January 19th, 2024

January 19th, 2024

(COMBO) This combination of pictures created on October 22, 2020 shows US President Donald Trump (L) and Democratic Presidential candidate and former US Vice President Joe Biden during the final presidential debate at Belmont University in Nashville, Tennessee, on October 22, 2020. (Photos by Morry GASH and JIM WATSON / AFP) (Photo by MORRY GASH,JIM WATSON/AFP via Getty Images)

On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, the Democrat media’s plan to sway voters to vote for President Biden is to paint Donald Trump as a threat to democracy. Trump never defied a Supreme Court or judicial ruling while president, while Biden has already defied 2 with student loans and using agencies to freeze rent levels. Biden rules by executive order while his bureaucracy like the EPA rules through regulations, and he and Democrats will claim to be the saviors of Democracy. Also, Nikki Haley is going nowhere fast, which is good because she has become the focus of the GOP establishment and the corporatist media because they have become her base. Haley is a terrible candidate who doesn’t even understand our country’s history and cannot even answer questions about slavery and the Constitution. Later, there has never been an honest debate about abortion in America because the vast majority of American people have never seen the procedure, especially in the later term when it is a human being. The media and the left will never allow the debate for that reason alone because it is grotesque.

Holder: ‘American Democracy Could End with the Election of Donald Trump’

The Guardian
New CNN head says network needs to recapture ‘swagger and innovation’

Tim Scott to Endorse Donald Trump

What the Constitution Really Says About Race and Slavery

Since Nikki Haley is refusing to debate Ron DeSantis before NH, I present to you: Nikki Haley debating herself.

Red State
See It: Ted Cruz Flattens Dick Durbin in Heated Exchange Over Biden Judicial Nominee Adeel Abdullah Mangi


The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcription of Hour 1

Segment 1
Hello, America. Mark Levin here. Our number 877-381-3811.  877-381-3811. So we rounded up a bunch of clips today. And no, this won’t be the whole show. I’m just making a point. And it looks like Mr. Bruce on every network. And an MSNBC and ABC and excuse me in CNN, the mantra continues. But Donald Trump. Proposes democracy, that its election will destroy democracy now! The reprobates. The demagogues. The radical Marxists in the Democrat Party and their media. This is how they think they’re going to persuade you to vote for Joe Biden. They don’t want to discuss the economy. Price of food, utilities. Housing, automobiles. The lousy schools. Particularly in minority and low income areas. They don’t want discuss that. They don’t want to discuss the fact that the military recruitment is at record lows, which is very concerning. Certainly don’t want to discuss the slavery that’s taking place on the border. So they’re going to discuss how Donald Trump is a threat to democracy. Now America. Donald Trump was president for four years. We can contrast him to Biden in terms of democracy. Our constitutional Republicanism. Trump never, ever defied any Supreme Court ruling or any. Judicial ruling of any kind. And so in the case of Biden, he’s already to fight to. With respect to student loans and using the health agencies to freeze. Rent levels then have the authority to do any of this stuff. Joe Biden has violated. The entire slew of immigration statutes. He does it affirmatively. It’s not an accident. It’s intentional. Consequences have been horrendous. Inhumane. He does have purposely. He’s attacking our society, that is, I’ll use their word, democracy. Joe Biden. Believes. So that only the coasts and a couple of big cities in the center of the country will determine. So the president, vice president of the United States will be. Joe Biden believes in packing the court. Oh, Mark, not the Supreme Court. Yes, packing the court, packing the lower courts and the. Constitution, our declaration, Democracy, Constitutional Republic. I can’t think of anything. In 36 years in the in the Senate, eight years as vice president, three miserable years as president. I can’t think of anything. Can you? Encouraged encouraged the. The fascistic effort. To remove Donald Trump. From ballots. He goes around and accuses Trump of insurrection, which he’s never been charged with and in fact, in the Senate. When there was a trial, there was a really outrageous effort. Trump was acquitted. So he’s sending messages to his judges, his prosecutors. And they would be jurors and most of these Democrat cities. Joe Biden shouldn’t be giving lectures about democracy. Joe Biden needs to receive lectures about democracy. Because he clearly doesn’t believe in it. Joe Biden rules by executive order. His bureaucracy rules by regulation. And they both do it in small ways in large. Now home appliances are up for grabs. Ceiling fans. Gas stoves. Washing machines, dryers, dishwashers, lawnmowers. Of course, the automobile. Nothing is safe. Everything’s on the table. And a court judge ruled allowed. The EPA doesn’t have the authority to do all this in the name of clean air. And it clearly does not. But it doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter. Joe Biden doesn’t believe in democracy. He believes in the permanent government. He believes in broadening its powers, increasing its numbers. Using your tax dollars to pay them bonuses and increase their salaries. Democracy. Now, the benefit we have is that Donald Trump was president for four years. He never led an insurrection. He was never a seditious. He never did a violent thing nor encouraged it to find anything at all, nor has he been charged with any of that. If they could, they would. They ratified a Supreme Court ruling as Biden has never defied a circuit or district court ruling. Appealing them is not defying them. It’s using the process. Donald Trump never used. Our criminal justice system. Federal prosecutors. Trump appointed judges. To go after any political opponent? None. Not once. And on January six, while the judges in Washington, D.C., like a former friend, Lamberth and others are having a grand old time. Abusing the law, particularly. 1502. The Enron obstruction law to throw innocent Americans in prison. And after use that statue. Because there. They’re following the lead of the rogue prosecutor rather than thinking for themselves as judges are supposed to. It’s one thing if you violently attack a cop. Or if you do damage inside the building or to get in the building, it’s quite another if you’re roaming around aimlessly. Or if you’re on the Capitol grounds. It certainly doesn’t deserve any jail time. None. People in this country right now have done much worse than the roaming the countryside, raping and pillaging. And killing. So what has Donald Trump done that threatens democracy? Nothing. What is Biden done that threatens democracy? Almost everything. Including his attacks on Trump about democracy. And when you listen, Eric Holder on MSNBC. Comes out every now and then. I. Dracula. Eric Holder, who violated federal law with Fast and Furious when. Wound up being involved really, in the killing. A DEA agent, I believe. As we were not a DEA agent but a border agent as we were selling weapons illegally. To the cartels. For which Eric Holder was never punished. And you see, this is the thing. Why isn’t he criminally charged? If we follow the precedent that’s being argued. Practiced by the Democrats and their judges. Eric Holder should have been charged. Should have been charged. With complicity in that murder. That’s how it works. When they throw the doors wide open to their agenda. Here he is. Cut three. Mr. Producer, go. I mean, you have to look at what it is that they’re talking about. That is the Trump and the Trump campaign, the former president himself. And think of the America that they’re trying to create. You have a president who is beyond the reach of the law. You have a Justice Department close our peers and even mean. He’s in courtroom after courtroom after courtroom beyond the reach of the law. Go ahead. Opponents want to ask. He’s going after his political opponents. By calling them out, giving them names. Is he called anybody Hitler yet? Go ahead, prosecute Joe Biden. Well, Joe Biden has. Committed an offence. And if the Circuit Court and potentially the Supreme Court ruled that the immunity that comes with the office of the Presidency for the President does not follow the president when the President becomes an ex-president? Well, of course they can look for ways to charge Joe Biden. And it amazes me that they wring their hands. This is exactly what they’re actually doing to Donald Trump. Using the Presidential Records Act, which doesn’t even have a criminal penalty. And using the. Espionage Act under the great Woodrow Wilson of 1917, which he used to put 2000 people in jail. But you know what? The federal judges, the prosecutors in Washington, D.C. are they’re going to beat that. And they will be condemned by history. Go ahead. That’s not going to bother them. You have a United States of America that would be unrecognizable to us. That would be one that you’d see more in Putin’s Russia, really in Putin’s Russia. Isn’t that kind of what we’re seeing now? America. The prosecution. By the Biden regime against his. Likely opponent in the Republican Party, the former president. That’s Putin. That’s Stalin. Listen to how they project their project. But this is important. Courts are condemning themselves. One of the great lawyers after World War Two. When the Nazis were put on trial. And when they were pointing their fingers. Pointing there when you’re pointing that forefinger when they were talking. And he made the point. When you pointed me with one finger, you’re pointing at yourself with three. Go ahead and try it. That’s what Eric Holder is doing. Eric Holder was the most politically corrupt lapdog attorney general, same as a deputy attorney general under Clinton. Rubber stamped all these pardons. Of terrorists, billionaires on the run. Had no problem with none. And he became attorney general of the United States. Same damn thing. Go ahead. The United States that we’ve come to all know and love and you have come to know and love the United States. That’s. That’s amazing. The other thing. I’m sick of the party that hates the United States reprobates like Holder, who hates the United States, even though the United States has provided him with millions and millions and millions of dollars. Of a life, of a lifestyle. We’ve come to know and love the United States just as we’ve come to know and love George Washington in Valley Forge. Wait a minute. Well, what was 2020 all about? What’s this 1619 project all about? What’s CRT all about? Holder embraces all that. But now the United States we’ve come to know and love. You see those of us who defend the founders and the original documents, those of us who defend American history, the good, bad of the and the evil. Those of us who defend private property rights, the Bill of Rights. Family values. Apparently we’re the ones against democracy. Go ahead. What this is about. This question is about whether or not our democracy will endure, whether or not or. No, it’s not. No, it’s not. You’re lying as so be. No, it’s not. You’re already destroying our Constitution. This election’s about whether or not we, our side, can save it or if it’s too late. If it’s too late. I’ll be right back.

Segment 2
Mr. Democracy. Mr. Holder is so scared. Here’s one example. On January 29, National Review. Any McCarthy I’ve got mail. I got to kill that dummy school thing. I normally don’t. I’m going to have the audio on our. Let me fix that. All right. I think I just did. Here we go. Attorney General nominee Eric Holder repeatedly pushed some of this from the L.A. Times. He cites repeatedly put some of his subordinates at the Clinton Justice Department to drop their opposition to a controversial 1999 grant of clemency to 16 members of two violent Puerto Rican nationalist organizations, according to interviews and documents. Clinton’s decision to commute prison terms caused an uproar at the time. Holder was called before Congress to explain his role, but declined to answer numerous questions from angry lawmakers, demanding to know why the Justice Department did not sided with the FBI. Federal prosecutors and other law enforcement officials were vehemently opposed to the grants. These were terrorists. Clinton’s decision outraged law enforcement officials who had tried to contain a bombing campaign in New York, Chicago and elsewhere in the 1970s and eighties by groups seeking independence for Puerto Rico from the U.S.. And it goes on. Eric Holder, the 16 members of the FAA and the Spanish acronym for the Armed Forces of National Liberation. And those materials had been convicted in Chicago and Hartford, vigorously bank robbery, possession of explosives, participating in a seditious conspiracy. They were convicted of it. They were linked to more than 130 bombings, armed robberies, six slayings, hundreds of injuries. And Eric Holder pushed for that commutation.

Segment 3
Democracy, America. That’s what they believe in. No, they don’t. They hate it. They hate it. You see, they weren’t done, the Democrats. Would pardoning terrorists. Weren’t done. The communists, of course, celebrated what they were doing. Obama commuted yet? The conviction. Of another terrorist. Another Puerto Rican terrorist. And in this case. It was the leader. Of the FLN who never apologized, Never relented. Oscar Lopez Rivera. And so he pardoned him. But ladies and gentlemen, we’re talking about Jimmy Carter. 1979 released from prison three Puerto Rican terrorists who shot shot at members of Congress. Hitting them, shooting them. We’re talking about Bill Clinton, who pardoned. More than a dozen terrorists of the Fiona. We’re talking about Barack Obama, who was a buddy of domestic terrorist Bill Ayers. To pardon the head fln terrorist. And this is the party. Of democracy. American. Of democracy. Donald Trump never pardoned a terrorist. Terrorist. The Weather Underground. Those groups. That Obama supported? Who were his friends? Set off a bomb in the Capitol building. Tried to blow up the Pentagon and the White House. Those are his chumps. Democracy they talk about. They have absolute communists and Islamists in leadership positions in the House and Democrats. AOC, Bernie Sanders. Talib. The list is a long one. Democracy. They say they like democracy. They just hate the Constitution. They hate the people who wrote it and ratified. They just hate the Declaration of Independence. Truly one of the most fantastic documents ever written. Hate it all. Democracy. Now there’s another lame brain among the group, but he’s a good soldier. Reminds me of Bob. You know Mueller who testified. On so-called Russia collusion. It was obvious that the man was well, he had the capacity, the mental capacity of Joe Biden. But I want you to hear this. Merrick Garland on CNN today. Now, Merrick Garland won’t go anywhere where he’s actually challenged. Now I want you to listen to this. Cut one. Go. One of the trials of the former president, Donald Trump, is scheduled for March. You know, some of the polling recently shows that three quarters of Republicans believe that he’s being targeted for political reasons. Does it concern you that that this public perception exists? And what can you do to try to change that? Okay. Of course, it concerns me. What we have to do is show by the acts that we take that we’re following the law, that we’re following the facts. But you’re not showing it by the actions you take that you’re following the law. What law? The Klan act. The Enron obstruction law. I mean, what are you talking about, you moron? Yes, he’s a moron. He’s another one that’s lost a few dozen IQ points. I’m going to show the public with your rush to trial. You showed the public when you appointed this fool in the first place, this guy Smith. Go ahead. Our prosecutions that you’re talking about were brought last year. And the special prosecutor has said from the beginning that he thinks public interest requires a special prosecutor, doesn’t represent the views of the public just because he wraps himself in public interest, just because he’s on the dole and always has been. It doesn’t represent the public in any real way other than claiming that he does. That’s just absurd. And there is no need for this rush. They do not want the process. To go as it normally should, the criminal law process. Takes a few years, you get appeals. Depending on the appeals, it may go back to the trial court and so forth. They don’t want that. They’re rushing it. Emergency appeal to the Supreme Court. The Democrats on the circuit court. It’s an emergency order for a hearing a couple of weeks later, even though the Supreme Court said no in their case. The case. I reached it. No, no, Harry. And then they accused the Trump lawyers of delaying. Well, of course they’re delaying. Because the government is is rushing this case. They just want Trump in prison. They want him convicted of something. The goal here is to interfere with the election. That’s the goal. Go ahead. Which I agree with you. I do. And the matter is now in the hands of a trial judge to determine when trials will take place. The department has policies about steering clear of elections. I had to give this guy, Evan Perez, at least in this regard, credit for watching my shoulder. You must reduce. I spent a lot of time on this, I think it was last week in the show start to come together a lot of time. And the various memos, including from this fall and of course, the 1973 and 2000 Office of Legal Counsel memos that set forth the policy of the Department of Justice for the last half century, which has been broken now. Go ahead. Your mind where it might be too late to bring these trials to fruition again, to say out of out of the way of the elections. And as the department policies, I just say, you know what I said, which is that the cases were brought last year. PROSECUTOR Yeah, hold on, hold on. Huh? Yes. The Voice of Death, The Grim Reaper. He didn’t ask you when the cases were brought last year. One case was dropped, I think it was in June or July, and the other one was in August. It was hardly a year ago, but they’d like to say last year. And of course, Trump had already announced or was intending to announce. So they’re racing him to the to the courthouse. Actually the racing to the. To the press office. And that has nothing to do with anything. They’re interfering in an election and he doesn’t answer the question. Go ahead. Mean trials with which I agree. And this now in the hands of the judicial system in has. Do you look in looking back now, do you think that the department took too long to bring these cases, maybe special prosecutors following the facts and the law? They brought cases when they thought they were ready. Now, what is this convergence or question? He’s so dishonest, he’s so thoroughly corrupt, intellectually and otherwise, just so dishonest. Cut to go. You have appointed more special counsels than other attorneys general, and you did. But let me just stop to stop, Evan, on this one. Now I have to fix it. The truth is that there were more special counsel investigations in the Clinton administration than any other administration, period. Because they kept handing the cases not all but most to Ken Starr. And the reason is. Reno didn’t want to keep appointing special counsel. They would have had ten of them. Six of them. Eight of them. Who knows? But they kept committing them to Ken Starr, part of his portfolio. So that’s the truth. Go ahead. Independence from the way the Justice Department operates. But even the president’s son and there he screws up, too. What he should have said. Evan, what you should have said was you’ve used at least if you’re seeing and misused. The special counsel appointment process. You’ll appoint a special counsel for a number of reasons. But one. Yes. You appoint a special counsel when you’re investigating somebody within the same branch of government as yours? The Biden administration is at a fairly senior level where there’s an appearance of a conflict or an actual conflict of interest. You don’t appoint a special counsel to go after your political opponents. So out of they get go right out of the gate. What they did. Was violate longstanding Department of Justice policy. Go ahead. Is accusing the Department of of political bias in the prosecutions that have been launched against him. How do you reassure the public that these things are being handled in an independent matter, given the fact that these special counsels do I have to say that this guy is doing a pretty damn good job? Especially for CNN. He better look over his shoulder. May not be there long. You know, the new head of CNN says we’ve got to bring back CNN’s swagger. I’m thinking. You mean swag, you know, like sweatshirts or something? Because swagger. Cena never had swagger. And how? Gender. Like, is that swagger? Isn’t that like, a man thing, Mr. Producer? Oh. Go ahead. We have reasserted and clarified the norms of this Justice Department. All right, now, shut up. You know, this is the problem. You can see. You’re talking to a mannequin here. You’re talking to a mannequin. There is Biden called him ponderous. He’s a ponderous judge. No, he is a. Dishonest, intellectually dishonest propagandist. And of course, he’s going to support everything the special counsel does, everything. I’ll be right back.

Segment 4
I doubt you’ve heard any of this discussed today and you’ve heard any of the ideas, which is why when I was doing show prep, which we do here for many hours before the program, I said to Mr. Producer, these are we want to hit this stuff. And he’s the best at what he does. And that’s why we wanted you to hear what they were saying, because this audience, I doubt you heard what Galan had to say on CNN. I doubt you heard what Holder had to say on. CNN. And that’s wise, because why would you. Destroy your brain cells watching CNN. They get an ulcer on top of it. And in fact. If a small percentage of this audience were to start watching CNN, their ratings would skyrocket. So why would we do that anyway? There’s an internal battle going on in the country. It’s what I’ve been calling a cold civil war. Now, what the media are doing now, America, is they are interviewing themselves. They’re interviewing Marxists like Bernie Sanders. They’re interviewing Democrat operatives. They’re interviewing people who were on the January six Stalinist committee. As well as witnesses. But we now know didn’t tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth in some cases when they testify. They are interviewing family members who’ve turned on their. Their family member, Disgruntled former employees are getting positions on these networks. And so they sing. Like a bunch of crows. Going after a kill. That’s the way they sound. From what one media platform to the next. Even the so-called comedy shows at night like that Fat slob, what’s his name? Jimmy Kimmel. Got the IQ. Of Iraq. And the rest of them. By the way, ever. I don’t remember when Jimmy Kimmel had blackface. Mr.. But remember when he did the. On Comedy Central. Right. He’s apologized for that. I know. Now, that is a big dog out there in that, you know, Hollywood to apologize for that. Have you ever painted your face black, Mr. BLITZER? I’ve never been in my place. So who does this? Democrats, I guess. But that’s okay. He’s a good leftist now, and that’s all right. Apparently, he’s in a battle with Aaron Rodgers. What’s with all the hate against Aaron Rodgers, by the way, is afoot and what is that all about? It’s crazy why he didn’t want the vaccine. Well, then we have to destroy. I don’t get it. But nonetheless, anybody who resists is to be destroyed. Their reputation, their career, their legacy. Same damn thing. I’ll be right back.