July 28th, 2023

July 28th, 2023

MANCHESTER, NEW HAMPSHIRE - JUNE 6: Former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie speaks at a town hall event where he announces his candidacy for President of The United States at the New Hampshire Institute of Politics at Saint Anselm College in Manchester, N.H. on Tuesday, June 6, 2023. (Photo by Carlin Stiehl for The Washington Post via Getty Images)

On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, Chris Christie has done nothing for the United States or to fight cancel culture or protect children from the Marxist Democrat ideology invading elementary schools. He has no legacy in New Jersey except sky-high taxes, crime, and Bridgegate, and now he wants to clear the way for President Biden to win in 2024. The Democrat party hates America today like it has hated America before, and those of us who love this country and don’t want to see it turned into a third-world centralized state won’t be distracted by Kamala Harris or phony issues. America is unraveling and our founding and history are under assault; individualism is being substituted for group-ism and capitalism is being devoured by economic socialism. We cannot allow Democrats to do this to us and allow people like Christie to play grafter politics while our country is dying before our eyes. Also, the Hunter Biden laptop alone is enough to warrant an impeachment inquiry of Joe Biden, which is why the FBI and social media covered it up at the request of the Biden’s. The brave IRS whistleblowers uncovering the corruption of the Biden Administration and special treatment toward Hunter Biden should be commended for doing what weak Republicans in Congress can’t. There is no noise in the Republican senate about an impeachment inquiry because they are afraid of uncovering evidence and leading to an impeachment of Biden, which they don’t want to bring because they don’t have the votes. The Republican party is not out to destroy or transform America, but it is filled with quislings that wittingly or unwittingly tolerate and contribute to the Marxist Democrat agenda. Next, The College Board’s AP curriculum for African American history claims that slaves learned valuable skills while they were enslaved, which is what Florida’s curriculum says as well, but Kamala Harris and others are attacking Florida and Ron DeSantis. The Biden Administration is re-segregating the country through executive order, and to them, it is OK because they call it progressive and liberal. Later, Democrats will keep pushing climate change as a way to gain more control for the government and less liberty for citizens, even though they cannot point to any scientific data to back their apocalyptic claims. Now we get more hyperbole calling this the era of global boiling because they want an era of government tyranny.

Fort Lee lane closure scandal

Biden White House Pressured Facebook To Censor Lab Leak Posts

Climate of Fear: U.N. Chief Guterres Warns ‘Era of Global Boiling’ Is Here

ABC News
France is investigating suspected smuggling to China and Russia of advanced chip technology

Photo by Carlin Stiehl for The Washington Post

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcription of Hour 1

Segment 1
Hello, America. I am definitely broadcasting from the bunker. You can hear the. You can hear the activity going on outside the bunker, can you not, Mr. Producer? Sounds like the dropping of bombs, the firing of missiles. But don’t worry, America. It’s called the weather. And we’re in the middle of a hell of a thunderstorm, a lightning storm, thanks to, of course, climate change. That’s climate change. There it is. I want to clean up a few things here because the media are lying to you or deceiving you. The headline yesterday from the Associated Press was Trump accused of asking Stanford to delete camera footage in Florida Classified Documents case. I said. Trump accused of asking Stafford to delete camera footage. So in other words, it wasn’t deleted. Mr. Producer. The accusation is that he asked the staffer to delete. Now, of course, that can be a crime if the material subpoenaed and you are seeking to do so. But that changes the entire complexion of this charge, does it not? A staffer. Is making an allegation. So it’s a he said. He said. So this is the thinnest of thin reed to bring a new charge against the former president of the United States. So they’re throwing the full power. A federal prosecutorial resources against a maintenance man. To get them to flip to support the state against Trump on this one charge. Now, why are they doing that? Because there are multiple motions that I discussed with you two weeks ago, as well as on Fox. That President Trump’s lawyers can file and some need to be fired. I don’t know what they’re waiting for. They don’t need to wait. Tom May they can perhaps send a torpedo into this pirate ship immediately. So I wanted to point that out as number one, we have a killer killer show this Sunday on Life, Liberty and Levin. We have Benjamin Netanyahu and we have former governor. Bob McDonnell. I want to talk about this next issue. Slavery in the curriculum in Florida. I must say I’m disappointed. By Tim Scott am disappointed by Wesley Hunt. Disappointed by Byron Donalds. All my friends. And Barry Donaldson particular. I’ve known quite a long time. Well, long enough, longer than most. And what they are doing is really quite perplexing to me. Unit two of the APS Syllabus on Slavery, Labor and American Law. A chapter on the slave economy suggests. This is the College Board’s. That are sent throughout the country that slaves learned to become painters, carpenters, tailors, musicians and healers and subsequently use their skills to provide for themselves and others. The sentence has been widely criticized in recent weeks, including by Vice President Kamala Harris. And I might mention those Republicans that I did a very singular passage in Florida’s 2023 social study standards, which acknowledges that, quote, State slaves developed skills which in some instances could be applied for their personal benefit. Nobody’s praising slavery here. Nobody’s saying even that. But for slavery, they wouldn’t have learned these skills. The learning objective from the AP curriculum just shows that there’s pseudo controversy was nothing more than a dishonest political head job by Harris. The White House and the unions to say it, as press secretary said. And she’s right. And she’s right. And you can read what Dr.. William Allen, former chairman of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, had to say about this. You can read what Frederick Douglass and Booker T Washington had to say about acquired skills under adverse circumstances. I’m quoting here, came with skills that enabled them not only to survive, but also to go on for other accomplishments after slavery. So why is this become a hot issue and why do Republicans fight these hawks? Why do they go for this stuff? I don’t get it. Why do they play into this? I don’t get it. I mean, if you want to talk about slavery and what took place, then talk about Biden and his segregationist past, talk about the Democrat Party. They’re responsible for slavery. Why are you trashing the Santas? And by the way, obviously, Scott’s running against two Santas. And the other two gentlemen I mentioned have supported Trump. But still. Are we in the mode right now to save the country? Isn’t that the goal? Whoever the Republican nominee becomes. We’re on a very, very. Slick pair to. The destruction of this country. So the typical kind of politics that’s played is unacceptable to me by friend and foe alike, by friend and foe alike. And speaking of foul. Chris Christie is not going to come anywhere close to getting enough votes to be president. I don’t know if he succeeded in accomplishing the very low standard to be in the first debate or not. But he’s obviously. Been backed and supported by people who have as their singular goal to take out Trump and or DeSantis. And there are certain hosts, certain platforms who are promoting him, like he was promoted today for a very long interview. And in no time during that very long interview in which it was obviously set up to just trash the hell out of Trump without any significant pushback. Making wild accusations because that’s what he does. Was he asked about his own. His own tenure. As the governor. Of New Jersey. So I’m here to remind you. Since those who promote Chris Christie, particularly in the media. Have memory lapses, Intentionally so. This is from Wikipedia. I despise Wikipedia when I’m using it in this context. It’s as good as any other. The Fort Lee Lane closure scandal, also known as the George Washington Bridge Lane social scandal or Bridgegate. What’s it’s a political scandal involving a staff member and political appointees. New Jersey Governor Chris Christie colluding to create traffic jams in Fort Lee, New Jersey, by closing lanes at the main toll plaza for the upper level of the George Washington Bridge. The problems began on September nine, 2013, when two of the three tolled lanes for a local street entrance were closed during morning rush hour. Can you imagine? Local officials, emergency services and the public were not notified of the lane closures, which Fort Lee declared a threat to public safety. The resulting backups and gridlock on the local streets ended when the two lanes were reopened on Friday, September 13. Four days later, by an order from the Port Authority executive director and Democrat from New York, Patrick Foye. He said that the hasty and ill informed decision could have endangered the lives and violated federal and state laws. It was later suggested that the lanes had been closed intentionally to cause the massive traffic problem for political reasons, and especially theorized that they were a retributive attack against Fort Lee’s mayor, Mark Sokolich, a Democrat who had supported Christie as a candidate in 2013 for governor. Excuse me. Who refused to support Christie? Who refused to support Christie. The ensuing investigation centered on several of Christie’s appointees and staff, including David Wildstein, who ordered the lanes closed. Bill Baroni, who had told the New Jersey Assembly Transportation Committee that the closures were for a traffic study. The United States attorney for the District of New Jersey, Paul Fishman, launched a federal investigation, resulting in a nine count indictment against Bridget Anne Kelly, the deputy chief of staff, Baroni and Wildstein. Wildstein entered a guilty plea to testified against Baroni and Kelly, or if found guilty on all counts in November 2016. David Samson pleaded guilty to one felony count of conspiracy in July 2016. Rax unrelated to the lane closures but unearthed by the federal Bridgegate investigation, Christie’s political standing was badly damaged by the scandal, and his approval ratings from the scandal onward only continued to fall. He basically said he didn’t know anything. I don’t know. And if he did, he did. BIDEN How would I know what my entire senior staff is doing? Once considered a leading contender for the 2016 Republican nomination, Christie dropped out of the presidential race after a poor showing in the New Hampshire primary. The scandal was widely cited as a major factor in the early demise of his nomination potential nomination. In 2016, both the prosecution and defense in the trial of two of Christie’s former aides argued that Christie knew of his close associates involvement and a plan to shut down lanes leading to the GW Bridge as it was happening and that the closings were to punish Sokolich for declining to support Christie’s re-election bid. This is the first time Christie’s been officially accused of contemporaneous knowledge of the plot. Now the defendants in the case appeal their convictions. And June 2019, the U.S. Supreme Court granted cert, heard the case known as Kelly versus U.S. and January 2021, defendant Bill Baroni, having already begun serving his prison term federal. As for immediate release on May seven, 2020, the Supreme Court unanimously overturned the convictions, charging that the defendant could not have violated the fraud statutes they were charged under since they had not obtained money or property. But he didn’t rule that they didn’t do it. They ruled that there couldn’t be fraud because they didn’t get anything in exchange for. But what about Christie? Oh. As I’m pulling down the article. It’s quite lengthy. Chris. Let’s see here. So there are all kinds of inquiries and all this. And the official misconduct case against Christie, as Wikipedia puts it. T Next, citizen activist William J. Brennan filed a complaint in September 2016 in the Fort Lee Municipal Court alleging official misconduct by Christie. The complaint specifically said Christie had failed to stop the closure then in progress when, according to Wildstein’s sworn testimony, Christie heard about it from Baroni and Wildstein on Wednesday, September 11, 2013, the third day of the closure. The complaint alleged that Fort Lee and its mayor were deprive the benefit of enjoyment of their community as a consequence of this intentional, evil minded act. In October 2016, Judge Roy McGinty, the presiding judge for the municipal courts in Bergen County, New Jersey, accepted jurisdiction based on the events having occurred in Fort Lee and further probable cause existed. Quote, To believe that an event of official misconduct was caused by Governor Christie, unquote. The judge therefore issued a summons. This put the case into the hands of Bergen County prosecutor’s office. Prosecutor Goober Greenwald, who was appointed by Christie, recused himself from the case. State Attorney General Christopher Perino, who previously served as the governor’s office. Counsel, also recused himself from the case so subordinates and their officers had to handle the matter. The state superior court denied Brennan’s request to appoint a special prosecutor. In January 2017, a state superior court judge denied Christie’s motion to dismiss the citizens complaint, but also vacated the earlier finding of probable cause on the basis that Christie had been improperly denied his right to counsel at the October 2016 hearing. The court ordered a new hearing regarding the complaint. Later that month, prosecutors decided not to pursue charges against Christie. While prosecutors chose not to pursue the case, the Bergen County municipal judge ruled the case had not been dismissed. And in February 2017, following a new hearing, the Bergen County municipal judge ruled that the case could proceed, saying the court. Satisfied that Christie had knowledge of the traffic problems in Fort Lee, and then they issued a new criminal summons. In March 2017, the Bergen County prosecutor’s office dropped that complaint against Christie, writing to the Superior court judge. We do not believe that an official misconduct charge can be proven beyond a reasonable doubt. Oh, pretty sleazy, don’t you think, America? Christie has played rope a dope from the very beginning. I don’t know what my chief of staff was doing. My deputy chief of staff. I can’t pay. I don’t know. All they said is that they don’t believe they could prove a charge of misconduct beyond a reasonable doubt. And, of course, Christie declared victory. Now he’s only attacking. Now he’s on the attack. And he’s given a platform. The same platform he got today has been given to Chris Sununu to trash Trump. It’s been given to Karl Rove, to trash Trump. It’s been used to promote Mitt Romney. And these are platforms that are used all the time for one reason and one reason only, but because Chris Christie has ever done anything in his entire life that is profound or important, but because he’s a torpedo. I’ll be right back.

Segment 2
The button works. I think it’s pretty obvious. There’s really only one major voice out there and maybe a few others really, one that understands there’s at least two sides to every criminal case. Two Sundays ago, I believe it was two Sundays ago, I provided half a dozen motions that should be filed by the defense. Challenging, unconstitutional, unscrupulous, actually evil practices of the government. That if left unaddressed, can affect all of our lives in terms of due process. And the right to a fair trial. Not only was none of that picked up by fellow hosts or even non fellow hosts, but none of it has been independently discussed. It’s as if there’s only one side and it’s leaked by the prosecutor.

Segment 3
Just to wrap up, Christie has done nothing for the United States. Nothing is done. Nothing to fight cancel culture. He’s done nothing to fight the war on the nuclear family and parental rights. Nothing. Is there nothing to protect children? From the ideology that’s promoting sexuality in elementary schools doesn’t even speak out against it. So it’s not government’s role, even though these are government classrooms and government employees. There’s no legacy in New Jersey. None. Sky high taxes. Sky high crime. And now he takes this fanciful run for president because he wants to cripple the leading Republicans in the Republican primary. And smoothed the way for Joe Biden and the Democrats, despite his very weak protestations. And he’s given platforms to promote this ideology and attitude. See the future of the Republican Party. No, he’s not the future of anything. The Democrat Party does hate America. It hates America today like it hated America before. Now, those of us who love this country do not want to see it fundamentally transformed into a third world destitute, impoverished, authoritarian, centralized state. We get it, we see what’s happening. We’re not going to be distracted by Kamala Harris. And phony issues. We’re not going to be distracted by Chris Christie and phony issues. We will confront them. In order to push them out of the way. And we’re not going to allow a media. Whether they claim to be friendly or unfriendly. To tell us fact from fiction. True from falsity. We’re not going to allow it. As I point out, in the opening of the book. This book is not intended to be provocative. But in the Democrat Party centric parts of our society, it undoubtedly will be. And you’ll remember that Target made a run of us and we put an into that quickly. It is not written for Democrat party officials. Politicians. Media, sycophants. Activists. Surrogates. It’s not written for rhinos. It’s written for those patriotic Americans who fear for our country and its future. America is unraveling. Our founding and history are under assault. Our families and faiths are being degraded. Individualism has been substituted for group ism. Colorblindness is now racist. Capitalism and prosperity are being devoured by economic socialism and climate change fanaticism. Classrooms have become indoctrination mills for racism, segregation, bigotry and sexual perversion. And teachers unions are hostile to parental involvement in critical decisions about the health and welfare of their children. An American free speech and academic freedom are shrinking. And the police state is growing. That says monitoring and spying on citizens. The government is banning and regulating more and more household products from incandescent light bulbs to dishwashers. By creating shortages and driving up costs of others. Crime is out of control on our streets, public transportation and schools. While police budgets are slashed and many prosecutors and judges coddle violent criminals. Our borders are wide open to millions of foreigners who seek entry into the country as drug and criminal cartels ship killer drugs into our country by the tons. And brutalize migrants by using them as indentured servants and sex slaves. And a list goes on. The Democrat Party is responsible for most of this and much more seeks to permanently control our governmental institutions. Just as it dominates our cultural entities the media, academia, home, entertainment. The science. It seeks to legitimate and eviscerate the Constitution. Including the Bill of Rights, the Electoral College, the Supreme Court, and separation of powers. Which obstructs its ideological designs. It abuses the rule of law by targeting its political opponents for harassment, investigation prosecution. In the end, it seeks to imprison them. On October 30, 2008, when Barack Obama shouted to a crowd that we are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America, he wasn’t kidding. On May 14, 2000, when Michelle Obama pronounced that we’re going to have to change our conversation, we’re going to have to change our traditions, our history. We’re going to have to move into a different place as a nation. She meant it. The Obamas are not alone among Democrat Party apparatchiks in their contempt for this country. In fact, it’s the rare top Democrat Party politician who regularly praises America and is sincere about it. They mostly trash talk the country and smear millions of its people. The examples are too numerous to catalog here, but it is a party that is built on the demands and propaganda of revolutionaries, demagogues and malcontents. And has a horrifying history of supporting the most contemptible causes, including slavery, segregation, the Ku Klux Klan and even lynchings did almost from the start. The Democrat Party rejected the principles and values of the American experiment, and today it is the home of another anti-American movement. This time American Marxism with its various ideological appendages. The Democrat Party ruling class elites and activists are united in this revolution. As the title of this book declares The Democrat Party Hates America. If you want to fundamentally transform something, you clearly do not love it or even like it. As I’ve explained on my radio show, if someone says I wish I could fundamentally transform my spouse, then you obviously don’t love or like your spouse. But what if you do not want to fundamentally transform America and you love our country? And it is important to speak the truth about those who seek to impose their will on the rest of us when dealing with such a dire threat to our freedom, society and way of life. We cannot dodge our responsibilities as citizens, especially in my case, when I have such a large platform to push back. It can be difficult and predictable. Excuse me. It can be difficult and unpleasant to speak out and write a book such as this. Given the predictable outrage and anger that will surely result from numerous individuals and quarters. Nonetheless. The time is late and the cause is too important to self-censor. So let us step back and examine what is taking place in the central role of the Democrat Party. And of course, it is necessary to expose the role of the Democrat Party’s current leader, President Joe Biden, in undermining America. In March 2023 speech to the Canadian Parliament, Biden concluded his remarks at a mostly at further government to government space exploration with the Canadian government in which he proclaimed, Ladies and gentlemen. We’re living in an age of possibilities. Gigi Ping asked me in the Tibetan plateau, Had I defined America, I could have said the same thing if he asked about Canada. I said yes, one word, and I meant it. One word possibilities. He said, Nothing is beyond our capacity. We can do anything we have to never forget. We must never doubt our capacity. Canada and the United States can do big things. We stand together, do them together, rise together. We’re going to write the future together, I promise you. But I was not talking about the possibilities of entrepreneurship and capitalism, individual human initiative, etc. When speaking to JI or the Canadian Parliament, he was talking about the endless opportunities of an activist government, which means the expansion of his own power and that of the Democrat Party, the establishment of an all powerful central government, a command economy and the remaking of man’s nature. Indeed, Biden rules as an autocrat. Biden has said that he wants his legacy to be as big or bigger than Franklin Roosevelt’s, who did, in fact, radically change the nature of the federal government, its relationship with the citizen. And Biden is being urged to continue the transformation of America away from the founding ideals toward an Americanized Marxist model. That I discussed at length in American Marxism. Today. Biden is a reckless and stubborn human wrecking ball was racked up a disastrous record both domestically and. Internationally. Some wonder how Biden moved from a relatively nondescript politician to a radical leftist and he’d for most of his life. Biden has been a political chameleon and an intellectual lightweight. When he entered the Senate, he immediately sided with the segregationists and racists and actively opposed the integration of public schools. When law and order became an important issue in the mid-nineties. He co-sponsors a criminal justice bill that was tough on criminals. At one point, he was a fiscal centrist by Washington’s standards and also supported some limits on abortion. He also backed border enforcement. Of course, his conduct on the Senate Judiciary Committee and the viciousness and dishonesty of his attacks on conservative nominees was appalling. But it reflected the views and demands of his party. Moreover, Biden always saw himself as presidential timber when most did not. His lies and deceit, including the habitual plagiarizing, including stealing words and phrases of speeches by Robert Kennedy and Neil Kinnock. British Labour Party leader at the time, as well as his blatant lies about his academic record, helped derail his previous embryonic presidential campaigns. Today is lack of character, cringeworthy outbursts and obvious stage five dementia are all but ignored. 2020. However, the Democrat Party operatives saw Biden is their only hope to stop Trump from winning re-election. Trump was threatening their grip on power and the culture and undoing their ideological agenda. They rightly believed that socialist Democrat, a.k.a. Marxist Bernie Sanders, could not win a general election. Therefore, the party and its powerful surrogates used its enormous infrastructure and resources, including party operatives, billionaire donors, activists, media, academic scholars, the immense bureaucracy, the legal community, corporatist labor unions and so forth to help the basement dwelling Bidens secure the Democrat Party nomination and install him in the Oval Office. It was the most radical elements within the Democrat Party and its powerful surrogates, Never Trumpers. Dark money donors that ran a shadow campaign that saved the 2020 election for Biden in 2021 February. Time’s Molly Ball reported that there was a conspiracy unfolding behind the speed scenes. Their work touched every aspect of the election. They got states to change voting systems and laws and help secure hundreds of millions in public and private funding. They fended off voter suppression lawsuits, recruited armies of poll workers, and got millions of people to vote by mail for the first time. It successfully pressured social media companies to take a harder line against so-called disinformation and use data driven strategies to fight viral smears. Now that’s only five pages at the beginning of the book. The book is 400 pages long. So not only. Shouldn’t I read it on the air? I couldn’t if I wanted. But this gives you a sense for what we’re up against, why I speak the way I do, why I conduct my programs, whether on TV, on radio, the way that I do. In the way I write. Are these the end times? Or the beginning of the rest of the survival of the country. This is just a tiny little piece of this book. I am going to do everything possible to get into the hands of many of you as possible and as many others as possible. I am going to work myself. So exhaustion. No, I don’t need the money. I’m very well off. I want my country back. I want our country back. It literally brings tears to my eyes to think about what’s taking place here. We’ve got to be courageous. We’ve got to be strong. We’ve got to be able to speak to one another. We cannot allow them to do this. So we cannot allow the Chris Christie’s and his ilk. To play the usual grifter politics. Our country is dying before our eyes. And the Democrat Party’s doing this to us. I’ll be right back.

Segment 4
Give me an example. Chapter two is called anti-Black Racism and anti-Semitism. The Civil War was not only a breathtakingly bloody dispute between the North and the South, the Union and the Confederacy in the anti-slavery and pro-slavery forces, but a battle between the Republican Party and the Democrat Party. The latter conflict of which is rarely mentioned and certainly not emphasized the need for eight major elements of the Democrat Party. The Civil War did not end in 1865. It never ended. Despite the best efforts of its party apparatchiks, academic surrogates and media propagandists to ignore, spin or obscure the horrendous story of the Democrat Party’s past. And the Ku Klux Klan. And lynchings to segregation. Jim Crow laws. Voter intimidation. The Democrat Party had a hand in all of it. All of it. In fact, Jefferson Davis, the President of the Confederacy, was a Democrat, as were virtually all all of the leaders and generals of the Confederacy. Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest, a Democrat, became the first grand wizard of the Ku Klux Klan after the Civil War, which he helped found to terrorize the newly freed slaves and gut reconstruction in which Republican President Ulysses S Grant sought to destroy by deploying the U.S. Army. Grant’s efforts were stymied after the Democrat Party won a majority in the House of Representatives a few decades later, among the leading so-called progressive intellectuals, a.k.a. American Marxists of the late 1800s and early 1900s, was Woodrow Wilson, a prominent Democrat who was president of Princeton University and would become governor of New Jersey. In his academic work on American history. Wilson was friendly to the Klan’s mission of suppressing blacks, and he was for and he was forgiving of its terror tactics, explains Williamson, members of Education Weekly. And he when he was the president of Princeton, Wilson expressed his pride that not one African-American was admitted to Princeton during his tenure as governor in 1911. Wilson signed the law a eugenics bill titled An Act to Authorize and provide for the sterilization of feebleminded, including idiots, imbeciles and morons, epileptics, rapists, certain criminals and other defectives, which was later struck down by the new New Jersey Supreme Court and among them, blacks. Blacks. He back. Eugenics was common among progressives at the time. You’re going to learn all about this. And also the third chapter is entitled. anti-White racism. In anti-Semitism because the Democrat Party never misses an opportunity to be racist. Never. This book. I think. Is going to make a difference if not only among us, but hopefully the future of the country. But not. But maybe in enough time. Maybe when I’m long dead and gone. Maybe not. But it will change your perspective. Even those who are hostile to the Democrat Party, you will come to despise it, literally despise it. I’ll be right back.