August 9th, 2023

August 9th, 2023

US President Joe Biden speaks on how "Bidenomics" is helping clean energy and manufacturing, at Arcosa Wind Towers in Belen, New Mexico, on August 9, 2023. (Photo by Jim WATSON / AFP) / "The erroneous mention[s] appearing in the metadata of this photo by Jim WATSON has been modified in AFP systems in the following manner: [Belen] instead of [Albuquerque]. Please immediately remove the erroneous mention[s] from all your online services and delete it (them) from your servers. If you have been authorized by AFP to distribute it (them) to third parties, please ensure that the same actions are carried out by them. Failure to promptly comply with these instructions will entail liability on your part for any continued or post notification usage. Therefore we thank you very much for all your attention and prompt action. We are sorry for the inconvenience this notification may cause and remain at your disposal for any further information you may require." (Photo by JIM WATSON/AFP via Getty Images)

On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, if Donald Trump is convicted of one of the felonies brought against him in the classified documents case and sentenced to the full extent of the law, he will die in prison. Much of what has been done to Trump, including using documents against him and removing his attorney client privilege, has happened in complete secrecy. The Biden regime, Biden prosecutors, and Obama judges have undermined Trump’s constitutional right to a public trial, all while the special counsel investigating Trump is leaking information to the Democrat media. Vladimir Putin recently put his #1 political opponent in prison for 30 years, while in the United States the same thing is happening in many ways. Also, the Biden family bank records have been revealed by House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer, which clearly show that Joe Biden knew about Hunter’s business dealings and sold his influence to oligarchs in Russia and Ukraine. The evidence continues to pile up against the Biden crime family but is ignored by the Democrat media, who are so fixated on Trump that they ignore Biden’s impeachable offenses. Finally, Mark speaks with commentator and author Clay Travis about how the Democrat party is destroying gender and our American way of life, and also discuss his new book “American Playbook: A Guide to Winning Back the Country from the Democrats.”

The Biden Family Bank Statements Have Landed

J6 Committee failed to preserve records, has no data on Capitol Hill security failures, GOP charges

Fox Business
Credit card debt hits $1T for the first time ever

Americans are pulling money out of their 401(k) plans at an alarming rate


The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcription of Hour 1

Segment 1
Hello, America. Mark Levin here. Our number 877-381-3811.  877-381-3811. You know what’s interesting, America? Step back and think about this, if you will. If President Trump is convicted of one of the major felonies, they’ve been brought against him in a documents case. That it brought against him. And it’s not even a January six case, but in the Washington, D.C. case. And if he’s sentenced to the full extent of the law, just one, he will die in prison. Now I want you to think about this. I want you to think about what the Biden regime, the Biden prosecutors and the Obama judge are up to in Washington, D.C. want you to think about it. They have secret trials in autocracies, fascist regimes, Marxist regimes. Much of what’s been done to Donald Trump has been done in secret. They took away his attorney client privilege in secret. The using documents against him in secret. They’re demanding that the judge in Washington, D.C., not allow Donald Trump and his lawyers to have access to the documents. All of them, many of which they intend to use against him, apparently in secret. They tried the same thing with the judge in Florida. She said, No, I’m not buying it. The Biden prosecutors are in court in front of the Obama judge saying, we want you to stop Donald Trump from talking about his case, from talking about witnesses, from talking about evidence, from talking about facts. You know, our Constitution compels a public trial, ladies and gentlemen, an open trial so all of us can make a determination if a trial is fair or not. I mean, here we’re talking about a presidential candidate. The Biden regime through their prosecutor says no. Secrecy. We can’t trust the defendant. Who we seek to throw in prison for the rest of his life. We do not want him speaking to the American people. In fact, according to a recent news report a few hours ago, Trump’s lawyer, this fellow Laura. In the courtroom the other day, the so-called special counsel, aka the Stalinist prosecutor, apparently was very upset that Trump’s lawyer was on TV. In the meantime. This morning, we learned that the special counsel’s office has leaked. A memorandum. To the New York Times. It must be very easy being a reporter at The New York Times. You just sit there and you wait for your emails and texts and the delivery of information from the Biden administration, the FBI and the Justice Department is not hard. I don’t even know why they get paid. And, of course, Maggie Haberman. Is the key to all this. You’re in the Department of Justice, the FBI. You’re in the Biden administration. They don’t call her Maggie Haberman. They call her our girl. Get the stuff to our girl. Our girl is reliable. Our girl takes notes. She will write down what we tell her to report. Our girl will do it. And then she wins a Pulitzer Prize because the same cabal of crooked, corrupt, intellectually destitute reporters award themselves these prizes. Maggie Haberman, New York Times and CNN, two of the most disreputable so-called news organizations in history. In history. So she is breaking news. She has this memo that was leaked to her by the government. Now, how do we know that? How do we know it was leaked by the government? Because it’s a memo. And here’s the spin, the plot, the plot by Trump and his lawyers to deny Joe Biden electors and to get their own electors in these states where they’re well, they’re raising issues, where they’re working with state legislatures, where they seek to drag out the election, whether the Supreme Court goes their way or not. So the only people who would leak that are the people in the special counsel’s office. Why? Because it’s in their indictments. Except. They didn’t put the memo itself in there. So they leaked it to The New York Times. The irony that the same people who leaked this document now are in front of a Obama judge saying that the defense cannot be trusted with this kind of information because they may go public with it. Now, if you watch my Sunday show two Sundays ago on FOX. You heard former governor of Virginia, Republican Bob McDonnell, say that they leaked incessantly to The Washington Post and The New York Times. In his case, The Washington Post, mostly because he was a governor at the time, was the governor of Virginia. And The Washington Post is the biggest paper read in Virginia given its reach. But here they want it to have national reach. So they leaked this memo to Maggie Haberman, took careful notes, and of course, she won’t mention who our sources are. That was a footnote. For the life of me. I do not understand why Donald Trump’s lawyers haven’t filed a motion today. In that court, despite the fact that she’s an Obama judge, just make the record. Demanding. That the court do something about these leaks. That the Department of Justice. Yes. Conduct a leak investigation. Can’t be that complicated. But, Mark, the department’s corrupt. It doesn’t matter. You’re building a record. And you’re also making it known to the nation and you’re making it known to the judge that you’re not going to put up with this crap. Such a motion, to my knowledge, has not been filed today. How do I know? Well, I haven’t read about it. It’s not like I’m on the end. I’m not. I want you to think about this. Vladimir Putin just put his. Number one political nemesis in prison now for 30 years. And there’s more charges to come, perhaps another 35 years. He’s in his forties. He said, Look. This is his political nemesis, brave man who said, Look. I have a life sentence. I’ll be in this prison until I die. Unless unless Vladimir Putin is overthrown. And there is a freedom revolution of sorts. As he’s replaced. He says he knows now this is the same man they tried to murder with poison. They take care of him. Germany. Get him back on his feet. And he goes right back into Russian. He knows what he’s facing. Here in the United States. Same things happening in many ways, except here. Biden’s not as good as says Putin is. They are public charges against Donald Trump that would result. In his being in prison if every one of them. Is sustained in the maximum sentences given. Over 400 years. You don’t mess around. You see? I want you to think about something in all the hurly burly and all the static that come out of the media and all the rest of it, I want you to think about something. His bill bars on TV bloviating burping up stupidity. Joined by his twin Chris Christie and others. I want you to think about something. The possibility that Donald Trump a candidate for president. A former president. We’ll have a mug shot taken. Which forced to wear an orange jumpsuit. We sent away to prison somewhere in the federal prison system. Over the documents case. Or over the non January six charges. The documents case based on a 1917 statute. The January six so-called case based on a Ku Klux Klan statute and other irrelevancies. I want you to put that in your mind’s eye. And I want to ask you a question. Do you think you could ever recover from that? Do you think you could ever recover from seeing such a thing? From such a thing being done in your country. By the Democrat Party. By a mob lawyer who is running the Department of Justice. By a Stalinist evil piece of human excrement. Who’s the prosecutor? It’s my opinion. By Joe Biden, the Manchurian president who was corrupt up to his eyeballs. Will you ever view your country the same way? Well, review the legal system the same way. Will you ever view the judiciary the same way? No, you won’t. Will you ever accept an election where a Democrat wins? No, you won’t. Will you ever accept the legitimacy? Now Democrat majorities in the House and or the Senate or a Democrat president. No, you want. Neither will I. How can you accept? Any of this when a tyrannical party. Is burning down one bridge after another. From the American people to the government. Is abusing its power and its authority this way. And talks about when he gets for power, how it’s going to destroy our constitutional order. You know, it’s really interesting to me. Other than three justices on the Supreme Court, Alito, Thomas and Gorsuch, the other six, even the Republicans are fools. They are absolute buffoons. And I will tell you why. Because as they sit there and they issue their rulings about whether the state legislature is the primary force in changing our election laws and pass judgment on redistricting and so forth and so on. They’re the target of the same tyrannical forces. Who are destroying our electoral system. And our legal system. In our constitutional system. They’re the target. Why do you think the mob lawyer who heads the Department of Justice. Told the U.S. Marshals to stand down and don’t don’t arrest anybody. Who’s trying to intimidate any of the conservative justices. Why do you think he did that? They have no respect for the Constitution, so they have no respect for the court. They have no respect for elections. So they’ve no respect for you. Every election they win is perfect. Every election they lose is corrupt. When it comes to Trump. They did everything they could to stop him from being elected. He gets elected and they talk about impeaching him in advance of his being sworn in. The Democrats, Hillary and the rest work with the FBI, Department of Justice, the Obama and Biden administration. And we now know to try and take Trump out in the earliest days of his presidency. They’re setting up grounds for impeachment. They just have to figure out what to impeach him for. They set up a criminal investigation involving people like Andrew Weissman, who was a hit man for the Democrat Party. They couldn’t find any crimes. So they bring the guy in from The Hague. Who has a horrendous record of abusing power and abusing defendants. Which is exactly what he’s doing today. And somehow his case in Washington winds up in front of the most radical Obama donating. Obama appointed judge, the federal judiciary. I’ve got more. I’ll be right back.

Segment 2
You’ll notice that Democrats in Congress and on TV, that is phony journalists and their guests as well as Never Trumpers and Republican ruling class elites before the indictments and the documents case said over and over and over again that Trump would be indicted. You know this before the most recent indictments in Washington, the same group said the same thing. It’s funny how the ruling class elites in both parties. In Washington and New York just knew there was no way Trump wouldn’t be charged. No presidents have been charged with violating the Espionage Act of 1917. No presidents ever been charged with the Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871. But they knew. They knew. And when he was indicted in each case, they said, I told you so. They were excited. They were happy. Nancy Pelosi. Celebrated it. In the last 48 hours, she said It was a beautiful thing that Trump was indicted. This is all politics. This is not law. This is not the criminal code. This is all politics. And the henchmen have been brought in to do their task. More when I return.

Segment 3
It’s funny to hear Chris Christie complain that Trump might not be at the debate, but he won’t come on conservative talk radio. It’s amazing. Now that aside, I want to explain something to the Republican establishment Republicans listening to me at the RNC. In the Senate. In the House. Republican ward leaders. Precinct leaders. Committee men and committee women. I want the people who make up the bureaucracy in the Republican Party to listen to me very, very carefully. If the Democrats succeed in what they’re doing. The Republican Party will be a minority party. It’ll be an irrelevant party for the rest of time. For several reasons. Number one. It will embolden the Democrat Party to become even more autocratic than it is. Because you folks would not have stood up to it. Aren’t you in the audience? I’m talking about the GOP bureaucracy, the ruling class, the Never Trumpers. I’m talking about clown shows like Mike Ludic. And so many others. Pence, Christie, The Republican Party will not be able to recover. Mitch McConnell has already announced he will not entertain impeachment in the Senate. That’s called thunder in the background. That’s thunder to the truth. And. If that’s the way they play ball, then the Democrats are more than happy to do it. The Democrats are paying playing UFC without gloves. And the Republicans are playing bocce. The Democrats will win every time. They’re destroying the court system. We have now more activists, radical left wing judges and I can ever remember. And we expect help from judges to really uphold the law and to put an end to this sort of thing. But they won’t. They’re cowards. They come up with doctrines or arguments. You know, judges opinion is basically an essay. With all kinds of legal citations and so forth. But that’s what’s going on. And number two. You and me, we will be so disgusted. Well, the Republican Party. For failing to do. Basically anything to fight this. Don’t get me wrong, investigating Biden is important. I’m not talking about that. Doing anything effective to fight this? That you won’t give a damn if they win or lose. And neither will I. Because tyranny is spreading with them. Tyranny spreading without them. That’s the nature. One party rule. You see it all over the world. Okay. Places like the Gaza Strip. Communist China. Communist Cuba. Venezuela. Russia. California. Illinois. Chris Christie’s New Jersey and so forth and so on. So what’s the point? And you’ll be right. What’s the point? Donald Trump has done nothing. They’re earn this kind of. This kind of attack on his life, on his liberty. Nothing. Oh, the documents. You listen to these fools on TV, these legal analysts tell you how serious it is. It is completely unserious. Unserious. Which is why nobody’s been prosecuted before. Not Hillary Clinton. Not Bill Clinton. Nobody. In a senior position in our government ever. Which is why this prosecutor is using every dirty trick in the book and more. They don’t want you to know what’s really going on, America. Which is why they’re trying to gag Trump, which is why so much of this has taken place in secrecy. Now, we know back in January, and apparently, according to reports, Trump just learned this today. A warrant was issued. By some judge whose name we don’t know. In secret. To access his Twitter account. Twitter under the ownership of Elon Musk resisted in. The judge’s ruling is appealed to the D.C. Circuit, which is populated with radical Democrats because Obama and Harry Reid, when he was in charge of the Senate, expanded the circuit court and added more Obama judges to it. Did you know that? Maybe one of the backbenchers on TV or radio will regurgitate that tonight or tomorrow. Equal justice. Have you noticed those of you who would take a peek at MSNBC or CNN? Have you noticed? How happy they are. Have you noticed? How sufficiently congratulatory they are. Have you noticed? They think this is great. You have that inbred looking Joe Scarborough. Who has led such an ethical and moral life. I’m sure you have, Joe. They have their new line now. Anybody who accepts. But somebody like me is saying anybody who defends Donald Trump at this point, you’re just as sickened arranged as he is. That’s what he said. And you have no morals. You have no scruples. J. Michael Luttig, who’s been a. Parasite on the ACA. Washington, DC forever. Who was turned down for the Supreme Court. Among others, Donald Trump. He says the same thing says the Republican Party’s dead. It’s dead. Because you don’t agree with him. You don’t agree with my J. Michael Luttig? There’s something wrong with you, Peggy Noonan. All the usual. Very creepy. You know, wine drinking, cheese eating. Socialites. Same circles. Washington to New York. New York. To Washington. Every now and then. L.A.. Same people. So now the U.S., the Republican Party is dead. Because of conservatives. You need to do. Listen to the Never Trumpers. You needed to. To get behind Jeb Bush. Now you need to get behind Chris Christie. Our Mike Pence now that he is. He’s gone to the media and to the left with bended knee. You need to listen to the endlessly stupid Bill Barr, ubiquitous all over TV now absolutely incoherent when it comes to discussions related to Trump. It’s sad. It’s sad. So what I’m trying to tell the Republican ruling class in Washington, all your little special interest pals. The enormous money you raise. Mitch McConnell raises enormous amounts of money from these people to use against you. The way he used it against the Tea Party. Mitch McConnell wants control even in his enfeebled state. He wants control. He doesn’t want to let go. He can’t. He can’t let go. He can’t let go. It’s like Franco in Spain, you remember? Now, you guys don’t remember him? Franco in Spain. He couldn’t let go as he is around today, is he not around today? Who knows? He won’t let go. Because then he just becomes another old man hanging out. In an assisted living facility in Kentucky. There is nothing wrong with that. But for Mitch McConnell, that’s. Intolerable. I’m going to be there one day. We all know now for Mitch McConnell, it’s intolerable. Joe Biden. Joe Biden is not going to agree to anybody else running for president. Do you want to know why? Because he has his boy in place as attorney general of the United States. And his boy, the mob lawyer, Merrick Garland, is not going to appoint a special counsel. In fact, he’s not even going to conduct a criminal investigation despite all this information. He’s under no pressure to do it except from these Republicans, you see. And even they are divided. Well, what kind of special counsel we’re going to get may hurt us politically. You know, then we can hold hearings. What are we going to do? The Keystone Cop Republicans. Keystone Cop. So. What the Republican ruling class doesn’t understand is they will cease to be. In any excuse me in any sense effective in any way it and maybe that’s okay by them as long as they’re handed a few few dollar bills by the Democrats. As long as they and their families are protected. Get a few shekels here and there, Maybe that’s okay. Get the limousines and so forth and so on. Maybe they’re bought off to. I want to read something to you when we return that I think is quite poignant. I’ll be right back.

Segment 4
The Democrat Party rejects the Declaration of Independence. We know this. Justice Jackson does. Barack Obama does. Bernie Sanders does. Joe Biden does. Woodrow Wilson did, too. One of the greatest in terms of horror. Racists in American history. Because it talks about unalienable rights. Democrat Party doesn’t believe in unalienable rights. It believes it distributes rights. They hate the Constitution. Why? Because the Constitution and the agenda of the Democrat Party, this Marxist agenda are incompatible. Which is why they’re endlessly attacking its its parts. Maybe Judge Michael Luttig, a.k.a. J. Michael Luttig, will grow up one day and grow a set. Speak out against it, but he won’t. He’s a fourth. So I said I wanted to read something to you that I thought was important. The Democrat Party is an authoritarian, political and societal enterprise for which its conceit and self-righteousness know few limits, and its self-appointed experts see the Lord over their fellow man. The rejiggering of society and social engineering are unending and increasingly intrusive. The practice and legalization of abuses of power are more ambitious and pervasive in order to impose and enforce increasingly unpopular and unjust rule. And constant turmoil and tumult are used to confound the public and promote fissures among the citizenry. Tyranny is thus planned and ultimately predictable. Again, in 2008, surely before winning election to the presidency, Barack Obama declared that we are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America. Transforming it into what? This sounds a lot like Woodrow Wilson’s new Organization of Society writings. 2016 at the DNC convention and announcing his endorsement of Hillary Clinton for president. Bernie Sanders, a lifelong Marcus Marxist, shouted, Together we have begun a political revolution to transform America, and that revolution continues together. We will continue to fight for a government which represents all of us, and not just the 1%. Exactly what kind of a government does the Democratic Socialist have in mind? 2020 President Biden proclaimed that we have an incredible opportunity to not just dig out of this crisis COVID 19, but to fundamentally transform the country again, transform it into what? This has been the Democrat Party’s mantra for at least the past 130 years. The Democrats of the earlier Progressive era and the Democrats of the present day shared nothing but contempt for the American experiment. And we the people. In 2008 at a San Francisco fundraiser, you’ll recall, Obama proclaimed that people in small town America were bitter. They cling to guns or religion or antipathy toward people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations. They told you they hate you. The declaration’s essential founding principles, especially the emphasis on the individual conflict with the Democrat Party’s political purposes and obsession with power and always have. It naturally follows, therefore, that during much of the America of American history, the Democrat Party has sought to pervert and dismember our governing document as well the Constitution and Republicanism generally. And as much as the Constitution is a bulwark against the ideologies and motivations for which the Democrat Party stands and has stood. Among other things, prominent Democrats have denounced or usurped at various times the Constitution’s checks and balances, separation of powers, federalism, the Electoral College, the Commerce Clause, the Bill of Rights, or have trashed the Constitution entirely as an old document written by slaveholders. Today, the Democrat Party’s denunciation of America’s founders and the Constitution’s framers and American history itself has been relentless. Oh, man, I can’t read you the whole book. That’s the Democrat Party hates America. But you see how this plays out. If they have no respect for, you know, respect for our history, our principles, our traditions, no respect for an elite operates no respect for the Constitution, including the Bill of Rights. That’s why they seek to put their political opponent in federal prison for the rest of his life until he dies. That hasn’t even crossed our minds before when cockamamie issues like documents. Unbelievable. And yet. I’m only one voice America. Just one voice. I don’t reach as many as I wish I could, but that’s the nature of the beast, I suppose. I’ve only just begun. America, I shall return.