June 26th, 2023

June 26th, 2023

WASHINGTON D.C., UNITED STATES - JUNE 24: The US Capitol is seen as daily life continues in Washington D.C., United States on June 24, 2023. (Photo by Celal Gunes/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images)

On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, what did we learn from what took place in Russia over the weekend? When you have an autocracy – you have the inability to have comity, inability to have bipartisanship, and inability to corporate. There are all different kinds of tyrannies in the world, some elected, some of the mob, and some of the iron fist.  We have a tranny right here in America, an entity that embraces tyranny – that is today’s Democrat party. The Democrat party is not merely a political party, it is the federal government party, and they want monopolistic control. Also, Special Counsel Jack Smith has 2 Republican ‘fake electors’ who have agreed to testify against Donald Trump. There’s no such thing as fake electors. You are allowed as a party to send in your own list of electors in case Congress determines they are going to reject electors of one party or the other. It’s not illegal or obstruction, it’s called politics. They are threatening these people with indictment and imprisonment if they don’t get what they want. Trump is the greatest threat the administrative state has ever faced and will do anything to stop him. They are afraid for their own survival and power. Afterward, more leaking this time to CNN about Trump’s conversation in 2021 about classified documents. Is anyone in Congress asking the DOJ if they are conducting a criminal leak investigation? Somebody needs to be prosecuted for these leaks. Trump’s lawyers need to file an immediate motion, with the long list of leaks as an exhibit, asking that the entire case be dismissed because of prosecutorial misconduct and the government’s effort to influence the jury pool. 

Wall St Journal
The American Left’s Fantastic Threats

Special counsel trades immunity for fake elector testimony as Jan 6 probe heats up

Key Player in Trump’s 2020 Campaign Mulls Special Counsel Interview

Just The News
With new evidence, Congress unmasks a multi-year government plot to protect Biden, sully Trump

Just The News
FBI validated Hunter Biden laptop months before experts claimed Russian disinformation

The Unusual Group Trying to Turn Biden into FDR (2021)

The Hill
Texas is now a majority minority state

Hot Air
Appeals court rules BLM can be sued for police injuries

CNN obtains the tape of Trump’s 2021 conversation about classified documents

Photo by Celal Gunes/Anadolu Agency

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcription of Hour 1

Segment 1
Hello, America. Mark Levin here. Our number 877-381-3811.  877-381-3811. There’s an enormous amount of material I would like to address today, but I’m not going to be able to get to all of it because we only have a three hour show, which is why I’m flirting with adding additional things to the programming here and in the next several months. Because I don’t have enough time to do it all. 3 hours on a Monday like this is just not enough. Mr. Producer, do you agree? It’s more it’s overwhelming right now, particularly when you break it down the way we’re going to break it down here. Let’s start. With Russia. But take it from a little bit of a different perspective. What do we learn from Russia? What are we learn from what just took place? When you have an autocracy, whether it’s an autocracy, a Marxist autocracy, or a fascistic autocracy or whatever kind. You have. The inability. To have comedy come at. Why you have the inability. To have, quote unquote, bipartisanship, give the inability to cooperate and the inability, of course, to unite. So the long knives are out in Russia. Putin survived this one for now. There’s a deal he made with the head of the Wagner Group is a facade. They’re going to try and find him and kill him as they will anybody who supported him. On the other hand. Putin can’t kill everybody. And these are militia. They’re not regular army. Now they’re all supposed to go home, wherever home is. But at some point, some of them may decide to take out Putin or one of his men. We don’t know. What we do know is it’s not a free country. That’s not the kind of country you and I want to live in. And there are all different kinds of tyrannies. We’ve talked about this. Sometimes we have tyrannies that are elected. Sometimes we tyrannies. Of the mob. Sometimes we have tyrannies of the iron fist. One man rule. All kinds of tyrannies out there. And all of them are a threat to a republic like ours. We have tyranny in our own country. We have an entity in our own country that embraces tyranny, often tries to camouflage it, but less so now. And that is more. Inclined towards totalitarianism, then smaller Republicanism or constitutionalism, and that is today’s Democrat Party. Now, there was a piece I saw in the Wall Street Journal that was actually quite brilliant by Barton Swain. Says. President Biden’s re-election announcement video warned that MAGA extremists are lining up to repeal bedrock freedoms. What freedoms? The extremists plan on, quote, dictating what health care decisions women can make. Banning books and telling people who they love excuse me, who they can love, all by making it more difficult for you to be able to vote, unquote. And. It was a perfect expression of the paranoid state in which American progressivism finds itself. Excuse me. I wish they would stop using the word progressivism. It’s Marxism. I will use it because it’s his piece, not mine. But leave aside for a moment the line about dictating what health care decisions women can make. A euphemism reference to abortion. The only threats on Biden’s list banning books, telling people who they can love and voter suppression are literally nonexistent. Mr. Biden is engaged in the time honored political craft of exaggeration. He’s seeing things that aren’t there. Liberal commentators have been ridiculing conservatives for fears that is fearing negligible or nonexistent threats for as long as I can remember, he writes. Communist infiltration during the Cold War, Islamic extremism in the 2000. Illegal immigration and 20 tens gender ideology in the 2020s. The right might or might not have exaggerated the urgency of these problems, but they were or are problems. That is not the case with an array of issues. Democratic politicians. And progressive intellectuals a.k.a Marxists are exercised about in 2023. You often feel they’re so invested in the idea of a delusional right that they can’t perceive their own penchant for dreaming up non-existent threats. And it goes on in a very excellent way. Is that okay? And does that article now in connection with that, I want to link something up. Again what’s going on in our country, the Democrat Party. I mean, we have an election coming up. This is why there’s no time than the present to be talking about these things and then to link them into what’s taking place in our country is I’m going to do. There was a philosopher who was a journalist. Gentleman by the name of Raymond Aron Aro, and I’ve written about him before. I’ve talked to you about him before. He’s French philosopher. He’s a great, great thinker. He said When a party, one party alone has the monopoly of political activity. The state is indissoluble linked to it. That is there one in the same and a multi-party regime in the West. The state boasts of not being circumscribed by the ideas of any competing parties. The state is neutral through the fact that it tolerates a plurality of parties, and I add in the United States. It can now be said that the monopoly party, or at least the dominant party, is the Democrat Party. Indeed, the vast administrative state built mostly, albeit not exclusively by the Democrat Party issues, edicts, dictates regulations, rules, fines, penalties that serve the ideological purposes of the Democrat Party. Whether the Democrat Party is in power or not. If this is me speaking, it requires the affirmative intervention of a Republican administration to roll back, stop or replace the trajectory of administrative state power exercised on behalf of the Democrat Party. You call it the swamp, but it is what it is. The administrative state often seeks to sabotage Republican Party initiatives and policies, thereby countering the decision of the electorate in particular election cycle. Indeed, it can be said that the administrative state has essentially become a permanent appendage of the Democrat Party. That is the swamp, as you say. Consequently, even though elections are held, the Democrat Party has a permanent hold on major aspects of the government and policymaking. The more powerful the central government becomes with ubiquitous tentacles, unlimited resources, increasing police powers, the more powerful the Democrat Party becomes. So Raymond around goes on. He says In a one party regime, the state is a party state inseparable from the party which monopolizes legitimate political activity. If instead of a state of parties, a party state exists, the state will be obliged to restrict freedom of political discussion. This should all sound familiar to you now, folks, since the state presupposes as absolutely valid the ideology of the monopolistic party. Our case, the Democrat Party. It cannot officially allow this our ideology to be called into question. In fact, the restriction on freedom of political discussion various varies in degree according to the regime of a single party. But the essence of a single party regime, which the state is defined by the ideology of the monopolistic party, is not to accept all the ideas and to prevent some ideas relating to the party from being openly debated. And I say this is where the Democrat Party is driving America, the power and control, the Democrat Party and allegiance to it and its ideology above all else is the ends. At least with regard rights are open to those who do not belong to the monopolistic party, the party state. The Democrat Party, I’m arguing, is the party state. It’s now the party state. Reserves for itself almost unbounded possibilities of action. Besides, if the monopoly is justified by the vastness of the revolutionary changes to be achieved, how can one ask the exercise of power to be moderate and even legal? It’s exactly. Hence the Democrat Party’s endless intrusions I into our lives and self-righteous justifications for it. For those who love our country. And the principles and values on which it was founded. The Democrat Party has pushed and dragged the nation into a disastrous and perilous place. Decades of usurpations of the Constitution, family and faith. Look what’s going on in New Jersey with parental control. Now, you actually have the Governor and the Attorney General suing localities. To impose on them the right of the educational bureaucracy to keep from parents these so-called transitioning gender transitioning of their children. It’s unbelievable. So I say decades of usurpation of the Constitution, family in faith and abuses of power and governance in support of a so-called progressive agenda. More to the point, Marx’s theories and models of ruling are destroying our country from within, and the pace of the decay has quickened and the extent has broadened. Three paragraphs from the new book, The Democrat Party Hates America. It is a longer book. And so from time to time, I’m going to be pulling little passages out. I’m not going to use I’ll use the word monopolize the program with it. But the purpose of this book is it’s relatable to everything that’s taking place in this country. Everything. What I just read you there is the nature of the Democrat Party and what I say later and I won’t read it to you, I’ll just tell you, is that the Democrat Party is not merely a political party. It’s a cultural party. It’s not nearly merely a cultural party, it is the federal government’s party is the party of government. That is, as her own puts it, it is the party of the state. This is a very different. Characterization of what’s going on in this country of a Republican Party. Whatever you think of it, it’s a political party. It’s not a cultural party. It’s not the party of the state. It doesn’t have control over the bureaucracy and on and on. The Democrat Party has that and more. Have you ever thought to yourself, why does the Democrat Party insist on shutting down the government if it can’t spend all this money? Because when you shut down the government, you actually stop the flow of money, at least for a period of time. And the answer is this. Just like in China, Marxist regimes, they play long ball. The Democrat Party will defend the bureaucracy to the end in insists on expanding it. It insists on making it immune from oversight. So you have a civil service, your public sector unions, you have the impossibility of moving people out of positions. When’s the last time a department was eliminated? They’re never eliminated. How about an agency? They’re never eliminated. They’re expanded. Or perhaps their combined. They become increasingly powerful. They’re reaching into your homes. They’re reaching into your automobiles. They’re reaching into your lives. They’re reaching into your children’s lives. And it’s going to get far worse before it gets better. Why? Because until we accept the fact, recognize it and tell our fellow citizens, our family members, the Democrat Party is not merely a political party. It is the party of the state, and it wants complete monopolistic control. And so even though people go through the motions of voting, they it’s the Democrat Party’s position. And activism. That seeks to make it re irrelevant. Whether you vote or not. Because they’re the state party. And they will call the shots no matter what. Just another tiny little glimpse into the Democrat Party hates America. I hope you’ll grab your preorders as quickly as possible as soon as it comes out. I want you to have it in your hands so we can really jump into this. We have an election coming up, and I think this is very, very important. It’s important that our focus be. On how diabolical and evil the Democrat Party is. So you can grab your copy right now at Amazon Books-a-million Barnes Noble Online. I’ll be right back.

Segment 2
See what we’re able to do here, you and I, together. It’s not going to be done anywhere else. You see what’s going on in Russia. People are guessing about consequences and so forth. This is what mostly makes up the media anymore. Just guessing and wondering. And it’s all fascinating. But then again, we have lessons we can learn from this. And I’m not done with this lesson about the party state, about the Democrat Party, about tyranny and totalitarianism, and that the Democrat Party has no intention of giving up its power. It’s not going to surrender the bureaucracy. It’s not can even trim it. Now, perhaps some people don’t understand. Why they’re trying to put Donald Trump in prison. Mark, what does that have to do with anything has to do with everything and trying to destroy DeSantis behind him. And I want to focus on the Trump angle for a minute, because as president, he was the greatest threat at the administrative state and the party state ever faced. I’ll be right back.

Segment 3
You’re going to see, folks, how everything that is in our face today. That’s crucially important, too, relates to what I’m talking about. Everything. That’s why I think you listen to this program. I try. I think you’re interested. I’m not doing a hard sell on the book. I think you’ll love the book when it comes out. I want you to be first in line to get it. That’s why I’m talking about pre-orders. But the book relates to what you hear on radio, on TV. It relates to your actual lives, your liberty, your family’s faith. These books seem to resonate certainly over the course of time, whether it’s liberty and tyranny or American Marxism. And now this The Democrat Party hates America. And so here’s a perfect example that’s got lost. That’s got lost over the weekend. CNN, which is a favorite source for the Department of Justice and the federal prosecutor’s office. Exclusive Special Counsel Trades immunity for fake Electric testimony as January six probe heats up. Caitlyn Polis, Sara Murray and Zachary Cohen and KC Cannon they needed for reporters. What’s it say? Special Counsel Jack Smith has compelled at least two Republican fake electors. Listen to how they use the language of the Democrat Party and the prosecutor’s office, part of the Democrat. Party state. They’re supposed to be reporters. There’s no such thing as fake electors. Now somebody might say, well, one of Trump’s lawyers called him fake. I don’t care who called them what. We’ve had this discussion before as a historic and constitutional matter. You are allowed as a party to send in your own list of electors in a close election, in particular in a state in case Congress determines it’s going to reject the electors of one party or the other. Hawaii did it in 1960, and it can be done. It’s not illegal. It’s not obstruction. It’s not an attempt to prevent the peaceful movement from one administration to the next. It’s called politics. And Congress has the final say, not some prosecutor with a grand jury threatening people. But this is the first time in American history this has been done. Why? Because Jack Smith is not. Mr. Smith goes to Washington. Jack Smith is a mob lawyer. For the party state, for the Democrat Party. And they are going to do everything humanly possible to stop Trump from becoming president again. Why? Because Trump now knows where all the bodies are hidden, and he’s made it abundantly clear he’s going to go dig them up. He’s going to take care of business. They are afraid for their own survival and their own power. This is why this is going on. The testimony described to CNN by people familiar with the situation. We actually have federal crimes being committed by the Department of Justice that are not being investigated and they’re not going to be investigated for the reasons I said. Comes after a year of relative dormancy around the fake electors portion. That’s twice now of the investigation. And as a parade of related witnesses are being told to appear before the grand jury with no chance for delay. That activity could signal that investigators are nearing at least some charging decisions. Any part of the 2020 election probe, sources added. So you have this guy, Jack the Ripper Smith. There’s already indicted Trump over a bunch of nonsense involving documents. And now he’s going to create all these unconstitutional or anti-constitutional activities here. It’s just unbelievable. He’s burning down our country and, of course, nowhere while CNN challenged the authority of this prosecutor. Why? Well, we have the state party and we have the state press and this is that. Prosecutors initially obtained documents and interviews last spring from many of the Republicans who signed false certificates to the federal government, asserting they were the rightful electors for Trump and seven battleground states won by Joe Biden. They’re not false certificates. They’re claiming that they are the right electors. And for Congress to sort it out. Many, many false certificates to the federal government. But the official count was that there is no official count until Congress makes the final determination. It’s right in a damn constitution. I’ll give you an example. You don’t have electors and then they go to the archivist of the United States who counts them and says, okay, here’s the electors from, let’s say, Pennsylvania. Case closed. Biden won Pennsylvania. No, the archivist collects them and sends it to a joint. Hearing a joint meeting, I should say, of Congress to make the final decision. That’s why you have members standing up and calling me Jamie Raskin and other Democrat losers who are who are challenging elections all the time. Challenged George W Bush after Florida. It doesn’t just end because somebody in Florida says it ends doesn’t just end because somebody in Pennsylvania says it ends. It doesn’t just end because the archivist, excuse me, of the United States sends the election count over to Congress. It goes to Congress to consider each one. And they can reject them. Is that obstruction? There is absolutely no criminal basis for this. None. And I cannot stress enough how dangerous this is. So if you’re going to challenge elections in states. If you’re going to challenge them. I don’t just mean with courts. Actually, courts should have almost no say. But if you’re going to challenge them, send another slate of electors and say, Congress, actually, we feel we won. These are the real electors say the Republicans are their state legislatures. That’s a crime. Prosecutors have played hardball with some of the witnesses in recent weeks. This is this guy Smith. Refusing to grant extensions to grand jury subpoenas for testimony and demanding they comply before the end of this month, sources said. And the situations where prosecutors have given witnesses immunity. The special counsel’s office arrived at the courthouse in Washington, ready to compel their testimony after the witness indicated they would decline to answer questions under the Fifth Amendment. You see what they’re doing here. They’re threatening these people with indictment trials and imprisonment if they don’t give them what they want. There’s your state party. There’s the Democrat Party hates America. There is how I linked them together and why. This is very, very, very important. I understand. The compel testimony is allowed the special counsel’s office to lock in witness statements so potentially information that other investigators who have looked at the afternoon a 2020 election couldn’t obtain. At least one other witness has spoken to investigators in the past two weeks outside the grand jury with an agreement the person would be protected from potential prosecution, another source said. They’re destroying these people. To get their testimony does not sound like a one party state monopoly. Does this not sound like Putin’s Russia? That is precisely what it is. This is precisely what it is. While Biden skates. While his while his son skates. Here we have Newsmax, a key player in Trump’s 2020 campaign. Miles Special Counsel Interview. New York Times has reported that a former Trump 2020 campaign official may cooperate with Department of Justice Special Counsel Jack Smith’s probe of January six election interference. They call it. Oh, it’s election interference, is it? According to the report, Michael Roman, Trump’s director of Election Day operations, is talking with Smith’s office about giving an interview called a proffer to prosecutors working for Smith should he do so, according to The New York Times. It would be the first known instance of cooperation by a key player in the fake collector’s plan at the heart of Smith’s investigation. He needs a couple of excellent constitutional lawyers that will put this this damn case to sleep. As far as I’m concerned. They go on. The fake electors plan involved creating pro-Trump slate of electors in key swing states that Biden narrowly won in 2020 to give then-Vice President Mike Pence a reason to challenge the certification of the 2020 Electoral College vote. During a joint session of Congress on January six, the day Trump supporters rioted in the Capitol, they write Cheney, Merrick Garland, Attorney General Smith, but investigating Trump on two separate firing. So let’s just pass those words quickly. The fake collector’s plan and. Job creating pro-Trump slates of electors in key swing states that Joe Biden narrowly won in 2020. Now, in some cases he won. They said by one, 11,000 votes were five and a half million people voted. There’s absolutely nothing unconstitutional, criminal or illegal in any way of sending that other slate of electors. Nothing. You know, it’s not like they’re laundering something. It’s not like they’re hiding something. They’re opaque, they’re transparent as hell, and they’re sending it in. And Congress has to look at it. And so they say they said it because they wanted Mike Pence give them a reason to challenge the certification. So what? Then Pence has to make a decision as to all the members of Congress. Pence made the decision there was nothing he could do. No harm, no foul. Let’s say Pence made the decision there was something he could do since this has never been done before. It’s not clear. In fact, it’s ambiguous whether he has that power or not, whether Mike Luttig thinks it or not. But in any event, it’s not a crime. And they’re threatening to destroy these people. I mean, to stand up against the Department of Justice and fight them. But who are they fighting? The Democrat Party. This guy, family, families all muscled up in the Democrat activities, whether it’s Obama or whomever. So he is. But the party runs the Department of Justice under the attorney general and all the other senior people there. The party runs it. Party runs it in Atlanta, where the other day his party runs it in Manhattan, where the other days these are all party state individuals who are trying to put the final nail in the heart of Donald Trump. That’s what they’re trying to do. I don’t even care if you support Chris Christie. I’m explaining what’s going on here. We have a grand jury investigating, quote unquote, fake electors and then threatening people to testify. Who put you up to this? And never, ever, ever. It also shows you Jack Smith has no knowledge of the cards. He’s an imbecile, but he’s got power. He’s got power. More when I return.

Segment 4
I can’t pull this together as well as it is in the book. That’s the nature. Every platform has its strength. A book has the strength of being comprehensive. Much like a puzzle pieces one filling the next. Filling the next. Fitting the next. Radio has the strength and flexibility. In other words, there’s no written word. You can move quickly between and among and connect things or not. And TV has the the power of the moment. Of the moment. So when I discuss things with you, I’m hoping that’s coming together pretty, pretty well for you in the last week or so. But four days in explaining this in a way, the book is very exciting. Isn’t it depressing? But exciting in the sense that it’s like I have their game plan. I have their blueprints. I’ve had it for 150 years, and I’m laying it out piece by piece, by piece by piece. It’s only a matter of time. When this book comes out, you will see the hellish response, and I will duke it out. I got no problem with that. But this is something like you’ve never read before. Having written ten books now, this is something like you’ve never read before. It’s something like I’ve never read before. It’s a lot of talking about what took place in Russia all day long, Mr. Producer. And guess what? Nothing new whatsoever. Everybody guessing, including clueless mobster boss Joe Biden. I’ll be right back.