January 26th, 2024

January 26th, 2024

EAGLE PASS, TEXAS - JANUARY 09: U.S. National Guard soldiers stop to talk while patrolling the Rio Grande at the U.S.-Mexico border on January 09, 2024 in Eagle Pass, Texas. Immigrant crossings in the area have dipped dramatically since a major surge in the last months of 2023. (Photo by John Moore/Getty Images)

On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, the border patrol officially reported the highest number of recorded encounters in December and the most arrests of people on the FBI terror watch list. The RINOs, Democrats and their media are in full cover-up mode over the security of the border and the crisis created by the Biden Administration. President Biden has destroyed the border and now that America has turned against him, Biden is acting as the savior and calling for the power to shut down the border. Biden, Kamala Harris, and Alejandro Mayorkas have said over and over that the border is secure and there is no crisis, only for Biden to say today he needs executive control to secure the border. Donald Trump is the first person to make immigration the number one issue in our country and demand we secure our border for moral, economic, security, and citizenship reasons. Trump was called a racist despite everything he said would happen coming true, with our country being invaded by countries that hate us. This is why people support Trump because the American people have had enough of the lectures from Washington elites and liberal media editorial pages. Also, Biden pressured Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to scale down the war against Hamas in Gaza because Biden is afraid of losing young voters in the election. Biden doesn’t care how many Israelis or IDF soldiers die or if they lose the war, because it is all about his election and staying in power.

BREAKING: In Friday news dump, CBP officially reports 302,034 migrant encounters in December, the highest month ever recorded. CBP also reports Border Patrol arrested 19 people on the FBI terror watchlist in December, bringing the total to 50 arrests for fiscal year 2024 so far.

White House
Statement from President Joe Biden On the Bipartisan Senate Border Security Negotiations

Wall St Journal
A GOP Border Reckoning

Nolte: Left-Wing Media Collapse Marches On — Vice, BuzzFeed Sell Off Parts

You Tube
The border is not secure.

House Democrat ‘My Party Is Completely Delusional’ After Attending ‘Nice, Hospitable’ Trump Rally

Donny Deutsch: ‘Donald Trump Wants to End Democracy’

Right Scoop
REPORT: Biden pressured Netanyahu to scale down war in Gaza because of ELECTION

Fox News
Trump ordered to pay more than $80 million in E. Jean Carroll defamation trial

Y Net News
Child executed and beheaded: chilling evidence of Hamas crimes in heart of Hague case

Photo by John Moore

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcription of Hour 1

Segment 1
Hello, America. Breaking news. Belle my illusion. Fox News on a Friday night dump. That’s why we’re here. We’re the cleanup hitter and we catch this stuff. Friday night news dump. The Border Patrol officially reports 302,034 migrant encounters in December alone, the highest month ever recorded. The Border Patrol also reports Border Patrol arrested 19 people on the FBI terror watch list in December 19, bringing the total to 50 arrests, 50 arrests for fiscal 2024 alone from the terrorist watch list. Are you hearing me? They dropped this tonight. Meanwhile, what’s happening with our border? Oh, my God. The rhinos and the Democrats and their media are in full, full cover up mode. First of all, somebody put out a statement tonight on behalf of Joe Biden. Statement from the president, Joe Biden on the bipartisan Senate border security negotiations. Listen to the language. Border security negotiations. For too long. We all know the board has been broken. It’s long past time to fix it. You believe this pig? You believe how this guy lives? That’s why two months ago, I instructed my team to begin negotiations with a bipartisan group of senators to seriously and finally address the border crisis. So now Joe Biden, in three sentences has jumped the parade. He’s not leading the parade to secure the border. It was his idea. It was his idea to convene negotiations to secure the border America. This is the arsonist who burns down everything, shows up at the scene, and then offers to help. Let’s be clear, he says, which he never is. What’s been negotiated would, if passed into law, be the toughest and fairest set of reforms to secure the border we’ve ever had in our country. Liar! Liar. Hospital gown on fire. It would give me as president a new emergency authority to shut down the border when it becomes overwhelmed. Listen to this. And if they’re given that authority, I would use it the day I signed the bill into law. Now, Joe Biden is going to secure the border. Because America is awake to what he’s done. America has turned on Joe Biden. Democrat. Republican. Independent. Black. White. Yellow. Red. Brown. Inner city. Rural Northern border. Southern border. Interior. The state of the country. The whole country has had enough of this and it’s turning on Joe Biden and now Joe Biden. Is the savior. They won’t give me the power I need. I’m ready to shut the border down on a moment’s notice. I’ll do it tomorrow. Just give me the law. Further, Congress needs to finally provide the funding I requested in October to secure the border. Now this is for all the adults. Low IQ media. Same thing where you want you to believe that the money that he would get right. They don’t have enough money. The money he would get for the border would actually go maybe to a war. Or people to stand there and stop the enemy from coming in. That’s not what it’s for. It’s for more desks, more rubber stamps, More forms. They keep static people through who are not vetted. That’s what it’s for. Now, he says this includes an additional 1300 Border Patrol agents. Hold on a second. That’s a 2000 mile. Give or take, border down there. 1300 more border agents that won’t do crap. Plus. As men and women who have led the Border Patrol have said over and over again, you could put 100 million Border Patrol agents down there if they’re told to stand down, if they’re not told to deport people on site. It won’t matter. It won’t matter. He’s got 600 new asylum officers. What’s their job? Stamp. Stamp. Stamp, Stamp. He says we need a 100 cutting edge inspection machines. We have over 300,000 illegal aliens going over our border. Every month that he wants 100 cutting edge inspection machines. Securing the border through these negotiations. It’s a win. For America. For everyone who is demanding tougher border control. This is the way to do it. If you’re serious about the border crisis, pass a bipartisan bill and I will sign it. If we had a real media in this country, they would expose this man for the vile, contemptible fraud that he is the constant deceit and lies to the American people about what he’s really up to. This is nothing. They want to pass this legislation. So you actually think they’re doing something? They’re doing nothing. In fact, America, they don’t even have to pass any legislation. Joe Biden systematically, affirmatively on day one and every day thereafter, he signed over 90, 90 executive orders, eliminating the Trump executive orders, eliminating the law, eliminating deportation. Lying about the parole process, violating the law, violating the Constitution. He takes responsibility for nothing. I thought he was he was going to blame maggot for this. 2 seconds ago. Let’s get into this. Barack Obama is a senator, you can kick it up. In December 2005. Why should I listen to this, America? Cut one Go. We all agree on the need to better secure the border and to punish employers who choose to hire illegal immigrants. You know, we are a generous and welcoming people here in the United States, but those who enter the country illegally to afford and disrespect the rule of law and they are showing disregard for those who are following the law. We simply cannot allow people to pour into the United States undetected, undocumented, unchecked, and circumventing the line of people who are waiting patiently, diligently and lawfully to become immigrants in this country. Wow. These people are disgusting. What? Chameleons. Ladies and gentlemen, I’m going to ask you a question. What is the purpose of the Wall Street Journal editorial page? Do you really need to have anybody at the editorial page? Why don’t they just take the statements of Mitch McConnell? And plastered them on that page. The Wall Street Journal editorial page is basically the Mitch McConnell editorial page when they hated the Tea Party. He got support from that newspaper. When they hated Trump. They got support from that newspaper. One of their biggest columnists, Peggy Noonan. Is a complete whack job. And I can go on and on and on. This is the paper. This is the the editorial page decades ago. That demanded that Ronald Reagan support and Republicans support an amendment to the Constitution. Five words. We shall have open borders. They published it in their own editorial. Now, what are they saying? These are backstabbers. They had an editorial the other day urging Nikki Haley to stay in the race. We need you, Nikki. It’s very, very important. Why? Because McConnell says so. And now McConnell, who is weak, has negotiated a deal. And I’ll tell you what’s interesting. Any time you object to this deal based on the talking points that have leaked out of it, they say you haven’t read the bill. Money. They’re having supporters because Mitch McConnell, Chuck Schumer and Joe Biden won’t make it public. I would like to read it. I will read the relevant parts to you on the air. But I can’t. I don’t have it. What’s the secret? You know damn well the secret. This is your ruling class, incompetent elites lording over you and trying to impose something on you. They went days and days, weeks and weeks and debates before we even had the damn thing. We have the talking points which are horrific. But we don’t have the document. Why? You realize most Republican senators haven’t even seen this yet, but they have seen those points. We have seen some ankle. This is how they they treat their colleagues. And you and I are supposed to rally around this like the New York excuse me, like the wash. The Wall Street Journal rally around it. And, you know, they’re very worried, you see, because Joe Biden and the Democrats will accuse the Republicans. Of wanting an open border. And now, of course, they start attacking Trump. I tell you something that’s amazing to me. I’ve been in and around politics since I was 13 years old. I’ve seen presidents come and go. I spent eight wonderful years in the Reagan administration. And two election cycles supporting President Reagan. We’ve talked about George H.W. Bush. We’ve talked about George W Bush behind this microphone. We’ve talked about Romney and Dole and all these other candidates. Donald Trump is the first. First person. First. To make immigration the number one issue in our country. To demand that we secure the border. We secure it for more moral reasons that we secured for economic reasons. That we secured for citizenship reasons and that we secured for national security reasons. He was right. They called him a racist. At MSNBC and CNN. They called him a racist. When he told the truth about the border and what was happened, they called him a racist. And now, now that everything he said has come true. Everything. And our country is being invaded. And ten former top top FBI executives who are now retired but afraid to put out their names because of retribution. Imagine that. Have said this is an invasion. This is an invasion by China, by Iran, by Venezuela. This is an invasion by Russia, by other countries that hate us as well, of course, as much of the third world. They are sending into our country. Young men. By the hundreds of thousands. Her capable of waging war within our borders. And because there have been 10 million illegal aliens who’ve come into our country in the last three years. Not because we don’t have the immigration laws, not because we don’t have comprehensive immigration reform, not because we didn’t have the funds. Because Joe Biden purposely did it. That Democrats purposely did it. And now the damn Wall Street Journal editorial board. He’s telling the Republicans in Congress, cut the deal. Cut the deal. According to that information that’s been leaked. And of course, they’re commenting on it without having read it, unless it was given to them by McConnell and his staff. Now, according to the information that’s been leaked. They will allow 1.5 million illegal aliens into this country every single damn year on top of all the other immigration. In other words, they will institutionalize. They will legalize. Illegal immigration. See that we fix that. America. How’d you do it? It’s not illegal anymore. Got it. And of course, the assumption is once we allow 1.5 illegal aliens into this country every year, legalize them, then all of a sudden the border be secure and there won’t be any more coming. They lie to us decade after decade after decade. They are supposed to represent us. The Wall Street Journal editorial page. Has turned on the American people. Is a propaganda operation for Mitch McConnell. We’ll soon know if the party really wants to solve the problem. They say, I’m not done. I’ll be right back.

Segment 2
It is sickening to watch these Republicans and their mouthpieces in the media just fold like cheap tents. They really don’t want to do anything. They want to give the appearance that they’re doing something. Pseudo legislation. Pseudo legislation. And I’m not going to read this whole thing for you. There’s this Wall Street Journal editorial. Is. So internally conflicted. So on principle. It’s just awful. It’s embarrassing. The way they twist and turn and bend over backwards. Why? Because McConnell wants them to. So The Wall Street Journal editorial page supports an open border. They don’t want a serious effort. It’s not hard to secure. Their border was secure three years ago. Not perfect. Perfect enough. And they backed Nikki Haley. And they have Peggy Noonan. The Wall Street Journal editorial page is turning into The New York Times editorial page. I’ll be right back.

Segment 3
So the Wall Street Journal editorial page, Mitch McConnell and his fellow clowns and their ilk, they’ve already surrendered. And if you don’t go along with them and you duke this out. They’re telling you that it’s your fault now that we’re not securing the border. It’s the fault of the Speaker of the House and the conservatives in the House. They’re unhinged. It’s the fault of these restrictionists. That’s what they used to call me. The Wall Street Journal. The restrictionists. The nativists. The nationalists know we’re called Americans, you fools. The Wall Street Journal doesn’t believe in what the Founding Fathers said about immigration. Not in the least. They don’t have a problem with 5000 illegal aliens. He waves through every single day. Not their problem. Not the problem of their supporters and big business, cheap labor and all the rest. Joke. It’s these damn conservatives who keep getting in the way of progress, whether it was 2010 and the Tea Party movement. And here we are on the precipice in 2010, winning the Senate with more and more Mitch McConnell, rhinos in the Senate. Now they lost on their own. No, no, no, no. You don’t understand. We had the greatest candidates in the world they were running. They got behind McCain when he won in an open border. Remember that? Then. Now they’re lecturing. Take this deal. What the hell are we ever The talking points. Take a take. Take it. Wave around the legislation. The way every loser waves around a document. Sick, sick editorial page. What a joke. They’re going to get Biden re-elected. They’re going to be responsible for the open border that they’ve always wanted. They wanted it enshrined in the Constitution of the United States as a brand new amendment. Thou shall have open borders. Remember that, Mister Producer. Google it, folks. It’s right there. And now we’re supposed to listen to them. They’re unprincipled advice. Look, you better take this deal or it’s going to turn on you. And that’s going to demonstrate whether you really want a deal or not. Shut the hell up, you morons. You low IQ nerds. I know most of them, and I know who most of them are. Like they’d been on the border championing on the border slavery. Their editorial should say slavery. Big font capitalized, exclamation mark. There’s slavery on the border. Joe Biden, the Democrat Party. His buddies, McConnell and the rest. They’re responsible for the unbelievable, horrific dehumanization and slavery that’s taking place on the southern border. But don’t worry. Well, limited to 5000 illegal. Oh, okay. Thank you. And now we’re going to give we’re going to give Biden extra power, emergency powers to say one day, turn it off, turn it on. Turn it off. Does it even occur to anybody that the whole nation has turned on Biden and there is The Wall Street Journal giving him cover. There’s McConnell and the Republicans giving him cover. Has it occurred to anybody that Joe Biden will abuse that law like he has every other law? And so they’re not going to do another damn thing on the border if they sign whatever the hell this is. But we know it’s not good from the leaks that have come out. That much we know. No. Paul. May I call you Paul? Paul, you go on. I used to be friends. I want nothing to do. It isn’t amazing, Judge Lamberth. Paul’s. You know these people. When push comes to shove, you’re cowards. Cowards. There is no excusing what’s going on on the board. It’s not a matter of new legislation. It’s not a matter of a bipartisan deal. It’s a matter of the S.O.B. in the Oval Office doing this friggin job. That’s what matters. You can’t legislate your way out of this. If you have a man who has no morals and no virtually no principles in the Oval Office, he doesn’t even follow the Constitution of the United States like he’s going to follow some damn new bipartisan law that is intended in Washington speak to give his ass cover. La Kelly spun it in his statement today. He is the one leading the effort. He’s the one that called for bipartisanship. He’s the one who wants legislation. Just shut the hell up and do something about it. Blair. We have a ruling class that is ruling against us. We have a ruling class that is incompetent. And the more incompetent they are, the more powerful they want to be. They’re going to pass this law and fix it. Pass this law. They’re going to fix it. America. Yay! Yay! But what was wrong with the existing laws? Trump seemed to be able to handle those quite well. What happened to his executive orders? Wait in Mexico. Deportation on the spot. But. Oh, that was so inhumane. You have no way. We are slavery all over the southern border now. Because The Wall Street Journal does not want Donald Trump to get re-elected president. We know this because they say it effectively. Their darling Peggy Noonan says it. They preach that Nikki Haley should stay in the race. Nikki Haley, who never lifted a finger and never said much about about the border ever, or about anything else, for that matter. I want you to hear from Greg Abbott yesterday. Here’s what he said on Fox. Cut to go. So it was the states that created the United States. And when the states voted to create the United States and have a constitution. Included in that agreement was the compact that the federal government would take care of the states. And Article four, Section four of the Constitution speaks to that and says that if the federal government does not take care of the states, the states are endangered. Or we can ask the federal government to live up to its obligations. Then the authors of the Constitution knew there would be times when the federal government would not live up to its duty. And so they empowered states in Article one, Section ten, the right of Self-defense. And what Texas is asserting is our Article one, Section ten, right. Of self-defense, because the president of the United States is not fulfilling his duty to enforce the laws passed by Congress that deny illegal entry into the United States. Plainly, beautifully put. Joe Biden. Has committed an impeachable offense. Joe Biden commits an impeachable offense every damn day that borders open. Every damn day. That’s border open. And he wants you to believe that the laws that are in place are not sufficient. He wants you to believe he needs some more money. 1300 border Border Patrol agents and a 2000 mile border. I want you to think about how many? 1300. You ever go to your kid’s high school auditorium that puts in about 1300 people. Right, Mr. Peterson? And they’re now all working 24 seven. So maybe I’ll have three or 400 of them on the border. Wow. Now we’re going to have a secure border, aren’t we, America? He’s so serious. Well, they better sign up for this party’s bipartisan thing or they’re going to get blamed. What with an editorial page like The Wall Street Journal I get. I guess they will. Then there’s Ron DeSantis, America’s governor. And I want you to know, 25 at a 26 Republican governors have signed a letter in support of Governor Abbott. Last time I checked, maybe he came around. The Republican reprobate governor of Vermont. The People’s Republic of Vermont, last time I checked, has not. If he did, he’s he’s pretty slow. Here’s Ron DeSantis yesterday cut three. Joe Biden is going after Texas saying that they must remove fortifications from their border. They put wire. They put things to keep people out. Biden saying you got to take that down to let people come in illegally, which is just crazy. And I remark that if the Constitution was originally understood to mean that a state could not protect itself against an invasion, that the federal government could force a state to allow an invasion, the Constitution would have never been ratified in the first place. Texas would have never joined the union when it did. And if you look at Federalist 46, which Daniel Horowitz pointed out, James Madison talks about situations where federal encroachment can be mitigated by by state action. So you have Texas here that’s holding its ground. They have every right to fortify the border. These are the an invasion, and that’s Article one, Section ten of the Constitution. So so they’re in the right. You also have a situation where liberal jurisdictions over many, many years have been sanctuary jurisdictions against enforcing federal immigration law. So you’ll have somebody who’s a criminal alien. They will not be given over to ICE and they will deliberately act to frustrate the laws on the books. And somehow that’s viewed as okay. You have Texas who’s acting to enforce the laws on the books to ensure that they have a secure state and that we have a secure country. So so all of this is just nonsense, what Biden’s doing. Texas has every right to stand its ground. We’ve in Florida, we’ve been sending people to help for many years now because we understand it’s not just a Texas issue. It’s ultimately an American issue. And if we don’t have sovereignty in this country, then we’re not going to be a country anymore. So. So they have every right to hold their ground, to stay the course. And Florida will continue to be there helping out every step of the way. Mm hmm. Many aspects of the Constitution support what Texas is trying to do. There isn’t any part of the Constitution that supports. What the Biden is doing in the in the Senate. In pushing this, the Republicans in the Senate also are undermining. The Constitution of the United States. I’ve said it over and over again, and I’ll say it again. There’s a clause in the Constitution. It’s called the take care clause. It’s the take care clause of the Constitution. And. It’s been upheld, of course, and it’s been interpreted as a president has an obligation to take care of the laws that are passed and signed by former presidents. Must be. You know, executed must be instituted. Now Congress can’t. You know, it amazes me. Donald Trump’s going to destroy democracy. Donald Trump is abstraction. Abstracting. Donald Trump’s going to be a dictator. How do you think this is? They’re destroying the country. Now it’s bipartisan. Thank God for the House Republicans. Who are barely holding on and that Senate Republicans want to. Democrats have one or two seat advantage over them. They have a filibuster power. There things they can be doing with the budget. Another thing, they won’t do it. They won’t do it. What about it, John Cornyn? It’s your state, for God sakes. You sit there and mumble mouth. Positioning yourself because, you know, when Mitch McConnell steps out, you want to be the majority leader of the Senate, God forbid. What happened to the Everett Dirksen. And I even miss Bob Dole. These guys are so bad. This guy, Tom tell us. He walks out in the hallway. I’m thinking to myself. You’ve got to be one of the dumbest human beings on the planet, let alone in the Senate. And we’re all the rest of them. They’re silent. They don’t say a damn thing. But Susan Collins spoke out the other day, and everybody knows how important Susan Collins is. Collins is from Maine, and I love Maine. I love Maine and all its 1400 people. I really do. I love Maine. It’s beautiful. But for God’s sake, she’s there and the media love her. What do you think? I’m not backing Trump. Yay! That’s go to Lizzie. What do you think? No, no, no. He’s Hitler. Oh, Kinzinger, That guy with the. Yeah. Anyway, what do you think? I’m voting for Biden. Did you know Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger have announced they’re voting for Biden? Why doesn’t The Wall Street Journal editorial page just do an editorial right now? Endorse Biden. Peggy Noonan has done pretty much that anyway, as has her bizarre buddy. Drudge The Drudge Report hates America. The Drudge Report hates America. We’ve lost a lot in this country and a lot of people have lost their minds. And we we’ve got a lot more to say when we come back. I’ll be right back.

Segment 4
Folks, I’m serious about this. I want you to download the podcast so you can always find me. We’re having bizarro issues with one station in particular, so I just want you to be prepared. Have it in your back pocket. You can find all my full podcast interviews and specials on YouTube. You can go to YouTube.com at Mark Levine Show or Search Mark Levine Show in YouTube. Now, also you can go to Mark Levine show dot com. That’s the mothership. Click on audio, rewind at the top and pick your favorite podcast platform in order to get our podcast or go to your favorite podcast platform, Apple or Google Podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify and so forth and so on. And Search Mark Levine Show and subscribe for free now. If you’re like me, you’re not a tech with, but maybe have kids and grandkids or somebody else have them set it up for you. But I want you to have that available to you. Because it’s more important than ever. It truly is. And also, when you go on my social sites, particularly over Twitter at the top, we have a link, right, Mr. Producer? And you click the link and you go right to our page with all the available podcast platforms right there. Everybody can do that too. We have a very big podcast presence. I don’t do new podcasts. It’s the same as the radio program, but it is available to you to use when you want. As you wish. So I want to carriage everybody all over the country, especially New York. Go ahead and download it. Download it. Where am I? Rich. Okay. What are you eating? A steak sandwich. He wishes me to. The idea. That Donald Trump. Is to be blamed. If this ridiculous, phony so-called Washington, D.C. ruling class deal goes through where they want to lie to you and deceive you. And pretend that they’re actually doing something to secure the net. How many more laws do they have to pass? They need to impeach Biden. He’s the problem. He won’t enforce the existing laws. We’ve got enough laws that coming out of our ass, Secure the damn border. Back up your men and women on the border. That’s what it takes. Not a new law and certainly not appeasement. I’ll be right back.