July 20th, 2023

July 20th, 2023

WASHINGTON D.C., UNITED STATES - JULY 3: Federal Bureau of Investigation headquarters building in Washington D.C., United States on July 3, 2023. (Photo by Celal GüneÅ/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images)

On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, the FBI, DOJ, and Jack Smith believe in a two-tiered justice system, unloading indictments and charges left and right at Donald Trump right before the 2024 election while ignoring crimes of the Biden’s.  Jack Smith is a rogue prosecutor who is violating all norms to take down Donald Trump and rig the 2024 election in Biden’s favor and has been leaking information to liberal media outlets like the Rolling Stone to hurt Trump. Meanwhile, AG Merrick Garland is ignoring dozens of predicates for initiating a special counsel to investigate the crimes of Joe Biden and his family. Mitch McConnell and Senate leadership have every right to be demanding a special counsel to investigate Biden unless they’re corrupt as well. This massive Democrat party-wide use of the justice system and censorship is going to make it difficult for Republicans to accept a Democrat victory in 2024. Top Democrats have already indicated that they will not accept a Donald Trump victory in 2024, and some liberal groups are fighting to keep Trump off the ballot entirely. These people are playing with fire, but they don’t care, because they figured out in 2020 that with their Antifa and BLM militia, they can get away with anything. We’re in the middle of the Democrat Marxist revolution, who are trying to control our elections like they control our speech. Also, Democrats like Rep Hakeem Jeffries are fighting to censure Robert Kennedy Jr. by calling him racist and anti-Semitic. Jeffries is an actual anti-Semite among Jew-hating bigots in his caucus like AOC, Ilhan Omar, and the Squad. We have never experienced this level of censorship in this country, where one party can completely control speech of political opponents. Later, FL Governor Ron DeSantis joins Mark to discuss the woke military under the Biden Administration. And the growing threat of China.

Rolling Stone
Special Counsel’s Jan. 6 Target Letter to Trump Mentions Conspiracy, Tampering

The Federalist
Biden’s DOJ Will Trigger A Major Crisis If Trump Is Indicted For Jan. 6

Leading Economic Index Falls For 15th Straight Month, Indicating Looming Recession

Rand Paul: We Have Referred Fauci to DOJ for Prosecution for Lying to Congress

Fox News
Bidens allegedly ‘coerced’ Burisma CEO to pay them millions to help get Ukraine prosecutor fired: FBI form

Photo by Celal GüneÅ/Anadolu Agency

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcription of Hour 1

Segment 1
Hello, America. Mark Levin here. Our number 877-381-3811.  877-381-3811. You watch these hearings and your jaw hits the floor. You listen to these Democrats and you can’t believe what you’re hearing. What you’re seeing is a revolution. What you’re hearing are Marxists. The Department of Justice, the FBI. This phony special counsel, Jack Smith, believes in a two tiered justice system. But Donald Trump is the main focus right now with unprecedented investigations and charges by Democrat prosecutors all over the country, unloading indictments left and right, charges left and right, all timed and intended to interfere with the 2024 election and cripple GOP candidates up and down the chain. Now, this is going to make it very difficult. For Republicans to accept a Democrat victory in 2024 should it occur. Let me repeat that. This massive Democrat Party wide use of the criminal justice system, use of censorship and attacking the First Amendment. There’s going to make it very difficult. For Republicans to accept a Democrat victory in 2024. I’m not encouraging this. I’m not wishing for it. I am observing what’s taking place. The Biden administration, the Democrat Party, their surrogates, as well as the McConnell wing of the Republican Party. You’ve heard nothing from them. They sit quietly as all this is unfolding. They do not understand excuse me. They do not understand what they’re doing to this country. Or maybe they do, but they don’t care. Meanwhile, the widespread obstruction cover up protection racket, etc. the Biden crime family. And open to the public for everyone to see at this point. Most of it isn’t even covered by the media. By the same DOJ, the same FBI in the rest. And the constant. Democrat Party, racial izing of everything, especially their opponents Republicans. Underscore the problem. The Democrats have already indicated they don’t accept the results of the election should Donald Trump win. You’ve had Eric Holder, you’ve had Adam Schiff, you’ve had other prominent Democrats say that if Donald Trump is elected president, they should immediately impeach him. You’ve got scores of radical left wing Marxist, Democrat aligned, phony groups. Backed by massive amounts of dark money from billionaires and millionaires who do not want to be known. Trying to prevent. Donald Trump. For me, even going on the ballot under, as they claim, Section three of the 14th Amendment. And should he get elected, they’re insisting that attorneys general in these states refuse to acknowledge his election. They seek a revolution. They seek a violent revolution. That’s where they stand. The meantime. This cover up of the Biden crime family starting with. Merrick Garland. His refusal to appoint a special counsel outside of the Department of Justice. We’ll look into the enormous amount of information that’s coming out now. Which is not just a predicate for a criminal investigation by a special counsel, but a thousand predicates. And the media said, Quite. They do nothing. Because they know. That Biden and the Democrats control the executive branch. And only the executive branch can be charged. I love to hear hosts. We try to position themselves, have tough guys and tough women telling. Jim Jordan. But James Comey, a coma. Well, what are you going to do about it? What are you going to do about it? That’s the problem. Congress can only do so much. Congress doesn’t have the power to prosecute people. They simply don’t. And the Democrats know this. Defund them, they say. I’m all for it. Where’s McConnell? He’s not going to support it now. One penny. He controls a third to a half of the Republican senators. And there he is, the Republican leader. These people are playing with fire. They don’t care. They figured out. They figured out in 2020 that their militia. BLM and Antifa can get away with anything. That they can do anything. Firebombing the Portland courthouse. Day in and day out for over two months. Mostly peaceful, of course. Violently attacking the White House. Well, the president has to go to the nuclear bunker that they built under the White House. You don’t hear about all them being rounded up and justice being done and all the resources. The Department of Justice is expanding. You have Chuck Schumer. Urging the Democrat Party militia to go after the Supreme Court and the justices. He doesn’t pay a price for any of that. None celebrated. All the norms. All the traditions. They’re under attack and they’re being destroyed. Including the next election. And certainly the FBI and the Department of Justice. And it’s all one way. It’s all one way. This is a dangerous game. It’s a dangerous game. But we are in the middle of a revolution. Not ours, not mine. There’s. They’re telling you what language you can use. Don’t use two tiered justice. From now on, I will use it incessantly. I had criticized its use because I don’t think it was very descriptive. But now I do. When they tell me I can’t say something, I’ll say it. Not only do they tell you what you can’t say. They tell you what you must say. The words you must repeat and regurgitate. Even if they don’t make sense, even if they’re nonsensical, even if the science tells you a man is a man as a woman. As a man now. You do what you’re told. And then the censorship. Brilliant federal judge, a hero. Gives chapter and verse of what the Biden administration, the federal government, did to you and does to us. In violation of the First Amendment, the most important free speech. And he is. Slammed by the media. Slammed by the legal profession. And then the Biden Justice Department, which is responsible for the censorship. Files an appeal. But the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals and a three judge panel. Including at least one. Trump appointee. Says of the lower court’s decision, Matt, stay your temporary injunction. The government is free to continue censoring. Until we hear the whole case. What? What they said. So many works. It’s incredible, isn’t it? This prosecutor. Jack Smith has a long history. Long history. Violating every ethical norm. An ethical practice of a prosecutor because he’s not a prosecutor. Any more than Barea. Under Stalin was a prosecutor, not a prosecutor. So hit man. He’s a hit man. Parliament in the direction. And he’ll go after you, try and assassinate your character, try and destroy you through the process. That’s why. Galan and his team of Marxist thugs chose him. To be the special counsel could have chosen anybody off, chose him. Is a record of abusing the system. Here’s a record of being reversed by courts and trial juries. He has a record of violating attorney client privilege is a record of leaking to the media. Here’s a record of threatening witnesses. Of turning family members against each other. That’s the man they pick. A hitman. An assassin. And you can see his dirty work all over the place. To prove it to you goes into court. What Trump’s lawyers say, Look, we’re fine. The motion, this case should be heard until after the election. He says no and ought to be heard by December. Why? What’s the imperative? What’s the imperative to have a full scale trial in December against a former president who is running for re-election? What is the imperative? There’s no statute of limitation issue. They have all the documents. There is no imperative. Unless you want to interfere with the election, which is exactly what he’s doing. Don’t worry. I’ll get to what took place today and more. Now, let me just give you a little taste of and you see what they did to Robert F Kennedy Junior today. The Democrats. His name is Robert F Kennedy Jr. His father was Robert F Kennedy. Who was assassinated. An iconic figure, especially in the Democrat Party. This is his son. Who’s named after him. It just shows you what’s happened to the Democrat Party. These Marxist, vile, racist, anti-Semite, American constitution, capitalism, hating miscreants and malcontents. They don’t care. It was so long ago. No, no, no, no. Just today. And they will do anything to protect Biden. They know. They know he’s on stage with dementia. They know it. They know all this, but they also know that their agenda is being implemented by the people around him. They know that to. And they are thrilled with the destruction of this country. They’re thrilled with the unraveling of our system. They’re thrilled with empowering themselves, monopolizing politics. They’re thrilled with their media friends who give them cover like Pravda did the old Soviet Union. It’s all good by them. And they don’t give a damn whether you accept the next election or not. Because elections to them. Unless they win them. Our quaint. Kind of get in the way of things. They have a permanent bureaucracy that belongs to them, permanent courts that belong to them. This election thing is motions they go through. They want to completely control it. So they control their outcome. Don’t get me wrong. But they don’t give a damn whether you like it or not. You will heal. All you insurrectionists out there, even those of you who weren’t even in Washington that day, you’re all insurrectionists, you’re all white supremacists, even if you’re not all white. You’re all racists. Which, of course, you aren’t. Does it matter? I’ll be right back.

Segment 2
The letter that President Trump’s attorneys received Sunday night, which also tells you the willfulness. Of this rogue prosecutors conduct the willfulness in terms of his effort to violate all norms. You don’t send out a letter Sunday night. The contents of it were leaked to the Rolling Stone. Who do you think leaked that to the Rolling Stone? A left wing cook publication. Penguins. Trump and his lawyers? Of course not. So who was it? It was Jack Smith and his lawyer. Which is more par for the course. So they leaked the substance of a letter. The Rolling Stone magazine. We’re now close to 50 material leaks in the last six months. If we add this one and I only counted CNN, The Washington Post, The New York Times. If you add this or if you add the other news outlets, you’re talking about over 50 leaks, material leaks from Jack Smith and the rest of his comrades. We’ll be right back.

Segment 3
We will get to this latest hearing where the Democrats demonstrate who they truly are in a moment. There’s a piece in The Federalist by John Daniel Davidson. I don’t always agree with them, but I mostly do. Is very good writer. Says here the news that President Joe Biden’s Justice Department might soon indict and arrest former President Donald Trump over the January six riot at the US Capitol should terrify all Americans, regardless of their political beliefs. Put bluntly, if Biden’s DOJ arrests Trump, the president’s main political rival, heading into the 2024 election. It will trigger a political and electoral crisis unlike any America has ever faced. It’s not too much to say that such a move would only not only imperil the upcoming presidential election, but the republic itself. Something, Of course, we’ve been saying as well repeatedly, jailing political rivals is what tinpot dictatorships like to do, like in Nicaragua, where Daniel Ortega’s political rivals often find themselves arrested and imprisoned on charges of treason. Now it appears it could happen here. Tuesday, Trump said he had received a letter informing him he’s a target with a federal criminal investigation on January six being led by Jack Smith. In a post on a social media platform. Cruz Social Trump explained he was given the letter on Sunday and that Smith gave him four days to report to the grand jury, which almost always means an arrest and indictment, Trump said. This is the second target letter Trump has received from Smith. The first one came in June in connection with the unprecedented FBI raid on Trump’s Mar a Lago home last year over classified information. Days later, Trump was charged with dozens of criminal counts relating to seven different federal laws governing the handling of classified material. We call it a classified document. Some of them top secret dating back at least six years were also found in Biden’s garage at his think tank, also in Washington last November through January. Rest assured, Biden will never be indicted over it. And, you know, it’s embarrassing to have Bill Barr defend all this. With respect to these documents. Just. It’s just. It’s grotesque. Trump and others have rightly denounced this as the weaponization of federal law enforcement and the criminalization of political differences. It’s also just a naked attempt to rig the 2024 election in Biden’s favor. I don’t need to quote anybody else. They quote anybody. It’s myself. Tucker Carlson says they’re trying to take Trump out before he can vote for him. Actually, that’s not exactly what’s happening. If trials, you have appeals and so forth, they’re trying to destroy him. Before you can vote for him. They’re hoping they will defeat him in the Republican Party, but definitely in the general. This is me. Speaking of their plans, should he actually get through all this and win? Which is the 14th Amendment. Which I would argue is not applicable here, but it doesn’t matter. They control the law. As well as impeachment. That’s what they’ve said. They will not accept the outcome of an election if Donald Trump wins. Nobody’s talking about that but me. Mr. Producer, How come that’s not receiving any attention? Anyway, that’s not an overstatement. If this scheme works, if Biden’s DOJ succeeds in taking Trump out ahead of 2024 on bogus charges related to January six, tied to see how we can ever have a normal election again in this country, the outcome of any future election will be seen as legitimate. And this is what I want to get across to judge. Collins. Or Judge Canon, for that matter. This is what I want to get across to Judge Canon. Do not allow these people to control your courtroom. Do not allow these people to control your calendar. Do not allow these people to intimidate you. There is no way this documents case should even be considered until after the election. Moreover, until after the charge of extortion against one of the men who entered your courtroom today. On the classified documents case. There’s no way you should allow them. To get away with what they’re trying to do and they’re going to use you to do this, Judge. Here. They’re going to use the cover of a court. To do exactly that, which is why you’re receiving pressure from the Associated Press and others. Indeed, Biden’s Justice Department under Attorney General Merrick Garland, might be badly overplaying its hand here, unintentionally swelling the ranks of Americans who might not love Trump, but absolutely loathe the way the federal law enforcement has been deployed against him and his supporters from the moment he won in 2016. I don’t believe that’s the case. I believe people’s positions are hardened now. I believe it’s actually worse than this. Worse than this. That there’s not a whole lot of people out there whose minds are susceptible to being changed. Too in the Russia collusion hoax two bogus impeachments and a litany of outrageous indictments, Trump’s enemies in Washington are earning him sympathy from ordinary American people, he says, who can recognize injustice and abuse of power when they see it. I hope he’s right. Hope is right. So my point, of course, my opening statement was a little different. People are not going to accept the outcome of this race. Because of what the Democrats are doing. But Garland’s doing. What Smith’s doing with Biden is doing what they’re all doing. We watch what’s happening with the Democrats on Capitol Hill. Shocking. Absolutely. And then we watch the whole protection racket. For the mob, the Biden crime family. So robert kennedy jr is testifying today. The problem with robert kennedy jr is he said 20 21% among democrats. Robert Kennedy Jr. Whatever he says, whatever you think about it, it’s almost irrelevant. I don’t embrace these Republican. I like his I guess I don’t really care. But that’s not my point. My point is they have to protect Biden. They have to protect the mob boss. The Department of Justice is protecting Christopher Wray. The FBI is protecting him. U.S. Attorney GRAVES protect them. All the U.S. attorneys are appointed by him. They’re all protecting him out in L.A.. The Trump appointed US attorney from Wilmington reports to the Attorney general of the United States. He can’t do anything a Trump appointed U.S. attorney might want to do points to the attorney general of the United States. What about Biden? So at least Robert Kennedy has the integrity to challenge this, to raise questions about it. He’s concerned about it. But for the Marxists. For the autocrats. For those who seek to monopolize political, governmental and cultural policy in this country, there can be no objection. Not even from a Kennedy. Debbie Wasserman Schultz. This is a hearing on censorship. And so she demands that the hearing be taken behind closed doors. In other words, more censorship. Censorship of censorship. Cut one. Go. I move that we remove in to exactly the session, by the way, and her voice lowered or something must be to say. She’s not transitioning, is she? Don’t they first do a hormone thing or something? I don’t know all the rules, obviously, when you transition. I think it’s fair to ask the question. Nothing wrong with it. Of course, if that’s what she wants to do, that’s up to her. And I don’t know that is what she’s doing. Just an observation. Let’s start from the top. Cut one. Go. I move that we will move into executive session because Mr. Kennedy has repeatedly made despicable, anti-Semitic and anti-Asian comments as recently as last week. Rule 11, Clause two are too sweet. I urge you, Precious, you vote for a a Democrat leader who’s made anti-Semitic and racist comments for a long time. You caucus with the biggest anti-Semite America, and hating racists ever to serve in the House of Representatives? You are a fake and a fraud. How come you don’t resign from your party? Bromell, How come? Go ahead as to says whenever it is asserted by a member of the committee that the evidence or testimony at a hearing may tend to defame, degrade or incriminate any person, or it is asserted by a witness that the evidence or testimony that the witness would give it a hearing may tend to defame, degrade how she talks. That rule has nothing to do with this, and listening to her word by word don’t matter. She’s there. She’s a. She’s an expert. What? What is it? She is an. Drama queen. May I say that? Drama queen. So she is exhibitionist in some ways. Go ahead. And it goes on. Mr. Kennedy, among many other things, has said I know a lot now about bioweapons. We put out hundreds of millions of dollars into ethnically targeted microbes. The Chinese have done the same thing. In fact, COVID 19, there is an argument that it is ethnically targeted. I think this is stupid. I think what he said here is stupid. I don’t have to agree with him, but I also believe in the First Amendment. I also despise these Democrats. Kennedy is harmless, except to them. Harmless except to them. She doesn’t care about racists and anti-Semites. She doesn’t take on members of her own party. She could care less. She supports a president who supports the Iranian regime over Israel. She could care less. Now I had this disproportionately. Shut up, you moron. So she’s trying to make the issue that this guy’s so bad he shouldn’t even be here. Let’s go into executive session so the American people can hear what he says. If you think he’s that despicable, right, Mr. Producer, if you think he’s saying all these hateful things and maybe he is, maybe he’s not. Now, why would you go an executive session? Don’t you want to show the whole world? Isn’t that the point of free speech? They hate free speech. It’s all in my book. The Democrat Party hates America. I have a whole section on the First Amendment. They’ve always hated it. They’ve proposed amendments for destroying it. They proposed amendments for empowering themselves at the cost of all the rest of us. They’ve gone after television stations under FDR. They go after radio stations under FDR and other Democrats, particularly conservative talk radio. They try and criminalize speech. Now they’re censoring speech. They hate speech. We’ll be right back.

Segment 4
We have Governor DeSantis coming on next hour, the bottom. And then next hour, we have Byron Donalds and Peter Schweitzer on life, Liberty and Love in their Sunday 8 p.m. Eastern 5 p.m. Pacific. I encourage you to set your DVR as now you want to set it for the whole 8 p.m. slide right down the line. Eastern time on Sunday. So, you know, they keep going back but. Two of the greatest guests possible. And boy, do we have a surprise guest the following week. But I have to hold off for that one. We’re going to hold off for that one. Mr. Producer, can you take my opening statement? Put it in audio form and post it on our social sites. You can always link to the mothership to do that. But I want us to do that, and I’ll tell you why. Because there will be radical left wing Marxist organizations backed by Democrat dark money like Media matters will distort everything I said. It’s very strange. We have a whole archives that goes back over four years that covers every second of the show. We never edit it. Do we miss it? Never touch it. It is as it is. So they either listen to the show or they go in the archives and then they tell you what to think about what I said as they twist it. Barry Goebbels of them. Well, what you expect. They’re backed by Soros. Now, that said. We’re going to put this up ourselves. We’re going to put this up ourselves. And you can check it out there. The other thing I would say to you is this. I get anxious every day for my book to come out. It just went to the printer. It’s not going to be outsourced September 19th. Every minute when I watch what’s taking place in this country with the Democrats. When I watch what’s taking place with the regulators, when I watch what’s taking place with their judges, when I watch what what is taking place with the anemic Mitch McConnell and others who are hiding under their desks while all this battle is going on. I become frustrated because my book is not out. And I know when it does come out how important you will agree that it is to us, to those who believe in liberty. And so I think it’s crucial that if you’re interested in this book, if you’re interested in getting copies for yourself, for somebody else. Now, while it’s 40% off over at Amazon, that you jump in and join us, tens of thousands have already acquired their pre-order copies. It’s not going to change. The discount gets better. You’re going to get the better discount. That’s how Amazon works. So there’s no point in waiting. I want you to get this book the minute it comes out, because we’re going to hit the ground running somewhat. We’re going to hit the ground running even before it comes out. Because pre-publication copies. Which are these paperback copies? How about 150 of them? They’re going to go to a number of people. So we can start this process. We have a massive audience here, a massive platform, not just radio, podcasting. Not just podcasting online on the apps. On digital TV. On Fox, there are very few people that have as many massive platforms as I do, and I’m trying to make the best use of either of them as I can. Why do you think all these authors want to come on this show? Why do you think all these authors want to come on Life, Liberty and Levin? Because of you. Because you read, you think. You love your country. This is for you. I wrote this book for you. And I was thinking about you every step of the way. It’s not about me. I didn’t write a book about me because I don’t give a damn about that. Nobody should. Amazon.com, 40% off. I encourage you. I encourage you strongly. Jump in, folks. We need as many patriots to jump in as possible. We’ll be right back.