On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, the purpose of citizenship is to create shared values and a dominant culture, otherwise, a nation cannot function and ultimately fails because no country can survive mass migration from every corner of the earth. Marxist Democrats know this and are intentionally trying to destroy the American culture with a wide-open border and unlimited immigration. President Biden has burned down the border and is trying to take credit for fixing it by ramming a bill through Congress, and if passed he will take every loophole to keep the border wide open. Also, the U.N. is now warning about a nuclear Iran, which is not only on the brink of having nuclear weapons but multiple nuclear weapons. The Biden administration has most likely cut some sort of deal with Iran, which is why America is not attacking them. Later, Mark speaks with author Peter Schweizer about the dangers of Communist China and TikTok, and about his new book, Blood Money: Why the Powerful Turn a Blind Eye While China Kills Americans. Finally, Mark is joined by television host and author Dr. Phil about the psyche of America and his new book, We’ve Got Issues: How You Can Stand Strong for America’s Soul and Sanity.
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Rough transcription of Hour 1
Segment 1
Hello, America. Mark Levin here. Our number 877-381-3811. 877-381-3811. Couple of very big issues here tonight. A couple of big time guests to Peter Schweitzer and Dr. Phil later in the show. Chapter five of the Democrat Party Hates America lays it all out. War on the American Citizen. I went back and I looked. I’ve written three books. Excuse me? I’ve written ten books. Three of which. Address extensively immigration and citizenship. Cloning, liberty and tyranny. American Marxism. And the Democrat Party hates America. Britannica defines citizenship as a right in the Democrat Party, hates America is in part the relationship. Between an individual and a state to which the individual owes allegiance and in turn is entitled to its protection. Citizenship implies the status of freedom with accompanying responsibilities. Citizens have certain rights, duties and responsibilities that are defined or only partially extended to aliens and other non-citizens residing in a country. In general, for political rights, including the right to vote and to hold public office, are predicated upon citizenship. The usual responsibilities of citizenship are allegiance, taxation and military service. Citizenship is the most privileged form of nationality, says Britannica. So, folks, the purpose of citizenship is to unite people around common values, belief systems, principles and so forth. That is a dominant culture. The American culture. Otherwise a nation cannot function and ultimately fails. And that’s what’s happening. An attack on the culture, the dominant culture and allegiance to the country. Unfortunately, the ruling class led by the Democrat Party, the media, academia and administrative state do not share the public’s belief in either the necessity of citizenship for the well-being of America. The late Harvard professor Samuel P Huntington, writing in his book, Who Are We? The Challenges to America’s National Identity observed the views of the public on issues of national unity differ significantly from those of many elites, he said. These differences reflect the underlying contrast between the high levels of national pride and commitment. To the nation on the part of the public and the extent to which the elites have de nationalized favorite transnational and subnational identities. He wrote this 20 some years ago. The public overall is concerned with societal security, which involves the sustainability within acceptable conditions for evolution of traditional patterns of language, culture, association and religious and national identity and custom. For many athletes, these concerns are secondary in the global economy, supporting international trade and migration, strengthening international institutions, promoting American involvement abroad, and encouraging minority identities and cultures. The divide between the public and the ruling class, explains Huntington, is broad and getting broader. He wrote the differences between a patriotic public and the nationalized elites parallel other differences in values and philosophy. The late professor wrote Growing differences between the leaders of major institutions and the public on domestic and foreign policy issues affecting national identity form a major cultural faultline, cutting across class, dynamic Asian, racial, regional and ethnic distinctions. He said. In a variety of ways, the American establishment, governmental and private, has become increasingly divorced from the American people. You’re paying attention. Wall Street Journal. Politically, America remains a democracy because key public figures are selected through free and fair elections. But in many respects, it has become an unrepresentative democracy because on crucial issues, especially involving national identity, its leaders pass laws and implement policies contrary to the views of the American public. Concomitantly, the American people have become increasingly alienated from politics and their government. This was a Harvard professor who wasn’t chosen based on DNA and didn’t plagiarize. And so I write. Yet today, Biden and his party are overseeing and instituting the greatest degradation of our immigration laws and system in American history. The unstated purpose is to allow as many aliens as possible to freely enter the United States. Virtually it will in the face of broad public opposition. The result is mass migration from all over the world into the country without regard for who the aliens are and whether they’re willing or capable of assimilation into American society. And as I wrote in, Liberty in Tyranny, no society can withstand the unconstitutional mass migration of aliens from every corner of the earth. Mr. Producer, how come other TV and radio hosts don’t read from their books? Because they either don’t write them or they write about themselves or they write about other things. I write about America. I write about America. What you have here, what Aristotle observed, as I also pointed out in liberty and tyranny and last night is regime change. What he called it, regime change. As reported by Fox News President elect Joe Biden at the time during the Obama administration, said the US benefits from a constant and unrelenting stream of immigration. And I’m quoting him now that those are white European heritage. Becoming minority in the US is a source of our strength. Kind of a racist comment, is that, by the way? Speaking at a White House summit on violent extremism in 2015, Biden said in part, Folks like me who are Caucasian of European descent for the first time in 2017, will be in an absolute minority in the United States of America, an absolute minority, he said 2017. But it will be soon enough. But look how they they pride themselves on this because they’re telling you what they’re doing. And if you dare to repeat it, then you’re the bad guy. Biden said fewer than 50% of the people in America from then and on will be white European stock. That’s not a bad thing. That’s a source of our strength, he said. Biden made similar comments a year earlier where he spoke to the National Association of Manufacturers on the need for immigration reform. Quote, From a purely economic point of view, I’m quote, corner to the Hill, which reported on his comments. Biden said a key to U.S. economic strength is the constant, unrelenting stream of immigrants into the country, not dribbling significant flows, quote unquote. Worth reading the book, folks. But to be clear, the purpose of immigration is not to change the racial or ethnic makeup of the citizens you represent. But to ensure. But to ensure that the citizens you represent are the foremost benefactors of immigration policies. Professor Thomas West, Hillsdale College, wrote in 1998, vindicating the founders little. Many of the nation’s founders were receptive to immigration. There were important caveats. He explains that, and I quote, George Washington frequently commented on immigration and citizenship. His approach, shared by most of the founding generation, had two main features. First, America should generously welcome as equal citizens, people from many nations and religions. Second, the numbers and kinds of immigrants may need to be limited with a view to the qualities of character required for democratic citizenship. Now, of course, to mention a would be immigrants character is to draw scorn and heckles of racism and bigotry. Nonetheless, the character of those wishing to join American society was at one time a paramount consideration for obvious reasons. Addition to taking into consideration that character would be immigrants. Washington was concerned about the number of foreigners let into the country at any given time. That is, he was concerned about assimilation, both in terms of whether the individual or a group of individuals will be capable of being assimilated into American culture and whether the sheer numbers of immigrants would overwhelm the existing American culture, making assimilation difficult, if not impossible. Now we’re being overwhelmed. The people whose characters we know nothing about. So this is how you destroy country. Of course, this is precisely what is taking place today, and it is intentional. Biden and Democrat Party policy. Now West Point’s Washington noted the problem created when too many foreigners settle at one time at one location. In a letter to Vice President John Adams, whose will Washington said he was going to take you through this history. If I don’t do it, nobody’s going to do it. Quote the policy or advantage of immigration taking place in a body? I mean, the settling of them in a body may be much question for by doing so, they retain the language habits and principles, good or bad, which they bring with them. Whereas being intermixed here with our people, they or their descendants get assimilated to our customs measures and laws, in a word, soon become one people. Thomas Jefferson questioned the, quote, present desire of America to produce rapid population by as great and importation of foreigners as possible. In doing so, he gave one of the fullest explanations of the principles shared by the founding generation. Guiding their thoughts on immigration. Jefferson’s point of departure was his concern for liberty. Here’s what he said. Every species of government has its specific principles. Ours perhaps are more peculiar than those of any other in the universe. It is a composition of the freest principles of the English Constitution, with others derived from nature’s right and natural reason. In other words, Jefferson was alluding to the uniqueness of the American culture and society in the principles on which it was founded. As set forth in the Declaration of Independence, the constitutional system established to undergird those principles and unique nature of America’s Republican government. He said. This is another reason you can’t just have open borders. Anybody can come in. And as much as most foreigners immigrating to the United States have been marinated in other cultures and governing systems, Jefferson argued that mass migration makes it much more difficult, if not impossible, to assimilate these individuals into American culture and society. Hamilton said the same thing, and I won’t bother quoting you, quoting him. But America’s founding fathers believe that the purpose of immigration is to benefit the existing citizenry and society, not the interests of aliens who wish to come to the United States. After all, the representatives of the people are supposed to represent the people. That’s the point of representative government, not championing the interests of foreign nationals. But for the Democrat Party, as Biden essentially declared, the purpose of immigration is the fundamental transformation of America, or more specifically, the citizenry. For Biden, the only issue that matters is the racial makeup of immigrants and the speed by which their policies will change the existing majority minority racial demographics. Because Biden is a racist. And he always has been. For the Democrat Party. Immigration is also viewed as another opportunity for fundamentally transforming American society and culture. It sees new immigrants as blank slates unattached to the nation’s founding principles and his. That capitalist system in America’s culture believes new immigrants can be more easily indoctrinated, manipulated and persuaded by the party’s advocacy of civil rights, Marxism and political authoritarianism. And of course, the Democrat Party is convinced that its domination of the media, entertainment and academia, plus its racist and segregationist propaganda will appeal to new immigrants more effectively than to home grown U.S. citizens. This is primarily why Biden, the Democrat Party and the American Marxists insist on open borders and have no intention of reversing course. And it goes on for another 25 pages. I pull this book out repeatedly. I don’t care if one more copy sells sells. I pull this book out repeatedly. Because it’s the most important book of this election. Because the Democrat Party does hate America. Chapter after chapter, paragraph after paragraph, sentence after sentence as you go through it. You can see its application to today and it explains exactly what’s taking place, whether it’s the police state, whether it’s open borders, whether it’s racism. Whether it’s civil rights, Marxism, economic socialism. It’s all right there. I’ll be right back.
Segment 2
You know, ladies and gentlemen, we’ve been on this subject of immigration. We’ve been on the subject of Iran with nukes, which I’m going to get to next, because nobody’s talking about the fact that Iran is going to have a nuclear weapon. It’s not a matter now that developing it. It’s just a matter now of connecting the dots that already has the material. It’s got the ICBM technology. And now they have it. And they have enough to build seven nuclear missiles. And Joe Biden is focusing, focusing his entire time on crushing Israel and the government of Israel. In trying to destroy Israel, both internally and externally. He has said not a damn thing about nukes. This guy Kirby, I told you, he’s a fraudulent admiral. He’s a joke. He’s been in communications the vast majority of his naval career. That said, he’s also a skilled liar, demagogue and propagandist. There’s nothing classy about the man. Slick Kirby is no damn good, and he just is a mouthpiece for the worst, most evil administration in modern times. Now, stick with me. I’ll be right back.
Segment 3
I’ve played this before, but it’s worth emphasizing right now. The former Democratic governor of Colorado, Richard Land, since deceased in 2003. In Washington, D.C.. And an event where he was supposed to speak about something else decided to talk about immigration. And, you know, when you have a show this large. All corners of the earth. People come and go. Sometimes they don’t hear certain things. So I want people to hear this. He said, I want to tell you how to destroy America. Go. I would like to share with you my plan to destroy America. If you think and some do, that America is too smart and too rich, too self-satisfied. Not diverse enough to white bread. I have this plan. Toynbee said that all great nations rise and they all fall. And he said. And the autopsy of history is all great. Nations commit suicide. So here’s my plan. Eight parts. Number one, I’d make it a bilingual, bi cultural country. History shows us that no bi lingual, bi cultural country lives at peace with itself. There’s not one I believe, that doesn’t exist with an incredible amount of tension. They hate that and conflict, if not a civil war. My second part of my plan would be to invent something called multiculturalism. That’s what two parts. Number one, I would say that all cultures are created equal. And when me make no difference and make it impossible to talk about such things as culture. And the second one is that I would really try very hard to make people continue their cultural identity. I would replace the melting pot with the salad bowl. My third part of my plan would be to make the fastest growing demographic group in that country the least educated. I would add a second underclass to the first underclass an assimilated, undereducated, antagonistic. And then I’d have 50% of them drop out of school, not graduate from high school. The fourth part of my plan would be to get the big foundations to fund and big business to fund these efforts with lots of money. I would invest in ethnic identity and victimology. I would get them to think about their lack of success was only the fault of the majority. I would start a grievance industry. The fifth part of my plan is I would develop dual citizenship. I would promise people actually divided loyalties and allow them to allow both for vote for both Vincent de Fox and George Bush. The sex part of this is important. I would place all of these subjects off limits. I would make it taboo to talk about to actually criticize this whole thing. I would make it come up with a word like heretic used to be 200 years ago. Let’s say we call it racist. And I would try to accuse anybody of this that would object to my ideas. My seventh partner. Then I would make it impossible to enforce our immigration laws. I would develop a mantra, let’s call it this, that because immigration has been good in the past for America, it will continue to be good in the future. My eighth and last part. And it’s important because I would censor this book. This man is dangerous. He’s onto my plan and I don’t read this book. Victor Davis Hanson His book, The book Max of 40. Now they keep talking about bipartisan legislation that the Senate had prepared wasn’t bipartisan. Three or four Republicans voted for it. That’s not bipartisan. That’s a joke. Mitch McConnell with his with his lap dog. Lankford negotiated it in secret. So none of the other Republicans even knew what was in it. And they did it in secret because this is the way totalitarian regimes function. And so I wouldn’t have it and warn you about it. But as soon as it came out, I read it. It was a long monstrosity. People on TV were defending it. They hadn’t even read it. It had poison pills throughout. It had escape clauses throughout. It was not the toughest border bill ever proposed by anybody. Despite what liberals say on panels on TV and all the rest of it. It was a joke. Loophole after loophole after loophole in enshrined numbers of illegal immigrants in numbers we’ve never seen before in American modern history. But there was a bill that was proposed in March excuse me, on May 2nd, 20, 23. By the Republicans in the House. And I went to the Senate, called H.R. two, and they wouldn’t even discuss it. Now you hear people say this, but you don’t know what was in it to do you? You hear people say, we offered H.R. two, which was the most aggressive effort ever, to secure our border. So what was in it? Well, let me give you some examples and why Schumer wouldn’t take it up and why McConnell wouldn’t fight for it. Among other things, according to its own summary, it required the Department of Homeland Security to resume activities to construct a wall along the US-Mexico border. It provides statutory authorisation for Operation Stone Garden, which provides grants to law enforcement agencies for certain border security operations. Prohibited DHS from processing the entry of non-U.S. nationals aliens under federal law arriving between ports of entry. That is no processing of anybody who tries to steal their way into the country. It limits asylum eligibility to non-U.S. nationals who arrive in the United States at a port of entry. It authorizes the removal of a non-U.S. national toy country, other that individual country of nationality or last law for habitual residence. In other words, some of these countries now, like Venezuela, won’t take them back. And so this law, this would be law said then you send them back to the last place they came from, like Mexico or wherever. Expands the types of crimes that may make an individual ineligible for asylum, such as a conviction for driving while intoxicated, causing another person’s serious bodily injury or death. Authorizes DHS to suspend the introduction of certain non-U.S. nationals at an international border if DHS determines that the suspension is necessary to achieve operational control of that border. Prohibits states from imposing licensing requirements on immigration detention facilities used to detain minors. The blue states, of course, were trying to regulate their way out of this. Authorizes immigration officers to permit an unaccompanied alien child to a draw their application for admission into the United States, even if the child is unable to make an independent decision to withdraw the application. It imposes additional penalties for overstaying a visa and requires DHS to create an electronic employment eligibility confirmation system modeled after E-Verify system requires all employers to use the system. Slam shut the border in between the ports. Slam shuts anybody seeking asylum in between the ports. The right to remove anybody through deportation. Prevents across the board in every instance the hiring of an illegal alien. And the other things it doesn’t say here supplies significant amounts of money to beef up the Border Patrol to do border patrolling. Not diaper changing. This was H.R. two. No loopholes. Just. Right. Plain English. And the Senate would not take it up. Less than a year ago. Instead, they come up with this cockamamie crap where they want you to believe that Congress has actually done something. The president’s actually done something. Joe Biden has burned down the border. And he’s taking a fire extinguisher and telling you, let’s pass this in the law. I will get credit for fixing the border, but every damn loophole. We will exercise in order to actually prevent us from doing what we claim we are doing. This is a two faced, mealy mouthed, nasty chameleon. Man in the Oval Office. He doesn’t give a damn. We now know more about this poor girl, this nursing student. Her head was hit so hard with a blunt object. So often. That the medical report says her skull was disfigured. That suggests you hit somebody in the head with a bat. A shovel or God knows what. They fall to the ground and you keep pounding their head. Mr. Producer. I want you to think about that. How it sounded, what it must have done. A beautiful young woman who was going to contribute to this society and help people as a nurse. My son. Punk sleazeball from Venezuela. Who had committed other crimes while he was here, but not enough, apparently, for New York City to do anything about it. We’ve had up to 10 million people come into this country illegally. About 400,000 of them are unknown garraway’s they call them. They don’t know a thing about them. Nothing. They’re in our streets. They’re in our communities. They’re in our schools. You have no idea. If your number is going to come up, if your ticket is going to be punched, you don’t have the foggiest idea. Minding your own business, walking into a 7-Eleven. Minding your own business. Taking the subway. Minding your own business. Taking a bus. Minding your own business. Taking a jog. It’s all over the country now. People being raped and murdered and assaulted. We have enough of that in our country without importing it. Massive amounts of resources. Redistributed from American citizens, many of whom desperately need them. To foreigners, aliens who just step into the country and are handed credit cards, cell phones, hotel rooms, three squares a day. I mean, what the hell is this? Joe Biden is going to go to the border. Ladies and gentlemen, he’s going to go to the border in the next 36 to 48 hours, where he’s going to tell you. But for the Republicans, but for this legislation, but for Donald Trump telling them not to sign it, but for them making it a political issue, an election issue, but for all that, we would have a secure border. But I’m here, Joe Biden. I’m here to sign what I can do. I want to do more. They won’t let me do more, but I’m going to sign an executive order, maybe more than one. And I’m going to secure that border the very best I can. And the media will applaud and the leftists on cable TV. Why don’t the Republicans just get behind this? I’m a person who believes in solutions. Why don’t they just fix this? Put the politics aside. I mean, Donald Trump telling them, don’t go for that bill. Donald Trump said don’t go for the bill because it is a horrendous bill. It is a lie. It is a fig leaf. To cover an ugly lie. And people oppose it and voted against it. Not because they were told to. They’re not Democrats. To walk in lockstep. Vote in lockstep. No, it’s because they’re patriots. No, this is crap. And yes, it’s about damn time that Joe Biden and his party is held to account. They call it politics. I call it responsibility and accountability. It’s time to hold them responsible for what they’re doing to our country, whether it’s the border, whether it’s the economy, whether it’s our police forces, whether it’s the military. It’s time to hold them accountable. And if that’s political, so damn well be it. I’ll be right back.
Segment 4
By the way, I watched this hearing in Atlanta. Fannie Willis. Her lover, Wade. This hired a lawyer. What a bunch of liars. And under oath, she’s trying to make the case. They all are desperately and they have failed desperately that their affair started after. After she decided after he’d become rather, the special prosecutor. Now, why is that important? It’s important because you’re not supposed to hire your lover and put them on the public payroll. Do everything in cash, because that’s what black people do. You know, they don’t have credit cards. They do everything in cash. She’ll say anything. It’s sick. And of course, the entire operation is poison. They had communications with the Biden White House. We know that for a fact. And there’s also a report that the Biden White House had an operative within Fannie Wallace’s operation. It’s sleazy, just like album brag. And what he’s doing is sleazy, just like what Letitia James has done is sleazy. Just like what Jack Smith is doing is sleazy. Sick. There should be headlines in every newspaper, in every news report, broadcast TV or radio that now even the U.N. today warns about Iran nukes. Not a single question asked or answered today. Joe Biden’s walking around with an ice cream cone up his nostrils. I’m telling you, folks, is a grave times. I’ll be right back.