Mark Levin: “The media will not remain strong. The Democratic Party will not remain strong. Some Republicans might not, but I think they’ll hold pretty firm. But it’s going to be up to you, We, the People, tens of millions of us to make it abundantly clear that not only do we stand with Israel and the Netanyahu government, but we detest the Nazi Hamas terrorists, the regime in Tehran led by Nazis, the Hezbollah Nazis and what they are doing. You know, it is said over the decades, “Never again. Never again will we allow this to happen” what happened in Germany and the rest of Europe and so forth. Never again. Well, it is happening. And this administration, the Biden administration has not only rebuilt Iran, rebuilt these terrorist regimes, but they’re about to give them nuclear weapons by their appeasement and so forth with intercontinental missiles that can hit every one of your communities, and these people are evil, they’ll be able to threaten us they’ll be able to blackmail us. That is why we must say, enough is enough. Never again.”