December 5th, 2023

December 5th, 2023

WASHINGTON, DC - DECEMBER 5: (L-R) U.S. Speaker of the House Mike Johnson (R-LA) speaks as Bella Ingber, a college student from New York University, and Talia Khan, a college student from Massachusetts Institute of Technology, embrace during a news conference at the U.S. Capitol December 5, 2023 in Washington, DC. House Republicans were joined by Jewish college students who described their recent experiences with antisemitism on their campuses. (Photo by Drew Angerer/Getty Images)

On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, the House of Representatives education committee had a crucially important hearing and press briefing about the physical threats against Jewish students on college campuses. The Democrat-controlled Senate didn’t bother having any hearings on this. These students talked about traveling from their dorm room to class in great fear. Fox News was the only cable channel to cover what these students were saying live. We are plagued with a poisonous Israel-hating, in many respects Jew-hating, Hamas-loving media. Throughout the 1930’s, many professors at colleges like Harvard and the University of Pennsylvania supported Hitler. In the middle of the Holocaust many colleges were promoting antisemitism and many colleges got money from German authorities. Also, CNN’s Jake Tapper tried to bully an Israeli spokesman. Tapper’s self-righteous moral outrage does not extend to all the countries around the world, particularly in the Middle East, where civilians are being intentionally targeted for slaughter — from Syria and Iran to Yemen and beyond.  Tapper claimed that Israel is “raining bombs” down on Gaza. No, it is not. If Israel wanted to ‘rain bombs’ down on Gaza it would not be sending tens of thousands of its young men and women into Gaza, the IDF infantry, to fight street by street, house by house, room by room, thereby increasing Israeli casualties as it seeks to limit civilian casualties. Name another country on the face of the earth that would show such restraint after its girls were gang raped and executed, after its babies were decapitated after over 100 of its citizens were taken hostage. Tapper is pushing a narrative and projecting his own bigotry. Later, tens of thousands of Ukrainians died at the hands of Russia. Ukraine needed heavy equipment early in the war, not Biden’s restrictions. Ukraine may fall to Russia and Russia won’t stop there. Putin has said he will hit Poland and Romania. Finally, Seamus Bruner calls in to discuss his new book: Controligarchs: Exposing the Billionaire Class, their Secret Deals, and the Globalist Plot to Dominate Your Life.

Daily Mail
Hamas shot female Israeli soldiers ‘in the crotch, intimate parts and breasts’ as part of ‘a systemic genital mutilation’: IDF reveals many victims’ corpses still had agonised looks on their faces

Daily Wire
Mark Levin Shreds Jake Tapper For His Anti-Israel Narrative

Business Insider
These 105 Democrats declined to vote for a resolution declaring ‘anti-Zionism is antisemitism’

Leftist Outlets Stoke Fear of Second Trump Administration

Wall St Journal
Higher Ed Has Become a Threat to America

Post Millennial
Governor Newsom CANCELS Christmas tree lighting ceremony after threats of disruption by pro-Palestinian activists

Photo by Drew Angerer

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcription of Hour 1

Segment 1
Hello, America. Mark Levin here. Our number 877-381-3811.  877-381-3811. I want to say this right out of the box. I am proud. The Republicans on the House Education Committee. I am proud of the Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson. You know, the Democrats control the Senate. And the Democrat leader who makes all the decisions, really. Who is going to be heard, what kind of hearings they’re going to hold and so forth. Has not held hearings. What’s going on on our college campuses and our universities in our streets. The funding, the millions pouring into our colleges and universities from foreign governments, even terrorist organizations and their networks. And do Soros front groups. That are backing many of the organizations that are defending Hamas. In an organization like CARE, the largest Muslim Hamas terrorist front group in the United States operating for. Three decades. No hearings in the House, in the United States Senate. The Education Committee. Even though Chuck Schumer’s Jewish. Even though Bernie Sanders is Jewish. Nothing. Because their faith is their party. In the House of Representatives. The Education Committee under the Republicans. At a crucially important hearing. About threats. Physical threats against Jewish students at some of our top universities and colleges. There was a brief press conference beforehand. But the Speaker of the House, Johnson. And for those students spoke. I watched every minute of it. Talking about hiding them in the lock themselves in dorm rooms, having the take off their messages are. They Yamaoka saw their star David, around their neck. Literally traveling from their dorm room to class in great fear. Things being said to them. That are truly grotesque. Where’s Joe Biden today? Joe Biden was at a fundraiser in Boston. Meeting with a former chairman of J Street. J Street is an organization of self-hating Jews that oppose Israel. It’s a radical left wing, mostly Democrat operation. We’re Democrats like Biden and Blinken and others like to go. Where they receive standing ovations. They won’t go to most of the mainstream Jewish organizations. Joe Biden couldn’t find time to go to that rally with. Hundreds and hundreds of thousands of people, Jewish and gentile. Just a few weeks ago. Before he flew off to his meeting with Communist Chinese mass murder JI. And he still hasn’t gone, by the way, as a footnote to Palestine, Ohio. Well, he doesn’t give a damn. He still hasn’t gone to the border before. It was cleaned up like San Francisco has cleaned up regime. The Democrat Party looks more and more like these Third World or even first world autocratic regimes. They’re like a party of a free people. And like a party for free people. Now. I want to talk a little bit about something that’s very unpleasant. But before I do that, Mr. Producer. I want you folks to hear some of what was said today by these students. I want you folks to hear somewhat of what took place in this committee. I want you to know that the Fox News Channel was the only. Cable or network channel. To cover live what these students are saying about threats that are being made to them because they’re Jewish. And I guarantee. I guarantee. That if we were talking about any other minority. That every single one of these news platforms would have been covering this story live. That the attorney general of the United States couldn’t hide under his desk. At the Department of Justice. Then a president of the United States couldn’t go off to a fundraiser in the middle of the day. Without being severely criticized. If you replace Jewish students with African-American students. All right, Muslim students, you’d be hearing a very different story tonight. You’d be seeing a very different story throughout the day. And you’re not. Why is that? If you listen to this program, you’re a righteous human being regardless of your faith. You care about your country. You care about your family. You believe in good and you fear evil, you know right from wrong. People of faith, all faiths. To one degree or another. You understand? But to be lectured. To be lectured by the reprobates at CNN and MSNBC about right versus wrong is so disgusting, is it not? With their moral equivalency, their censorship. It really is grotesque. And. That’s our media. We are now plagued. They poisonous, cancerous, radical left wing American hating Israel, hating in many respects Jew hating, Hamas loving media. I want you to hear. Let’s begin with Congresswoman Stefanik. Mr. Producer, we had three of the presidents of three of our top poison Ivy League schools, MIT, University of Pennsylvania and Harvard. And you’d be a fool to allow any of your kids to attend this institution. I don’t have the cut list in front of me right now, Mr. Producer. Let’s go. A cut six, then go. Dr. Gay, a Harvard student calling for the mass murder of African-Americans is not protected. Free speech at Harvard. Correct? Our commitment to a yes or no question. Is that correct? Is that okay for students to call for the mass murder of African-Americans at Harvard? Is that protected free speech? Our commitment to freedom. It’s a yes or no question. Let me ask you this. You are president of Harvard, so I assume you’re familiar with the term intifada, correct? I’ve heard that term. Yes. And you understand that the use of the term intifada in the context of the Israeli-Arab conflict is indeed a call for violent armed resistance against the state of Israel, including violence against civilians and the genocide of Jews. Are you aware of that? That type of hateful speech is personally abhorrent to me. And there have been multiple marches at Harvard with students chanting, quote, There is only one solution in to fight a revolution and, quote, globalize the intifada. Is that correct? I’ve heard that thoughtless, reckless and hateful language on our campus. Yes. So based upon your testimony, you understand that this call for intifada is to commit genocide against the Jewish people in Israel and globally. Correct. I will say again, that type of hateful speech is personally abhorrent to me. Do you believe that type of hateful speech is contrary to Harvard’s code of conduct, or is it allowed at Harvard? It is at odds with the values of Harvard. Can you not say that it is against the code of conduct at Harvard? We embrace a commitment to free expression, even of views that are objectionable, offensive, hateful. It’s when that speech crosses into conduct that violates our policies against bullying. HARRIS Does that speech not cross that barrier? Does that speech not call for the genocide of Jews and the elimination of Israel? When you specify that you understand, that is the definition of intifada. Is that speech according to the code of conduct or not? We embrace a commitment to free expression and give a wide berth to free expression, even of views that are objectionable. You and I both know that’s not the case. You are aware that Harvard ranked dead last when it came to free speech. Are you not aware of that report, as I observed earlier? I reject that characterization. It’s the data shows it’s true. And isn’t it true that Harvard previously rescinded multiple offers of admissions for applicants and accepted freshmen for sharing offensive memes, racist statements, sometimes as young as 16 years old? Did Harvard not rescind those offers of admission? That long predates my time as president. You understand that Harvard made that decision to rescind those offers of admission. I have no reason to contradict the facts as you present them. Correct, Because it’s a fact. You’re also aware that a Winthrop House faculty dean was let go over he over who he chose to legally represent. Correct. That was while you were Dean. That is an incorrect characterization of what transpired. The characterization I’m not going to get into details about a personnel matter. Well, let me ask you this. Will admissions officers be rescinded or any disciplinary action be taken against students or applicants who say from the river to the sea or intifada, advocating for the murder of Jews? As I’ve said, that type of hateful, reckless offensive speech is personally abhorrent to me. And today that no action will be taken. What action will be taken when speech crosses into conduct that violates our policies, including policies against bullying, harassment or intimidation. We take action and we have robust disciplinary processes that allow us to hold individuals accountable. What action has been taken against students who are harassing and calling for the genocide of Jews on Harvard’s campus? I can assure you we have robust. What actions have been taken? I’m not asking underway. I’m asking what actions have been taken against the students, given students rights to privacy and our obligations under Sherpa. I will not say more about any specific cases other than to reiterate that processes are ongoing. Do you know what the number one hate crime in America is? I know that over the last couple of months, there has been an alarming rise of anti-Semitism, which I understand is the critical topic that we are here to discuss. That’s correct. It is anti-Jewish hate crimes. And Harvard ranks the lowest when it comes to protecting Jewish students. This is why I have called for your resignation and your testimony today. Not being able to answer with moral clarity speaks volumes. Who’s next, Mr. Producer. Go. I am a junior at NYU, and I’m going to try to answer the following question for you from my personal experiences. What is it like to be a Jew at NYU? Being a Jew at NYU is walking to class and passing torn and deface posters of innocent hostages with the words occupier and murderer written across their faces. It is going to both library to study and be. Interrupted by unauthorized protests where students and faculty call for a globalized intifada, revolution and incitement to violence against Jews everywhere, and a call for the annihilation of the Jewish state and my friends and family who live there. Being a Jew at NYU is being surrounded by students and faculty who support the murder and kidnapping of Jews. Because, after all, as they say, resistance is justified when people are occupied. It is being surrounded by social justice warriors and self-proclaimed feminists whose calls for justice end abruptly when the rape victims are Jews. Being a Jew at NYU has meant being physically assaulted in NYU library by a fellow student while I was wearing an American Israeli flag and having my attacker still roam freely throughout the campus. Being a Jew at NYU is experiencing how diversity, equity and inclusion is not a value that NYU extends to its Jewish students. Since October 7th. The unmistakable antisemitism that I’ve experienced on campus is reminiscent of the Jew hatred I’ve heard about from my grandparents Holocaust survivors who experience. I have to stop there because of our heartbreak. But you get the gist of this. I wanted I wanted to get to what I will get to is the back and forth with the University of Pennsylvania president Liz McGill. In Representative Jim Banks. We’ll be right back.

Segment 2
You have the speaker of the House who isn’t Jewish. You have the chairwoman of the House Education Committee who isn’t Jewish. You’ve got Elise Stefanik, Jim Banks and all the wonderful Republicans on that committee. To my knowledge, none of whom are Jewish. Taking up the cause of Jewish students at our universities and colleges. Not Chuck Schumer. Not Bernie Sanders. Bernie Sanders supports the enemy. That’s clear. We have individuals in our media. Why didn’t CNN cover this lie? Why they they couldn’t give it 15 minutes. Jake TAPPER, you can apologize to the American people. You’re going to leak about the anti-Semitism at CNN. How about over at MSNBC? What are you going to do over there? Andrea mitchell Anything? No, of course not. I’ll be right back.

Segment 3
It is amazing to hear what we say here Mr. Producer behind a microphone repeated within 24 or 48 hours elsewhere. Hey, I have an idea. Yeah, and you should. Congressman Jim Banks hopefully be the next governor of Indiana. He’s pressing the president of the University of Pennsylvania, Liz McGill. At this House hearing, the Education Committee. The Republicans were fantastic. Correct. Go. Why did Penn let Professor Amad Ademola off the hook who led hundreds of students in chanting? There’s only one solution. Intifada. Revolution. Why does that professor still have a job at your university? Representative Our approach to speech is, as I identified, it follows and is guided by the United States Constitution, which allows for robust perspectives. I disagree with the characterization that we treat speech differently. Let’s hold on a minute. Just so you understand the Constitution. You are free. To say, as you wish, without government interference, as long as it doesn’t cross the line. But you’re not free to be a professor. To have tenure. To use a college campus. To advance your speech. It goes back over 125 years with a Supreme Court decision. In other words, say whatever you want. As long as you’re not actually inciting material violence. But where you say it matters. Where you say it matters. And if you’re saying it for the purpose of threatening, intimidating and even trying to create an uprising against certain students on campus, which is supposed to be the place of academic freedom and free speech, obviously that’s not protected by the United States Constitution. Go ahead. Any individual disciplinary process. Same goes for Penn Professor Ann Norton, who’s repeatedly denied Hamas’s worst, worst atrocities on October seven. Or how about Huda FAK Radin, who romanticized the murder of over a thousand Israeli Jews as, quote, Palestine, inventing a new way of life and clapped. As a speaker said, Jews should go back to Berlin and Moscow. Why? Remember, these are these are professors who are paid. Who are paid. By the school and the taxpayers. They’re not required to have these jobs. There’s no compulsion in the Constitution that compels that. None. People don’t get jobs, are fired from jobs all the time for offensive language. Some people can call it sexual harassment. Some people can call it racism and bigotry. Ask your H.R. department. Many of you who work at corporations once or twice a year, you go through these training seminars, what you can and cannot say what you can and cannot do. But apparently, if it involves Jews, the elimination of Jews, the killing of Jews, the threatening of Jews. Somehow that’s protected under the First Amendment. I’ll ask you again what any one of these presidents of these universities, by the way, all women. Well, they say that if it was a different minority, if it was black people or what if it were a gay people or LGBTQ, X, Y, Z people, or any other people on the face of the earth? No, they would say it’s not protected. So what’s going on here? You know what’s going on here. All throughout the 1930s. Harvard University of Virginia. Most of these other schools. There are many professors who supported Hitler in the Third Reich. Did you know this? I’m going to talk about this extensively. Either on Saturday or Sunday on Fox have to decide which night. Books have been written about this. Did you know that? Scholars have written about this. Do you know that? Even in the middle of the Holocaust. These colleges and universities. We’re promoting. The Third Reich we’re promoting. Extermination and antisemitism. And many of these colleges and universities, guess what? Folks got money. From the German authorities. Sound familiar? Well, it is familiar. It’s happening again. Go ahead. You still have a job at your university. I’m very troubled by what you’re describing, Congressman, that kind of you’re speaking out of both sides of your mouth. You’re defending it. You allow these professors to teach at your college. You create a safe haven for this type of anti-Semitic behavior. You said something earlier about anti-Semitism being symbolic of the larger society. Your university is a hotbed of it. And one of the reasons that we’re seeing a rise of anti-Semitism is Semitism is an unsafe environment for Jewish college students all over this country. You’re largely responsible for it. And what’s not said in most of the media. Is that the litigation being brought against these universities and colleges. For what they’re doing would not be possible, but for the presidency of Donald Trump. He signed the executive order extending and expanding Title six of the Civil Rights Act. The Bushies didn’t sign it. Obama didn’t. Biden, when people asked him to expand it, sat on it. Donald Trump did it. You know, Hitler worse than Hitler. He did it. It’s a little early yet, but I’m going to be spending. Committing my. My waking hours, the time I have on this earth during the course of this next election. Exposing the Democrats, exposing Biden. Defending the Republicans and should Trump be the nominee, defending Trump. Because we got to get our stories straight. We got to fight this propaganda big time. My wife and I were talking today while we talk every day, obviously, but especially. If people would read American Marxism and the Democrat Party hates America, they’d know everything there is to know about what’s going on, what has gone on, and what’s going to go on. Those two books. Lay it all out. Comprehensively in a scholarly way, but in a way that is comprehensible to everybody and anybody. Those two books. Which is why you can’t find the Democrat Party hates America now and most retail stores at the height of the holidays. Mr. Producer. Barnes and Noble has it in the back. Costco has removed. But I don’t blame Costco. Costco has done a good job. They have one big table. But you won’t find it in any of the major national retail bookstores right now at the height of Hanukkah and Christmas. So you have to order on Amazon or if you choose to go into one of these stories, you get a time, go into back, get it and dusted off if you choose to do that, those two books. Forget about my other eight books, at least for now. Those two books. We’ll tell you everything you need to know. Everything. And listen to this, University of Pennsylvania. Dim witted president. She lies about the First Amendment. She doesn’t care. And then we have Marxists like Bernie Sanders. You heard these committees, this committee today. You’ve heard some of what I’ve played for you. But the day before in the US Senate, as the media like to say, Bernie Sanders, a Jewish senator. Was condemning the state of Israel because Bernie Sanders is a marxist. Marxists do not tolerate faith, including Judaism. Bernie Sanders was born as a Jew. That’s his ethnicity, but he rejects it as a religion. He rejects a Zionist state. He rejects the biblical history of the Jews. He rejects all of it. He embraces Marxism. Let’s listen to this. Four cut nine go at a time when over 250 people have been killed in the West Bank. I’m not talking about Gaza. Talking about the West Bank since October seven. And what did they do there in the West Bank? Even if we accept your number, I don’t. But for argument’s sake. So the Jews go into the West Bank, you see Judea and Samaria, they’re industrious, they’re their ancestral homeland, and they just go around shooting Palestinians because that’s what Jews to. We know that that’s what the Israelis do. They go around, they look. They look for people to kill and rape and maim. Is that what they’re doing in Gaza? Is that what they’re doing in Judea and Samaria? This is a sick bastard, this Bernie Sanders B.S. Bernie Sanders. That self-hating buffoon. Show me one example. One. Where an IDF soldier. In Gaza. Or in Judea and Samaria raped a Palestinian. Period. Show me one example. And they keep pointing to it during the course of this war. Look at them committing these war crimes. One example where they decapitated a Palestinian baby’s head. Just give me one or they showed the Palestinian baby in an oven. What example? I ask what example? They use motorcycle fumes to catch two little kids. Give me one example. Just one. Give me one example. When they took Palestinian women hostages. And now in the Daily Mail, the most disgusting, horrendous thing you can think of. And shot them in the vagina and shot them in their breasts and shot them in their backside. Give me one damn example. Bernie Sanders is a punk. He’s a puke is an old red. Under his ideology, 100 million people have been slaughtered and billions have been enslaved. This pathetic, stupid throwback. Endorsed every communist regime during his lifetime. Whether it was Brezhnev or Castro or Mao, it didn’t matter. And then when these atrocities for sure why they didn’t go, they didn’t do it right. He reverses course. What kind of a kook has his honeymoon in Moscow? During the Cold War. We tolerate him as some kind of grandfatherly figure, though he’s not. He hates this country. He hates you. He’s a democratic socialist, but he votes with the Democrats cause they do. All the Marxists in the end are Democrats. All the Islamists are Democrats. All the Hamas supporters in this country are Democrats. That’s the party when they go around talking about Trump trying to destroy democracy. Unbelievable. I’ve got more. I’ll be right back.

Segment 4
From the Daily Mail, not The New York Times, not The Washington Post, not CNN, not MSNBC, not out of Joe Biden’s mouth or Blinken’s mouth or Sullivan’s mouth or Kirby’s mouth from the Daily Mail. Hamas terror shot female Israeli soldiers in the crotch. The women in the vagina. Intimate parts and breasts as part of a systematic genital mutilation. Some of the female victims of the attack on October seven were left with agonized looks on their faces in death. So in death, their faces were frozen in horrendous agony. Army reservist Sheri Mendez said many bodies of female victims, both civilian and soldiers, arrived, quote, in bloody shredded rags or just in underwear. Menendez, whose unit is based in the Sharara army base in central Israel, was speaking at a U.N. event in New York yesterday titled Hear Our Voices Sexual and Gender Based Violence in the October seven Hamas terror attack, she said. Our team commander saw several female soldiers who were shot in the crotch, intimate parts, vagina shot in their breasts. This seems to be a systematic genital mutilation of a group of victims. These women, she said, arrive with their eyes, opened their mouths in, grimaces, their fists clenched. They were dying in excruciating pain. The soldiers that we dealt with had expressions of agony on their faces. Still. I remember one young woman whose arm was broken in so many places. It was difficult for us to lay her harm in the burial shroud. Her leg, too. In her case, the entire left side of her body was shredded, torn apart, mostly most likely by a grenade. And what they mean by that is a grenade planted on her. Menendez, describing the atrocities in graphic detail, said that she and her unit are forced to make a decision to not show the families of the dead soldiers their bodies. She said some were shot in the heads where bashed in so badly that their brains were spilling out. Some were shot in the head so many times at close range that their heads were almost blown off their shoulders. Women. She said. The scene that lay before her as she arrived at the Sherman Army Base a day after Hamas killed 1200 people was, quote, unimaginable in scale. Body bags were piled to the ceiling, lining the corridors in every room. Refrigerator trucks were waiting outside. Also, full body bags just kept coming and coming in all shapes and sizes. Many were oozing liquids and the floors were wet. The smell of death was already unbearable. It’s impossible to overemphasize the number of bodies we were dealing with the sense of shock and despair. More and more reports of Hamas using sexual violence as a method of warfare during its bloody incursion have been published in the weeks since. I saw a beautiful woman with the face of an angel in eight or ten of the fighters beating and raping her. She was screaming, Stop it already. I’m going to die anyway. From what you are doing, just kill me. And when they were done, they shot her in the head.