October 24th, 2023

October 24th, 2023

Long Beach, CA - Cal State Long Beach students hold a campus rally in support of Palestinians caught up in the conflict that continued to rage unabated between Arabs and Jews in the Middle East on Tuesday, Oct. 10, 2023. (Luis Sinco / Los Angeles Times via Getty Images)

On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, the free world doesn’t want to be free anymore, and democracies don’t want to be democracies anymore because we have become weak and are being destroyed from within by Marxism and terrorism. Our schools are all in on the destruction of America because the vast majority of public institutions have been devoured by Marxism. Hamas is killing their own people just like aggressive autocracies before them like Mao or Stalin because they seek to re-engineer society and human beings, and if you do not conform to the ideology you become expendable. The overlay between Marxism and Islamic Nazism is more similar than dissimilar. Also, the left in Israel is as bad as the left in America, and they want to fundamentally change the country and control the elections. Benjamin Netanyahu offered modest changes to the Israeli Supreme Court to return more control to the Knesset, which were rejected and he was told he doesn’t have the authority. The Israeli left backed by the American Democrat left and the Biden Administration wants to destroy Netanyahu. Later, there was no basis for the judge in Manhattan to fine Donald Trump $5,000 because he did not like what Trump posted. This was an effort by a Democrat judge to put a scarlet letter on Trump because the defendant has the right to speak out and defend themselves. Meanwhile, the Judge in D.C. stayed her own censorship order, and if the prosecution is making their case publicly then so can the defendant.

ABC News
Ex-Chief of Staff Mark Meadows granted immunity, tells special counsel he warned Trump about 2020 claims: Sources

Fox News
DeSantis admin directs Florida universities to terminate student chapters that support ‘Hamas terrorism’

Jerusalem Post 
Ehud Barak’s poisonous pyromania threatens Israeli democracy – opinion (July 27, 2023)

Legal Insurrection
‘Didn’t Happen in a Vacuum’: U.N. Leader Blames Israel, Jews for Hamas Massacre

Blaze Media Pivots Conservative News to Subscription-Only Model to ‘Avoid the Censorship’ and ‘Politicized Practices’ of Big Tech Advertising

Jerusalem Post 
‘Your son killed 10 Jews,’ Hamas terrorist tells Gazan parents

NY Times
Trump Fined $5,000 for Breaking Gag Order by Leaving Abusive Post Online

MSNBC’s Mehdi Hasan Is Back on Air and as Anti-Israel as Ever

Middle East Forum
NBC Hires Islamist-Linked Journalist with a History of Hate (October 2020)

Photo by Luis Sinco/Los Angeles Times 

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcription of Hour 1

Segment 1
Hello, America. Mark Levin here. Our number 877-381-3811.  877-381-3811. Unfortunately, America, I’m come to the conclusion that the free world doesn’t want to be free anymore. That so-called democracies don’t want to be democracies anymore. That we’ve become weak, that we’re all being destroyed from within, from the same maladies that is Marxism. And. Terrorism. Our academia is all in. It’s all in for the destruction of America, because these Ivy League schools are not just Ivy League schools. The vast majority of our public institutions have been devoured by these forces. And Graham. She was right. And Hamas was ready. What do you mean, Mark? Well, they point out, and the Democrat Party hates America. Graham Key was a leading communist. Over 100 years ago in Italy. There’s a little man. He had numerous physical defects. He was thrown in prison for a period of time as he opposed not just the fascists, but he opposed democracy, too. And he argued that Marx was wrong about one thing. The Marxist revolution won’t come from the bottom up, but will come from the top down and then it will come from the bottom up. In other words, take over the institutions, control the language, the belief and value systems. Brainwash. Use propaganda. Control the culture and your revolution will be successful. Lenin agreed. Stalin agreed. Of course, they all had to agree because most of these revolutions, the communist revolutions, do not come from the bottom up. They come from the top down in the name of the bottom up. When you take that ideology and you combine it with the Muslim Brotherhood or Hamas or Iran and the other Islamic terrorist Nazi regimes and Nazi ideologies. You can see what’s happening. The Marxists have killed 100 million. Human beings over the course of the last century or so. 100 million. Mostly of their own people. Stalin slaughtered 30 to 40 million of his own people. Now 40 to 50 million of his own people. Amazes me when people say, well, look at Hamas, they’re killing their own people. Well, of course they are. When you look through the lens of power, whether they’re sort of soft autocracies like the Democrat Party or these very aggressive genocidal autocracies. Like Lenin and Stalin and Mao, the Islamo Nazi regime in Tehran, their terrorist offshoots and so forth. They seek to re-engineer society. They seek to re-engineer human beings. And so what’s a couple million deaths here in there? And they will not and cannot tolerate anything but uniformity. And if you will not conform, for instance, with the Islamo Nazi ideology, are you will not conform with a marxist ideology. You’re expendable. Because paradise, whether it’s Marxist paradise or paradise, whether it’s the Islamist paradise, is unachievable. If anyone, anything. Any faith, any group stands in their way. Now we red blooded Americans, we stand in the way of both the Marxists and the Islamists. That’s why we’ve been targeted over the decades. And that’s why we will continue to be targeted from within and from without. These other ideologies in the form of regimes or. Terrorist operations. They cannot be successful, both in their minds and in reality. Without destroying us. If that means violence, it means violence. And if that means exterminating the Jews, it means exterminating the Jews. If that means one day Iran gets a nuclear missile and blows Los Angeles off the face of the earth, so be it. This is what Obama and Biden and our media and the rest. They don’t understand or believe their ideology, which is a soft Marxism, can overcome. It cannot. What this soft Marxism does is it weakens America. They talk about defund the police. They’ve effectively defunded the military. They’ve effectively defunded the Border Patrol by their practices. By their policies. That is what they have done and that’s what they continue to do. And like the Marxists and even like the Islamo Nazis. Propaganda is key. That’s why you scratch your heads and are disgusted with the American media and the European media for that matter. But mostly here in America, we read the American media. How can it be that The New York Times for a second time, is on the side of the Nazis? How could it be that MSNBC has bigots and anti-Semite, says hosts and guests. How could it be? That moral equivalency is made between the victim and the perpetrator. And I would say this to Reuters as a footnote that is spewing all the Hamas propaganda as I speak, as are the others. If Hamas surrenders. Then no children will die. In the Gaza Strip. But Hamas is not going to surrender any more than the Marxists will surrender any more than Hitler would surrender. It’s explained in the Democrat Party hates America. You’ve got to look at these institutions through the lens of power. Why is our border wide open? Does it serve the purposes of securing our nation and protecting our people, the American citizenry, of course, than it does the US? It’s about power. It’s about flipping Texas, changing the culture, the demographics to empower the Democrat Party. I’m just explaining to you. What nobody has explained to you yet. The overlay between Marxism. And Nazi ism. Islamic Nazi ism is more similar than dissimilar. It always amazed me, and I read an enormous amount about it. I thought about it over time, how the fascists were always fighting the communists. In practicality. In reality, they had more in common than did not. Marxism would press the argument that it’s sort of an ideological model, and of course fascists would push the model that there is ideological, too. But it really stems from one person or a handful of people. For the population. It doesn’t matter. They’re enslaved. They are enslaved. Now, the only way to defeat these enemies is to defeat them. You can’t negotiate with the. You have morals, you’re good. They have no morals and they’re evil. What are you negotiating for? Was it slavery? Evil in the United States or everywhere else, for that matter? Should we have de-escalated during the Civil War? What about all the children and innocents who died during the Civil War? What about them? Could they be persuaded? The slave holders? Over time. To let those folks go. Why was it so evil and needed to be crushed? You don’t negotiate with evil. You either destroy it or it destroys you. The West is losing this war of ideas and ideology, strategy, tactics. It’s losing. Europe opened its borders. And now they’ve been overrun by immigrants. Many of whom come from Arab and Muslim countries. And our own nation. We’ve been overrun with immigrants, many illegal from all over the world. We have no idea who they are. None. But we have literally have cities now, towns. Overwhelming majority of which. Have attachments and share the culture with individuals in the Middle East, whether in Michigan, Dearborn. Whether in Minnesota. Minneapolis. Many other parts of our country. An Orthodox Jew with a beard college. Black Coke. Jamaica. They’re not free to walk through these areas. There will be violently attack. Hate crimes against Jews are way up and have been over the last decade or so. 2% of the population in America, 51% of the hate crimes. And as I’ve said here time and again, why don’t they tell us who’s doing these things? Surely they can put statistics together. Who are committing these acts. Who are they? We know where most of them are occurring. Most of them are occurring obviously, where Jews are. But where individuals from the Middle East are. I don’t really care if I’m attacked. By the Hitlerian media in this country, the pro-Hamas media. I don’t really care if I’m attacked by Democrats who have brought this to America and who continue to sustain it. I’m talking to you. My fellow Americans who still love this country and don’t want to fundamentally transform it. That’s what’s going on. When you have Obama and Biden and Blinken and the rest of the. American Marxists. And that’s who Biden ultimately threw in with first, he thrown with the old Confederates. Now he’s thrown in with the American Marxist because he’s a chameleon, is a dumb guy’s a nasty guy. It always has been. The power is power. Joe Biden needed Bernie Sanders to become the nominee, and that’s why he’s thrown in with. They’re destroying our country from within. People come into this country from other countries. We talk about assimilation, but what are they going to assimilate into now? Public education and free colleges. Universities were considered places to assimilate people. Now they learned to hate America. Our media. When you have an autocratic party like the Democrat Party and, you know, an autocratic media, that’s what we have with CNN and Politico and MSNBC, probably the worst. Reuters, AP, New York Times, Washington Post. We have an autocratic media. By the way, which also claims to believe in free speech and freedom of the press and stand with the people when they stand on our throats. I’ll be right back.

Segment 2
But there’s other news. So here and there I want to mention in Mark Meadows, look, looks like cornered. ABC News is known to have some kind of a plea deal with Jack Smith in Washington. Those of you who listen to this program of fairly regular basis know that I. I mentioned several months ago, Mr. Producer, you may recall as well that Meadows has been awfully silent. And that his name does not appear much in any of the filings by Jack Smith or in any of the leaks by the government. So unfortunately, I assumed that he was working for the government, and he probably is. I can’t verify that until other media outlets discuss it and what length, perhaps Fox and so forth. But it’s pretty clear to me that’s what’s going on. It’s also pretty clear that that the D.A., prosecutor in the county of Fulton County, that the reason she indicted 19 people, including Donald Trump, is so she could flip some of them. And that appears to be what’s taking place. One bogus lawsuit, prosecution after another. But this is how it works. I’ll be right back.

Segment 3
There’s a reason I call Ron DeSantis America’s governor, because there really is nobody like him. There really is nobody like him. This from FOX. DeSantis administration directs Florida universities to terminate student chapters that support Hamas terrorism. School administrators who support the groups could face suspension. We have 26 Republican governors with one who has taken actions like this one. DeSantis. Because DeSantis understands the culture wars. He understands the culture wars. And to say to understands if you lose the culture wars, you lose your country, not just your state, you lose your country. That’s why when Nikki Haley attacked him over Disney and said, We’ll take care of South Carolina, she came right off my list. Try. Chris Christie’s a loser. And quite frankly, it’s why painters are losing. There’s really two people who understand this, and that’s Trump and decide. And I would argue also Tim Scott understands. But none of the others do. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, in coordination with the chancellor of the state university system, has moved to crack down on student groups in the state they say have expressed support for Hamas terrorism, which possibly involves terminating the student chapters and suspending school administrators. Called during a holy Jewish holiday, the recognized terrorist organization Hamas, launched an unprovoked attack on Israel. Among those killed were babies, women and elderly. Ray Rodriguez, chancellor of the state University System of Florida, wrote in a letter to the state universities obtained by Fox News Digital. And the other thing DeSantis understands is personality policy. That’s his guy. The letter states that a student group present in at least two universities in the Florida system known as the National Students for Justice in Palestine. I’d been talking about this now since October 7th here on Blaze on Fox. That group published a toolkit that refers to the Hamas operation as the resistance and says that Palestinian students in exile are part of this movement now in solidarity with the movement. They’re part of the movement. In other words, they’re part of terrorism. The letter explains that it is a felony under Florida law to knowingly provide material support to a designated foreign terrorist organization, Hamas as a designated foreign terrorist organization. These chapters exist under the headship of the National Students for Justice in Palestine, who distributed a toolkit identifying themselves as part of the Operation Oxa Flood. Rodriguez writes, Based on a national Students for Justice in Palestine, support of terrorism and in consultation with Governor DeSantis, the student chapters must be deactivated. These two student champions may form another organization that complies with Florida State Statute University policies, but the two institutions should grant these two chapters a waiver from fall deadline should reapplication take place. Rodriguez says in a letter that he will continue working with the senator’s office to ensure we are using all our tools at our disposal to crack down on campus demonstrations that go beyond First Amendment speech and a harmful support for terrorist groups. These measures can include necessary adverse employment actions in suspensions for school officials because they’re expecting these. These administrative bureaucrats and these colleges and universities to resist. And they say, okay, you’ll be suspended and remote. The letter states adding promoting excellent quality education while providing a safe environment for all students is paramount. So there you have the sad to say, 2024 presidential candidate has been a vocal proponent of cracking down on and condemning the Hamas terrorist attack against Israel on October seven that killed more than 1400 Israelis. He recently said he would cancel student visas and deport foreign nationals who celebrate Hamas. If he’s elected president. Exactly. DeSantis is also planning to call for a special legislative session of session in Florida to increase state sanctions on Iran. The main financial supporter of Hamas. The dissenters allocated state resources to an evacuation operation that was responsible for chartering hundreds of stranded Americans in Israel on flights back to the U.S. and a movie touted as being more efficient than efforts by the Biden administration. He said We were able to fill the void. There was no leadership. And so we stepped up and we led the centers. Now, some of you may not support the centers. But he deserves credit and applause because he is America’s governor. And he does things that no other governor will do that no ever governor has done. And this is one of them. Florida is a huge state. Could have easily elected a rhino that could have easily elected a Democrat to change the state. It’s now overwhelmingly Republican. You even had Democrat areas that were voted for him for governor. So he deserves not disdain and attacks and all the rest of it. He should be acknowledged for the things that he’s doing. Whomever your candidate is. That’s very, very important. And it really ought to be. Well, first of all, it’s a testament. How he and a conservative governor who runs a state. But what he’s doing should be copied by every other Republican governor in America. But it won’t be and it isn’t. I’m sitting here in Virginia. I’m waiting for Governor Youngkin to do something like that. I think he’s a good man. And maybe will. He doesn’t have a majority in the Senate. And by the way, I want to say something to Virginians out there, particularly Republicans or Democrats who are fed up with their party. You have a huge election coming up. Virginia has off year elections. In Virginia, we hold the House of Delegates by a thread. In the state Senate. The Democrats hold the state Senate by a three. We’re being inundated with ads in Northern Virginia. Paid for by God knows who. Abortion, abortion, abortion, abortion. Apparently every Republican opposes abortion at every stage. Which is not true. I have a very strict view of abortion, but I’m not running for office. In Virginia, the Republican position is 15 weeks. 15 weeks and the vast majority of Americans support them. The first 15 weeks and that’s it, with the exception for rape and incest. The Democrat Party, as you know, even though they deny. But we’ve called them out here first and now others are calling them out. And they should continue to believe in abortion on demand. And in fact, they don’t even believe in saving the baby after its born. Which no civil society embraces, but the Democrat Party does. It’s the same party that promoted eugenics. It’s the same party that promoted slavery. It’s the same party that promoted segregation. It’s the same party that treated black people like animals. Let’s stop playing games here. It’s the party that welcomes the Hamas supporters into its mitts. Joe Biden has not even not even acknowledged or condemned the element within his own party. It is a party that does not accept America and that’s why it hates America, as I keep explaining. Because it’s true. I’m going to spend a little time edifying, folks, about Ehud Barak, because I notice one of the liberals on our favorite cable network keeps trashing Netanyahu. It’s kind of a strange thing to do in the middle of war in Israel, don’t you think? And then I notice more and more of the Democrat Party embeds in our media doing the same thing. This guy, Thomas Friedman. Thomas Friedman, in my view, as a self-hating Jew. And he writes these columns not to edify America. He writes these columns because he knows that Joe Biden follows his columns. And Thomas Friedman has essentially been calling, I would argue, for a coup against the Netanyahu government every time the Netanyahu guy who government is elected. He’s a radical leftist who works for a newspaper that has blood on its hands, Jewish blood on its hands and American blood on its hands. But he’s not the only one. They bring in these saps, these lackeys, these lapdogs. They keep talking about Netanyahu. Can. Don’t wait. Can it wait? No. If you go to a site like this site called Media Eich, they have like two rational human beings who post things and then like 40 who are complete prepubescent kids, always about Trump and the Republicans. Well, that’s the media. They reflect the modern media. So I feel like if I don’t address this, nobody will. And it’s unfortunate that I have to because I don’t really want to. Now is not the time. But when you go to that site media, I don’t recommend it. You will see constant posts about Trump. Like I get a lot of hits, make a lot of money off there, but they’re obsessed. It’s a psychological problem. They can’t control it. And the Democrats and the media same thing. So they’re part of the same milieu as them. I’ll be right back.

Segment 4
Most of you don’t know who Ehud Barak is and for good reason. But he is a man who has raised money, dark money, money outside the United States has brought in anybody and everybody who would topple the Netanyahu government and is supported by Democrats in America and liberals in America. You’ve seen some of them on TV. When they start trashing Netanyahu in the middle of a war, you understand how unserious and problematic these liberals are because they never give up their ideologues. David Weinberg is a columnist who wrote about this man in The Jerusalem Post a few months back. And again, most of you wouldn’t know about this because why would you? There’s other things going on, but you need to know about it now. There are very specific people responsible for the degradation. Of Israel, with Ehud Barak taking first place in the ugly contest for the most hateful, most extreme, most seditious rabble rouser of them all. And this guy appears on cable TV the way Thomas Friedman does, because these news people and these hosts don’t do their homework or some of them embrace it. So they have these useful idiots that they bring on. Former Prime Minister Ehud Barak appears at every anti-government protest rally and in every foreign television studio with preening self-confidence, sky high arrogance and the most untamed political language heard in this country in decades. Meeting Israel, he savages Prime Minister Netanyahu and anybody to the right of him as dark and dangerous. Ultra nationalists are undermining the foundations of Zionism and Israeli democracy. Quote unquote. I guess they’re like MAGA Republicans, huh? I guess so. This guy’s bad. He blackberries uncontrollably about Israel becoming, quote, a fascist state, unquote, in an apartheid country. He even called a recent Israeli Supreme Court ruling that went into Netanyahu’s favor a one way mirror public like decision. That’s the lead up to the Nazis. This year, he has escalated his rhetoric to talk about the, quote, shattering of Israeli democracy, unquote, the darkest days Israel is now in, quote unquote imminent dictatorship in Israel, quote unquote. And silencing by the right wing sounds like the American left going after Trump. But this guy is bad and he’s supported by the left in our country, the Democrats and Biden and Thomas Friedman. And one speech I heard, he writes, Barack hurl the epithet fascist, said Netanyahu three times, dictator Justice Minister Levin, four times an apartheid and right wing West Bank settlement policies. Another three times. He then accused all Israelis to his political right are wearing Nazi style selection eyeglasses, which is a disgusting political slur, whether used by an anti-Semitic non-Jew or a born again wannabe Israeli leader. To this, Barack recently has added piercing, scornful characterizations of Netanyahu and his cabinet ministers as jokes, jackasses, pincers, dribblers, simpletons, people sick with autoimmune diseases. Barack delivers all this dreadful democratic demagoguery alongside incessant use of the empathetic, messianic and describing policies of the right wing. This, of course, is supremely ironic, since the only metal messianism that exists in abundance in Ehud Barak’s presence is its own self-assurance. Whatever you think of Netanyahu’s government or its digital reform proposals, Barak’s wild exaggerations and exceedingly belligerent characterizations are disgusting. And, by the way, just like Peggy Noonan. Peggy Noonan. Who is a disgusting, disgrace little socialite. His use of near anti-Semitic pseudo BDS language is unacceptable. His feral ambitions and savage hatreds clearly have propelled him off into the deep end, worst of all, and by far worst of all. Ready for this? Ready for this. It’s the lead role that Barack has taken in calling for subversion of the IDF through mass refusal to serve by Israeli soldiers and reserve duty officers. This was written in July. There was a huge movement by Barak and Lapid and the whole Israeli left, supported by the Thomas Friedmans and the other reprobates in our own country, telling the military to undermine their own commander in chief. And part of that, in my humble opinion, is why on October 7th, the government wasn’t ready. Because of Ehud Barak, his supporters in Israel, and his supporters in America’s media. Barack began barking about the need to refuse to serve in the IDF, quote, under dictatorship, unquote. And in February, Haaretz conference, quote, When it black flag of extreme illegality flies over an army order. It’s not just the right of a soldier to obey that order. It’s his obligation that is to disobey. We’re now facing the civilian equivalent of black flag illegality. Our only obligation is to a liberal democracy. We have no obligatory contract with dictators, and history will judge to purgatory. All those who submit to the dictates of dictators. So he’s telling the IDF. He’s telling Mossad and all the rest. Defy Netanyahu. After as he wasn’t going too far with his call for mutiny in the military, Barrack responded with his charismatic, messianic self-possession that quote, We are on the right side of history and we are not afraid of anybody or anything. He specifically called upon, quote, Air Force pilots and frontline commandos to warn Netanyahu that if the so called reasonably restriction latest legislation was passed, they would, quote, refuse to serve a dictatorship, period. Now you know why they weren’t ready. I’ll be right back.