June 22nd, 2023

June 22nd, 2023

US President Joe Biden and First Lady Jill Biden joined by Hunter Biden and Ashley Biden attend their granddaughter Maisy Biden's graduation from the University of Pennsylvania at Franklin Field on May 15, 2023 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. (Photo by Brendan SMIALOWSKI / AFP) (Photo by BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI/AFP via Getty Images)

On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, the Biden family is worse than any mob family in America. They’ve used the power of government and their position to enrich themselves. And there’s a massive cover-up from the Democrats and the media.  New testimony from IRS employees has revealed that the Biden IRS and DOJ Interfered in a tax Investigation of Hunter Biden. Investigators wanted Hunter locked up but somebody at the DOJ stepped in and said no – that would have to be the Attorney General and/or the Deputy Attorney General.  This testimony also revealed that Hunter threatened a Chinese business partner for payment while Joe Biden sat next to him. Later, this country is dying, not because of us, but because of the Democrats. The Democrat party is at war with America. This party wants to put Donald Trump in prison for the rest of his life and take him off the political battlefield.  Biden will be remembered for trying to lock up his political opponent. What’s being done to Trump is violent – and he won’t be the last. Finally, Gov Ron DeSantis calls in to discuss his lawsuit against the Biden administration to ensure freedom in higher education. He also breaks down Gov Gavin Newsom’s California, which is a result of leftist ideology being imposed on society.

Ways and Means
Smith: Testimony of IRS Employees Reveals Biden IRS, DOJ Interfered in Tax Investigation of Hunter Biden, Revealing Preferential Treatment for Wealthy and Politically Connected

Daily Wire
Hunter Biden Threatened Chinese Business Partner For Payment: ‘I Am Sitting Here With My Father’

NY Post 
Biden DOJ ran interference for first son Hunter in tax fraud probe, IRS whistleblowers say in bombshell testimony

Daily Mail
Department of Justice has ‘multiple’ recordings of ex-president in the classified documents case – including his bragging about files detailing an attack on Iran

FL Gov
Governor DeSantis Sues Biden Administration to Ensure Freedom in Higher Education


The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcription of Hour 1

Segment 1
Hello America. Mark Levin here, our number 877-381-3811.  877-381-3811.  5, 6 days of reporting in the media. Based on theories, based on expectations, and they were all wrong. This is why I don’t do that. And they should know better. But people want clicks. People want viewers. People want ratings in Burma. And my view is, why do you keep talking about stuff you don’t know anything about? Well, we thought we heard pinging in there. It’s just as I said, it was ghoulish. It didn’t provide any information. These five poor souls died instantaneously about 90 minutes into this trip when this submersible blew up. They found five major pieces, large pieces of the submersible on the bottom of the ocean. And the amount of pressure involved in that. Horrific event, the blowing up of this vehicle, they’re not going to find any bodies, might find something here and there, but they’re not going to find any bodies. The horrible thing. But that in the end is what happened. And then, remarkably, they found pieces of this vehicle 1600 feet from the Titanic of all places. They were down there to look at the Titanic. But good God, I guarantee you they didn’t expect to die next to the Titanic. There are people out there who will, you know, take chances. Court should take a chance every time you’re in an automobile across the street or have surgery or whatever. But these are. These are kind of control chances, as best as I can say it. They are people who climb Mount Everest. There are people who do this sort of thing, and so you won’t find me among them. You won’t find me among them? No. Just not interested. But some people are. Every day that goes by. We learned two things. We learned that the Biden family is worth worse than any mob family in this country. Past or present. These are mobsters. They’ve used the power of government. They’ve used their position. To enrich themselves. And then secondly, we’ve learned of the massive coverage that goes on in the government and the media. For the Bidens. And this is one of the reasons Donald Trump is under such vicious, constant attack. As would a to to speak and so forth, but nothing like Donald Trump. Some of you’ve probably heard a little bit of this today. Some of you may have heard none. So you may have heard everything. But you’re going to hear everything from me. We had these FBI whistleblowers who testified in front of Congress the other week about how they had been brutalized, how their careers have been destroyed, how their names and reputations have been ruined. By the FBI, by the Department of Justice, by the Biden administration. For coming forward about abuses of power. Illegality, unethical activity, much related to the Biden family. The Democrats condemned each and every one of them attacked them. We heard testimony yesterday. From John Dawn, who I happen to like. I don’t know him, but I was listening. And even he was stunned at how corrupt. The Obama-Biden FBI was and is. How dishonest. No deceitful. He’d never seen anything like that in his entire life. It’s career. The Russia hoax. This nation suffered through this. Year after year, the media handing itself Pulitzer Prizes. Media are a disgusting, tyrannical operation in this country that hides behind the First Amendment. They do the bidding of the Democrat Party. They do the bidding of the corrupt mob that’s in the White House. IRS whistleblowers came forward. They were also attacked. Their careers ruined. Apparently the only whistleblowers who are worth anything are the whistleblowers that go after Trump and Republicans. You’re not even allowed to repeat their names. This will take a little while, but let’s step into this, Mr. Producer, first. I want you to hear from the chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee. Little bit of a tough time here. Congressman Smith. Who? You’ll be joining us. Tomorrow, perhaps. I want you to listen to. Cut one. Go. Not one, but two IRS employees are blowing the whistle with evidence that the federal government is not treating taxpayers equally when enforcing tax laws. The whistle blowers were working on an investigation into Hunter Biden that opened in November of 2008 as an offshoot of a separate corporate investigation by the IRS. Let me emphasize, this wasn’t an investigation in the ordinary course of work at the IRS. It was not ordered by any individual, any chairman or any political entity. The testimony we released today shows the IRS recommended charges against Hunter Biden that included attempt to evade or defeat tax, a felony fraud or false statements, a felony and willful failure to file returns, supply information or pay tax. These tax crimes cover an estimated 2.2 million in unreported tax on global income streams. To Mr. Biden and his associates from Ukraine, Romania and China, totaling 17.3 million from 2014 to 2019. Mr. Biden personally received $8.3 million. Whistle blowers detail foreign payments to Mr. Biden, including 664,000 from the Chinese company State Energy HK a large diamond worth $80,000 and a portion worth $142,000. These payments are just a fraction of the total, but they provide insight into a world of wealth and influence that no ordinary American would recognize. The chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee today, and I want you to think about this on top of what the chairman of the House Oversight committee told us ten or 12 days ago, Colmer. About these shell corporations that were set up to receive. Millions of millions of dollars from the communist China. You get your picture here now. It’s a big deal. These are separate issues and yet the same. The same family. Cut to go. Whistleblower’s claim the Biden Department of Justice is intervening and overstepping when it comes to the investigation of the president’s son. Despite what whistleblowers described as a clear cut case for tax liability on these payments. IRS investigators say they found themselves hamstrung internally. The testimony we have just released details a lack of U.S. attorney independence, recurring unjustified delays, unusual actions outside the normal course of any investigation, a lack of transparency across the investigation and prosecution teams and bullying and threats from the defense counsel. This was a campaign of delay. Divulge and deny whistleblower say reoccurring unjustified delays pervaded the investigation, including an author authenticating a WhatsApp message in which Hunter Biden demands payment from Chinese officials, noting that his father is in the room, the whistle blowers revealed. IRS investigators on on their. Did you hear that? He’s shaking down a Chinese government communist official for millions of dollars. And I’m going to read this to you a little later. Came out this afternoon. Threatened them, saying his father sitting right next to no other. His father sitting right next to Renard is something that needs to be investigated. But either way. Again, using the Biden name, threatening this Chinese official, you better come up with the money. And the Department of Justice is aware of this. The FBI is aware of this. The Internal Revenue Service is aware of this. And they cover it up. Go ahead. Owned by US attorney Leslie Wolfe, that because the evidence would be found in the guest house of former Vice President Biden, quote, There is no way close quotes a search warrant for evidence would ever get approved. You see that? We can’t do this, says the U.S. attorney. We’ll never get a search warrant. To search a facility on the vice president’s property. That’s the same Department of Justice. Obviously, you’re aware of this. That had no compunction. But getting a search warrant against a former president’s home. Over a document dispute. And they got the search warrant. And they send an FBI armed SWAT team. To the president’s home. Go ahead. These whistleblowers report, they have faced almost immediate retaliation. They say they tried multiple times to sound the alarm internally at the IRS and raise concerns with the Department of Justice prosecution team. Their concerns were not given fair consideration. One of the whistleblowers was passed over for a position when he was more qualified than the candidate selected by IRS leadership and roadblocks. Roadblocks have appeared in the course of their other unrelated investigations. Now that they have testified to Congress, they have been removed from the investigation. These. So they go to Congress. And the remove from the investigation. Remember the whistleblower whose name could not be repeated? Who met with Adam Schiff’s people, if not Adam Schiff over the. Perfectly fine phone call President Trump had with Zelensky. Remember that? And this so-called whistleblower was a Democrat. He’d worked for Biden. He’d worked for Brennan. He was a holdover. H.R. McMaster, stupidly. Kept him on. He’d been suspected of leaking before he’d been removed from the White House. McMaster brought him back. That so-called whistleblower. Was protected by the media. Remember? Paul, sparing a handful of others, had the guts to mention who it was. Fake. I remember his name, I’d tell you, than matter. The point is this endless disparate treatment. I am so sick of it. This punk, this Hunter Biden. This punk. Would the hookers. But the cocaine would the gun. With his handling of the gun. Not signing up as a foreign agent. This punk. With his father. Course, his father’s going to support his son because their son’s been subsidizing the father. Now, how do you think all this money just gone to Hunter? And Joe Biden is such a thorough psychopath, such a liar about what he knows and doesn’t know. And this, Jack, this this Merrick Garland, this phony attorney general, is a mob lawyer. But there’s a lot more. I’ll be right back.

Segment 2
One of the IRS agents, Daily Wire told the committee that in August 2020, investigators obtained messages from an AI cloud search warrant. But prosecutors denied investigators request to develop a strategy to look into the messages. And denied investigators suggestion to obtain location information to see where the texts were sent from. One of the messages obtained by investigators was a WhatsApp message sent from Hunter Biden to Henry Zhao on July 30, 2017, six years ago. According to the transcript provided by the committee, Hunter Biden wrote. I am sitting here with my father and we would like to understand why the commitment made has not been fulfilled. Tell the director that I would like to resolve this now before it gets out of hand. And now means tonight. And Z, if I get a call or text from anyone involved in this other than you, Jiang or the Chairman, I will make certain that between the man sitting next to me and every person he knows and my ability to forever hold a grudge, that you will regret not following my direction. I am sitting here waiting for the call with my father. More when I return.

Segment 3
All right, stick with me. Let’s start from the top. This is the New York Post. Two IRS whistleblowers told Congress in closed door testimony released today. That the Justice Department waged a cover up in the tax fraud investigation of first son Hunter Biden. Revealing stunning details of alleged interference and new evidence indicating President Biden was involved in his son’s foreign dealings. Now, everything I’m reading to you, ladies and gentlemen, is known to the attorney general, the United States, the head of the criminal division, the head of the public integrity section in every U.S. attorney’s office across America. How do I know that? Because it’s in the media. They’re reading it. But I also know that at the top levels of the Department of Justice, they would have been intimately involved and knowledgeable about this. Because it’s the president’s son. Or in this case, the vice president at this point. Among the shocking details made public by the House Ways and Means Committee this afternoon. The Hunter Biden probe was opened in November 2018, off the back of an investigation the IRS was conducting of a foreign based amateur online pornography platform. According to whistleblower Gary SHAPLEY, the first son was given the codename Sportsman by the investigators. Delaware U.S. Attorney David Weiss sought to bring federal charges against Hunter. And the Central District of California and in Washington, D.C. last year and was denied both times by Biden appointed U.S. attorneys Martin Estrada and Matthew Graves, respectively. Do you all remember when the attorney general testified under oath that David Weiss, this other prosecutor, the Delaware U.S. attorney. He was given a free hand and nobody interfered with him. Well, it seems to me Merrick Garland should be charged with perjury. To the second whistleblower who has remained anonymous. The investigation covered the years 2014 through 2019, during which Hunter and his associates received $17.3 million from Ukraine, Romania and China, with the first son alone scooping in 8.3 million. I do have a question. Certainly during the latter time 2019 or so, Bill Barr was attorney general. I’d like to know what he knew or was he in the dark? Investigators press for felony charges against Hunter for ducking $2.2 million in tax payments. Rather than misdemeanors, announced Tuesday as part of a probation only plea deal. Investigators wanted this guy locked up. They wanted him charged with felonies, tax evasion, and they wanted him. To pay up was 2.2 million in tax payments with interest and penalties. Somebody the Department of Justice, not just U.S. attorneys in the field, had to step in and say no. That will be the attorney general of the United States and the deputy attorney general of the United States, in my view. Who else? The revelation that Biden appointees blocked charges against his son is politically explosive because Attorney General Merrick Garland testified under oath earlier this year to Congress that Weiss was empowered to bring charges outside of Delaware intentionally misleading Congress as a crime. I just said that it’s true. Weiss, who signed off this week on the Delaware plea deal, sought to be appointed special counsel and the case at least twice. Other words, special counsel point me. For a broader investigation at NAP. Now we’re not doing that. As recently as last year, this time last spring 2022, but was turned down by the Biden Justice Department, both whistleblowers alleged. Shapely, who was four, who sat for a six hour deposition with the committee. One of the whistleblowers on May 26 took over the Hunter Biden case in January 2020 and said that investigators had turned up fresh evidence of Joe Biden’s involvement and his family’s overseas income. Now, folks, that ought to be nuclear explosive. Nuclear explosive. Crickets. Absolute crickets. Quote. We obtained a July 30, 2017 WhatsApp message from Honour Biden to Henry Kissinger. And this is this communist official. We’re a hunter. Biden wrote, quote. Just to reiterate this, it’s important. I am sitting here with my father. And we would like to understand why the commitment made has not been fulfilled. Tell the director that I would like to resolve this now before it gets out of hand. And now means tonight. And, Zee, if I get a call or text from anyone involved in this other than you, Jiang or the Chairman will be g. I will make certain that between the man sitting next to me and every person he knows, and my ability to forever hold a grudge that you will regret not following my direction. I am sitting here waiting for the call with my father. Now, that should be the end of it. This isn’t some phony documents case. And let’s wait. There’s more. But let’s wait a second. Now you know why Biden has sold out to the communist Chinese. Now you know why Biden canceled the special program targeting communist Chinese operatives and their stealing of our equipment. People shaking their heads. You know what’s going on here? Now. In a way, Gravel’s to g. I will say a few things that will offend. Doesn’t matter. Nothing goes on in that country, especially President. The President or president. The vice president. A president. The vice president’s kid. Without that guy knowing he’s a control freak. It’s a freak, but he’s a control freak is a genocidal maniac. Millions flowing into the Penn Biden Center. Hello. Just what are you trying to imply there? You got fools like Jon Karl at ABC News. You have any proof? Hey, you got me proof. Now this is on top. On top of that 20 show corporations. All created legally under LLC, meaning to make it impossible for the public. Or reporters to know who owns these corporations. And nine family members benefited from this. And the only one who doesn’t know about it, you’re expected to believe, is Joe Biden. You don’t know from Butkus his name yet. And let me tell you something else. With Hunter Biden using his father’s name and talking about his father’s presence. Well, this communist Chinese official shaking him down. You better damn well believe that every million dollars that he collected, he did the same damn thing. This doesn’t sound like a one off to me, does it To you, Mr. Broussard? Sounds like it’s practiced. But it’s almost routine. Quote, We couldn’t believe that. We saw that the second whistleblower told the committee that was more indication that the dad might have been involved. So what did the Justice Department do, folks? Nothing. It killed it. A Zhao of Harvest Fund management. That’s the Z guy is a Communist Party official. And his fund was associated with b h r partners. An investment fund hunter co-founded in 2013, 12 days after he joined as vice president. Father Biden aboard Air Force Two for an official trip to Beijing, the Wall Street Journal reported, had held onto his 10% stake and be our partners for at least part of his father’s first year in office as president. In the White House. And Hunter’s representatives have refused any transparency, any transparency. Into his alleged divestment. The BHO venture was the first of two major Biden family dealings in communist China. You know, I’m sitting here thinking, if you’re Manafort and you’re listening to my show and apparently he’s a regular listener, if you’re Paul Manafort and you’re listening to this show, what must you be thinking? They put him in solitary confinement and they gagged him and Obama Judge. They tried to break him. They tried to get him to testify against Trump. He says, I’m not going to testify against Trump. Trump didn’t do anything with Russia collusion. Yeah, but here’s your get out of go card. This is how you do it. Says no. They throw him in solitary confinement. We sufferers has health setbacks. The judge, this clown, Judge Jackson, appointed by Obama in Washington. Throws the book at him gags, and he can’t even speak out on his own behalf. And then you have this. How is it that. Hunter doesn’t register as a foreign agent. How is it that Hunter isn’t even charged with violating that act? How’s that possible, folks? Well, you know how. Now, this venture, this this Biden business was the first of the two major Biden family dealings in China through the second with CEF China Energy. This is another communist Chinese front group Hunter and his first brother James Biden that is Joe Biden’s brother received 4.8 million in 2017 and 2018, according to the Washington Post. Review of Laptop records. Look at the money flowing into this guy. Tens of millions of dollars. All because of his father’s assistance or if not his assistance. His father’s name. Throwing down like that. Can you imagine? A Trump kid doing this. Or Nixon kid doing this or Bush kid even doing this. Can you imagine any of that? Hey May 17 email about the CFC CFC. Remember, that’s a Communist front group. It’s an energy company referred to. Joe Biden is the big guy. You’ll recall that the laptop that was confirmed by a bobulinski. Do a 10% cut and an October 2017 document listed. Joe Biden is a participant on a call about CCS attempt to buy U.S. natural gas. Sharply one of the whistleblowers. Said investigators were barred from searching a guest out of Joe Biden’s Wilmington, Delaware, home to find supporting evidence and that Wolfe objected during a meeting on December three, 2020 to questioning a key Biden family associate, Rob Walker, about the president, whose Wolf Wolf is the assistant U.S. attorney who was running interference. Wolf interjected and said she did not want to ask about the big guy and stated she didn’t want to ask questions about Dad, quote unquote, he said. Says the whistleblower. Well, multiple people in the room spoke up and objected that we had to act, she responded. There’s no specific criminality to that line of questioning. This upset the FBI to sharply testify. But investigators later did ask Walker about Joe Biden’s role. An FBI agent asked if there were any times, quote unquote, when he was an officer. Did you hear Hunter Biden say that he was setting up a meeting with his dad with them while dad was still in office? Yes. Walker answered, according to the whistleblower, sharply before, inexplicably, the FBI agent changed the subject. Oh, yeah. Cover up. The Walker interview on December eight, 2020, was one of 12 investigators had planned to conduct on a so-called day of action. But Shipley said the whistleblower he learned the night before that, quote, FBI headquarters had notified Secret Service headquarters and the transition team about the planned actions the following day. So, in other words, they’re tipping them off and that’s what it says. This essentially tipped off a group of people very close to President Biden and Hunter Biden and gave this group an opportunity to obstruct our approach. Cornetist SHAPLEY, the first son’s attorneys refused to allow him to be interviewed. As for the guesthouse. Whistle blower sharply said that on September three, 2020, Wolf, this assistant U.S. attorney told us there was more than enough probable cause for a physical search warrant there. But the question was whether the juice was worth the squeeze. Can we hear that before that line, Mr. BLITZER? From somebody. Now there’s more to this. You got to stick with me. You got to know what’s going on in your country. I’ll be right back.

Segment 4
I have enough time this hour to finish this. But folks, I would encourage you to stay with us because I’m not done laying out for you what took place today and what’s taken place for the last few years. Some of this occurred I mean, when Biden was vice president, some of us occurred during the time that I think Barr was attorney general. But it all occurred in a big way recently. And I want you to hear more about this. You know, the interesting thing about the Democrat Party hates America. This is a big part of the book. You might say, well, Mark, how can it be a big part of the book? This stuff just broke. That’s the the way that I write. That’s the nature of this book. Some of this information’s in there, but it’s not about something that you already know about or about to learn about. This is a corrupt party. Biden’s been in this party and been in Washington since he was 29 years old. He’s 80 years old now. This party’s more corrupt than ever before. America would be much better off if this party didn’t exist. The Democrat Party. I don’t want to hear about the programs they created. Any monkey can create programs. That’s not the point. The point is they reject Americanism. They reject the rule of law. They’re trying to completely rip the shreds Donald Trump and put him in prison where he would die. Conversely, they’re doing everything humanly possible to protect Hunter Biden. From multiple crimes. And I would argue Joe Biden. Joe Biden, listen, he’s the most crooked president in American history. This pot is boiling, boiling, boiling, ready to explode. That’s how close we are. Tons more coming up. If you’re ever going to listen, now’s the time. I’ll be right back.