August 10th, 2023

August 10th, 2023

SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH - AUGUST 10: U.S. President Joe Biden speaks at the George E. Wahlen Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center on August 10, 2023 in Salt Lake City, Utah. President Biden was celebrating the first anniversary of the PACT Act. (Photo by George Frey/Getty Images)

On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, FBI Director Christopher Wray is a liar and coverup artist for President Biden and his corrupt family. We have the Biden crime family facing issues of bribery, extortion, obstruction, fraud, money laundering, wire fraud, FARA, and RICO violations, and yet there isn’t even a criminal investigation taking place.  This is why we are disgusted and have no trust in the FBI or DOJ because this is the same Justice Department trying to destroy Donald Trump. The January 6th committee committed a crime and destroyed raw evidence and footage, and now many of the deposition testimony videos are gone despite being directed to keep everything. Hillary Clinton destroyed thousands of emails subpoenaed by Congress and nothing happened to her. Democrats destroy and cover things up that are subpoenaed by a branch of government, and nothing happens, yet Donald Trump didn’t destroy a single thing and he stands to be in prison for the rest of his life. Also, despite all the attacks on Ron DeSantis, he has been a fantastic governor in the state of Florida. He has an outstanding record running and has a much better record than Chris Christie, who conducts himself like a Democrat now just like he did as Governor of New Jersey. Later, Mark is joined by David Trulio, the new Ronald Reagan Foundation and Institute president and CEO, about Mark’s upcoming book signing event at the Reagan Library. Finally, Mark speaks with Congressman Greg Steube about filing a resolution in Congress for the impeachment of Joe Biden which will focus on bribery, extortion, obstruction of justice, fraud, financial involvement in drugs and prostitution.

Fox News
Several FBI offices contributed to anti-Catholic memo, refuting Wray’s testimony, GOP says

The Messenger
Federal Judge Found ‘Reason to Believe’ Trump Would ‘Flee from Prosecution’

Biden Blasted Over Deal He Just Made With the ‘Butchers in Tehran’

The Times of Israel
US pushes back on White House invite claim as PM seen trying to raise visit’s profile

Fox News
Special Counsel Jack Smith proposes January 2024 trial in Trump election case

Photo by George Frey

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcription of Hour 1

Segment 1
Hello, America. Mark Levin here. Our number 877-381-3811.  877-381-3811. We have every couple of years a very, very big announcement about the Reagan Foundation, a library. When our book signing will be. I also give a speech or we have a talk there. We have a dinner there. It’s an all day function. It’s fabulous. And at the bottom of this hour, 6:30 p.m. Eastern Time, we’ll bring on the new president and CEO of the Reagan Foundation Library. David to read for Leo. David True, Leo and David. True Leo. He’s going to give the specifics, including the link where you can go. And I just want to give you a heads up. If you’re thinking about going to the Reagan Library for our event in October. You really need to get ready. The link isn’t working. It’s not going to be turned on till 6:30 p.m. Eastern time. That’s when it’ll be announced. What the link is. The event will be October 21st on a Saturday. He’ll announce that time. I’ll talk about what we do there. But you’re going to need to be prepared because in 22 minutes we’ll make the announcement. The link will literally be flooded. And we have sold out on that event because it’s a significant event. It’s not held often. It involves a fabulous dinner, a conversation we’ll have with questions and so forth. But the book Democrat Party Hates America. As well as a book signing on. I signed books. Until. All the books are signed. That is, everybody’s happy. And so I want to strongly encourage you folks, get ready. This an exciting day. We’ve sold out. One year it was in 7 minutes. Another year, some 35 minutes, because there’s people not just in California, but of course in California, but all over the West Coast who we want to get involved. We have people who actually fly in from the East Coast. Some people fly in from other countries. And they make a trip around it. So that’s how big this is. It’s a big deal. And we look very much forward to it. Don’t forget, also, Saturday, September 23, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.. Book ends in Ridgewood, New Jersey. Book ends in Ridgewood, New Jersey. They’re ready for us the next day. Sunday, September 24. 1 to 5 p.m.. Our friends at Barnes and Noble. Tysons Corner Mall. And that’s the Tysons Corner Center in McLean, Virginia. And that’s it. We won’t be doing any more of those three. That’s it. I think that’s the fewest we’ve ever done. But. It’s the nature of the beast these days. My God, we have a lot to talk about here. First of all, there’s some breaking news involving Christopher Wray in the FBI. The man is a liar. He tries to deceive the American people. He doesn’t answer straightforward questions. He puts up propaganda. Here’s a cover up artist. For the violations of law and practices and traditions. That the FBI is now involved in. It a cover up art is for the Biden crime family. And he’s. He’s promoted by his friend Chris Christie, who knew him? When Ray was head of the criminal division in the Bush administration, and it was Christy who recommended Ray to be director of the FBI. What a disaster and a disgrace. Washington Examiner reports Ashley Oliver. A controversial document issued by the FBI Richmond Field office in January, taking aim at certain traditionalists, Catholics tied in FBI offices and. Portland and Los Angeles, according to a less redacted version of the. All right, Let me explain this. First of all, wouldn’t you think a Catholic president would want to get to the bottom of this? Joe Biden is Catholic in name only. We have Jews who are Jewish in name only. And you can go down the list. Joe Biden supports the most radical approach to abortion in American history, in the history of any free country, Abortion on demand paid for by the taxpayers. Abortions in the military paid for by the taxpayers. That is to travel. This isn’t, you know, upholding Roe v Wade. This is upholding murder. Infanticide is murder. So what they’re saying here is Ray and the FBI really tried to limit this. They they gave the committee, Jim Jordan’s committee, a heavily redacted document. And that document from January, basically from the Richmond office, the field office of the FBI. That was it. Ray said as soon as he heard about it. Yanked it. He killed it and rejected it. But now the committee has looked under some of these redactions. And they show that it wasn’t just the Richmond field office. It included the FBI offices in Portland, Oregon, and Los Angeles, California. That’s three FBI officers. In other words, that’s the FBI. The version obtained by the Washington Examiner linked so-called radical traditional Catholics. Now, these are Catholics. Where the mass is often, if not in the whole, in part in Latin. And that would include people like Antonin Scalia. He went to a Catholic church where that’s the kind of practice they had. But I want you to think about what’s taking place here. It’s the same Justice Department trying to destroy Donald Trump. Trying to destroy the rights of parents. The documents first made headlines this year after it was revealed the Richmond office had assessed that threat presented by the so-called radical traditional Catholics and explored threat mitigation opportunities such as engaging with certain churches in an attempt to persuade their leadership into working as tripwires or sources for the FBI. So they. They wanted to have. Monitors, preferably the priests themselves. That is spies on the parishioners. Espionage against the Catholic Church. Now, when you take that and you put it with the major censorship operation that was going on by the Biden administration and the Democrat Party. And when you see that they’re trying to put Donald Trump in jail for the rest of his life in Washington, D.C., and that he shouldn’t be allowed to talk about what the judge is doing and Obama judge what the prosecutors doing and Eric Holder prosecutor, that they want to shut him down. You can see what’s happening in our country. Jim Jordan, the chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, called the new version of the documents startling. So the new information suggests the FBI’s use of its law enforcement capabilities. To intrude on America’s First Amendment rights is more widespread than initially suspected and reveals inconsistencies with your previous testimony before the committee, Jordan wrote in a letter to Ray. I have an entire section on the First Amendment in the Democrat Party hates America. And what you will learn in that section that the Democrat Party has never supported free speech. Every. In fact, what you learn is the Democrat Party has never supported the Bill of Rights ever. There are multiple efforts. To destroy or substantially cripple free speech in this country, all from the Democrat Party. They create camouflage through campaign finance laws that they try to pass. They’ve tried to amend the First Amendment flat out. They try to prosecute people who. Who they disagree with, particularly reporters. The Democrat Party rejects the First Amendment. All of it. The religion clauses to. So the attack on the Catholic Church was more than the Richmond office, just like the attack on the Tea Party was more than the Cincinnati office. The attack on the Tea Party, the current so-called special counsel trying to destroy Donald Trump. What’s behind that? Now in life, Liberty and Levin. This Sunday, we’re going to have Alan Dershowitz. And we’re going to have Miranda Devine. And they’re going to have time to speak. And I want to talk about what I see. Is a comparison that I did to some extent here, but I want to do it fully and thoroughly. About what happened to Putin’s opponent, who now serving 30 years in federal excuse me, in Russian prison. In Donald Trump. He gets the maximum on all these charges. He’ll be serving 464 years. We don’t know anything about the judge in Putin’s judiciary. We know a lot about the judges. In Obama and Biden’s judiciary. We now know tonight, we learned today that judge how Beryl Howell, who was the chief judge who spent ten years working there, Patrick Leahy side, is chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee. She’s a radical leftist. She got appointed because that’s what the Democrats look for. She was the chief judge of the D.C. district courts. She ruled against Trump 100% of the time. She ruled the take away his attorney client privilege that all of us get because she was asked to do that by the so-called special counsel. We now know in January, she ruled in secret. Because she didn’t want Trump to leave the country. That the special counsel could have secret access to Trump’s Twitter account, which of course he doesn’t use and hasn’t for a long time. But that’s beside the point. This is what these judges are doing. This is why you despise them. Every damn one of them. This is why you despise the FBI. Look what they do. This is why you despise the Department of Justice. If the Biden crime family. You have issues of bribery and extortion. Obstruction, fraud. Rico on top of fraud. Money laundering. Wire fraud. Far of violations including Biden co-conspirator to violate fire. And there’s not even a criminal investigation taking place. Not even a criminal investigation. You’re right to be disgusted in your right not to trust any of them. Meanwhile, while all this is going on, we’re losing our status in the world and we’re losing our primary status in the world. Joe Biden just agreed a swap. Previously, prisoners at Iran took Americans for no damn reason at all. Four Iranian prisoners who are terrorists. And on top of that, he’s going to release. Billions of dollars. To the Iranian regime. Billions of dollars. To the Iranian regime. There was a story yesterday. I didn’t get to it. Also leaked by the White House that Benjamin Netanyahu is supposed to be our ally. Right? They hate Netanyahu. They love the Islamo Nazi regime in Tehran. Tells you all you need to know. They tried to humiliate Netanyahu for the thousandth time. That’s what Obama, Biden and other anti-Semites do. Oh, really? Again, you’ll read the book and you’ll know the both of them. Aren’t they Semites? In fact, the Democrat Party has always been filled with them. Yes. Yes. Going back to Franklin Roosevelt. Don’t believe these phony documentaries on PBS and everywhere else. They promote FDR because he was an economic socialist. Who destroyed our constitutional system. What did he say? I said what needed to be said. You’ll read all about it. So what Biden is doing is now saying through leaks, of course. That. That. Yeah. Okay. We kind of invited Netanyahu, but he’s trying to use it as a as a banner to promote himself. To give some kind of justification for the radical right wingers in his coalition government and so forth and so on. So that’s what Biden and his people did today. All right, Lots more. I’ll be right back.

Segment 2
If we understand America, that what the Democrat Party is all about is empowering itself, then everything makes sense. Don’t get me wrong, everything is horrendous. But it makes sense that they’re the enemy of this republic, then. We didn’t have permanent political parties and this nation was founded. I mean, during the Revolutionary War, we didn’t have any political parties at the national level. And then we we have our Constitution and people organize and they stand for things and they create a party structure. As a practical matter. To support like minded individuals and so forth. But never, ever. Could the framers of the Constitution ever imagine? That one party would draw people to itself for the purpose of putting the party ahead of the country. So when you can really clearly understand this, then you understand what’s going on in this country. Nothing is done for the people. Nothing is done for the betterment of the people. The open borders certainly doesn’t help the citizens here. The people of the United States. Bureaucrats running your lives. The degrowth movement destroying energy independence. This doesn’t help anybody except the Democrat Party, not the country. All right. Our big announcements coming up. Get ready, folks. Buy your iPhones, buy your computers. We’ll be right back.

Segment 3
You know America we got that line from a Time magazine or Newsweek cover in 1976 when Ronald Reagan was challenging Gerald Ford. Need a picture of Ronald Reagan. And they they. The title was The Thunder on the Right. So I lifted that for the show. And so it’s a great honor to have the president and CEO, David Trujillo of the Reagan Foundation Library with us. David, how are you, sir? Mark I’m doing great, and I’m even better now that I’m on your show. Thank you for having me. Well, you’re very kind. And you informed me the other day that your regular listeners that we’ve met, and it sounds like we’re going to have a hell of a time. David So first, I want the audience to know as soon as you announce the link, people need to act very, very quickly because once you sold out, there’s nothing we can do about it. So tell them when it is where it is and what it is that we do. Mark, we are very excited to welcome you back to the Reagan Library, the place that bears the name of the greatest president of the 20th century. So here are the details. It’s going to be on October 21st that you you’ve been generous in agreeing to chunk out 4 hours to do a book signing. There’ll be sessions at 130, at 230, at 330, and at 430. Then we’ll proceed to a program where you’ll be on stage with me. We will have a conversation about your book, The Democrat Party Hates America. And then when the program concludes, we will roll into dinner under the wings of Air Force One in our Air Force One pavilion. So it’s going to be really exciting and strongly encourage people to sign up now. And if you’d like, Mark, I can share that special website or you can share it with Reagan. Absolutely. Mark, Thank you. It’s Reagan Foundation, dawg. Slash Levin. So once again, Reagan Foundation, Dawg. Slash Levin. And it’s going to be it’s going to be tremendous. And look, it’s going to sell out. That’s a reality. So if people come to this after it sells out, they can still attend a signing by by signing up to get get a book and be in one of those sessions that I mentioned. So what typically happens, folks, as we sell out within the 30 minutes, the full program, most people like the full program because it’s fantastic. This is my only West Coast signing. That’s it. And people come from all over the country, all over the world, but particularly west of the Mississippi. And it’s a great place to come to the Reagan Library. There’s lots to do there. It’s very comfortable. It’s air conditioned. Also. It is a place where you can visit where the Reagans are buried, which is very near and dear to my heart. Very powerful, very power. Very powerful. And there’s a bench there with a plaque to my own parents as well. But I won’t encourage as many of you to come as possible and to act very quickly so you’re not disappointed. It really is a great deal. You’ll be there all day. We’ll start our signings. You can actually go to the library in the morning and do your thing. I don’t leave till every darn book is signed and I shake everybody’s hand and everybody who’s done this before knows it. We do it every two years, something I can and we do. And this is sort of. Sort of like, you know, there’s certain animals out there every season. They move from one part of the world to the other part of the world. That’s kind of me. That’s kind of our support as every two years we take a little trip out to the Reagan Library and then we come back. So, uh, and Mark went in there seven times before. Seven in connection. Yes, we I had my staff do a count. You’ve been very generous and just everybody listening. This will sell out. That’s. That’s what history has taught us. But I encourage everybody to come for the day. Our bar and bistro opens at 1030. It’ll close right before you go on stage. Mark, There’s the Reagan Museum. There’s the tremendous Auschwitz special exhibit not long ago, not far away. And, you know, again, you’ve been so generous with your time in the past and on the 21st. So people should go to Reagan Foundation dot org slash Lavin to to guarantee a spot. It’s also on all of our social platforms. If you want to check it out there you can just hit the link in your right in and I won’t encourage you to do that. There’s I get people contact me afterwards, they read and they say, Oh, I missed a what can I do? There’s nothing I can do. In other words, how many, how many slots to actually have for the full day. Well, it’s it’s quite a number, Mark. We go to capacity. We don’t want to have any problems with the the fire marshal, I’m going to say roughly a thousand. But you know that don’t quote me on that. But it’s I mean, look, we fill it up. If we if we had twice the space, we’d love to have twice the members of your audience and folks who want to get to know you better and hear about the book. But we we we go right up to the line, but don’t cross it. We’re going to have a thorough discussion of the book. And I want to say to you folks, they read at the Reagan Library, it took some guts to do this because the title of the book provokes some people. The Democrat Party hates America. And yet this book is not about politics. This book is about history. This book is about the culture. Politics is important. It’s kind of a side issue. It’s about what’s happening to the country. And, you know, Reagan gave his famous speech in 1964, and in fact, your entire speech series is named after that speech. And that speech was him for choosing a time for choosing. And it was considered provocative, but it wasn’t provocative. It was prescient, wasn’t it? It was. And look, President Reagan wanted the institution that bears his name to be, as he put it, a dynamic intellectual forum. So guess what? It’s okay if people disagree. It’s okay to have policymakers and thinkers thought leaders debate. That’s the kind of place that President Reagan wanted to have. I campaigned for Reagan in 76. I campaigned for Reagan in 80, has served in his administration from eight years from a relatively low position to very significant positions. What a fantastic man. I met him several times. I met him in the Oval Office as nice as can be. He was a very, very intelligent man, wasn’t he, David? Very, very well read, extremely well read, Well-traveled, thoughtful. He spent many years thinking and honing and doing public speaking that that sharpened his thinking. And and his is his delivery. He was a great man. Mark, I’m 49 years old. I was six when he took office or got elected and 14 when he left office. I feel very lucky that I grew up with Ronald Reagan as a model of what a president was and should be. Hmm. And, you know, it’s interesting. America is everybody now says they’re a Reaganite. And what’s funny, David, is I remember when everybody didn’t say that. I mean, he had a fight for the nomination twice in 1968. His state delegates put him up for it. They blew him out in 76. We know the story there. The delegates said, wait a minute, we probably should have nominated him. Then in 1980, he still had a duke it out. And when finally he got through that Republican primary process, he won by a massive landslide. Right. Popular vote and Electoral College were like nothing we’ve seen. Well, look, success in hindsight can can look easy. It was it was a tough, hard fight. And there was some heartbreak along the way, as you noted, particularly in 76. But, you know, thank God that it all came together the way it did. He you know, he and the people who supported him changed, changed the world and changed the way America saw itself and got America. It got its confidence back. So it was it was very powerful. Well, there are many lessons today, especially with what’s going on today. Oh, yeah, it’s pretty brutal. I just want to say, ladies and gentlemen, for those of you in and around California, this is where we meet. This is where we’re going to have our national town hall meeting on October 21st, Saturday, beginning at 1:30 p.m.. So as many of us as possible should join together. We’re going to share conversations. We’re going to share some meal. Dinner. And David and I are going to have a chat about this book about the state of America. It’s only going to happen in one place at the Reagan Library and on the West Coast. And I hope you’ll join us once more. The link is Reagan Foundation. Dorgan. Levin. Levin. Reagan Foundation. Dorgan. Levin. Levin. And you can go on any of our social media sites. It’s right there. Hit it and get in. Are you able to tell us now how we’re doing? I don’t mean numbers wise, but there’s there seem to be interest in this, David Mark, that the Internet is on fire and some people have also been calling. But we do encourage people to sign up online. So it’s just a question of of how quickly this is going to sell out. We do want to know. You can tell me later. I compete against myself. You got it. You got it. All right, my friend. Well, thank you, Mark. We can’t wait to have you. Good luck. Appreciate it very much. God bless. Heidi, Everybody there, Melissa and the crowd. Take care. All right, folks. There you have it. It’s a secret. No more. It’s a secret. No more. We’re very excited about this. I’ll travel there with my wife, Julie and other family members. I’m supposing, but we will definitely be there. We’re going to go out there for one purpose. To see you. And then we’ll come back east. So we’ll have this in October in another. Reminder. September 23rd Saturday bookends in Ridgewood, New Jersey. That’ll start at 10 a.m. And then the next day, Sunday, September 24th. We’ll have Barnes Noble, Tysons Corner, McLean, Virginia. 1 p.m.. But for west of the Mississippi, this is it. You want to join us. And what’s fantastic about this, I’m going to tell you something. It’s a huge memory. People make friends while they’re waiting, and we have a hell of a good time. I’ll be right back.

Segment 4
So this this punk prosecutor goes by the name of Jack Smith. You know all about him if you’ve been listening to this show. Well, ladies and gentlemen, he he wants to have a trial on his so-called January six charges, which have nothing to do really with January six. He wants to have the trial in January. Special counsel Jack Smith reports Fox. Proposed to begin former President Donald Trump’s trial in January 2024. This is right before the Iowa caucuses. What’s a trial that could go on for six or eight weeks? What he wants is a guilty verdict on a least one count. In his view, hopefully all four. The DC Democrat Party. Biden supporting. Jerry. Now that creates all kinds of havoc. U.S.. Havoc for Trump, obviously havoc for his supporters, the donors will start to dry up. It’ll be said you don’t want to elect a man who’s been convicted of a crime, do you? And this will be the focus as the Biden crime family skates. Scared. This is what’s going on. This is how you know. This is all about making Donald Trump a political prisoner. Listen to me carefully. They want to make him a political prisoner. They want him off the map. And my guess is they’ll go after whoever the Republican nominee is other than a Christie. Okay. Well, hurt. Who’s not going anywhere, But you get my point. They like those kind of Republicans. The government proposes that trial begin on January 2nd, 2024. It estimates that its case and chief will take no longer than 4 to 6 weeks, the filing says. What about defense? Don’t they get to defend? I want to remind you, this judge has to rule probably tomorrow, but soon. Whether Donald Trump gets to talk about his case. To you? Well, he’s running for president. In fact, while the DOJ in this man, his office, Smith, is leaking to Maggie Haberman. Now, what’s interesting is when I tell you that they’ve leaked to The New York Times and Maggie Haberman, I get no pushback from any quarter because that’s exactly what’s happening. Trump faces charges, they write, of conspiracy to defraud the United States. That’s the first charge that has been used almost exclusively on financial crimes, conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding that has been used, even though those are the Enron statutes, to really one with a secondary section that they’re using that dealt with executives at Enron who destroyed documents and so forth to prevent Congress from getting them has nothing to do with obstructing. Quote unquote, an election obstruction of an attempt to obstruct an official proceeding, a conspiracy against rights. That’s the 1871 Ku Klux Klan Act. Phony laws. Absolutely phony, these charges. But when you have a Putin like relationship. Between the government and the trial judge. A trial judge. Who was appointed by Obama, who donated to Obama in 2014 and 2015. Who worked at the same law firm at the same time that Hunter Biden was an employee of that law firm. You’ve got a rigged system. A Democrat jury and Eric Holder, prosecutor. And an Obama judge. Mr. Pitt, it is again any worse than that. And for phony charges. Not insurrection. That conspiracy. Not conspiracy. It’s just unbelievable. What’s taking place in this country. And then they dare to go in earlier this week, actually Friday night, and demand a gag order. So Trump can’t even defend himself. So if they get their way and these judges in D.C. or give it to them, they perhaps the First Amendment doesn’t apply to Trump. The Fifth Amendment and due process, the destruction of his attorney client privilege rights don’t apply to Trump executive privilege, which an ex-president has typically had. So any conversation you had with any official in his administration can now be used against him. Ask yourself, Anybody can be a president of the future who’s not Joe Biden while at the same exact time nothing’s being done to the Bidens. All right. Let me remind you. Reagan Foundation dot org. The link is hot right now. Slash live in Reagan Foundation Morgan. I have no idea where the sales are, even if they’re sold out. But you better jump in. We’re coming to the break right now. Reagan Foundation dot org slash Levin 11. Can’t wait to see you. I’ll be right back.