May 3rd, 2023

May 3rd, 2023

US President Joe Biden speaks during a reception celebrating Eid al-Fitr, marking the end of the Muslim fasting month of Ramadan, in the East Room of the White House in Washington, DC, on May 1, 2023. (Photo by Brendan SMIALOWSKI / AFP) (Photo by BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI/AFP via Getty Images)

On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, the illegal prosecution of Donald Trump in Manhattan and Georgia and the investigation by Jack Smith is being done to immunize President Biden if he were ever to be investigated. We have a massive coverup of Biden and his family going on while prosecutors use Trump as a shiny object to distract. Also, Democrats are trying to terrorize the Supreme Court Justices they disagree with and are creating a dangerous situation for them and even targets of assassination threats. The left sees their opportunity to take control of society with Biden in the White House, allowing the radicals in the Democrat party to run loose and become the party of American Marxism just as is it was the party of Jim Crow, segregation, and the Confederacy. Later, Biden is pushing the debt limit so much that he is now questioning the constitutionality of having a debt limit at all. Biden is causing as much pain as he can to force Republicans to go along with his massive budget, all while Mitch McConnell does nothing but help Biden get his way when we need a real leader in the Senate. The 14th Amendment has nothing to do with this and was related to the Civil War. The fact Biden is considering doing this with the budget is exactly how a totalitarian regime would act. Finally, the Atlanta shooter has been apprehended by Atlanta police after shooting up a hospital, killing one and injuring four more. Meanwhile, the Nashville police department is delaying the release of the Nashville shooter’s manifesto, citing pending litigation as the reason. Withholding this from the American people is horrible, and we have a right to know what the motivation of the shooter even if it goes against the Democrat narrative.
Grassley, Comer Demand FBI Record Alleging Criminal Scheme Involving Then-VP Biden

Washington Post 
Prosecutors near charging decision in Hunter Biden case

The Hill
Biden seeks to flip the script on ‘freedom’ in 2024

Washington Examiner
Ketanji Brown Jackson disclosure errors spotlighted in Senate Supreme Court hearing amid Thomas scrutiny

PJ Media
MSNBC Dismisses Concerns About SCOTUS Assassination Threats

Biden Deputy Energy Secretary David Turk can’t, or won’t, say how spending $50 trillion in taxpayer dollars will reduce global temperatures

EPA Head: We’ve Built Environmental Justice Into Our DNA

NBC News
McConnell treads warily around debt limit fight as fears of default catastrophe grow

Is the Debt Limit Constitutional? Biden Aides Are Debating It.

NY Post
Biden tells White House guest to ‘hush up, boy’ at Eid al-Fitr event

Atlanta shooting suspect in custody after hourslong manhunt

Police Announce Manifesto Of Nashville Transgender Mass Killer Won’t Be Released Soon

The Times
Net-zero tree planting ‘adding to carbon emissions’

NBC News
How Male Trees and ‘Botanical Sexism’ Could Be Making Your Allergies Worse


The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcription of Hour 1

Segment 1

Hello, America. Mark Levin here. Our number 87738138118773813811. You know, I’m starting to think, ladies and gentlemen, that the reason Donald Trump was illegitimately charged in Manhattan and why the D.A. in Atlanta is potentially going to do the same thing and well, and we have Jack the Knife or Jack the Ripper in the special counsel’s offices in Washington started to think this is all being done to immunize the Bidens. So if they’re ever charged with anything, they can say, well, look at Trump. Now all the. The interest today. Certainly not with 98% of the corrupt Democrat party media but with everybody else is in a letter that was transmitted to meritless Garland and Christopher Wray by Senator Charles Grassley, ranking member of the Budget Committee in the Senate, and Representative James Comer, chairman of the Committee on Oversight and Accountability. It says, Dear Attorney General Garland and Director Wray. We have received legally protected. And a highly credible classified whistleblower disclosures. Based on those disclosures, it has come to our attention that the Department of Justice and the Federal Bureau of Investigation possess an unclassified FTE 1023 form that describes an alleged criminal scheme involving then-Vice President Biden and a foreign national relating to the exchange of money for policy decisions. It’s been alleged that the document includes a precise description of how the alleged criminal scheme was employed, as well as its purpose. Now, let’s stop there. That’s the first paragraph. I wonder if the FBI and or DOJ have destroyed this evidence. I’m not saying they have. I have no idea. I’m wondering out loud, based on alleged specificity within the document, it would appear that the DOJ and the FBI have enough information to determine the truth and accuracy the information contained within it. However, it remains unclear what steps, if any, were taken to investigate the matter. There’s significant public interest in assessing the EPA’s response to this information, as well as growing concern that the DOJ and EPA’s track record of allowing political bias to infect their decision making processes necessitate exacting congressional oversight. The DOJ and the FBI appear to have valuable, verifiable information that you have failed to disclose to the American people. Therefore, Congress will proceed to conduct an independent and objective review of this matter free from those agency’s influence. Transparency brings accountability. Chuck Grassley and James Colmer now. What they’ve done is issued a subpoena and they’re giving the department a week to turn over the document. The White House says this is pure politics and that’s all the Republicans care about. And it’s amazing, isn’t it? Donald Trump is under one criminal investigation after another, one civil suit after another. And Joe Biden. Isn’t even facing a grand jury, despite the fact that he’s corrupt as hell. I don’t put this past Joe Biden at all. Meanwhile, I just heard it reported that. In the case of Hunter Biden, the Department of Justice is looking at potentially two misdemeanors. One felony and one false statement. That’s peanuts. People who paraded. And trespass on Capitol Hill property, including those waved in. By law enforcement of those who just did it on on the ground have faced worse than this. You’re telling me a five year investigation. Two misdemeanors, one felony and one false statement. The false statement relating to an illegally purchased gun. See, they’re not serious about enforcing gun laws lying on your application. He didn’t reveal that he had been a drug addict Or was. Tax issues because he didn’t want to pay his fair share. And they want to put an end to this now as fast as possible because they do not want. A special counsel investigating Hunter Biden and his father because his father is a crook. That’s right. I said it. I said it and I meant it. All this money flowing into Biden was an imbecile. From foreign governments. I haven’t seen one report from Maggie Haberman. Jeremy and his Peters. Fill up on his bump. The New York Times generally, The Washington Post generally. I haven’t seen one report contradicting anything that Peter Schweitzer has reported in his books. Nothing. About 31 million or so flowing into the Biden crime family. Nothing. But I want to thank these IRS whistleblowers, these FBI whistleblowers. There ought to be more, but I want to thank them for coming forward. Obviously, an FBI whistleblower. Saw this document, this hefty 1023. And knows exactly what it described, if in fact he didn’t or she didn’t prepare it. And the IRS agent has come forward and talked about political obstruction. And sabotage, if you will. In the investigations of Hunter Biden. They want to close it down fast. Before the. Whistle blowers and the Republicans in the Senate in the House report on the what they discover. They want to shut it down. Want to get a plea deal? Fast as they can. They want to get it done. Before the. The alimony trial, The child support trial. In a little Arkansas courthouse. Is underway. They want to get it done. Before the election really takes hold. They want to shut down the hunter but and stuff and they continue to. And circle. Joe Biden like the Praetorian Guard to protect him. Including the corrupt media in America. And I want to talk about this. No, Look, Joe Biden got through law school by plagiarizing somebody else’s test. He got a second chance. Most people will be thrown out of law school for doing something like that. Somehow he got another chance. Joe Biden has even lied about the way and I hate to even bring it up, but others have. His wife. And daughter, original wife, first wife died in a horrendous car accident saying the other driver was drunk. The other driver said he was not drunk. And in fact, the accident. May have been the fault of. Of Joe’s family. And Joe has been forced to kind of restate that, but he continues to go back to the lie. Joe lied. Joe Biden has lied about being involved in the civil rights movement. On the contrary. When Joe Biden got elected to the United States Senate at the age of 29, he was sworn in at the age of 30. He befriended James Eastland. Powerful, powerful member of the Senate had been there a long time. And Iceland. Was a full blown racist and segregationist, and he was opposed to the integration of public schools. Well, black and white kids. And as press reports indicated that time. How do I know? Because I dug them out. That’s going No. Joe Biden wasn’t just a bystander. Supporting what he was doing. He was actively involved in it. And you’ve heard the quotes before about the jungle and everything else. Now, his supporters say everything’s taken out of context. Nothing’s taken out of context. Joe Biden was a racist and a segregationist. That’s what he was. For several years. George Wallace. Said positive things about him. James Eastland said positive things about him. He wrote positive things to James Eastland. He wasn’t a bystander. He was a participant. Kamala Harris knew this. She brought it up during the debates and I guess he had her as a running mate to shut her up. I don’t know. He certainly didn’t pick her because of her competence. Joe Biden is a old time sleazy politician. That’s what he is. And the Chinese bought him off. You could take one of the many examples out there. That would be enough. I mean, why would the Chinese Communist Party, the government. Pour millions and billions of dollars into the Penn Biden Center in Washington, D.C. What conceivable reason would they have other than to buy off Joe Biden? None. What conceivable reason would they have to send money to Joe Biden and his partners? Other than to buy influence with the then vice president? None. We have a massive cover up going on here, and they want you to watch a shiny object, right? Democrat prosecutors go after Trump. That’s exactly what’s taking place here. But Joe Biden has a lot of issues. He has no integrity. He is a serial pathological liar. And he’s an incredibly stupid man. I mean, he was stupid from the day he walked in the Senate. I am not joking. He graduated very low in his class at Delaware Law school. In fact, I don’t even know how he graduated from Delaware law school. And went right into politics like Schumer did. Right into politics. So he was an anti-black racist. And how is an anti-white anti-Asian racist? Because Joe Biden will do anything. He will say anything for Joe Biden. Now he wants you to believe he’s the freedom candidate for president, unlike all the radical magazines out there, the Freedom Kennedy. Well, he reaches into your homes to control your gas stoves, your washing machines, your window air conditioning units, your HVAC systems. He’s the freedom candidate while he destroys. You’re right to purchase the kind of automobile that you wish drives up. The the cost of gasoline and food is the freedom candidate. Well, the borders wide open. The freedom candidate who who defies the limits on the Constitution that are placed on him. This man is he is a terrible person. He’s a terrible human being. The allegation that was made against him by Tara Reid. It’s amazing everything about Donald Trump winds up in court. There’s a billionaire backing the woman who’s sued him for rape, apparently. Tara Reid is unable to sue him because of some statute of limitations difference. That is unable to sue Biden. It’s amazing, isn’t it? Every case that Donald Trump brings on defamation libel is thrown out. Virtually everyone. Got lots more. I’ll be right back.

Segment 2

You know, there’s a great piece that was in The New York Post. About the Democrats and their investigation of Clarence Thomas and Garland and others. And it’s called conservative Supreme Court Justice Hit Pieces. We’re being lectured on ethics by scoundrels. Wait till the next issue drops. That’s how law professor Josh Blackman concludes a discussion of the New York Times open mouthed discovery that law schools have summer study abroad programs, and sometimes they recruit celebrity professors, even Supreme Court justices, to speak. I want to get into this a little bit more with you when we come back. And there’s lots more. We got a jump and I’ll be jumping. Oh, yeah. I’ll be right back.

Segment 3

All right. Supreme Court Justice Canton’s Jerry Brown Jackson who doesn’t know if she’s a woman or not. She had transparency gaps in her financial disclosure forms. She was brought up at the hearing yesterday on the high court’s ethics by Senator John Kennedy, who asked why the Democrats didn’t levy the same scrutiny against her as they did against Clarence Thomas reports The Washington Examiner. Kennedy’s questions came during the hearing. And he said Justice Jackson made multiple amendments three days after being nominated her to the Supreme Court. Now, one senator brought that up during her confirmation hearings. Now, one of my colleagues here walked into her hearings with the buckets of mud that they’ve thrown against Justice Thomas. Not one. In September, Jackson disclosed that she had inadvertently omitted, quote unquote, information about self-employed consulting income that her spouse received from consulting on medical malpractice cases. Her revisions also revealed new information about reimbursements for travel and board memberships stemming back to at least 2014, according to Bloomberg. And Kennedy then blasted the news reports surrounding Time as saying they, some Democrats and their media allies have attempted headpieces and the longest serving city justice in his Republican appointed colleagues. He was referring to at least two separate reports from ProPublica, ProPublica and from the West Coast as a radical left operation that highlighted Thomas’s failure to disclose travel gifts from Cairo and so forth. And then Politico got in the game, you know, they got in the game, went after Gorsuch. But as it turned out, ladies and gentlemen, and I was led astray by something I had read that somebody else had written. Mr. Crowe, who was the friend of Clarence Thomas, has had no business in front of the Supreme Court. None. Glenn Reynolds at Instapundit. He points out that all but one justice on the Supreme Court either graduated from Yale or Harvard Law Schools. And those schools as well as others. Provide for all expense paid trips typically overseas, typically during the summer for certain justices to attend. Seminars where they get to speak. Vacations, in other words. And Glenn Reynolds, a professor himself at Tennessee Law, says how come that’s not an issue? And there was a Justice Vinson. Many decades back. He was a close friend of Harry Truman’s, and they would often play poker together, despite the fact that Truman and his administration had cases in front of the Supreme Court. What about that? And there’s a zillion other examples, folks. They’re going after this court. They’re trying to terrorize the justices and they are creating a dangerous, dangerous situation for these justices. Very dangerous situation, as Matt Margolis points out on PJ Media. MSNBC dismisses concerns about SCOTUS assassination threats. The assassination threats. Last week, Supreme Court Justice Sam Alito told The Wall Street Journal that the leaked draft of his opinion in Dobbs V Jackson made the justices, quote, targets of assassination, unquote, in the hopes of changing the court’s ruling. He said. Those of us who are thought to be in the majority are thought to have approved my draft opinion. We’re really targets of assassination. It was rational for people to believe that they might be able to stop the decision at Davos by killing one of us. And before mocking, mocking Justice Alito’s concerns about assassination threats. Alex Wagner of the Virginia group. Now just Alex Wagner of MSNBC, first discussed the court’s recent stay in a case involving the FDA and the abortion pill. Mifepristone. So sorry to interrupt your workflow, Justice Alito. She said it’s just a decision about whether or not millions of people with uteruses across the country can access the most commonly used method of abortion. But sorry for bothering you are yes people with uteruses. I think we call them women, don’t we? I have to check with a biologist. And then she callously dismisses the concern of conservative justices on the court being targeted with assassination. She said. The headline of his newly published interview in the Wall Street Journal is This made us targets of assassination, which is definitely some kind of headline, she said, referring to threats Alito says were caused by the leak of his own decision in the Dobbs case, the one that overruled Roe v Wade into crystal clear here physical threats against anyone who reprehensible. But the bulk of this interview is not actually about that. The bulk of this interview is Justice Alito describing his outrage that anyone is criticizing the court at all. No, that wasn’t the bulk of the interview. Alito didn’t object to criticism, per se, Margolis points out, But to the way in which the court has been unfairly targeted and attacked. But Wagner obviously doesn’t care. She used the moment to rehash the list of so-called scandals. Involving conservative justices. Or we can remember the Brett Kavanaugh hearings. These radical Democrats, whether they’re dressed up as journalists, senators or House members, whether they’re dressed up as tenured professors or teachers belonging to the NEA in the age of tea, they hate you. And any institution that does not bend to their will is to be destroyed. Any individual prominent in such an institution or principle in such an institution should as it bend the institution to their will, is to be destroyed. Across the board, whether you’re in the media, whether a justice on the court. Whether you’re a presidential candidate. Look what they’re doing to the scientists now. They lie about him. And I warned you about this months and months and months and months ago. That this is what they would do. I wish Trump would cut it out. But my point is the Democrats, this is what they do to Trump, to DeSantis, to everybody. And by the way, it’s what the rhinos do to Chris Sununu. Karl Rove. I don’t know why anybody even listens to these clowns anymore. Why would anybody even listen to these buffoons? We’re up against it here. Do we really want these these retreads? We’re busy attacking. Busy attacking conservatives. Do we really? No, we don’t. As a matter of fact. No, we don’t. So anyway, this entire episode is just another effort to seek and destroy Trump. Seek and destroy from the moment he decided to become a candidate for president. DeSantis now seek and destroy. Trump’s lawyers seek and destroy. Doesn’t matter. Meanwhile, Joe Biden. Crooked. Corrupt. Crony hack politician subsidized by the communist Chinese. That’s right. Stop playing games around here. He slides. Like he has his whole life. Like his whole life runs for office. The media protect them from the Hunter laptop he runs for office. The media protect them from Tara Reid. He runs from office. The media protect him from so much information about his crooked. Association with the Communist Chinese and others. He and his family. It’s an amazing thing. And here’s a guy. He barely has his wits, never had wits, but barely has them now. Old age has not been good to him. Sometimes you’ll meet people in their nineties or 100 or 105, you’ll say, Wow, they’re pretty good. Now what? Joe Biden. Joe Biden is. Is not capable of serving as president of the United States. That’s why he’s not in the White House 40% of the time. It’s why he’s going to run a campaign again from his basement. That’s why the man will not have an unscripted press conference. He will not subject himself to questioning. Because he can’t. And the same party, the Democrat Party, they gave us. FETTERMAN They gave us. Feinstein When they knew she couldn’t run once to give us yet again Joe Biden. The media want to do it, too. Why? They love the agenda, destroying America. That’s at the top of their list, including with the media, because they hate us and they hate the country. You know when Joe Biden says MAGA Republicans. He means the same thing Obama meant when Obama talked about Americans who go to church and who own guns, so forth. He’s saying the same thing. And when he talks about white supremacy and white privilege, it’s an amazing thing. Because he’s defining himself. No. Yes or no? What I meant by that is Mr. former segregationist. I’ll be right back.

Segment 4

And you know, folks, this project I’ve been telling you about, this new book I’m working on that is causing the bags under my eyes. To get bags under the bags under my eyes. It’s really a unique undertaking and it’s intended to assist us. In the upcoming months and years, both in terms of the election. And thereafter whether we should win or lose. That’s why I’ve tried this book the way I have now. I’m doing everything I can to work on it. And to make it very readable. Plain English. And you provide the information that’s necessary so you’re not wasting your time. I’ve just told you now more than I’m even supposed to tell you. But so be it. A lot of my past books have included a great deal of theory philosophy. I’m very, very proud of them. And I’m even more proud of you folks for reading them, or at least acquiring them and giving them to other people so they’ll read them. I suspect this book in terms of. The way I’m writing it is somewhere between liberty and tyranny and American Marxism. In respect to the way I’ve laid out the substance. But I never write the same book twice. As you well know. Never. Why? Number one, it’s not right. Number two, I’d bore myself. Number three, My wife wouldn’t let me anyway. But I never write the same book twice. And you’ll say, what’s what’s the point? This is a very important point. I’m not allowed to get into the substance. That’s the contract right now. But it is tailored for the moment. Not for 100 years from now, not for a thousand years, not for 50 years ago. It’s tailored for present day. You can’t even get it on Amazon right now if you want to. Holding it back for a bit, but I’m not done. Should be done in a little while. But I’m not done. And just so you know, pouring my heart and soul and my brain cells into this thing. Because I don’t think we can we can take too many more steps back. Without falling off the edge of the earth. I really don’t. So this is a little bit more brass knuckle. Sharp teeth. A little bit more of that. In fact, I don’t think I’ve ever written a book like this before. Built on the same foundations. Don’t get me wrong. But in many ways it’s a rallying cry. And I’ve said enough. But just so you know, the show’s over tonight. That’s what I’ll be doing. We cannot give up. Time is short. Time is short. But we cannot we cannot give up. I think the only problem we’re going to have with this project, this this book I’m working on, is the reluctance of retail bookstores and warehouses to carry it, more so than anything else I’ve ever written. That will become obvious to you when I’m prepared to give you more information so that that will be one issue. But we’ll work our way around it. And I will be right back.