January 25th, 2024

January 25th, 2024

TOPSHOT - Migrants line up to be processed by US Border Patrol under the Stanton St. Bridge after entering the US in El Paso, Texas, on December 21, 2022. - The US Supreme Court halted December 19, 2022 the imminent scrapping of a key policy used since Donald Trump's administration to block migrants at the southwest border, amid worries over a surge in undocumented immigrants. An order signed by Chief Justice John Roberts placed an emergency stay on the removal planned for December 21, 2022 of Title 42, which allowed the government to use Covid-19 safety protocols to summarily block the entry of millions of migrants. (Photo by Allison Dinner / AFP) (Photo by ALLISON DINNER/AFP via Getty Images)

On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, five Justices of the Supreme Court, specifically Chief Justice John Roberts and Amy Coney Barrett, voted against securing the border and enforcing immigration, allowing President Biden to continue to obliterate our immigration system and our border. We have the highest amount of slavery since the Civil War occurring in America right now thanks to an open border allowing cartels to operate. Biden does not have the power to defy federal law, which is why his disregard for our country’s immigration law should be his first article of impeachment. The Roberts Supreme Court will be looked upon as the court that upheld slavery on our southern border by giving a seal of approval to the federal government to prevent Texas from protecting its own border. Also, Mark speaks with reporter Julie Kelly about the Donald Trump case in Georgia and the soap opera of Georgia DA Fani Willis and her alleged lover. There have been multiple written communications between Willis, her lover, and the White House, which debunks the idea that the Biden White House has not been directly involved in the Trump prosecution. Later, Mark is joined by Miranda Devine about a report created by former and serving FBI agents that highlights the DEI disaster pushed by Christopher Wray that has been a disaster for the FBI.

Biden is having a VERY tough time reading from his giant teleprompter today

BORDER SHOWDOWN: Texas’ Constitutional Right to Defend Against Invasion Supersedes Federal Law, Says Governor

GOP senators seethe as Trump blows up delicate immigration compromise

MUST SEE CLIP.  In 2007 Biden was asked if he would allow sanctuary cities to exist.

During a hearing today for Jeff Clark in Fani Willis’ RICO case, DA office admitted it received 2 letters from Biden White House counsel.

NY Post
DEI hires pushed onto the FBI are putting the country’s safety at risk for the sake of being ‘woke’

The List of Governors Rallying Behind Abbott Grows

Photo by Allison Dinner/AFP

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcription of Hour 1

Segment 1
Beer brewed here, it is used to make the brew beer in this final. Oh, Earth Riders, thanks for the Great Lakes, I wonder why it’s called. No, that wasn’t Al Sharpton, that is Joe Biden. And really. His defenders on cable TV and elsewhere, these liberal Democrats, they humiliate themselves when they try to pretend that when Donald Trump gets a word wrong or a thought wrong, that it’s comparable to this absolute mental mess. That was Joe Biden. He sounds like Foster Brooks when Foster Brooks used to play the, sort of, the drunk on TV. Let’s listen again carefully. See if you can Discern what the man is saying. Go ahead. Beer brewed here. It is used to make the brew beer. Oh, Earth Rider, thanks for the Great Lakes. I wonder what he’s saying. They’re laughing at him. And so as we, uh, continue to collect the mumblers. He’s now part of the mumblers. He’ll be the last mumbler. Let’s hear the mumblers. Go right ahead. Mr. Can you get a funny only the ghost track? They have an eye it it cost when if you they just gave you game with the the Withdrawal bringing us home troops from home and and and the the the Wait, so, uh, what, finally, wha Uh, uh, um, uh, Of, of, of, of, um, of, of, Budget, about, uh, budget But resist, we much, we must, and we will much about that be committed I, I, I, I, I’m, I’m a warrior Um, you know, the, the, that it was, hey, did, did, did Ted. I mean, they said that, look, the, the, the, the, you know, the lies a str. Was it him? Why? I, I, I, I, I, I, I didn’t. If, if, if, if, if, if, if, if we, if we, you know, it, it, uh, you know, it, it, it, it, it. We can walk and chew gum, gum. We owe these truth to be several evident. All men and women created me by the go. You know, the, you know the thing, true stubborn to pressure. I’ve been impeached for inciting the erection. Donald John, Donald John Trump incited the erection insurrection. And, uh, what am I doing here? I’m gonna lose track here and, uh, to confidence in the integrity. Private, private, uh, uh. Uh, uh, economic, uh, No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, don’t, uh, let, uh, let, uh, You know how much I’m gonna do with the deficit this year? Bridges and those balls that are collapsing. And, you know, it is, it is, um, it is, you know, it is not, uh, it is, uh, it is, Happy birthday, dear Valerie. Part of the, um, the, um, Uh, Mr., uh, the, uh, the, uh, the, uh, I do some of you to, some of the leadership of, uh, every, well, Kajan, Kajan, Katanji, Drown, Jackson. You docs God save the queen, man. President Trump incited an erection, uh, uh, uh, Mess with the men of the work! The beer brewed here, it is used to make the brew beer during this, the final. Oh, Earth Rider, thanks for the great legs, I wonder why it’s there. There’s your ruling class, America, there’s your elites. What a bunch of crackpots. What a bunch of mental patients. There’s your elites, starting with Joe Biden, they want to run your country, they want to run your household, they want to decide what you can drive, they want to decide everything. Your children’s sex, very important people. Now, we have something going on today, and I want to say something to the United States Supreme Court, the majority, the five justices, who voted against the Constitution, who voted against securing the border. And voted against their own precedent, which requires a president to actually take care that the laws are enforced. Joe Biden has systematically obliterated our border. And he’s done so by systematically obliterating our immigration laws. We literally have the worst type and level of slavery going on in this country since the Civil War. Taking place right now. Right now. With the m Media basically ignoring it or defending it. We have slavery taking place in our country right now. We don’t need to talk about the past. Let’s talk about now. Now who’s in charge? Joe Biden. The man who was a segregationist and a racist. A man of the Jim Crow South. A man who supported segregated public schools. Now he goes around preaching about democracy and freedom when he’s not making other slurs against black people. This is who the Democrats are rallying behind in their media. This is who they promote. But we shouldn’t be surprised they also rally around Hamas and promote them too. What a bunch of sick bastards. I’m not kidding. But I’m specifically talking to the five justices on the Supreme Court, Chief Justice Roberts and Associate Justice Barrett in particular. Are you pleased? Are you pleased that by voting with the other three? You’ve now created a constitutional crisis, are you pleased that you’re now going to have the Texas National Guard and Texas law enforcement poised against Fed, the Feds, potentially, um, active duty military, or it’s possible that Joe Biden will federalize the National Guard, which was done now? Uh, by Republican and some Democrat and a Democrat president, uh, to prevent, uh, Orval Faubus and of course, uh, George Wallace from blocking the schoolhouse door the way Joe Biden blocks the schoolhouse door to any good school that happens to be in a black or minority neighborhood. But now we have a confrontation and I don’t know how it’s going to end, but I tell you over and over again in my book, the Democrat Party Hates America, that this is not a normal political party. It is a autocratic party. It wants complete power and complete control, and I wanna salute all those hosts on TV and radio who’ve obviously read the book. This is a party that will do anything for power, and as I say in the book, you’ve gotta look at the Democrat Party through the lens of power. They will do anything to anybody. They will say anything to anybody. And can you imagine, Mr. Producer, that the federal government, either federalizing the National Guard or using federal troops, or whatever they might or may not do, I don’t know, would do so in order to protect slavery? In order to keep the border open? So potential terrorists and MS 13 and other criminals come across the border so the drug cartels continue to make tens of billions of dollars off of Biden’s policies? Can you imagine sending in federal law enforcement or even the Army? to do such a thing. I mean, obviously, Greg Abbott’s been driven to the, to the edge of what he can do here. He is citing two provisions of the Constitution. They’re both there in black and white. There is no provision in the Constitution. None that gives the President of the United States the power to defy federal law. That’s an impeachable offense, as I’ve said over and over and over and yet over again. And that needs to be the first issue when it comes to impeaching Joe Biden. And it needs to be. Raised now and taken very seriously because of all the horrors he’s creating on both sides of the border. What’s happening to women and little kids sold into sex slavery and pornography. That’s on Joe Biden’s hands. He’s a one man disaster. And these clowns, they go on TV defending him, trying to draw parallels between him and Trump. There are no parallels. Zero. Zero. They’re so offended by the speech he gave Tuesday night. They’re not offended by Hamas slaughtering Jews, no. They’re not offended by Hamas supporters in the streets talking about the Third Reich and gas chambers, no. They’re not offended by what’s going on on the southern border. Rabid, rabid criminality, rabid slavery. Not that doesn’t offend them, Trump offends them. What Trump said offends them. These are sick people. Sick. Look what, look what Biden has done with federal law enforcement. Look at what they’ve done with the local law enforcement. And now it’s clear that there were discussions between the office of Fannie, What the hell is her name? Fannie Mae or something? Fannie Willis. Yeah, Fannie Mae. Remember Fannie Mae, Mr. Producer? That turned out well too. Fannie Willis? And the White House. You see, ladies and gentlemen, Joe Biden’s behind it all. All of it. And then they say, can you prove it? You don’t have proof. This is the way it works. I can prove it. Look at what’s going on. It’s not a coincidence. We’re not stupid. It’s a massive cover up effort, but it’s also a massive election interference effort. Because Joe Biden doesn’t think he can win by the vote, neither do his people. That’s why they’re very giddy about these prosecutions. That’s why they say, One conviction, that’s all we need! One conviction and then he’s a convicted criminal! They tell you they, they signal to you what they’re up to. This is why it’s way above the head of the legal analysts. They don’t understand what’s going on. I understand what’s going on. What’s happening to our country and our constitution. As they write at Breitbart, Texas Governor Greg Abbott asserts Texas is constitutional right. And what he means by Texas is constitutional right, he means under the federal constitution. States have rights to defend themselves against invasions. They have independent rights apart from the federal government. But John Roberts and Justice Barrett apparently don’t know how to read the constitution. Because they fall in line with the left, they fall in line with the ruling elite. Why? Because John Roberts More than anything else, is part of the Washington elite. It’s what he is. He’s buddies with Thomas Friedman. They have a good time going to the Kennedy Center. This is what we’re dealing with. But no, no, Trump is the threat to democracy. Not John Roberts. Trump is the threat to democracy. Not Joe Biden. Trump is the threat to democracy, not Jake Tapper. Oh no, they’re all, they’re all just fantastic. He asserts Texas’s constitutional right to defend and protect itself as it relates to the ongoing border crisis crippling the state. Let me be specific. When the President of the United States is purposely violating his oath of office and the Constitution, respecting his absolute responsibility to ensure that the laws of the land’s Laws of the land are taken care of, that is enforced. That’s what the Constitution says. Then Texas has a right under another part of the Constitution to defend itself against invasions. This is an invasion. This is not immigration. This is an invasion. Immigration is nothing like this. In the Supreme Court, these five justices sit on their asses, make sure they have nice, cleaned and ironed black robes. Everything’s cool. Oh, your honor, your honor. Oh, your honor, your honor. It’s amazing, it’s amazing these activist justices and activist judges, and they’re all over the damn place now, even some of them dressed up as Republicans. They insist that you follow their orders, and yet they don’t follow the Constitution. And I wrote about this in Men in Black. How do they expect people to respect them when they don’t respect the law itself? And this was black and white. Black and white! Biden is destroying our border by destroying our immigration laws, which destroys the provision of the Constitution that compels him to take care that the laws are enforced whether he likes them or not. The governor of Texas, who himself is a lawyer, he says, well, then we have a right to secure our border. And the Supreme Court says, actually, you don’t on some, and we don’t know why they don’t explain it. I’m sure it’s some cockamamie. Bastardize you of federalism or even reverse federalism. More when I return.

Segment 2
Let me put this in a really important way.  For which I will be attacked by the same people who are standing up for Biden and his slavery policies. What the Supreme Court did the other day in giving it seal of approval without explanation  to the federal government  preventing Texas from securing its border.  Listen to me.  What the Supreme Court did, but they’re too smart to say it, is they enshrined slavery in the United States. Modern day slavery on the border. Because Joe Biden’s not going to give up.  Schumer in the Senate is trying to find some fig leaf to create to pretend that Joe Biden is doing the right thing with the help, of course, of McConnell and the usual reprobates.  But what the Supreme Court did is it gave its own  stamp of approval to slavery in our country.

Segment 3
Let me try it again, and I want the backbenchers to write this down,  and I do want them to repeat it. You may have heard of this case Dred Scott.  Dred Scott  had been a slave to escape to the territories. And to cut to the chase here,  there’s a lawsuit brought to the Supreme Court. Chief Justice was Roger Taney,  appointed by Andrew Jackson and,  um, from South Carolina.  And we keep this very focused.  The question was, does Congress have any authority over the territories?  After all, these aren’t states and so forth, does it have any authority  to outlaw nationally  slavery as well as in the territories? Nine justices, they wrote nine opinions.  The Chief Justice wrote his own opinion and the majority ruled that no, Congress does not have the power  to outlaw slavery.  The other day,  in an emergency appeal by the Biden administration, they ran to the same institution.  The Supreme Court, because Texas,  the state of Texas, was preventing  illegal aliens from south of the border,  using effectively barbed wire,  to come into their state, to come into the country,  after three years of nearly 10 million illegal aliens entering the country. And  to prevent  the kind of mayhem, anarchy.  And widespread slavery that is occurring as a result of the Biden policies.  People use the phrase sex slavery rolls off their tongue and they move on to the next subject. I hit the brakes. Women are being enslaved. Little children are being enslaved. They’re being sold in the pornography. You have  indentured servants in the United States with different color bands that are given to them  by the cartels brought into this country by the coyotes.  Because they have to pay these cartels,  these  murderous terrorist drug cartels  for years to come as a result of those cartels using their coyotes to bring people across the border illegally. Indentured servants are slaves.  We have slaves now throughout America.  Sex slaves.  Children, slaves. Indentured servant slaves as a result of the border being wide open.  We have no border.  The President of the United States is responsible for every new slave  in the United States.  It’s interesting that MSNBC and CNN, white, black, brown,  all kinds of hosts and commentators, not one of them makes this point, not one.  They’d rather talk about  the American founding as being racist.  They come to the defense of Joe Biden, no matter what.  Because you have to look at the party and their supporters in the media through the lens of power, as I wrote over and over again.  Joy Reid ignores the slavery that’s taking place on the southern border. Al Sharpton ignores the slavery that’s taking place on the southern border.  Mika and Joe ignore the slavery that’s taking place on the southern border.  Rachel Maddow ignores the slavery that’s taking place on the southern border.  Jake Tapper ignores the slavery that’s taking place on the southern border.  Wolf Blitzer ignores the slavery that’s taking place on the southern border. Andrea Mitchell ignores the slavery that’s taking place on the southern border.  As does Maggie Haberman.  As do the reporters and the editors and the managers at the New York Times and the Washington Post. As does  the corporate media, the corporate boards at Comcast and all the rest of them.  They ignore the slavery that’s taking place on the southern border. The governor of Texas,  the state of Texas,  is trying to stop it.  Joe Biden went to the Supreme Court to stop the state of Texas.  He succeeded. This will be a blight  forever  on the Roberts Court.  It’ll be a blight forever on Chief Justice Roberts,  as well as Justice Barrett,  as well as the three Radical Democrats on the court.  All five of them,  a one vote majority.  They didn’t write an opinion.  They just effectively upheld.  Upheld.  The unconstitutional acts of a president,  they upheld the abhorrent practice of sex slavery, child slavery,  slavery,  indentured slavery,  they upheld it.  Now of course they don’t really tell us why. But I know why.  They want you to believe that slavery on the southern border is  compassionate. They want you to believe it’s long overdue.  Just people trying to escape  one hellhole after another.  Only to be enslaved  in the hellhole that Joe Biden  has created.  His party has created. Which now brings me to the Republicans in the Senate. Senator Tillis,  you are a disgusting disgrace. You come out of those rooms.  The big smile on your face and you say the dumbest things  that really this, you see, ladies and gentlemen,  Romney obviously supports slavery too.  It’s Donald Trump’s fault because he doesn’t want a deal.  This is the best they have. This is all they can say. It’s Donald Trump’s fault. They don’t condemn Joe Biden. They don’t condemn the Democrats in their own chamber.  They don’t even condemn slavery. Never crosses their lips.  We need a deal, you see, the Republicans, we need a deal. These are the Republicans of all the never won majorities  that were happy to be laughingstocks as long as each of them could hold their own seat and get positive attention from the Democrat media.  They go immediately to Susan Collins, Mitt Romney, Lisa Murkowski,  the usual gaggle of boneheads and knuckleheads because they’re self promoters, they’re self aggrandizing. They know  they want positive press, positive press to a politician. A number one,  if they have no principles. So we have the Supreme court  in the 1850s  issued a ruling  that led to a civil war. They issued a ruling that led to a civil war.  And that court and that chief justice  has been condemned ever since. John Roberts and the Roberts court has  issued an order  without much explanation  upholding  not only the  A violation of the black letter  constitutional language. It’s not even controversial. It’s not even up for debate.  Even the court itself has precedent.  That a president of the United States is compelled to take care that the laws are followed.  That’s the constitution. He’s the executive branch. He took an oath to do just that. And  of course, Biden is doing exactly the opposite.  And this court, violating its own precedent.  And this court taking up the emergency appeal because they were in urgent, urgent mode  to make a quick rolling. The Roberts court  upheld slavery on the southern border,  which Governor Abbott  and the state of Texas  are trying to stop.  They’re trying to stop it. Now that’s the perspective and the context that you need to look at this because this is real world. Not a bunch of words.  Not a bunch of projections, not a bunch of unreality. This is what’s going on to real people  on the southern border and now more and more the interior of the United States.  Just because you just see the entrails,  that is the consequences of this in your own life and that sort of thing.  What you most of you are not seeing  is the slavery. And in certain states, and certainly in certain border towns, it is rampant, rampant. And forevermore, you need to look upon the Roberts Court  as the court that upheld slavery on the southern border.  And it didn’t even make its case,  didn’t even direct the President of the United States to follow the Constitution and make sure the immigration laws passed by Congress, signed by prior presidents.  Are upheld.  They’d like to bring up Donald Trump. I’ll bring up Donald Trump.  They’re throwing, they’re trying to throw Donald Trump in prison over documents. They’re trying to throw Donald Trump in prison,  even though he did not lead an insurrection. You know how I know it? He wasn’t charged with it. They had all the texts, phone logs,  they had grand juries,  they had witnesses,  they had documents,  and there’s absolutely nothing, zero.  Tying Donald Trump to an insurrection.  Absolutely nothing.  We are surrounded by liars and connivers and very, very evil people, especially in the media.  And the Democrat Party is not a political party.  It has never embraced Americanism, from slavery to today.  And the Democrat Party was behind slavery  early in our history. It took a civil war to end it.  And the Democrat Party’s behind  Slavery on our southern border today.  And I know this upsets  the miscreants and the malcontents  and the pre bubescent low IQ types and mediaite founded by Dan Abrams who is of that ilk  and the Soros funded and supported media matters and  the Democrat Party operatives throughout our media.  I know this will upset them. I know  that they will do everything they can.  To attack, smear, character assassinate,  and turn the tables  on me. It’s not gonna work.  It’s not gonna work.  Not with me.  I’ll be right back.

Segment 4
Sex slavery is slavery.  Selling children and using them in pornography is slavery.  Indentured servitude is slavery.  We can’t talk enough  about the 17 hundreds and the 18 hundreds. We can’t talk enough about that,  but where are the people who write these 1619 project  CRT?  Where are all the chess beaters on M-S-N-B-C and CNN?  Were all the sanctimonious leftists at the Washington Post and the New York Times.  Where’s Nancy Pelosi, Hakeem Jeffries?  Where’s Chuck Schumer,  Al Sharpton, Joy Reid?  Where are they?  Don’t they care about black and brown people  who are being enslaved?  Are the policies and practices of a no border president?  Have they gone down to the border to try and get to the bottom of it? Have any of these networks done it other than Fox? Have they?  No!  They just keep rattling on about Donald Trump, rattling on like a bunch of mental patients in a padded room.  Keep rattling on that Donald Trump’s going to steal democracy and freedom while they’re doing it right now, under our eyes,  without consequence,  excuse me. With  the backing and the imprimatur of the Supreme Court of the United States, the Roberts court and the chief justice with his friend.  Barrett, who joined the three radical leftists  on the court.  Now I know  that I’m dealing with and confronting very very evil people  that would like nothing more than to have me hit by a bus. I know it.  And I know they will try to run clips and cherry pick what I say and put words in my mouth and come up with deceitful headlines and twist and spin like Houdini.  But the truth is the truth.  And as one person once said, the truth shall set you free.  Actually, many people have said that.  Don’t miss this show, I’m not done.  I’ll be right back.