July 11th, 2023

July 11th, 2023

US President Joe Biden speaks about the economy at the Old Post Office in Chicago, Illinois, on June 28, 2023. Biden is gambling his 2024 re-election on a continued strong US economy and manufacturing resurgence with the speech launching his newly branded "Bidenomics." (Photo by ANDREW CABALLERO-REYNOLDS / AFP) (Photo by ANDREW CABALLERO-REYNOLDS/AFP via Getty Images)

On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, government spending is like a heroin addict, being led by President Biden and the Federal Reserve. Americans have to cut back on toothpaste and toilet paper because Biden’s economy is collapsing, and consumers are being blamed instead of Biden for creating this disaster. Middle-class Americans are suffering, but Biden and the Democrat party don’t care as long as they get their spending and their programs funded by the taxpayers. Biden wants to be the new FDR and applies the same ideological socialism to a capitalist system, completely opposite to how Ronald Reagan grew the economy after inheriting a disaster. We have interest rates through the roof and going higher, and Biden’s answer is to spend more, empower the government, drain the private sector, and kill energy independence. Also, Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor was chosen because of her race and her gender, not because she was the smartest appellate judge or the best qualified, and the media wants to celebrate Sotomayor as the first female Latina on the court because she was chosen for symbolic reasons. Sotomayor had court staff members pressure institutions to buy her books in exchange for appearances and speeches, which is as extremely corrupt and as close to selling the office as anyone in the history of the court. Even worse, Sotomayor has refused to recuse herself in cases involving the publishers of her books despite a clear conflict of interest. Later, the Biden administration is known for being in full cover-up mode, and they are again with who brought cocaine into the White House to protect a family member or friend until they can find a fall guy or a diversion. Finally, why is the Trump trial being conducted during the presidential election?

Americans seeking cheaper everyday essentials threaten corporate growth

Biden Insults Reagan Economic Legacy, and Us

Supreme Court Justice Sotomayor’s staff prodded colleges and libraries to buy her books

NY Times
Trump Lawyers Seek Indefinite Postponement of Documents Trial

Old yeller: Biden’s private fury


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Rough transcription of Hour 1

Segment 1
Hello, America. Mark Levin here. Our number 877-381-3811.  877-381-3811. Americans seeking cheaper, everyday essentials threaten corporate growth. This is Bloomberg. Now think about that. Don’t say that backwards. Americans Seeking cheaper, Everyday Essentials, Threat and Corporate Growth. Is it the problem that Americans are seeking cheaper, everyday essentials? So they say Americans are cutting back on personal hygiene products. And a troubling sign for the U.S. economy and consumer focused companies now. It’s an amazing thing. You’ve got Joe Biden talking about Biden nomics. And he goes to a red state to talk about he can’t go to any blue states because other blue states are in the crapper, literally crap all over the place. And so this story comes out and they say that the troubling sign for the U.S. economy. How about a troubling sign for Joe Biden? And his ideology. And his approach to economics. And his re-election bid. It’s not like the economy is doing this on its own. I’ve told you many times before, if you kill the golden goose, you don’t get golden eggs anymore. It’s the way it works. Despite surging inflation, shoppers kept spending thanks to income gains and government stimulus. But those benefits are waning. You see, ladies and gentlemen, government spending is like. A heroin addict. And the dealer is Joe Biden. And the Fed, and it’s been for years and years and years. The fact of the matter is, you don’t build a real economy with sustained growth. By profligate. Spending. It doesn’t happen. What you do. As you destroy an economy that is trying to grow. And that’s exactly what they did after the pandemic. So they write, Despite surging inflation, shoppers kept spending. Thanks to income gains and government stimulus. So for the Democrats, this means more government stimulus. That is more inflation. And they’re going to drive us right into depression. Now those benefits are waning now. Now Americans are skimping even on everyday items such as toilet paper and toothpaste. I never in my life. Thought that those words would come out of my mouth. Never imagined that Americans have skimp on toilet paper and toothpaste. Both ends of the body. These are essentials. These are essentials. Why aren’t the Republicans hitting this hard enough, Mr. Producer? Many times I go into Wal-Mart. I’ll go into Costco. CBS, Walgreens. And so I’m checking out the prices. I want to know what’s going on. Get stuff for the family and so forth and so on. And I see what’s going on. There’s also shortages. Are there any politicians who do this? When’s the last time Joe Biden shuffled into a Wal-Mart? Now they’ll laugh like this clown, Capehart and the others about Katherine. It’s just another way to trash middle America. Like Obama did. It’s just another way to trash Middle America. Extremist MAGA. Another way to trash Middle America. White Supremacists. Middle America. They come up with different phrases. One more outrageous and vile than the next. But people in this country are now cutting back on toothpaste and toilet paper. Excuse me. Another hygiene product. Next thing you know, the whole country is smell like a Democrat Party convention. More insights on the economic environment come on Wednesday. Well, the release of June’s consumer price index. They can release all the indexes they want, All the unemployment statistics they want. All the rest of it. I know what I see. And I see a lot of people in pain. I see a lot of people. You know, I’ll tell you what. You’ve got like. Let’s just take paper towels. You’ve had bounty. Bounty is paper towels for equals 12. I don’t even know what they’re talking about. 12 equals 34. Now you have toilet paper. It’s like, you know what? The really, really thick, big rows. I told you, I’ve been a Wal-Mart and all these or What do you want? And now you can get a whole package of 120. 20 equals 120. I am watching people and I don’t blame them. Go up to the little. Signs that they have under each different type. To see how much they’re paying per sheet. Of toilet paper per sheet of paper towels. Mr. Producer. 3.1 cents versus 3.7 cents, which pays more which. And then he got to decide. If you really want to do 120 toilet paper rolls, if you can afford it, regardless of how much it is per sheet, people are sitting there, standing there trying to figure it out. Or toothpaste. You know, two for the price of this package, of four for the price of that. I watch them as they struggle over their. I look at the deodorant, The price. A deodorant. It’s through the roof. It’s through the roof. Basic stuff, but the manufacturers and to find the material that goes into these products. They have to assemble it. All these extra costs on top these these disruptions. And the supply chain for the little things. Agriculture goes through the same thing. People who raise beef. Foul. Fisheries are all going through the same thing. This is a crappy economy. It doesn’t mean that you can’t acquire things. It just means that they’re much more expensive. Then you drive by a McDonald’s right here, right near me, and they have a sign up. That says minimum wage up to $13 an hour. That’s a pretty damn good minimum wage. The problem is you can’t stay ahead at $13 an hour. Well, how much you going to charge for a hamburger and fries or chicken nuggets or a soda to get it higher? Speaking of which, have you been to a drive thru lately, Mr. Producer? You’re going to feed four people. For people, not kids for for for adults, let’s put it that way. You get a couple of hamburgers, cider fries and a soda. It’s ten bucks. You’re going to go through that drive thru and you going to pay $40. For fast food. I don’t blame the fast food companies. They’re under enormous pressure. And then the diner I go to. One of the ladies who waits there. And she’s these are terrific people, but they’re in their fifties and sixties. She’s always. And they are very happy, very pleasant. How’s your day? What you’re working on has your book coming Just very, very nice. And I always say, Well, how’s your day? Normally day. She said to me today, price of a gallon and gasoline on my corner just went up $0.20 a gallon. Now this affects her. She’s a waitress. She’s a waitress. She lives mostly on tips. There weren’t a whole lot of people in this morning, actually. So she did make a ton of money this morning. This is what people who. A guaranteed income. Guaranteed salary. Guaranteed health care. Guaranteed pension. Striking for a little bit more. Or in the federal government, you close the federal government for a couple of weeks. They act like you’re you’re choking off their subsistence. But the average person who’s not on the government dole, whether through welfare or employment. Or is it represented by a trade union? Which is the vast majority of the people. They’re suffering. Middle and lower middle class people are suffering. And the people in Washington, in the media don’t care. The people in Washington and the bureaucracy don’t care. Joe Biden doesn’t care. He’s touting his economy. The Democrat Party doesn’t care. They’ll just create a couple more programs and they don’t blame Republicans for blocking them. You don’t care. The strains that the consumer is under have been exacerbated over the last couple of months, said Morningstar analyst Aaron Lash. The reduction of food assistance. Listen to this. Lower tax returns and using up extra savings in stimulus funds have an impact, she said. So in other words, for Bloomberg and for Morningstar. The problem is we’re not spending enough money. The problem is we’re not jacking up the economy on heroin. Enough. Now, as my friend Craig Shirley wrote yesterday, comparing the Reagan and the Biden economy’s Reaganomics versus Biden nomics. Reaganomics, which relied almost 100% on the private sector and the market capitalist system, versus Biden nomics, which trashes the market system of the capitalist system and relies almost 100% redistributing wealth and socialist economic principles. There’s no comparison. No comparison. When Reagan came into office, people were scrimping under the Carter economy, much like the Biden economy. Same principles. But when Reagan came in, he blew the lid off the whole thing. Massive government economic expansion. The economic expansion, in fact, was so massive, 25% of the nation’s economy grew by 25% by the time Reagan left office. The whole enchilada grew by 25%. So massive was the Reagan economic growth plan. But even after George Bush’s. Fairly poor presidency. Bill Clinton was still benefiting from the policies that were put in place during the Reagan administration. And the media were focused on. Homelessness. Sky Mitch Schneider in Washington, DC. They were there every night on network TV. They go to a homeless shelter. They go to a food line. They wanted you to believe that Reagan had created all this poverty, destroyed all this wealth, didn’t care about little kids, didn’t care about older people, didn’t care. People were in breadlines like the Depression. It was a lie. Meanwhile, I just read to you what Bloomberg, which is a liberal news site, said. And there is no cameras at Wal-Mart. There’s no cameras at Costco. There’s no cameras at CBS and Walgreens. There’s no cameras at the gas stations. There’s no interviews. Have average American families having to struggle. Nothing. There’s no this. Passion about it whatsoever on these main media platform. Nothing. And I want to salute the United Auto Workers. That’s right. I want to salute the UAW. Joe Biden doesn’t represent your interests. In fact, Joe Biden doesn’t represent the interests of any private sector unions, public sector unions, minus the cops and the firefighters. Sure, that’s the teachers. He has no respect. And for the AFL-CIO, the mothership to go out there endorse Biden is sickening to me. He’s destroying the auto manufacturing industry. He’s destroying the steel industry. He’s destroying the coal industry. He’s destroying all of our hard industries where men and women get dirt under their fingernails. Of which they know not a damn thing in Washington, D.C.. I’ll be right back.

Segment 2
Now, the same report from Bloomberg indicates that people are buying less food than before. They’re cutting corners on food, both the amount of food and the quality of food. In America. May’s consumer spending report showed inflation adjusted household outlays for all goods and services have also stalled. They’re stuck. Personal hygiene products, including staples, not staples. Produce for paper. As you know, staple products are taking a hit. Unit, solar toothpaste, laundry detergent, toilet paper down. People are cutting their purchases in the last 52 weeks through June 24. And they expect a very tough remainder of the year for consumer consumers and consumer goods companies. Think about this. Procter and Gamble shipment volumes have declined for the past four quarters. Same goes for rival Kimberly-Clark Corp. So prices are subsiding. That is, they’re going down and they’re going down big time. Prices are actually going up. What I’m saying is people are buying a lot less. It’s going way down. I’ll be right back.

Segment 3
There’s a lesson to learn in almost everything, folks, if we take the time to pay attention. In the same Bloomberg article, a gentleman by the name of Mike Lizer. Chief Transformation Officer and senior partner. Consultant Prophet says People are just saying, I’m going to buy less because it’s gotten too expensive. And he says we’re in a very precarious position, not only the health of the consumer, but the health of the economy. This is why I study. What I study. I know what I know. And I write what I write. Franklin Roosevelt inherited a horrendous recession. A horrendous recession. Franklin Roosevelt did not inherit. The Great Depression. He caused the Great Depression. By doing exactly the wrong things. With a horrendous recession. When we were coming out of the pandemic. In a substantial part of the last year, the Trump presidency, the economy was beginning to bloom like flowers. Like buds on a plant. And he comes Joe Biden and he takes. A hacksaw to all of it. Because he wants to be the new Franklin Roosevelt. As you’ll see in the Democrat Party hates America. So the new Franklin Roosevelt, or should I say the old Franklin Roosevelt? Joe Biden not nearly as intelligent way. Joe Biden applies the same ideological socialism that Franklin Roosevelt did to a capitalist system that needed breathing room. They needed capital. And instead they got the opposite. Reagan inherited a horrific recession. His response was to slash taxes. To slash regulations. To grow the economy. That was his response. As the Federal Reserve massively increased interest rates to cope with the horrendous inflation caused again by Carter and the Democrats. But Reagan saw what the Fed did and what the Fed had to do in order to destroy inflation. But he didn’t want to create a depression. On the fiscal side. We have the opposite going on here. We have interest rates going up and up and up, and the Fed said they’re going to go higher. Many people living off credit cards now with horrendous interest rates. I saw one did a 29.99%. How did I see it? Because they send me these cards, which I’m not going to use. Of course. But other people have to. And Biden’s answer is. Spend. Empower the federal government. Redistribute wealth. Drain the blood out of the private sector. Smash mouth and undermine the successful elements of the private sector. Q energy independence and deliver it to the communist Chinese? Kula The automobile industry, the oil industry. The coal industry. The steel industry. And that’s exactly what they’re doing. And we are in a very precarious position. As this gentleman said, we’re teetering, teetering. And what Joe Biden is hoping with the help of the media, he can muscle through. That they can pretend that none of this is going on with all these people in our country. Their campaign is the thing the Democrat Party represents essentially to broad groups now. The extremely wealthy, white and not just white. Athletes, too many of whom are black. But mostly white. You know, the Manhattan types. The Greenwich Village types. The Broward County types. I can go on and on and on. You know who I mean? Those people. And they’re very, very poor. The Democrat Party has given up on the middle class as Marx put us in these classes. So I have to play along. So people understand what I’m talking about. It’s so ingrained now. So the vast middle class they’ve given up on. Yeah. And then they, they character assassinated and they have people on MSNBC who character assassinated and they people on CNN who character assassinated. Why? Because these are. The propagandist for the Democrat Party. The Democrat Party, as I’ve said many times now, stick with me. Is the state party you’re going to start hearing the backbenchers spew this stuff? Stick with me. And the media. Is the state media. This is why they are connected at the hip. And the vast bureaucracy that is protected from all this. Protected from all this. They’re not part of a market system. The checks are paid no matter what. You know, they’re not laying off people in the bureaucracy. They’re laying off people in the private sector. But the point is. When it comes to the private sector. The only way the government can survive. It’s like an alien in the body. It’s like cancer cells in your body. It has to keep eating the white blood cells. It has to keep devouring the white blood cells. Well, you know what happens eventually, right? The body dies. It can’t survive. Well, that’s a fair, I would argue. Example what’s happening in our economy. And why is this done? Power. I’ve said for 20 years, people are worried the power. What is he shipping? Do what he does on behalf of the Communist Party against his country and the people power. Putin power. Born power and the Islamo Nazi regime power care about the people. And neither does the Democrat Party. They don’t care about the people. Just because they say they do. Look at their actions. Look at the consequences of their actions. And when they say tax the rich, they don’t mean all the rich. They make new, rich, new billionaires. New Democrat dark money donors. That’s what they do. So they’ll destroy people who, quote unquote, get rich. Of oil and gas rich off of automobiles. Rich from that. But they want to create a whole New Democrat Party group of billionaires who get rich. Doing what? Solar panels, Propellers in the ocean. Killing the whales. Where they transfer tens of billions of dollars of your hard taxpayers money to them. And then they self-righteously tell you why they care about you, the little people. This is how I explain it all. And a thousand other things in the Democrat Party ahead of America. The proof. Is beyond debate. It’s beyond debate. And I noticed Amazon slashed it to about 40% off discount. That’s a good thing, America. And the more pre-orders there are, the more at discounts. But I want to tell you what I mean. I don’t want to bring up this target thing again, but I have no choice. The Daily Beast, a.k.a. Bestiality, is a Democrat Party propaganda Pravda like operation. Why mock them? He used a mock. And do Pravda. And all the Putin Russia government controlled. Platforms. That is The Daily Beast. Despite all the tyranny that’s going on, The Daily Beast is in lockstep with the tyranny. But here’s here’s an example. I use this. To point out. How they conduct themselves, this target thing, its priorities and so forth. And so here’s excuse me. Here’s what they post today. Exclusive. Mark Levin. Meltdown. Talk radio titan Mark Levine juiced presales of his new book, The Democrat Party Hates America last week by crying, quote, Cancel culture, unquote, and claiming Target was censoring his tone over its inflammatory title only for the retailer to reverse course and carry it. Of course, in reality, his book was never in danger of not hitting target shelves. On Wednesday evening, Levin blared on Twitter that target will not carry. The Democrat Party hates America because it might offend Democrats, imploring fans toward his book directly through Amazon without going through Democrat Party corporatists. The next day, the Fox News weekend host claimed Target has reversed course. We’ll be taking my new book in its stores upon its release. And it goes on. Before I went on the air, I contacted a very senior vice president at Simon and Schuster. And I went through the scenario again. They ordered 30,000 books, correct? Yes. And then they contacted you folks and said, forget it. We’re not putting the book on the shelves. The title is is too provocative. Correct. Correct. Then after we spent a day on radio, maybe an hour talking about it, they reversed course. They contacted you, said they will put the books on the shelves and apologize for all the confusion and back and forth. Correct? Correct. And at no time were we talking about Target.com, Is that correct? That’s correct. And then I asked a further question. Ladies and gentlemen, The Daily Beast is supposed to be a news site, even though we know it lies through its teeth. I said to your knowledge that The Daily Beast, I recontact our folks at Simon and Schuster, she said. To my knowledge, no. And so they want the whole world to believe that I created a controversy when in fact, I’m responding to a controversy. That’s how it works. That’s how it works in Marxists and fascistic regimes. That’s how it worked in the 1930s. That’s how it worked in the early 1900s with the propaganda that’s under Woodrow Wilson. That’s The Daily Beast. That’s Media eight. That’s Media matters. That’s The New York Times, which covered up the Holocaust, as did The Washington Post. That’s who they are. As they lash out as a group against Casey DeSantis or, you know, Clarence Thomas. And we’ll get to that in a minute. That’s how they conduct themselves. Did I not tell you, Mr. Producer, this would be their slant. It’s my fault, ladies and gentlemen. But this is why I hate them. This is why I wrote the book. Now The Daily Beast reality doesn’t have enough of a viewership for me to include them in the book or in any book. But it’s illustrative of what takes place, whether it was Meet the Press under Chuck Todd or all these other programs. It’s the same thing. I don’t have to juice pre-order sales by any controversy. I don’t have the juice, anything. And they know it. But they also know what they’ll say here will be repeated by four or five other munchkin operations. But it doesn’t matter. I call them out to prove a point. And what’s hilarious about this, when you do get the book and read it, you’ll see they walk right into the trap every single damn time. Because of who they are. I’ll be right back.

Segment 4
By the way, I won’t have time to jump into the Sotomayor matter, but we’re going to jump into a big time. And the Democrat Party reaction, which is nonexistent, and the Democrat media reaction, which is nonexistent, isn’t amazing. No calls for impeachment back. It’s joke that my throat. No demands for a new ethics rules based on what she did and what she did. Is so outrageous. Clear violation of ethics and conflicts of interest. They try and concoct them against Clarence Thomas on a daily basis. Against Sam Alito, against Neil Gorsuch. By this ProPublica, this phony left wing San Francisco based group of pre-pubescent Neanderthal reprobates who are funded by dark money. Oh, yes, that so-called journalist operation. Well, shockingly, the one that has exposed the Latin X. Is the Associated Press. Oh. Oh. Now, what are we going to do? What are we going to do? We can’t trash a piece as the left. We need them. They. They’re the biggest wire service on the face of the earth, and they’re so useful when we need to attack Trump. But the scientists and other conservatives. But here. Somebody stepped out. Brian. Slots go. And Eric Tucker, the two reporters. Oh. They’re going to have to go. They need to learn from Maggie Haberman. They need to learn from Jeremy’s Peters. They need to learn from Phillips Pump. To march in straight lines. And that way you’ll get a Pulitzer Prize. By the way, you ever see what’s on this committee? It’s like the Politburo handing out medals to to their to their newly minted marshals. Oh, yeah. You get one, you get one. You know, he just got a line. It’s like the mom. They keep bringing up the mob. But when watching these mob documentaries, they’re frightening. But I think we have one. It’s called the Biden regime. I just wanted to say if Zelinski, who I like and Ukraine who I support, thinks they’re going to get into Nadler right now they’re smoking something. You can’t join Nader right now, which would trigger Article five, a complete World War conflagration involving American troops and so forth. I mean, that that’s a little over the top. I’ll be right back.