May 11th, 2023

May 11th, 2023

EL PASO, TEXAS - MAY 11: In an aerial view, immigrants line up to be processed to make asylum claims at a makeshift migrant camp on May 11, 2023 in El Paso, Texas. The number of immigrants reaching the border has surged with the end of the U.S. government's Covid-era Title 42 policy, which for the past three years has allowed for the quick expulsion of irregular migrants entering the country. (Photo by John Moore/Getty Images)

On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, the Biden Administration is destroying America through energy policies that restrict new oil drilling while pushing batteries owned by communist China, and at the same time pushing Marxist indoctrination in our schools to corrupt the youth. They are using the FBI and DOJ to attack political opponents while populating the media with Democrat ideologues to push an ideology rather than inform the American people. The borders have been opened wide and Democrats have made it impossible to track who is coming into our country, allowing crime and drugs to pour into our communities and neighborhoods. America is being destroyed from within, and once Title 42 expires there will be no more Trump-era border restrictions remaining. The media is so thoroughly corrupt that they have zero interest in reporting or investigating Biden and his criminal activity, which is why they are hated, and their platforms are dying. Also, Mark speaks with Sen. Tom Cotton about Hunter Biden avoiding payments for his daughter in Arkansas. Later, Mark is joined by Florida Governor Ron DeSantis to discuss liberal Republicans taking the side of Disney over the people of Florida and the lifting of Title 42.

Jerusalem Post
Bernie Sanders helps Rashida Tlaib host ‘Nakba’ event as rockets rain on Israel

President Trump Slams Biden for Getting Rid of Title 42

NBC News
Former Marine Expected to Be Charged With Manslaughter in Jordan Neely Chokehold Death

Fox News
Biden White House says it can expel reporters who don’t act professionally, raising First Amendment concerns

Fox News
Hunter Biden and ex-wife Kathleen Buhle’s divorce attorneys were aware of ‘Romania deal’ payments

The Federalist
Conservatives, Get Busy Ballot Harvesting Or Get Busy Losing

Photo by John Moore

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcription of Hour 1

Segment 1

If you were going to destroy America. What would you do? He would destroy the energy infrastructure. The EPA announced today new regulations on. Public utilities that produce power. Which will limit their ability to produce power. The other day I told you about EPA regulations that are going to affect the electrical grid. And we reduce the ability. Creating electricity. The same administration has made it virtually impossible to drill on new leasehold areas. And to build refineries. Energy will have to be imported. And from whom? And from where? If you wanted to destroy America. It would attack its currency. Would create massive inflation. Massive debt, massive government spending. An interest on the debt that exceeds the amount of money that’s spent on the United States military. You would, through your policies, encourage other countries to abandon the dollar and embrace your enemies currency that is communist China’s. If you wanted to destroy America, who would destroy the combustion engine in the automobile? As we’ve known it for over a hundred years. And you would require manufacturers. To build electric vehicles. The material for which is controlled by your number one enemy, communist China. The batteries of which are controlled by your number one enemy, communist China. And of course, you would force people into these expensive vehicles swimming. They could afford them. Even though there wouldn’t be enough electricity to fuel them. If you wanted to destroy America, you go into the public school classrooms. Classrooms at the youngest age elementary school. And you would teach your kids to hate America. You would teach your kids to hate each other based on race. You would teach your kids to hate capitalism. Individualism. You would take merit out of the school system. In order to prevent. Highly intelligent and hardworking children from succeeding. If you wanted to destroy America. You would surgically. Surgically removed. The genitalia are at genitalia to. The children of this country without parental notification. She wanted to destroy America. You would destroy the nuclear family. You would silence parents by threatening of a prosecution. If you wanted to destroy America. He would use the FBI and the Department of Justice. To go after your political opponents. He wanted to destroy your America. You populate the media, the partisan Democrats and ideologues. Who use their positions to advance an ideology rather than inform the American people. He wanted to destroy America. You would populate prosecutor’s offices with individuals. Hard core leftists who don’t want to prosecute crimes. We’re funded by a Svengali billionaire by the name of George Soros. Who seeks the destruction of America. If you wanted to destroy America. You would open the borders wide to anybody who wants to come. You’d make it impossible to know who is coming. Terrorists. Criminals. Drug cartel soldiers. It would make it impossible to prevent fentanyl. Other drugs. Illegal weapons. From coming into our country, into our neighborhoods and our communities. It would overwhelm our school systems. You would overwhelm our hospitals, you would overwhelm law enforcement. You would make it impossible for the Border Patrol to patrol the border. If he wanted to destroy America. You’re like Democrats. You would elect a man like Joe Biden as president. He wanted to destroy America. You would embrace American Marxism. Which has as its purpose. To destroy the principles. That the nation was founded on. That’s what’s happening. America is being destroyed. From within. You see what’s happening on the border this evening after midnight tonight, total 42 comes to an end. The Biden administration. In collusion with radical leftists on the courts. Has been waiting for this day. Biden administration has repealed all of the Donald Trump policies that were in place. That helped to secure the border. They’ve stopped the building of the wall at the cost of billions of dollars to the taxpayers. And the steel. For the wall is rusting. In the Arizona desert. But the goal here is to turn the state of Texas blue. And they will succeed. The goal here is to turn the state of Arizona from purple to blue. And they will succeed. By the time this administration is done in four years, there will be at least 10 million. Closer to 12 million new foreigners in this country. Where will they go? But what they do. They have children. Their children will automatically become United States citizens. And as the children get older. Chain migration will be used to bring in even more. Over media matters. They accused me of supporting the white supremacist view of. Replacement theory. It’s actually the Democrat Party’s view of replacement theory, its media matters view of replacement theory. It’s George Soros. His view of replacement theory, the sugar daddy behind Media matters. I’m just an observer. I see what’s happening. If you preach that you have a white supremacist nation, a white dominant nation. And that as a result of that, as is taught in critical race theory by DEA and ESG. This society is fundamentally, systemically and irretrievably racist. Well, then your goal has to be to change that and to fix it. How do you change it and fix it? Well, look at the border. I don’t believe in a white dominant society. I don’t believe in a white supremacist society. I don’t believe in white supremacy. I don’t believe in any supremacy. But I also object. To what the Marxists are doing and have been doing to this country. There’s no other country on the face of the earth. There’s no other country that’s ever existed. That has surrendered its sovereignty. To anybody who wants to stroll into the country. I can’t think of any. Since the beginning of civilization. Not one. I will tell you. They’re one of the reasons the Roman Empire collapsed, and it lasted a thousand years. We haven’t even without the 300 year. And as my friend historian Craig Shirley says. Most nations last about 200, 250, 300 years. One of the reasons the Roman Empire collapsed. Was because people came up with a border they couldn’t control anymore, their sovereignty. They were overrun. This isn’t a theory. This is reality. The country is being destroyed. For all the reasons I said. For all the reasons I said. I’ll be right back.

Segment 2

I would say this to Chris Christie. How long are you going to run and hide from me? How long are you going to run and hide? You’re on Hugh Hewitt Show today. You’re on Brian KILMEADE Show yesterday. It’s not because I need you for ratings. My ratings will sink if you come on. But I want to confront you. I want to debate you. How long are you going to hide? How many more years? You’re out there. Shooting slings and arrows. They’re out there throwing mud balls. You only going to go on friendly platforms. Is that it? Is that your plan? What is your plan? Also, I want to say this about Bernie Sanders. Talib is a Jew hating scumbag. She had an event last night. Thanks to Bernie Sanders. Where she invited groups of Jew hating scum balls. That event had been blocked on the House side by Kevin McCarthy. Chuck Schumer, the head of the Democrat Party in the Senate who’s Jewish. Says nothing and does nothing to stop it. Bernie Sanders says he’s Jewish because he’s Jewish by birth. But typical of Marxists. He hates religion. Bernie Sanders sighs with every organization. An anti-Semite. Who attacks the state of Israel. He’s a self-hating Jew and a self-promoting Marxist. They exist. He’s another coward. Who refuses to come on this program. But I am sick and tired of that guy being treated like he’s just some gentle old man. He is a putrid, vile, cancerous Marxist. Who could only get elected from Vermont. And as far as Talib goes. Taleb. Hates Jews. Wants to extinguish the Jewish state, which means apparently extinguished the Jews in the Jewish state. Defensive reaction. By the Palestinians and the Palestinian terrorists. And you’ll notice the very same people who hate Israel hate America. Sanders hates America. Talib hates America. And you will notice that they are in the Democrat Party. Talib is Sanders is a Democrat socialist. Who parks out in the Democrat Party. Who has sought the Democrat Party nomination, who’s almost received the Democrat Party nomination. These are two. Grotesque. Grotesque rashes. On the American political system. These Marxists aim to destroy our country. As well as the nation of Israel. I’ll be right back

Segment 3

Donald Trump today released a video on what’s happening on the border. I want you to hear this. Cut five. Go with today’s termination of the final remnants of Title 42. Joe Biden has officially abolished what remained of America’s borders and turned the United States into a dumping ground for illegal aliens from all over the world. We’ve become a third world nation. At this very moment, illegal aliens are lined up by the tens of thousands ready to break into our country, knowing that even if they are caught, Joe Biden will order them immediately released into American communities. And many of these people are very dangerous. Under Biden, our border is gone, our sovereignty is gone, our national security is gone, and we are quickly becoming that third world nation that I have been talking about for so long. It’s happening to us. If you can believe that. The United States of America is now a third world nation. On day one of my new administration, I will end this travesty and restore the sovereign borders of the United States of America. We will immediately resume expedited removals of people that are crossing illegally our border and following the model of President Eisenhower. We will use all necessary federal, state, local and military resources to begin the largest domestic deportation effort in American history to send the border violators back to their home countries. And we will do that immediately. This invasion will not stand. Our country is being invaded. Our country is being destroyed by very, very stupid people. These are stupid people. We have to get them out. We have to take back the White House. He’s talking about Eisenhower. They’re 70 years ago. Dwight Eisenhower. Instituted a mission. To deport all the illegal immigrants from the country. Dwight Eisenhower is often praised as a moderate Republican. Some have called him a rhino Republican, not me. But he wasn’t viewed as this hardcore conservative. But he believed this was a absolute national security matter. And so there were about a million illegal aliens in this country. They were gathered up in the various locations where they were and they were removed from the country. This is before there was chain migration and all the rest of it. He removed them. Very interesting. This onslaught. Or her most. Well, most American cities. This is why these Democrat mayors are are crying foul. It will hurt Hispanic Americans who are here illegally or on a legal path more than anybody else. Because most of these illegal aliens will wind up in those communities. Not exclusively, but a lot. And I’ll say, because nobody else will. It will be particularly problematic in the African-American communities. Were. These illegal aliens will overwhelm those communities. This is a big deal. This is a big deal. You have to ask yourself, why is Joe Biden doing this? Media matters, knows why Mediate knows why. The media know why. This is a power grab. That’s what it is. This is a power grab. And not just Biden, but the people around Biden. They’re laughing, they’re celebrating. They’re excited about what’s taking place. Rather than defunding the Border Patrol. They were overwhelmed, the Border Patrol rather than de-funding ice. They were overwhelmed. This. They took Marxist claret and pippins book. About overwhelming the welfare system. In sheer numbers. And they’re overwhelming the immigration system. That is precisely what is taking place here. I know who these Marxists are. I know who they are. Many of you wonder why these things are going on. That’s why they’re going on. The country is being turned inside out. That’s what’s going on. And if you dare to raise it, if you dare to say the obvious. If you dare to observe what’s actually taking place. You will be attacked. You’ll be attacked as a racist, as a white supremacist and all the rest. I’m comfortable in my skin. I am not a racist. I am not a white supremacist. And I will not be silenced. Not now. Not ever. President Trump is exactly right. And he speaks out against this and for good reason. Kevin McCarthy did as well this morning. I think we can agree, at least for now, can’t we? That I was right about Kevin McCarthy. And all these other people like Josh Hammer at the failing Newsweek, a pseudo conservative. Drew White at some Texas foundation, another fraud and phony. I think we can agree. That I was right. And they were pathetic. And they still are. Kevin McCarthy. Cut six. Go! We already have a flood. More than 4 million people come across now is going to be a tidal wave. You’ve have hundreds of thousands of people just waiting. The challenge here is the president has treated this just like he’s treated the debt limit. He’s ignored the problem. But Republicans, today, we will pass a bill. It is the strongest border security bill this country has ever passed. We’ll do it on the floor, Will. It will bring back it or it’ll keep remain in Mexico. It’ll finish the wall, which is so successful that the President Biden stopped on the day he was sworn in. He’s literally spending money on the material. We already have to finish the wall just to store it instead of use it. It’s not even being stored. It’s rusting. Kevin McCarthy has really come into his own and I want to encourage him to keep at it, keep at it, keep at it, because we need you. Because McConnell’s nowhere to be seen or heard, is he? Where is he? Whereas the Republican leader in the Senate tonight. Where is he? He’s nowhere. It’s left to the Speaker of the House and only the speaker of the House. So that’s not a leader in the Senate. We can no longer afford to have somebody like him who simply cannot and will not communicate with the American people does not represent the conservatives in the Republican Party. Who has spent 20 years bloating our budget and failing to do what needs to be done to protect this country. That’s why he hates Trump. And that’s why I hate to say it. It’s the same crowd. For the same reasons. A migrant in Brownsville, Texas, on CNN yesterday. Cut for a go. Were you aware of Title 42? Is he? So we need to. That’s why you came here to kidnap us. And they don’t support the negative that can be on a hammer with my hand. He said he said he wanted to get here. You wanted to make sure to get here before the the cut off before Title 42 ended. But he was well aware. So we have millions of people entering the country speaking. God knows how many language and languages who will not understand English. We will not be able to assimilate this number of people into the country because this is anarchy. This is utter chaos. The other problem is assimilate into what? They’re going to wind up in the public school system. We don’t have enough bilingual teachers. We’ll have to import teachers from other parts of the planet. And they will learn. To hate this country. They hate the history of this country. They will learn to hate our economic system. They will learn to. To push for climate change. And the other crap. That the Marxists are spewing now in our school systems. They will watch Univision. And their ilk. Push their radical left agenda. Then if they do learn English, they will watch CNN and MSNBC. And all the sleaze balls dressed up as journalists at The New York Times and The Washington Post. And NBC and ABC and CBS. What exactly will they assimilate into? Some. White dominance society, some racist society. When hundreds of thousands of people are lining up to come into this country. Of every race, religion and background from every corner of the globe. The entire narrative. About We the people. Is a lie. Propaganda demagoguery. That is pushed by the Democrat Party and their surrogates. A flat out lie. People don’t risk everything. They come into a country. That is as bad as Bernie Sanders defines it. That is as bad as AOC defines it. That is as bad as Chuck Todd. Joy Reid and the other aholes dressed up as journalists define it. All of you folks who voted for Joe Biden. You’re proud of what you’ve done to your country. Your economy. You proud of yourselves? To avoid a second term of Donald Trump. Was it so bad? Really? Compare to what’s going on now. Just to make sure. Joe Biden is doing everything he can. There is Democrat D.A.s. Excuse me. It’s Democrat attorneys general. Is Department of Justice, the U.S. attorney’s office in Washington. To stop Trump. And they will do the same to DeSantis. Because that’s what Marxists do. Now, you might say to me, Joe Biden is not smart enough to be a marxist. He’s not a marxist. Joe Biden has sold out. That’s who he is today. He’s always been a political chameleon. This is what he settled on. Got him into the White House after all. As well as the lawyers who litigated and changed the laws in the various states. And that’s all Joe cares about. I’ll be right back.

Segment 4

You know, the Democrat Party has given up on the working men and women of this country, regardless of race. So a lot of working men and women of this country, of all races. They’ve given up on you. They pretend to support union workers. They don’t. They pretend to support blue collar workers. They don’t. They pretend to support small businesses. They don’t. They pretend to support the little guy. They don’t. They’ve given up on you. They’ve given up on you. That’s exactly what’s taking place right now. And they thought they have the women because they support abortion on demand right up to the last second. They think that will carry the day. They think eventually illegal immigrants are getting citizenship. Children. Chain migration that will carry the day. But whatever they think, they’ve given up on working men and women. And the Republicans better start understanding that and explaining that. And trying to embrace you and get that vote. Because otherwise there’s. There’s no future here. I can’t imagine eight years of this. Everything that Biden is doing now with the border is irreversible. The people are in this country. They’re not going to be rounded up and removed. Courts will stop them through litigation. The media will show pictures of people here. Three, four, five. You look at this, they have their homes. They’re being taken. Because the media are not on our side. They’re not on the side of the American people. These are elitists. Self-appointed. Because they’re really not elite in any respect, but they’re elitists. It would join with the ruling class. Like any other. Growing tyrannical regime. And that’s what we’re confronting. The great Milton Friedman. It was a libertarian who believed in open immigration. Except when you have a large welfare state. So he opposed. Open immigration in the United States. Because it said it would overwhelm our. Our welfare system. And it will. And it will. You don’t hear a lot of congressional Democrats speaking out, do you? No, you don’t. In fact, they’re awfully quiet, aren’t they? While this tumult and chaos occurs. I’ll be right back.