August 4th, 2023

August 4th, 2023

WASHINGTON, DC - JUNE 23: U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland leaves the briefing room after announcing the arrest of Chinese chemical company employees as part of an investigation into the fentanyl precursor supply chain during a news conference at the Robert F. Kennedy headquarters building on June 23, 2023 in Washington, DC. The incitements against Hubei Amarvel Biotech mark the first time the U.S. is prosecuting companies that manufacture the precursor chemicals used to make fentanyl, a powerful drug that is fueling the opioid epidemic. (Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)

On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, one man, AG Merrick Garland, is using the judiciary and the court system to affect the outcome and course of the 2024 election and the liberty of Donald Trump. This is as clear as day intentional obstruction through the use of the judicial system against a citizen candidate for president. The DOJ under Garland knows they are making it impossible for Trump to defend himself while running for president because they don’t want him to run for president. They know what they’re doing dropping 2 Grand Juries on Trump in the middle of a presidential campaign, bleeding his resources, and taking an enormous amount of time away from campaigning. The fact is that Trump cannot effectively defend himself and run for president at the same time, and ought not be forced to decide between one or the other. Individual district court judges ought not to decide for the nation how we shall now proceed, given what the Biden DOJ has foisted in the nation. The only constitutional body that might take action against this is the Supreme Court, but even by that time the damage will be done to Trump and the legal process will drag out. Weak Republicans like Mike Pence and Chris Christie have given aid and comfort to Democrats in destroying our country and endlessly attacking Trump.

How to get the matter before the Supreme Court?

Just The News
Pence statements prior to Jan. 6 undercut his claims on election integrity, constitutional duty

PJ Media
Tyranny 101: Stop Saying That ‘It Can’t Happen Here’ — It IS Happening Here

NY Times
What if We’re the Bad Guys Here?

CBS News
Commentary: The unbearable smugness of the press (November 2016)

Photo by Chip Somodevilla

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcription of Hour 1

Segment 1
Why does everybody keep quoting Bill Barr, particularly my friends on my favorite cable network, like he’s making news or something? He’s he’s not even coherent. And his personal animosity towards Donald Trump taints everything that comes out of his rather considerable mouth. So why says the case in Washington is legitimate? Although there are other circumstances involved here, he would not have probably pulled the trigger. It’s an illegitimate case. Then he says the goal is to bring the case as fast as he can. You would think both parties support that. Now, let me show you how stupid that is. You’re Donald Trump. You want to bring a case as fast as you can to Washington, D.C., with a radical Obama judge. A Democrat jury. You want to get a conviction. And then it takes years for the circuit court and then the Supreme Court to hear it. Meanwhile, the election’s over. How stupid is that? Bill bars getting dumber by the day. My view, which happens to be the correct view, is that I have finally, I think, figured out how it can be done is that the Trump lawyers go to the Florida court with Judge Cannon or any of the courts. They can go to the court in D.C., but I would do it that way. She set a trial date from May some time. And move for an interlocutory appeal. Try to get up to the United States Supreme Court, which may or may not take the case. And explain everything I’ve said to you and everything I’ve put online. Which is. My client is. If your clients, Ernie Grabowski, would be the same thing. But they need to say that their client cannot possibly spend full time on fighting for his freedom. Because what we’re talking about here. Are. Indictments that, if they succeed, will wind up Donald Trump in prison for the rest of his life. He’ll die in prison. That’s the goal of the party opposite. That’s the goal of the Democrat Party. That’s the goal of Biden. To arrest and in prison for the rest of his life. The opposition. I’ll think about this in the United States of America. And so when you get to the Supreme Court and what you argue to the judge at every level, judges and then the Supreme Court is like, my client can not. Fight full time for his liberty. In dealing with 80 indictments. He cannot, which for the average citizen would be overwhelming enough and run for president at the same time. It’s not possible. And the Department of Justice under Merrick Garland. They know full well what they’re doing. They’re making it impossible for my client to exercise his constitutional rights to defend himself. His due process is under attack. And run for president. Now, some might say, well, then don’t run for president. That’s the point, isn’t it? They know what they’re doing. Dropping two grand jury indictments on top of Donald Trump in the middle of a campaign. That’s why this sort of thing has never been done before, and it never should be done ever again. They’re bleeding his resources so he can’t use them on his campaign. They know that. He has to expend an enormous amount of time defending himself, sitting down with lawyers. They’re going to have to go through nine months of videotapes. They’re going to have to go through over a million documents. You have to do all these things with your client. Who’s fighting for his life. Who’s fighting for his liberty. And at the same time. Trying to achieve the nomination of his party and run in the general election to defeat the man who’s trying to put him in prison the rest of his life. This has never been done in this country before. The only body left. The only constitutional body left. That might take action to put an end to this is the Supreme Court. And by an end to this, I mean and the cases. The cases can go on after the election. There’s not a single statute of limitation in danger of running here, not one. And that’s the same Department of Justice that intentionally leaked the 2014 and 2015 tax fraud statute of limitation run intentionally on Hunter Biden. Costing the federal Treasury taxes on $1.5 million. So what are they going to do in court now? Say no, no, no, we let that statute of limitations run out on the judge. And I say, wait a minute, wait, whoa, whoa, whoa. The government doesn’t have any exposure whatsoever. You have all the documents, you have all the video, we have all the the witness testimony that you need. Obviously, you can use it at trial on the January six case, which is the weakest. You know, I want to say something to Bill Barr. Are you an idiot? This guy is he’s he is he is disgruntled and he’s a nasty S.O.B.. He even said today on Martha MACCALLUM Show that day and January six, that was, you know, you need to pay a price for it. He’s not charged with what happened on January six in any specific statute. Fraud. Fraud because the government claims he wasn’t telling the truth about the election. You know, you thought it was bad when they they had censorship and then they wanted Malad. Information, misinformation, disinformation boards at Homeland Security looking over what’s going on on social media. Imagine being indicted over something like this. Then they use two statutes that were passed right after Enron. Because they realized they didn’t have a criminal statue that involved the destruction of documents related to to Congress. Those are those obstruction charges. That has nothing to do with this. In fact, that Reid is so thin that a number of protesters who were convicted on that have filed appeals and that matter is going to get to the U.S. Supreme Court. They use that and bar saying, wait a minute, we got some pretty against bars, a buffoon. So why do they keep quoting him? Why? They shouldn’t quote me because I know what the hell I’m talking about. He may have been an attorney general. Wasn’t a very good one. I was chief of staff to an attorney general, and he was a great one. It’s unbelievable. So what I would do. I’m just giving my opinion publicly. So Trump lawyers, all lawyers, all of you folks, Department of Justice, judges, not judges, everyone can just hear what I’m saying. That’s what I do here, right? Same when I post. Make many of the arguments I just made. And there’s more for why this case needs to be stopped and the other case needs to be stopped and the Supreme Court has to decide. If Donald Trump is able to get. The exercise is constitutional due process rights and moreover on the second lane. Well, this kind of activity by the executive branch against a candidate is constitutional. Because I don’t believe it is in any respect. Merrick Garland is dropping indictments on top of Donald Trump, one after another after another. These got trial dates up the wazoo. They have court dates up the wazoo. All through this proceeding, all through this election cycle. They know exactly what they’re doing. And here’s the key. Please listen. This is the key. One man. Merrick Garland is using the judiciary using the court system. To try and affect the outcome of the election. The course of the election. And the liberty of a man who’s been told, sure, you can defend yourself, you can have your day in court. Even if you don’t have time to actually present a proper defence. Sure you can do that. Why am I the only one talking about this? Where the hell are the civil libertarians? Where’s the defense bar? Where is the ACLU? Where are my fellow conservatives? Where the hell are they? This is as clear as night and day. This is intentional. You have the Biden Department of Justice and their hitting and the special counsel. Using the judicial system. Using the judicial system, the process of litigation, the process of charging somebody. Against the candidate. Against the citizen. And we cannot leave it to individual judges and individual districts. We certainly can’t leave it to local days. To determine. To determine the future course of this nation. Now the Foundation for Tyranny is being built all around us. All around us. And when I come back, I want to prove it to you. I’ll be right back.

Segment 2
The judge in D.C. shall be more than happy to allow herself to be used this way because she’s a radical Democrat appointed by Obama who demonstrated her activism in the sentencing of numerous protesters. She’s a partisan hack in a black robe. It happens. It’s unfortunate. It appears that Judge Canon is is more straight down the line. And that’s all you ask for is an intellectually honest judge. But I would appeal this now. I’ll try and get this case before the Supreme Court. You may lose it. They may not take it up, but they damn well should. This isn’t a political question. This is a question of whether the judiciary is going to defend itself from being misused by the executive branch this way. You can’t have an attorney general and a prosecutor. He’s not even a presidential appointee. He’s just a career bureaucrat. You can’t have an attorney general whose biases are obvious, whether it’s the Hunter Biden matter, his refusal to appoint a special counsel in the case of Joe Biden. You cannot have an attorney general dropping indictment bombs on top of a former president who’s running for re-election. A candidate in the middle of the election cycle in a way that is intended to disrupt the election. That’s why they say we want a speedy trial. The speedy Trial Act applies to the defendant. It’s what’s to the best interests of the defended the Bill of Rights or not for the government. The Constitution is to protect you. And so the issue isn’t is this a political question under the political doctrine? The question is whether or not constitutionally they’re going to permit. This situation to occur. Whereby the dropping of these indictments on dates determined by. Galan. The Biden administration to do the most damage to the due process rights of the target of the defendant and for the purpose of interfering with the election. This isn’t going to do justice to rush this along. They can wait. But they don’t want to wait. Sky. Smith’s got his orders from the attorney general. We want to move fast. We want this. Conviction if we can get it before the election so we can affect the outcome of the election. And for the case. And for. And for Trump. This is. No. This is no joke. He’s got all these charges, many of which are just completely bogus, if not all of them. But he’s got to worry about being convicted. It’s very difficult to overturn a conviction. On all charges right now. He has 80 charges against him when you count Manhattan and the two cases at the federal level, 80. So the chances that I’m getting one pretty damn high. And that’s why they’re doing it. And then Atlanta will come in all of a sudden. And so he’s going to have to defend himself against the Manhattan D.A., the Atlanta D.A., two cases involving the feds. They all know what they’re doing. And we the people need to be protected. The electoral process needs to be protected. It’s a sickening irony.

Segment 3
The Democrat Party has become the political and operational organism through which the American Marxism functions. Just as earlier in our history was the party of the Confederacy in slavery, segregation in the Ku Klux Klan and Jim Crow, and more recent times it has adapted and tailored Marxist ideology to American governance and politics. And in so doing, the Democrat Party has adopted what some call a passive or quiet revolutionary approach. That is, as the late Italian communist Antonio Gramsci argued, a long march through America’s cultural institutions, where intellectuals broadly defined, would populate these institutions slowly but surely, radicalize them, soften existing societal morals, and ultimately destroy the culture and restructure society. Indeed, Gramsci asserted that socialism is precisely the religion that must overwhelm Christianity in the new order. He said socialism will triumph by first capturing the culture via infiltration of schools, universities, churches and the media by transforming the consciousness of society. Although Graham scourged subterfuge and deceit, he did not oppose force or violence employed strategically and wisely. This is the Democrat Party script. Saul Alinsky, a marxist and Gramsci fan, wrote Rules for Radicals, as you know, based essentially on Gramsci’s approach. Importantly, Alinsky was a key mentor to Hillary Clinton when 1969 wrote her 92 page senior thesis on Alinsky at Wellesley College, and his writings were extremely influential with a young community activist named Barack Obama. Obviously, these are two of the most prominent Democrat Party leaders in the last the last 30 years. Of course, Obama was a short term senator before quickly ascending to the presidency for two terms, and Clinton was a first lady, senator, secretary of state and Democrat Party presidential candidate. So the man they admired among the most was a well-known communist. Obama was also mentored by Frank Marshall Davis. During the time Obama was in high school, college and a community activist in Chicago. Few people were as close to him as Davis. As Professor Paul Kengor recounts, Davis joined Communist Party USA in Chicago during World War Two. His party number was 47544. He became extremely active in party circles and even wrote for and was the founding editor in chief of the Communist Party publication there, The Chicago Star. He left Chicago in 1948 for Hawaii, where he would write for the party publication there, the Honolulu Record. Those writings reveal a man fully loyal to the Soviet Union in the Communist Party line and often bear an uncanny resemblance to Obama’s own rhetoric. Where Davis was bashing Wall Street, big oil, big banks, corporate executives and their excess profits and greed and their fat cats, the wealthy and the millionaires GOP tax cuts that spare the rich. And on and on. Another leading influence in the Democrat Party is, of course, Senator Bernie Sanders. Despite more recent efforts to mainstream himself, Sanders, who nearly won the Democrat Party nomination for president in 2020 and whose issue papers have served as the revolutionary blueprint for the Biden administration, has spent his entire life as a marxist activist, though he’s treated as a kind of elder statesman of the Democrat Party. His record in Marxist movements and activities and in support of repressive communist regimes and causes is so extensive it would be it would require far too many pages in this book. This is from my book. To elaborate. That said, Sanders has praised genocidal communist regimes and the old Soviet Union, Cuba, Nicaragua, etc. called for the government takeover of most industries and offered a called 21st Century Economic Bill of Rights that could have been lifted straight from Josef Stalin’s 1936 Soviet Constitution. These are but a few of the stars and the Democrat Party. As you can see, this is a top down, elitist, driven movement. Just as Gramsci encouraged, and I might add. Just as Vladimir Lenin insisted. For example, Clinton graduated from Yale Law School. Obama from Harvard Law School and Sanders from the University of Chicago. Hardly part of the proletariat. Again, no less than Vladimir Lenin, who led the Russian Revolution in 1917, believed in a top down revolution as well, which he called democratic centralization. Democratic centralization. Of course there is nothing democratic about it. Most Russians were not communist revolutionaries when the Tsar was toppled. Lenin insisted that the masses must be led by the few, and of course, he was first among equals. Moreover, Lenin preached that the party must be the monopolistic structure through which every aspect of society is managed, and that all citizens must adhere to the party program. He did not believe in the natural attraction of Marxist ideology to the masses, but instead exercised the use of an iron fist to impose the party’s agenda on the population. All public resistance must be broken. There can be no tolerance for opposition, and all aspects of life are subjected to the will and whims of the Communist Party controlled state. Furthermore, truth and justice are to be defined by what serves the best interests of the party. Inevitably, the Democrat Party’s infinite cultural, economic and political interventions always in the name of the people and some virtuous and wealthy cause lead to the steady decline of liberty, to the steady rise of totalitarianism and to the exploitation of the people. Fewer and fewer masterminds with an ever increasing army of bureaucrats and enforcers reign over the citizenry and decide what is and is not good for them. The abuses of power limitless as are the justifications. And slowly but surely the people get used to it, even vote for it until one day its grip is too tight. Then it’s too late. The police state is not known to retreat peacefully. Moreover, the Democrat Party, as the state party is supported by a state media that poses as a free press. The state media are no less devious and diabolical than the party they promote. And like other propagandists, they are skilled at deceit and deception on behalf of the cause. Every time the Democrat Party wins an election, whether at school board or mayoral level or governorship or presidency becomes even more powerful and dangerous. Totalitarianism through the ballot box is not new. Even now, Democrat Party electoral victories further empower the administrative state and its appointed judicial oligarchs who hold what is as close to permanent governing authority without checks or personal consequence as mankind has ever invented. Indeed, the Democrat Party makes the most of its electoral victories, both in its efforts to enshrine electoral changes that advantage it and to strengthen and expand the unelected part of the government that is appended to it. Increasingly, Republican Party victories, while deeply troubling and intolerable to the Democrat Party, are seen as fleeting interludes in the long march to what is effectively the hardening of one party democratic control of the country. Nonetheless, like all autocratic parties, the Democrat Party and its media and other surrogates relentlessly pursue Republican victors with all manner of tactics and sabotage. For they must pay a huge personal and professional price for daring to challenge, let alone win an election, and disrupt the one party Democrat party rule. For example, Richard Nixon was forced to resign for doing far less than Franklin Roosevelt, John Kennedy or Lyndon Johnson, and their weaponizing of the Irish FBI and later even the CIA. Ronald Reagan was pursued over the so-called Iran-Contra matter, which was nothing compared to Barack Obama’s $1.7 billion cash payment and nuclear deal with the Iranian regime. And, of course, the endless political and criminal pursuit of Donald Trump by the Democrat Party is unprecedented in this, and virtually all else it does. The Democrat Party’s loathing of America is limitless. The Democrat Party hates America. That’s from part of chapter one. You can get it on right now and pre-order your copies at 40% off. Or any other retail link or outlet. Hey, will you think this is the book for the time? This time. These times. Those words were written, Mr. Producer, seven or eight months ago. I updated it along the way as we were editing it where I could. But the tyranny is so aggressive now and it’s so ubiquitous. It’s impossible to update it to the day or even the week. But the principles that I. Discuss the history that I present. All of it relates to the same thing. They don’t care if they’re destroying our electoral system. They know the Republicans are quislings and that they will not use the same power that they are against Republicans. The Republicans won’t use that power against them. We have the bill bars the Mike Pence’s. The Chris Christie’s. The Larry Hogan. The Chris Sununu’s, the Asa Hutchison. The Mitch McConnell’s and the other phalanx. Of quislings. They have no such thing. So this passive or quiet revolution. Is, in fact, taking place right before your eyes. And you know what they want to discuss on Capitol Hill today, Mr. Producer? UFOs. UFOs. The country is on the brink. Communist China is on the rise. They’re preparing for war. And on Capitol Hill, they’re discussing UFOs today. The media discussing UFOs. When to discuss what’s happening to Trump. MSNBC and CNN are part of the. The government media. They call the state media. And so you know what they’re going to say in advance of them saying it. They exist to be propagandists. They exist to advance the call of totalitarianism. Somehow they think they’re going to escape it. No, they’ll be devoured to. They celebrate tyranny. They urge tyranny. Against their opponents, or at least those who don’t agree with them. But there’s no excuse to be promoting Bill Barr and his ilk. Who are the weak underbelly of. Of our republic. They’re the weak underbelly. They are the Benedict Arnold. They are the backstabbers. Call them what you will. Look at Mike Pence, just the news Pence statements prior to January six undercut his claims on election integrity. Constitutional duty. Pence has repeatedly maintained he lacked the constitutional authority to send the election results back to the contested states for review and insisted he saw no evidence of voter fraud saw in the outcome of the 2020 election. The former vice president’s own words prior to the events of January six, however, seem to contradict his post vice presidency narrative. Video footage from a public address less than one week prior to the electoral certification on January six shows Pence expressing concerns about the election irregularities in the contest and vows to hear the objections of his supporters during the certification process, seemingly suggesting he held a belief in his authority to do so. He said, I know we all got doubts about the election. I share the concerns of millions of Americans about voting irregularities, he told supporters on January 4th. I promise you this. Wednesday, we’ll have our day in Congress. We’ll hear the objections. We’ll hear the evidence. Pence made the remarks during a rally to support then GOP Senator Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue and Georgia runoff. Smith’s indictment includes six other co-conspirators whom with whom Mr. Trump allegedly conspired to unlawfully overturn the election. How ridiculous. One of those individuals, he alleges, put forward plans outlining the theory that Pence could deem the electoral slates from seven disputed states invalid. And, you know, it’s interesting, there’s not a word in the brief the indictments filed by Jack the Ripper. SMITH and approved by the attorney general of the United States. That provides a scintilla. Have constitutional language or constitutional history that disputes the advice that Trump got. So if the Department of Justice. And Jack the Ripper. Smith cannot provide language in the Constitution or from the Constitutional Convention. I don’t care about Michael Leunig who gives an S about him. If they can’t provide a single syllable that even disputes the advice that Trump was receiving, whether it was good advice, bad advice, sound advice, or anything else. Then how the hell do they build a criminal case on it? I’ll be right back.

Segment 4
Do you believe the. The gonads this woman has. Most of it is. The gall of this demagogue. I mean, I thought after she said that her false teeth would fall out of her mouth or the facelift would unravel right in front of us showing one of these UFO pilots. You know, maybe the skin would melt away. And there it is, a UFO pilot. But now there she is. And she says, This is why we want to take out the Republican Party the next election, folks. Can you imagine if they succeed? If they win the presidency or they win the House and so forth. It’s over. That’s why they’re fighting for keeps right now. That’s why these charges are being made now, not later. Bill Barr is blinded by his animosity. And probably by the cholesterol. That has gathered under his eyes. I don’t know. But he’s irrelevant. He’s a sucker. Like John Bolton. He was out there making continuing making an as items. You can see all these disgruntled former employees that Trump fired or who quit. Man they are have a hate on. They can’t just walk away. No, no, no. Never hate on boy. So the most preposterous case ever brought in and brought in a federal court involving January six, but not involve You ever have a case that involves January six and doesn’t involve January six? I mean, when you read through it, it’s so incoherent. That’s why people who defend it have trouble explaining it. It’s utterly incoherent. Trump was lying about the election and over and over again and he upset people. Can you try to January? No. Then who cares what you think? Who gives a damn what you think?