas, They’re trying to put him in prison. The Center Gonzalez, Democrat of Texas. It’s to Hispanics. Marie Perez, Democrat, Washington State. That’s three Hispanics. Jared Golden of Maine. And Don Davis of North Carolina. Five. Only five 198 Democrats voted against voter ID. I wonder how. Gosh, shame. Isn’t that is name ID Bert Gottheimer in Bergen County, Mr. Moderate. He voted no.

Segment 3
Ladies and gentlemen, the debate about Joe Biden is not whether Joe Biden has dementia or not. He does. The debate about Joe Biden is now whether the Democrat Party can win with him or not and whether they can win with somebody else. That’s the debate. It’s not whether Joe Biden is unqualified to serve as president. He is. He’s unqualified. Now. There was a time when the Democrats understood this, but of course it went back to 2017. When they were going after Trump. Criminally impeachment. His taxes just like they are today. So that a very low bar for triggering the 25th Amendment. 2017 Our friends at Great Behan put together this little montage of Democrats, then the media back in 2017 calling for the 25th Amendment. Cut one, go. This is scary. Hashtag 25th Amendment President is not equipped to do the job. So now they’re saying he’s mentally incapacitated. And more than two dozen Democratic lawmakers are backing a bill that says he should leave office should he be removed from office. His brain is simply incapable of processing the information emotionally, psychologically unstable, to initiate proceedings to remove the president. You and several of your Democratic House colleagues met with a psychiatry professor from Yale, Dr. Bandy Lee. She told CNN today, quote, As the president is unraveling, he seems to be losing his grip on reality and reverting to conspiracy theories. Dr. Lee and other psychiatrists who’ve been up to meet with members of Congress the way we had Dr. Lee on the program was a complete schmuck. We eviscerated her. She wouldn’t come back and she’s not going to be heard from now. Whatever happened to Dr. Lee go by increasingly delusional and paranoid behavior on the part of the president, And the president is dangerous and unable to successfully meet the powers and duties of office. We’ve got more serious stuff to deal with. And instead, we’re caught up every day in what looks like the country debating mask and the president. So it’s a very dangerous and unstable situation. The issue is what is our institutional responsibility as the US Congress? And we’ve got that under the 25th Amendment. Everybody should go and read it. Oh, he needs to be medicated and hospitalized at this point or he is looking to kill all of us. People are talking about the 25th Amendment and they’re saying he’s just not mentally fit to be the president. And I think if you’re doing this, I mean, is there a mental fitness problem? We all know the ramifications of nuclear war. Americans are concerned about the president’s mental fitness. This president is is not this is 25th Amendment kind of stuff that should have already activated the vice president and a majority of the cabinet to remove the president as unfit to serve under the 25th Amendment, invoking things like the 25th Amendment. You know, they brought in this Yale psychiatrist. Watch the president closely. Is there a case to be made for the 25th Amendment, specifically under the 25th Amendment precedence, not fit for command? Oh, man, he’s really having some problems here. That’s for the 25th Amendment thing. Started to come up. Fitness for office. Could the 25th Amendment be Trump’s downfall? Here’s how it works. I believe the president should be temporarily removed from power. The vice president should become the acting president. Would a historian pass the Air Force test for personnel working with nuclear weapons? Absolutely not. Without further evaluation. 25th Amendment at the moment is the only thing we have. Just focusing on cognitive and we’ll get into neurological and mental health in just a second. But when we hear Dr. Jackson saying that the president scored a 30 out of 30 on this cognitive test, what I would have liked to have seen, if there is any suspicion, as I’m sure there is, about his mental status, is to go a little bit further, which could have easily been done. That could be done by doing an MRI there. There’s no medical diagnosis of jerk, and that jerk is a condition that disqualifies you from holding office. 25th Amendment hasn’t been developed in a way that allows it to be called into invoked. If there is serious concern, the man is crazy, and if he’s crazy and incompetent and stupid, then we have to look at the 25th Amendment. Hmm. These people are. Such lying bastards. It’s just unbelievable. They’re so disgusting. Sir, people in the media. The media. Tom Pitts. Who’s Tom Pitts? He’s a Parkinson’s doctor. He’s so good at it that he was invited by NBC News. To comment on what’s going on with. With Joe Biden. And he also says, look, I’m a Democrat. Hat tip free beacon. Listen carefully. Cut 13. Go. It’s ironic because he has the classic features of neurodegeneration. I mean, word finding difficulties. And that’s not. Oh, I couldn’t find the word. That’s from degeneration of the word retrieval area. He’s also overcome stuttering, though. Could that could that be part of that, too? No. This is not a palatal issue or a speech discrepancy, which is very different from Alemanno dysfunction, actual word retrieval, where you pick a similar question or talk around the issue, plus the rigidity monotone voice. We go back to the rigidity. What do you mean? Rigidity? Loss of arm swinging, standing up more directly. You notice when he turns, it’s kind of block turning. It’s not a quick turn. So that’s one of the hallmarks of Parkinson’s is rigidity and brittle. Canisius Slow movement. And he has that hallmark, especially with the low voices. That was a cold, phony, a small monotone voice like this over time is a hallmark of Parkinsonism. I can diagnose him from across the mall. Hmm. NBC didn’t like that. Tom Lams didn’t like that. Cut 14 go. Well, I also know tell me if I’m wrong here. It’s very hard to diagnose Parkinson’s, isn’t it? It’s not. It’s that simple. I mean, actually, it’s actually actually, it’s very easy. It’s one of the easier diseases to diagnose. But go ahead. One of the easier movement disorders today, actually, because it’s so clinical, there’s very little others. And I’m you know, I’m a Democrat. I always say, look at this. Right. It’s just like this guy is not a hard case. But I’ve had I’ve had relatives who have gone through issues, neurological issues. And I’ve heard that sometimes Parkinson’s is not very easy to nail. You have to take a lot of tests. There’s like I mean, it’s early on, if you will stop, stop. You don’t have to take a lot of tests. That’s not correct. Go ahead. Variety of things or just the cognitive problems that can be Alzheimer’s versus Parkinsonism. And that becomes a little nebulous. But once you start manifesting the hallmark motor symptoms by slow movement, rigidity, mass facies, hypersomnia, I mean, if a med student did not take Parkinson’s on the test, then so mediated. Let me ask you, if you had if you had you know, I know you can’t you have no idea what happened in the White House, but a neurologist coming eight times in eight months, Does that tell you anything? Is that is that I mean, I know you’re just you’re just sort of speculating here, but does that tell you anything or no? Well, I mean, I don’t know if they’re like the best of friends or something, but that’s a very specific you know, he’s a movement disorder. That’s a subspecialists and. Exactly. But he hasn’t it very few young people like a marine guard. Most people would be met boarded out for any type of movement disorder at a young age like if you had Huntington’s Corea, early onset, Parkinson’s, dystonia, that essential tremor, you’re usually met, boarded out. So I highly doubt there’s. Does that mean med boarding remove Terri would not let you if you have seizures, for example. You cannot usually be in the military. Mm hmm. Seems pretty straightforward to me. The man is right. Every serious doctor. Who has a serious medical degree. Not one from overseas through through the mail system knows exactly what’s taking place here. This is the greatest cover up in American history, and it’s not working anymore. The cover up broke. The cover has been exposed. And so the media have the media reacting by pretending they didn’t know and demanding that he he leave so they can get a Democrat in who they can get elected. That’s their view. The other half are dug in and Mika Brzezinski and her ilk. They’re the headbangers that will fight to the end for many reasons, including the fact that they know Joe Biden and they like him. And that’s more important than the country. The Democrat Party. Well, they just want to win. And those who think they can’t win were Biden. Some have come out not many, only eight members of the House, by my count, and one senator. This guy, Mike Bennet from Colorado, had another senator. The others are equivocating, mumbling as if they had Biden itis. But there’s simply no doubt. That Joe Biden has dementia. That’s not the debate. Whether he can perform well in one speech, whether he performed well in one press conference, that’s not the test. My God, America, we’re talking to a president of the United States. We’re talking about weapons that can blow humanity off the face of the earth. We’re talking about life and death decisions. We’re talking about the well-being of the American people, our culture, our society. We’re talking about our enemies and how they look upon us and how this provokes them act against us and our allies. Why don’t we put up with this? Joe Biden’s one man. That’s it. He’s a man who’s always been hungry for power. He’s a psychological disaster. A pathological liar. From the day he could speak. And so we’re all supposed to stand by and watch. The 25th Amendment should have been triggered a long time ago by the vice president of the United States and a majority of the cabinet. But they haven’t even discussed it. And Kamala Harris won’t go anywhere near it because she’s too ambitious. She’d rather wait her turn, so to speak, as if a vice president is automatically the next president. Clyburn all but said that because he is a ahistorical, illiterate, he’s a moron. So there’s an expert. We don’t even need an expert. He’s a Democrat. And everybody’s saying the same. You don’t send. A Parkinson’s, Parkinson neurological expert into the White House eight times. Why he’s checking out other people and his point is well taken. It’s not military personnel. They just keep lying. It’s not Secret Service personnel. It’s Biden. Because he has it. Because he’s ill. I don’t say that. Tongue in cheek. Hazel. He’s sick. He doesn’t cut it. The Democrat Party did this to us. The media have done this to us. They can attack Trump all they want and they have and they will. Destroying our justice system, our legal system. Destroying the impeachment clause, shredding constitutional protections, due process, equal protection, freedom of speech, the right to competent counsel, excessive fines, you name it. They’ve thrown everything. And so they’re not going to back off. Not now. Not ever. So we the people need to take our country back. The media are the enemy, Not because we say so because they do so. The Democrat Party is the enemy. Not because we say so, but because they hate us and they hate the country. I’ll be right back.

Segment 4
The country’s a mess right now, America, not because of you or me, but because of the Democrat Party and what they’re doing to this country. That’s the truth. Whether it’s the border, the economy, energy. We now have a breaking story from Axios. A left wing operation. But they have it in with the Democrats. Hans Nichols and Stefan Newcomb. I’d rather not. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer is privately signaling to donors. That he’s open to a Democratic presidential ticket that isn’t led by President Biden. Axios has learned because if Schumer is anything, he is a backstabbing slimeball. So publicly. He’s telling Biden and the country he’s for Biden. Behind the scenes, he’s telling donors it’s okay, we can live without him. Why it Matters in Public. Schumer has been insistent that he is for Joe, quote unquote. In private, he’s singing a different tune. To face slime ball. Over the last 12 days, Schumer has been listening to donors ideas and suggestions about the best way forward for the party, according to three people familiar with the matter. Schumer is one of several Democrats, including former President Obama, former House Speaker Pelosi, who has the political and personal standing to convince Biden to step aside. Even so, Biden can still dig in. The delegates are pledged to him. Schumer. Declined to comment. We’ll explore this further. In the next hour. Because this is where the reprobates, the miscreants, the malcontents, really expose themselves. This is where all the slime ball activity takes place. Schumer. I’m from Biden I’m from as he’s davening over Biden. For Biden behind the scenes. You can let him go. You can let him go. He did this with the Iran deal publicly. He voted against it. Behind the scenes, he was the best lobbyists Obama had to screw the state of Israel. Schumer truly is a sleazeball. Did you know that Schumer in gibberish means sleazeball. Mr. Peters Did you know that? Yes. So we’re going to take a look at this. The next hour of this breaking news about Schumer, the sleazeball. Because the fact of the matter is. He’s not the only one. What do you think Hillary Clinton’s doing? What do you think Barack Millhouse Bonito Obama is doing? What do you think they’re all doing? Here’s the little dirty secret you already. Even though the public attitude yesterday seemed to shift in Biden’s favor. This is a day to day thing as the carnivorous connive in it and you get the sense tonight, it’s kind of shifting away from Biden, don’t you, Mr. Producer? So this is a moving target. This is a follow the bouncing ball. They’re running out of time. They don’t give a damn about the country. That’s never an issue. We got a lot more. I’ll be right back.