June 20th, 2023

June 20th, 2023

On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, the Democrat party is the most dangerous and disastrous political entity in America. There is no debate that the Democrat party hates America. This party is like the Communist party in China, they want one-party rule and seek to destroy all competition. It’s time to take off the gloves and to brutally and comprehensively confront them. That’s the point of the new book, The Democrat Party Hates America

Also, at the very time AG Merrick Garland and the DOJ were preparing to sign off on Donald Trump’s indictment, they were trying to figure out how to go soft on Hunter Biden. How did Hunter escape prison time? The DOJ never stepped outside the box to look at President Biden or even the laptop. And of course, the media are circling the wagons around Hunter because they are propagandists. Hunter will never do a day in prison and the DOJ will close the case but say it’s a continuing investigation, which makes congressional oversight nearly impossible. Later, less than 80 years after the Holocaust Israel is coming to the aid of the German government. Top Israeli officials are working to discuss the sale of the Arrow 3 missile system to Germany. Finally, Justice Samuel Alito responds to radical left-wing ProPublica.

Fox News
Hunter Biden agrees to plead guilty to federal tax charges

Washington Examiner
Unearned leniency for Hunter Biden is grave violation of equal justice

NY Post
China reportedly in talks to build military training facility in Cuba

Jerusalem Post
Top Israeli, German defense officials move $4.3 billion Arrow 3 deal forward

Wall St Journal
Justice Samuel Alito: ProPublica Misleads Its Readers

Fox News
Knives out for Casey DeSantis as wife of Florida governor, top Trump rival becomes media’s latest target

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcription of Hour 1

Segment 1
Hello, America. Mark Levin here. Our number 877-381-3811. 877-381-3811. I don’t know, America. You’ve got a guy here who bought a gun illegally, filled out the form, illegally committed perjury because he was a drug addict. He’s mishandled the gun. He threw it away to try and conceal it. Then he had somebody go get it. He’s on videotape waving it around. Is it individual or a two year period made one and a half million dollars. And during that two year period didn’t pay his federal income taxes. Mr. Producer. And then he catches up and pays them late because, well, they’re on time. And. Now they’re going to hit him with misdemeanors. It’s going to get pre-trial detention agreement. On the gun. The possession of a gun. As a drug user. Which simply means he’s going to get off scot free. He’ll he’ll he’ll never do a minute of time in prison. They’ll give him parole when they’re done to misdemeanors on taxes. I can’t imagine anybody out there earning that kind of money, not paying their taxes and being treated this way. And all this had to be signed off by the Department of Justice. This U.S. attorney. Who is serving a special counsel for these purposes. From Wilmington, Delaware. He couldn’t do this on his own. The special counsel reports to the attorney general. The attorney general recused the deputy attorney general. So I want you to keep this in the forefront of your mind at the very time. That Merrick Garland and his deputy attorney general. And all the rest. I’m over in that crap house. We’re preparing to sign off on Donald Trump’s. Indictments, throwing the book at him. Even creating a book to throw out. At the same time they were trying to figure out how to go soft on. Hunter, Biden and even more. They never stepped outside to look at the connections to the father. Apparently, they never even looked at the laptop. They never looked at anything, Mr. Batiste. Now, you and I, as honest Americans, taxpaying Americans, hard working Americans who believe in this country. It’s getting harder and harder, isn’t it? This is the latest example. But it’s been going on a while now. If you’ve been awake. And we are. And watching the last five, six, seven, eight years. Even before that, but especially now. And it’s going to continue. The war against. Our justice system. The war against our immigration system. The war against people based on their race. The war on our economic system, the war on property rights. Who’s responsible for this? Well, many people are, but I took a look at this, ladies and gentlemen. And there’s. One thread that connects it all the Democrat Party. Whether you go back to slavery. Whether you go back to. The Civil War. You go back to. What is segregation? You go back to the Klan, you go back to lynching, you go back to efforts even in the past century, eugenics. Segregation. Jim Crow. And then they flip to Marxism. CRT. The Democrat Party is central to all of it because the Democrat Party is the most dangerous. And disastrous. Political entity in America. It’s got power. It’s got size. It’s ubiquitous throughout the culture. Television. Newspapers. In fact, the media today are circling the wagons around. Hunter Biden. And the Bidens. These cases aren’t usually prosecuted. The Department of Justice was very harsh. Because the media today are propagandists. They think you’re stupid, but you’re on to them. So I have nothing but contempt for people like Bill Barr. Chris Christie. Me, too. Some of us were fooled by them. Never. Chris Christie. But not anymore. Not again. The Democrat Party in America in many ways is like the Communist Party in China or the single party system effectively in Russia. Or any other autocratic party. It wants one party rule. Seeks to destroy all competition. It insists on conformity and pushes group ism over individualism. And it’s reached a point in this country where we are losing it. As I like to say, we’re not. Looking into the abyss. We’re in the abyss trying to claw away our. Now, last year, this time I thought to myself. How do we deal with this? People ask me all the time, What do we do? I’m not God. I don’t have this kind of power. You might recall, when you look at the Bible. That Almighty God was defied from time to time, was he not, Mr. Producer? Yes, he was defied from time to time. And the people suffered. Why don’t I? God, I’m just one mortal human being. But I can fight. I can push. Together we can lead. And that’s what I’m trying to do. There are immortal human beings throughout our history who’ve made a difference. You can make a difference. The Democrat Party hates America. There’s really no debate about this except among them. But they’re liars. They never have anything good to say about this country, ever. They’ve destroyed our justice system now. They’ve destroyed it. Every now and then we’ll get a good ruling. But it’s the exception, not the rule. And by good ruling, I mean just fair. And legal. But the Democrat Party is poison. It’s cancerous. Think about it this way. The Democrat Party had its way and we didn’t have a constitution. What do you think this country would look like today, Mr. Producer? It wouldn’t look much different than any other. Horrendous totalitarian regime. What it. As the likes of. Talib Omar. Hakeem Jeffries. And others. The type that work at mediocre write in media matters. Claw their way to the top of the system. And silence. Those are worse who don’t agree with them. And I said it because, I mean, it does get any worse than arresting a former president of the United States, charging him with a host of crimes. If he’s convicted by a Democrat jury in a Democrat city, he will serve the rest of his life if he’s sentenced. And he’ll die in prison. A case brought. Less than ten days ago. They could have been brought after the election. Even if you’re going to bring a road case. But didn’t. They didn’t wait. And then whose son? Is treated with kid gloves like this. Sounds like Cuba. Sounds like Venezuela. Sounds like Iran. Sounds like communist China. Sounds like all these places, doesn’t it? All right. Well, I think it’s time. In fact, it’s long past time to take off the gloves, take off the mittens, Stop playing games. And to brutally and comprehensively. Confront them. That’s the point of the Democrat Party hates America. That’s the point of the book. To spell it out and brutal detail. Not to regurgitate everything you already know. And it’s meant for people who can’t decide. What’s good and what’s evil. Which side to be on? It’s meant for people who want to spread the word of liberty. We want to spread the word against tyranny. It’s meant for people who want to know all about it. On Amazon. And in the book flap, the publisher wrote the following. In American Marxism, Mark Levin explained how Marxist ideology has invaded our society and culture. In doing so, we expose the institutions, scholars and activists leading the revolution. Now he picks up where he left off to hold accountable the true malefactors. Steering our country down the wrong path. They write insightful and hard hitting it has over. Levin proves that since its establishment, the Democrat Party has set out to rewrite history and destroy the foundation of freedom in America. More than a political party, it is the entity through which Marxism has installed its philosophy. And it’s new revolution. I wasn’t a Thomas Paine pamphlet or a clarion call from Paul Revere. Levin alerts his fellow Americans to the destruction this country is facing. Tries to rally them to defeat the threat in front of us. More looming than ever. He writes, Every legal, legitimate and appropriate tool and method must be employed in the short and long run to defeat the Democrat Party. The Democrat Party must be resoundingly conquered in the next election and every other election. And in every way possible. All right. It will become extremely difficult to undo the damage it is unleashing at breakneck speed. The Democrat Party hates America and needs to be a mantra that we repeat over and over and over and over again, just like Marxism, which is now being repeated. Thanks to you. I’ve never written a book like this before. And I suspect when you get your copy, we’ll have never read a book like this before. We’re going to jump into the news again with both feet. But you can pre-order your copy right now for the first time. On Amazon.com. And be the first to receive the copy as soon as the book comes out. And it’s timed on September 16th excuse me, September 19th for a reason. To have as big of impact as possible. On the legal issues that are going on in this country and on the election. We can use your help. I’ll be right back.

Segment 2
Let me just say this up front, but I really don’t want to say too often. Those of you who’ve been listening to this program all these years, you know this and those of you who have even been listening more recently, it takes me a year to write a book. This book probably took me longer. I haven’t taken a vacation in years, other than over Christmas, obviously, where we all get off. I’ve been working on this project. It takes a great toll on the family people. So you’re just in it for the money. Let me tell you something. This is the least smart way for me to make money. I’m in it because I cannot stand what’s happening to this country, and I’m trying to use every skill that God has given me. Assuming he’s given me something to apply to this. Some people are brilliant engineers, rocket scientists, some people are born very brave and they become police officers or military personnel. Some people have to drive these incredible 18 wheelers across the country that I could never do or build houses. This is what I do, and I have to do it better than anybody else and as often as I can, because this is what drives me. I’ll be right back.

Segment 3
It’s going to be interesting to see the book with this title, The Democrat Party Hates America, how it’ll be treated in retail stores or even Amazon. But you can go to Amazon.com now, preorder your copy. It’s first come first serve over there when they when they send out the books the pre-orders prior to the release of the book. So just want to give you a heads up. And if they decide to discount the book, they circle back and they give you the discount before they ship it. Just so you know. And my goal is to get this in as many hands as humanly possible. By September. That is the first day that Amazon trucks all over the country are having to deliver hundreds of thousands of copies of this book. Just imagine. Just imagine people reading a book like this on a plane. At the airport, at a restaurant spreading the word. It’s time. It’s time to call a spade a spade. But it does a hell of a lot more than that. And you know, we’ve got time here and I’ll go through different aspects of it as the days go on. But it is available right now at Amazon.com. You can order your copies. It’ll be available on every major bookstore, we think. But in any event. Hope you’ll check it out. Quin Hillier, Deputy commentary editor at The Washington Examiner. It is a hell of a good job today. Of covering the Hunter Biden disgrace. And something else happened today with Hunter Biden that I’m going to want to fill you in on, too, because all the cover ups now. Are being done. Paul The resolutions being brought to an end trying to undermine the House Republicans who have been trying to look into this, and they’ve done so in an incredibly sleazy way. But first, I want. I want you to hear about this. Says even on its own terms related to tax evasion and a gun purchase tax evasion. This administration talks about 87,000 new IRS agents to chase you. Most of you didn’t earn a million and a half dollars. Most of you pay your taxes as best you can. But the IRS agents are going to be coming after you. And an illegal gun purchase. This guy talks about gun control. Biden. All the time. And blames the Republicans. Even on its own terms, related to tax evasion and a gun purchase. The Justice Department’s plea deal for presidential son Hunter Biden is so lenient as to be a travesty. If the plea deal represents tacit exoneration on all other possible charges, as Biden’s lawyer indicated, that it’s not just a travesty, but a hint of massive Justice Department corruption. Something covered in the new book. So extensively. Trust me, like nobody else can. First, consider the plea deals public terms. Let’s set aside the reasonable argument that one of the two gun related charges against Biden 18 U.S.C. Section 9 to 2 three should be adjudicated. Unconstitutional because the Supreme Court keeps dodging the issue unless and until the Supreme Court does its job. The Justice Department should follow the American Bar Association guidelines for prosecutors, which in Standard three, Dash 4.4, says that prosecutors should avoid, quote, unwarranted, disparate treatment of similarly situated persons, unquote. The department has miserably failed that standard. That 922g3 section charge, which prohibits gun possession by someone who uses illicit drugs. Could carry up to a ten year prison sentence. Biden will do zero. The second gun charge, which involves lying on a federal firearms background check. Not only can carrier excuse me up to a separate ten year sentence. But it’s prosecuted more than 3/5 of the times that federal agents received legal referrals for it. So in all the. Reports from The New York Times. Washington compost their online reports constipated news network MFS, LSD and all the rest. They’ve been lying. They bring in these phony federal prosecutors. We never brought cases like this. They always brought cases like this, and they would bring in Humpty Dumpty, Mr. Bill Barr, to tell you. Hunter Biden’s case involves serious violations of both statutory provisions, but because he signed the form in flagrantly willful disregard of the law and because it’s drug use smoking crack every 15 minutes, quote unquote, he said was of exactly the extreme degree that makes firearm possession supremely dangerous. Yet with not one but two major violations and with him being obviously guilty of two tax evasion charges as well. For which he’ll receive merely probation. Hunter Biden will avoid the prosecution that 3/5 of such cases receive for only one offence. The stench of favoritism is nearly suffocating. For comparison. Take just one case, he says, which he’s written about numerous times. A county commissioner, Mobile, Alabama. Was facing a state, not federal murder rap in 2010 for later turned out unmistakably to be suicide by his adulterous paramour. As far as federal law was concerned, though, that separate state allegation was immaterial. Unlike Hunter Biden, Steven Odin face no other federal charges. Unlike the president’s son, Nadine was not a major violator of narcotics laws. Instead, he admitted to smoking one joint a marijuana on a beach in Florida while he owned unloaded in his house 90 minutes away. In Alabama, a handgun never even suspected of being used in any crime. Just as the younger Biden did. No, Dean chose not to fight what was very mild and tactical violation. Nordin was an eight year army vet with the highest nuclear, biological, chemical clearance available and trusted literally physically with security for U.S. nuclear arms in Germany. He had no other federal offenses on record. Hunter Biden, by contrast, was discharged due to drug violations from a part time public affairs position with the Navy Reserve. Did no Dean like Biden receive a, quote, pretrial diversion agreement, unquote, merely requiring that he remain sober for two years and otherwise face no consequences? I guarantee you that was ordered by the Department of Justice. Nope. Instead, the Department of Justice arranged a sentence, noting 215 months in federal prison. Apart from the other 298 people prosecuted for what earned by no official charge. The Biden ODI comparison is a screaming example of unwarranted disparate treatment under the ABA rules. That’s just on the gun charges. Charges, plural. Biden also faces no prison time for failing to pay into a court. I got this wrong. It’s worse. Worth $1.2 million in federal taxes. Did you know that he owed $1.2 million in federal taxes, Mr. Producer? Money that he instead use for hard drugs and a high priced, possibly illegally trafficked international hookers. The authorities filed no charges for his abundant cocaine use and seem uninterested in the Russian escort ring. Oh. Really? Unbelievable. And he gets nothing. The guy walks. And this guy, David Weiss, you’ve heard over and over and over again. A Trump appointee. I’ve tried to explain this over and over again. Is it getting through to any of the media? When you look at the U.S. attorney or for that matter, several these district judges. Most of these appointments, not all, but most, are the result of an arrangement, an agreement between the president and the Department of Justice on one side and Democrat. Senators on the other. You see. If the two Democrat senators from Delaware don’t approve of the nominees to the federal district bench in Delaware, they can tag them. So the. What are they call blue ticket then or something like that. The point is they can block them. Indefinitely. So typically, what a Republican administration does as they try and negotiate with the Democrat senators, some kind of package are I look. We’re going to appoint two of the judges. We’ll let you pick one and then we’ll appoint that one that you want us to pick. Same with the US Attorney. In the media know this. I lived this. I was responsible in part for making judicial recommendations. But Reagan drew the line. The appellate courts and certainly the Supreme Court. But this is a practice that goes on and on and on. So David Weiss was nominally a Trump appointee, just as the federal judges in Delaware, nominally federal appointees and in Philadelphia, nominally federal appointees. It’s not like Trump takes them under his wing as, Oh, I know this guy. Put him on the bench. Very rare. And so it even gets worse. You know, the Department of Justice also said today, ladies and gentlemen. This is a continuing, calmer, ongoing investigation. It took them five years to get to this point. But what does that do? It makes congressional oversight nearly impossible. The Republicans are trying to dig further into the Hunter Biden criminal enterprise because it leads to the Joe Biden criminal enterprise. Everybody from the mob lawyer running the Department of Justice to the mobsters, the top of the FBI and in the U.S. attorney’s office in Washington. They’re trying to protect Joe. So no special counsel to investigate Joe. Plus, with this plea deal and the claim that there’s a continuing investigation. There’s nothing to worry about. They literally, Alison and others. They literally sat around the attorney general’s conference room in the table, around the table. And came up with this scheme. That’s how it works. How do we destroy Trump and get Trump? And thank you, Bill Barr. You’re doing a great job for us out there. They laugh at him. I’m sure they mock him. And then they sit around the same table and they discuss, All right, here’s what we can do. Pre-trial diversion. When it comes to the tax matters, even though we’ll be criticized, not a damn thing they can do about it with the. Excuse me. Two misdemeanors on the tax offenses and a pre-trial diversion on the on the gun violations, plural. So Hunter will never do a day in prison. We’ll close down the case. Except we’ll say it’s a continuing investigation. Got it. Okay. Let’s all go to lunch. It’s pretty much how it works, Mr. Producer. And they are in your face about it because they know. They know that you have Benedict Arnold’s. Like the bill bars legal analysts all over the place who will do their bidding for them. And the corrupt media is out there today as I speak right now. That this is a terrible situation for a hunter who was an addict. It’s so terrible and so forth and so on. I’ll be right back.

Segment 4
You know, Hunter’s done nothing wrong, America. It comes right out of the horse face. Soldiers mouths Mr. Pitt. Cowan, go. Sir, there is something personal that’s affecting you. Your son, while there’s no ties to you, could be charged by your Department of Justice. No ties to you. Can I slobber over you more? There’s no ties to you, sir. But what about Hunter? This is from about six weeks ago. Go ahead and see. First of all, my son’s done nothing wrong. I trust him. I have faith in him. And in fact, my presidency. By making me feel proud of you, You’re an idiot. But then again, it’s really not your son we’re concerned about. It’s you. In fact, he’s very proud of his son. No surprise there. So all the apologists are out there. All the apologists are out there. It’s unbelievable for a Hunter Biden. All the gun control types are. Our running interference for the Biden family. All the gun control types. And here we have a case basically where Hunter Biden isn’t prosecuted to the full extent of the law. I mean. Yes, the Democrat Party needs to be destroyed. The Department of Justice now and the FBI need to be broken into multiple pieces. We need to know exactly who they’re monitoring and when. We need to know exactly how these decisions are being made. I told you how some of them are. And we need to create a system where there’s checks and balances within federal law enforcement now. And you’ll notice how they slip past the nationalization of the Minneapolis police system. Did you see that police department? They’ve nationalized it for all intents and purposes, and they’ve done this with a lot of local police agencies. So what they’re doing is they are nationalizing local police forces while at the same time. Muscling up federal law enforcement. Not just in numbers and resources, but in power authority. And they’re making it abundantly clear if they can take down the former president with the help of a former attorney general. And all the rest of it, then you don’t stand a chance. Have you noticed that Chris Christie is on TV more than ever before? Because he’s some great presidential candidate with his 1% support. I don’t even think his entire family supports. Why is Chris Christie all over TV? All of a sudden, he’s. He’s on the enlist. He’s on the top of the list because he’s perfect. He’s perfect. He’s a bloated, fat mouth who gets on TV, trashes his own party, trashes Trump, trashes DeSantis. Perfect. That’s why they bring Bill Barr on. It’s perfect. Foil does a great job trashing us. More when I return.