April 26th, 2023

April 26th, 2023

WASHINGTON DC, UNITED STATES - APRIL 26: US President Joe Biden and South Korea's President Yoon Suk Yeol hold a joint press conference at the White House in Washington D.C., United States on April 26, 2023. (Photo by Celal Gunes/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images)

On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, The House of Representatives voted to raise the debt limit today despite every single Democrat voting against it. Joe Biden is playing chicken with the national debt because he isn’t getting everything he wants, and hasn’t spoken to House Speaker Kevin McCarthy since February. Biden wants a $7 trillion budget and Republicans have countered with a budget that reduces his spending by $4.8 trillion and extending the debt ceiling. The immorality of what Democrats are doing to this generation and future generations is appalling. We have more taxes flowing into the federal government now than any time in our history, the next closest time being World War II, and taxes are now 19.6% of the economy. Also, new emails show that Secretary of State Anthony Blinken and his wife emailed frequently with Hunter Biden, which raises more questions into the laptop cover-up. Joe Biden has nothing to fear with Merrick Garland in charge of the DOJ, and knows he will pardon Hunter or himself if anything happens. Later, Nikki Haley showed that she is willing to sell out to the culture war by inviting Disney to move to South Carolina. Haley will not fight against this Marxist movement and protect our kids and has shown she is not presidential material. Parents are fighting to defend their children against what’s going on in the classrooms and the teachers unions and Haley will not fight for them. 

House Republicans Advance Debt Ceiling Bill 

Taxing the Rich Isn’t Enough to Pay for Democrats’ Welfare State. They’ll Need To Soak the Middle Class Too.

Fox news 
Blinken and wife emailed frequently with Hunter Biden, raising questions about role in laptop cover story

Fox News 
Nikki Haley invites Disney to South Carolina 

The Telegraph 
China is preparing for war with the West

Analysis: Biden Projected to Bring over 2 Million Illegal Aliens to U.S. this Year 

Photo by Celal Gunes/Anadolu Agency

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcription of Hour 1

Segment 1

Well, the breaking news is that the Republicans in the House of Representatives did pass their debt ceiling bill. They didn’t receive a single Democrat vote. So all you people who live in these congressional districts where you have these frauds and phonies and fakes who pretend to be moderate Democrats, they’re big spending, radical leftists. Hear me, Gottheimer. I know who you are up there in northern Jersey. And the former CIA person out of Virginia. There are frauds and phonies. Now. They lost four votes. They lost four votes. The Republicans did. So this thing passed to 17, the to 15. And as usual, Andy Biggs, Matt Gaetz. They lost Ken Buck of Colorado and Tim Burchett of Tennessee. So yet again, these guys are most screwed up. And of course, the Senate will kill what the Republicans in the House pass. But I don’t know what world these guys are in, bro. Over at Breitbart. They have the Congressional Budget Office. Republican debt limit plan would reduce deficit by $4.8 trillion. They’re up against Democrats in the Senate as well as Republicans. They’re up against Joe Biden. They pass a bill that, if adopted, would reduce the deficit by $4.8 trillion and four boneheads vote against it. I don’t know what they expect to happen when you only control one body, but that’s a pretty damn good bill. That’s probably why my buddy Chip Roy voted for it as well as others. And I’m sure there was a lot of negotiation on this. Now, the Republicans would cut drastically spending between 2023 and 2033. That’s according to the CBO. It will put a cap on discretionary funding that would result in a savings of 3.2 trillion. They would scrap energy tax credits that would save another, oh, 600 billion. They would do they would slash the cutting to the IRS. They would save about 120 billion. They would implement work requirements for Medicaid, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families and Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program that would save 120 billion. They would rescind funding for unspent coronavirus funds that would save another 30 billion, and they would require the Department of Interior to conduct oil and gas leases that would save 3.4 billion. And yet for Bonehead Stovall, really didn’t do enough, didn’t go far enough. I don’t know what they want done under these circumstances where they barely got this thing through to begin with. But they. How were them? So the debt ceiling deadline likely in June is that they point out at Breitbart looms ever closer. Battleground Democrats continue to fret over the president’s refusal to continue to negotiate. Now the speaker is on this program. He said, look, I spoke to Biden on February 1st. I haven’t spoken to him since. He won’t return my calls. So Biden, who’s already destroyed the economy, who’s already destroying the currency, the financial side, where the communist Chinese are stepping in and going from country to country. To eliminate the dollar is the world currency, which is a huge disaster. Joe Biden, who has pushed inflation through the roof, who’s destroyed the supply chain, who’s caused you to spend far more for energy than you should after swimming? You can get it. Far more for certain foods than you should have to. You get them. Joe Biden is not playing chicken. Chicken. With a debt. Because he’s not getting everything he wants. Now, keep in mind, they already got everything they want. When McConnell. And the Democrats. And about 17 republics got together. And pass Nancy Pelosi’s all Democrat bill. That sends spending through the roof. Though, before the Republican majority could even get into town, can even get sworn in. And of course, Biden signed that as fast as he could. Now Biden wants more. He wants a budget that’s $7 trillion. Which will create another yearly deficit of $1.2 trillion, even though it includes unspent COVID funds and so forth. We have more taxes coming into the federal government. Than any time in recent history. We have more taxes flowing in now than every time, but three times as a percentage of the economy in our history. 19.6%. Of the economy is flowing into the federal government. That’s about the same rate or close as World War Two. There’s World War Two. It’s unbelievable. All these phony, vulnerable, moderate Democrats voted against the bill because they’ll find some reason to go home and say they wanted to cut the cops, which of course, they didn’t. But it won’t matter. They’re liars. They make promises back home about the dead, about spending, about bipartisanship, and they vote down the line every damn time. And it’s very close. Very close. On the Republican side, someone, four of them bolted. We almost lost today. And Sir McCarthy said we will lift the debt ceiling, but we have got to lift the debt ceiling with some limits here. We can’t keep doing this. We just cannot keep doing this. And they’re not doing anything radical. The Republican. It’s Biden who’s doing radical things. Here’s Kevin McCarthy yesterday on Capitol Hill. One go. This bill is going to help face our challenges here at home. It sends a clear message to the American people that we’re investing in safety, health and the future of America. Let me just mention a couple of highlights. Starting with community safety. We know it works to make our communities safer and that investing in prevention and community police officers so you can walk the streets, know the neighbors, and who can help restore trust and safety to. That was President Joe Biden, March 15. One was referring to funding levels. That’s exactly the. What are the common symptoms? This week we’ll pass a bill on this field that will lift. I think the Senate has not done something the president has non-negotiable and send it over to the Senate because we think this is a responsibility. And so he sends a budget over a year. They’re prepared to lift the debt ceiling. And Biden says if it passes the Senate, I’ll veto it. We want a clean deficit bill. Remember, we talked about a clean deficit. In other words, you just raise that debt to pay for every damn thing that I want. It’s that simple. And then, of course, Biden turns it around. It’s the fall of the House Republicans since the fall of the Republican Party. Listen to this guy. He is the worst cut to go. Republicans say refusing to negotiate on the debt limit. You’re saying you’re missing in action. Well, you haven’t figured out what are you missing in action, Mr. President, on the debt limit? Will you meet with McCarthy when Americans agree to, but not on whether or not debt. That’s not negotiable. I notice they quote Reagan and I quote unquote, Reagan all the time. And I quote from both of which says, he says, It would be a crime to not extend the debt. I know they. In fact, the government was shut down six times under Ronald Reagan. Who insisted that they cut spending. Such a liar. It’s just unbelievable. But you heard what he said. And every Republican on Capitol Hill. And the RNC needs to take those words. He said the debt limit gets extended. That’s not negotiable. And so either they pay for his budget. Pay for everything in his budget. All the redistribution of wealth, all the waste and fraud and abuse, all the climate change crap that’s destroying so many of you, the teachers union, all the money that goes to the leftists and all the rest. Either they they do that and it includes $200 million. $200 million to Nancy Pelosi. For some parts. Either They fund all that with your money. Would your money. Or he doesn’t care. And I think the old coot doesn’t care. Now we’re going to take some time to go through this. This is not a boring subject. This is a crucial subject. You’re going to be hearing a lot about it. I want to lay the foundation and I’ll be right back.

Segment 2

You know, I wrote a book once called Plunder and Deceit for this very occasion. And when you go to chapter two on the Debt. I started with a quote from the late, great Dr. Walter Williams. And Dr. Williams was the first guest on my life, Liberty and Levin show on Fox. Because I wanted to talk to. And Professor Williams rightly describes the underlying pathology driving the nation to economic and financial ruin as a moral problem. He said. We’ve become an immoral people demanding that Congress forcibly use one American to serve the purposes of another. Deficits and runaway national debt are merely symptoms of their real problem, he said. He said 75% of today’s federal spending could be described as. Congress taking the earnings of one American to give to another to thousands of handout programs such as farm subsidies, business bailouts and welfare. Thomas Soul, Tremendous man. Professor, Soul Doctor, Soul said there was a time when the purpose of taxes was to pay the inevitable costs of government to the political left. However, taxes have long been seen as a way to redistribute income and finance other social experiments based on liberal ideology. I think he would agree today that’s more like Marxist ideology. The United States federal government takes in about. $350 billion or more every month. Probably closer to 400 billion a month now. But in that ballpark, if the government shuts down, that doesn’t stop. It hasn’t stopped. It continues to take in that money. So I want to speak directly to Social Security recipients, Medicare users, Medicaid users and people who use the VA. There’s enough money every month to cover those expenses. And by the way, in a footnote, you might want to ask yourself, if you get a Social Security check, why would it matter if the government shuts down if there’s a trust fund? Because they stole all the money out of the trust fund. So we play that game. But nonetheless, 350 or $400 billion a year comes in excuse me, a month are coming in to the government, whether they shut down or not. And as a matter of federal law, Social Security. Medicare. Medicaid. And veterans benefits are excluded from any shutdown that is. A percentage of the money that comes in every month must be used to pay Social Security benefits Medicare users, Medicaid users, and veterans benefits. So I want to tell you that because the politicians in America, the Democrats and their media will lie to you. That’s number one. Number two. When the government shuts down. Paul Ryan, when he was actually quite sane, is before he became speaker, he once told me. That’s 17% on the air here. Only 17% of the government shuts down when they have a shutdown. That means 83% remains open. So let’s get that off the table to begin with. Now, what about the full faith and credit of the United States where they say we’re not going to pay our bills? That is what I want to dig into with you. Very important. After the bottom of the hour and we’ll be right back.

Segment 3

Let’s go through this. It’s fairly simple if you just stick with me. Biden is proposing a $7 trillion budget. Republicans have countered with a budget. That significantly reduces the spending over a period of time by $4.8 trillion, not all at once over a ten year period in exchange for raising the debt ceiling. That they need to take a bite out of the debt or the country is not going to survive. Your children are not going to survive. Walter Williams is exactly right. The immorality of what the Democrats are doing to future generations and this generation is appalling. I’ve heard it said, Well, you know, Mark, none of these things have happened yet to us. I mean, you preach this stuff. That’s right. They haven’t happened yet. But when they do like they did in the Weimar Republic like they did in Zimbabwe, like they have in other places, it will destroy us. Even today, as I speak. The debt is so bad. That China’s going around to other countries to replace our currency is the world currency with theirs. Now that that doesn’t grab somebody’s attention, nothing will. And so having spent massive amounts of money like never before in American history. Ostensibly for the pandemic, but a lot more than that. And then the Inflation Reduction Act, which was a climate change Act. Inflation reduction in drag. It was climate change and then an infrastructure bill helped by. Mitch McConnell, another bridge, Bahamas. My bipoc peer. She’s not Trump. Shut up, you idiot! Anyway. The spending on top of the spending on top of the spending. We’ve now reached the point. Where somebody is trying to do something about it. Now. They talk about the full faith and credit clause. What are they talking about? The full faith and credit clause in the Constitution? Where is that in the Constitution? While the so-called full faith and credit clause is section four of the 14th Amendment. It’s not in the body of the Constitution. It’s an amendment to the Constitution. Really? Really. Well, I don’t understand. Well, you will in a minute. Here’s what it says. Here’s exactly what it says. It says the validity of the public debt of the United States authorized by law. Including debts incurred for payment of pensions and bounties for services. In suppressing insurrection or rebellion shall not be questioned. So they’re saying any debt incurred by the union to put down the Confederacy. Shallbe serviced. Okay, simple enough. Let’s move on. But neither the United States nor any state. Shall assume or pay any debt or obligation. Occurred, incurred rather, in aid of insurrection or rebellion against the United States. Okay. So right there. We’re not paying anything related to any debt incurred by the Confederacy. Let’s go on. Or any claim for the loss or emancipation of any slave. We’re not reimbursing slave holders, but all such debts, the debts of the kind I spoke of obligations and claims shall be held illegal and void. Okay, that’s it. Does it say anything about today? No. Does it, Mr. Producer? No, it’s part of the 14th Amendment, one of the post-Civil War amendments, full faith and credit clause. Okay. Full faith and credit clause. Let’s say that full faith and credit clause is applicable as I read it in the 14th Amendment. That’s fine. Well. How do we address this? Well, there’s several ways to address it. You can raise the debt ceiling and borrow more money, which means print more cash. And further. Degrade the value of our currency, that is, create more inflation. And put your pensions and pension money. And even these entitlements, Social Security and Medicare a greater risk. Further devaluing. Faith in our money. Should people keep moving over to China? We can do that. That’s not hard to do. Any moron can do that. Yes, Keep spending. Well beyond tax revenue. And incidentally, you could take every penny from every billionaire in this country. It wouldn’t make any difference. That’s how big this debt is. It wouldn’t make any difference and they wouldn’t have any money to pay the next year because they wouldn’t be able to make any money. We could take every penny out of the economy. The economy is over $18 trillion, but the debt is $31.6 trillion. We could take every penny out of the economy today from each and every one of you, every billionaire, every near billionaire, every millionaire, every upper middle class. Middle class. Every penny you have. From every single citizen. And we would be able to pay off 60% of the on budget debt. But what about the off budget debt that they never talk about? See, these guys are sleaze balls. The so-called entitlements. Social Security. Medicare. Medicaid. All kinds of entitlements. Well, that’s about $350 trillion. What did he say? That’s about $350 trillion. If we were to pay off those obligations today. Now any corporation in America will tell you they can’t take that number and put it off the books. Pension obligations. Excuse me. Have to be on the books. This is one of the reasons the post office is in trouble. It is the only government entity or quasi government entity, I guess that has to put its pension obligation on the books. Department of Agriculture doesn’t have to do it. Department of Education doesn’t have to do it. That department to fill in the blank the administration for fill in the blank. None of the rest of the federal government has to put pension obligations on the books. But the private sector must. How are you going to pay those bills for the federal government? The questions not even asked. It’s not even asked. So when we talk about a $31.6 trillion debt, we’re not even talking about that. See what I’m saying? So we’re in a dire situation here. But, Marc, nothing’s happened yet. Oh, it will. Probably to your children, definitely to your grandchildren. You see, here’s a deal. We’re taking all this money from them. That is money, value, wealth that hasn’t even been created yet. We’re stealing it from them and giving them the debt. As the debt accumulates, it accumulates and accumulates and accumulate. Right now, man, we’re we’re on a high. Congress and Biden. They’re druggies. They’re druggies. They’re having a grand old time. Their druggies. The Federal Reserve is the drug dealer. Keeps putting out the money. So finally, we have a speaker of the House. And we have a slim Republican majority that says, all right, let this this can’t go on. We at least need to begin to chip away at this $4.8 trillion over ten years. That doesn’t sound like a lot. Based on what I just told you, does it? It’s not. But it’s important because it starts to tap the brakes. And if we start to tap the brakes and hit the brakes a little harder. And so it’s very, very important. So what does Biden say? No. I want to tap the gas pedal. In fact, I want to put it down. I want to press it all the way like my Corvette. By the way, they need the Yankees driver’s license. Guy can’t even ride a bike or walk down the street. But that’s a whole nother story. So this guy who can’t even speak. He says. I’m not negotiating with anybody over the debt ceiling. Well, I’m not going to allow the Republicans to put the nation in financial straits. Excuse me. No, we’re not going to do that. I’m not going to allow that. He lives. They lie. The media lie. Because they’re all in it. They all want the same thing. Massive government spending. And they know what I know what you know. If we start to address the debt even a little bit, then the whole Marxist Democrat Party model collapses. They’d rather talk about the rich. You know, we get the rich to pay their fair share. What is their fair share? They actually believe 90% is the fair share. Well, let me tell you, tax people are 90%. They’re going to stop producing and stop work and they’re not going to give a crap anymore. You tax me at 90%, I’m out of here. I’m not going to make money from major corporations and get 10% on the dollar. But why should you? Your labor belongs to you, whether it’s your physical labor or your intellectual labor that belongs to you. Why should the government steal 90% of your working life from you? That’s what I’m talking about. And gave it to some schmo who doesn’t get off his ass and work. Or give it to illegal aliens. Or whatever. Give it to left wing groups. I’m not working for them. Are you? I’ll be right back.

Segment 4

Well, I hope you paid your taxes. Now you got an extension. There’s 87,000 new IRS agents and they’re gunning for you. And you can thank the Democrat Party for this. And I hope you don’t convey over $600 via PayPal or. Any of the other pay services. Because under the last massive spending bill passed by the Democrats, those services are required to send you a 1099 and you need to pay taxes on those monies. All for the middle class, of course. Ronald Reagan used to say. I’m from the government and I’m here to help is what the government likes to say. And he used to say, they’re not here to help you. There’s spending addictions, ramping up inflation, pushing up the cost on everything from groceries to gas. And add insult to injury, they’ve been raising your taxes. While we can begin this, Mr. Producer Shalanda Young is the OMB director. She was on MSL as day to day with Mrs. Scarborough. Cut three. Go. Congressional Republicans have a bill that says will avoid default. We’ll help the American people out, but only in exchange for some unrelated policies. And millions of dollars in cuts to programs that working families depend on. We’re talking about veterans medical care. No, we’re not. We’re talking about covered monies that went on spent. We’re talking about hundreds of millions of dollars for left wing groups. We’re talking about multiple billions of dollars for bureaucracy. Ladies and gentlemen, every time the radical left Democrats say something like this, are you benefitting? Are you getting a piece of the action? Is the Agriculture Department better? Is the Energy Department better when it is shutting down drilling? I’m asking you. How about the Education Department as kids are losing IQ? You think the air, you think they should get more money? That’s what they mean. All we’re cutting money for, for working American. You’re not cutting anything for working Americans. You’re screwing on working Americans. Go ahead. Christian For seniors like Meals on Wheels, rail safety Meals on Wheels, what is that, $100 million a year? $1,000,000,000 a year? We’re talking about $7 trillion, ladies and gentlemen. Everything she lists, the vast majority of money they’re spending has nothing to do with this. But there’s Mika, with her head bobbing up like. Like a Bible doll. The bobbleheads? Yes, She’s a bobblehead. Go ahead. It’s like they’re vague on purpose, because when the American people. Shut up, you idiot. $7 trillion check an auction. 7 trillion. Make it 8 trillion. Why not eight Tron eight, Tron eight and a half trillion down here. 9 trillion, 9 trillion. Okay. Nine and a half to a year. Nine and a half. True. We have 9.2 trillion. Great. How about nine? And after nine and a half Markey from Massachusetts get back 1010 trillion anybody for oh, 10 trillion over there. Good, good. What is this? They’re destroying our country. They’re not doing anything for the people. They’re driving up the cost of fuel. They’re going to ensure we have brownouts and blackouts. They’re now going after the electrical grid. They’re destroying the combustion engine and the gasoline vehicle. They’re driving up the cost of dishwashers, washing machines, dryers, age HVAC systems. They don’t care about you and the the middle class, as Marx will put it. They don’t care about anything. Meals on Wheels. That’s a spit in the pocket for the federal government. First of all, they’re not the only ones who pay for it. But I’m just making the point we’re not talking about Meals on Wheels or any of the rest of it. Mickey Mouse stuff compared to what they’re really doing. What do you really doing with $7 trillion? Shalanda May I call you Shalanda? It’s Shalanda Young. Remember her testimony early on? Remember when she testified she couldn’t find a woman? There’s another woman who couldn’t define a woman. We can look in the mirror naked. That might be a hint. No, no, no. I don’t want to be disrespectful. To whom? Two women who are now men, women who are now men that may be superficially so, but it’s certainly not biologically so. Excuse me, You’re wrong. I’m following the science. Now I’m going to ask Foushee if I can ever again. I’m going to ask him, what’s a woman? Can you define that for me? All right. We’ll be right back.