April 21st, 2023

April 21st, 2023

WASHINGTON, DC - APRIL 10: U.S. President Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden attend the annual Easter Egg Roll on the South Lawn of the White House on April 10, 2023 in Washington, DC. The tradition dates back to 1878 when President Rutherford B. Hayes invited children to the White House for Easter and egg rolling on the lawn. (Photo by Drew Angerer/Getty Images)

On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, WJNO’s Brian Mudd fills in for Mark. Three stories dropped this week that speak to pervasiveness and corruption in the swamp. The Hunter Biden IRS whistleblower is evidence of a corrupt two-tiered system of justice. Will the whistleblower be allowed to be heard like Alexander Vindman was? Then, U.S. officials like Anthony Fauci were doing the bidding of the Chinese communist party and covering up the Wuhan lab leak. Also, there was Elon Musk’s revelation that the FBI was granted full access to everyone’s Twitter DM’s. What kind of country spies on their citizens this way? Is this happening at Meta or Google? Is there any difference between what China is doing with TikTok and what our government is doing with social media in the U.S.? Our government today more closely resembles the Chinese government. All this is happening while China’s Xi is getting ready for war. How many countries around the world recognize Taiwan sovereignty? Only 13.  China has had incredible success at intimidating the hell out of countries around the world. Later, RFK Jr polling in the double digits against an incumbent president, tells you that Democrats are looking for anyone else but President Biden. They don’t want another 4 years of him.  

Photo by Drew Angerer

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Rough transcription of hour 1

Segment 1

The White House is dismissing allegations from a potential whistleblower who claims the administration has mishandled the federal investigation into Hunter Biden, telling Fox News in a statement, President Biden has made clear that this matter would be handled independently by the Justice Department under the leadership of a U.S. attorney appointed by former President Trump, free from any political interference by the White House. However, an IRS criminal supervisory agent seeking whistleblower protections says the investigation is simply being mishandled, alleging that there are clear conflicts of interest and that the president’s son was given preferential treatment. Yeah, details, riot details. Your federal government is that corrupt? That corrupt, however corrupted you’ve imagined they are. That’s nice. Synopsis from Kevin Corke, Fox News there. And it’s a good place to start because this week three stories broke, which removed all doubt about the pervasiveness of the corruption in the swamp. And while they weren’t directly connected, the implications many of the events pertaining to them very much inter connected. I’m going to break all that down for you, tying all of these stories in together with the biggest story of all that continues not really to be told in the day to day. And that is what China is doing to undermine us every step of the way. How the world continues to become less stable by the day. Take a look at what’s happening in the Sudan. Every time you turn around and somewhere else. But it’s at the base level, the corruption. Now because I’m never inclined to just lob a pile of poo in your direction and say, All right, and back to you. I’m always looking informational. Not just to disseminate the facts, the truth to you, but also to look for answers and solutions. And the good news is where there is information and where people have it, we see opportunity for hope. So I’m going to put all of this together throughout the course of. Tonight’s show. Brian Mud and Ford, the great one. Mark Levin. It is always an honor and a pleasure to be here with you on the host of the Brian mud show Bayesian out of my home station WJ Snow in west Palm Beach. Check out the Brian Mud Show podcast wherever you get your podcasts at Brian Mudd Radio on Social. Just talking to Mr. Producer, I need to get my blue checkmark back. Not a conspiracy this time. There have been times in the past which my blue check mark would go away and you know, then mysteriously it’d show up again. This time I know it’s no conspiracy. I just have not paid my eight bucks a month to. To Mr. Musk to to get the blue checkmark back. But you can still buy me out, Brian. But radio. Twitter and plenty of other social platforms. All right, so let’s dive in here. Let’s dive in here. The first of the three stories that broke this week. That really speaks to the pervasiveness of the corruption in the swamp. You start with John Ratcliffe, the former director of national intelligence. He provided his prepared testimony to Congress pertaining to COVID origins, in which he said, quoting my informed assessment as a person with as much or more access than anyone to our government’s intelligence during the initial year of the virus outbreak and pandemic onset has been and continues to be that a lab leak is the only explanation credibly supported by our intelligence, by science, and by common sense. Okay, so there it is. The only explanation. Not the most likely not. Hey, you know, there’s a sliver of a chance. It’s something else. The only explanation, the Wuhan lab. Not that this is a surprise to any of us. Because as Ratcliffe testified. Aside from literally all of the evidence pointing to the Wuhan lab leak. It’s also just a matter of common sense. Mean that’s what most of us had to do to independent of having access to all U.S. intelligence on the matter. But it’s the rest of the story. That speaks to the institutionalized corruption on the matter. For example, in in the testimony? No. How many times Anthony Fauci sought insight on the matter from intelligence officials? Not once, according to Ratcliffe. Yet he naturally felt confident speaking out on the matter. Another witness. Former Deputy Assistant Secretary of State David Feith. He addressed that directly in his sworn testimony, saying many of the most influential U.S. government and academic authorities on virology or coordinating to disprove any type of lab theory. These officials and scientists knew that COVID may have come from a lab. They knew that a lab leak could have resulted from research in Wuhan funded by the U.S. government. And they knew that if such research were in fact part of Covid’s origin, well, they could face professional and personal embarrassment. So these officials and scientists evidently collaborated to convince the government not to investigate the origins of COVID. Now, let me walk you back to what Ratcliffe testified to China’s government doing during that same window of time. While our government officials were getting together and deciding that they were not going to investigate the origins of COVID and were working to throw us off the scent. Quoting Radcliff on this note. The Chinese Communist Party. They were destroying medical test samples and data to intimidating and disappearing witnesses and journalists. That’s always fun. The disappearing of witnesses and journalists to lying and coercing global health authorities. Even spreading propaganda. Now again, who is really surprised. But then you put it together and what you get are U.S. officials all the Fouche and the fault just. To. Quite literally, we’re doing the bidding of the Chinese Communist Party. While they eliminated the evidence and all of the people associated with it and details. And given that we know Anthony Fallacies, National Institutes of Health financially contributed to the Wuhan lab, which even he himself has admitted to in previous congressional testimony. Well, it all adds up. Yes. Your your federal government is. That corrupt. Then there was speaking of Twitter related things, Ellen’s revelation. All right. So our federal government is so corrupt. And we’ve long known that the FBI has flat out advised, quote unquote, advise social media platforms that certain disinformation was likely soon ahead. You know, like the entirely truthful Hunter Biden laptop story by The New York Post, which was censored, along with all who tried to share it on various platforms prior to the 2020 election. What we didn’t know until Tuesday is that they might have just been flat out doing the censoring at the social media platforms, along with spying on any private communications they chose to. In Ellen’s interview with Tucker Carlson came a revelation that the FBI was granted full access to direct messages of private citizens on Twitter. Quoting Ellen. The degree to which government agencies effectively had full access to everything that was going on at Twitter blew my mind. Now, what kind of country? For that matter, what current country spies on its citizens this way. It would seem the COVID cover up wasn’t the only Chinese Communist style operation underway in this country. And of course, it begs the question. Well, is this happening at Metta and all of its social media properties? What about Google happening there when and with all of its properties? Could it be happening? A tick tock. Oh, Abby, come on. That’s a silly question because we already know that is directly controlled by the Chinese communist government. But then again, think about it. Hold on. So just as with the COVID cover up. Were we in a very similar way, our government doing more Chinese. Communist style tactics. Is there really any distance between what the ChiComs are doing with Tick tock and perhaps. Our. Communists and our corrupt government. Are dealing with existing social media platforms not named Twitter at the moment. We still don’t have answers on that. And what are the odds that it was only happening at Twitter? Again, your federal government. Is that corrupt? And as it turned out, we had yet another bombshell breaking news story pointing to federal government corruption at the highest levels. You know, the biggest joke in recent weeks since the Trump indictment is that no one’s above the law. Yeah. No, no one’s above the law. Right. You know, and D.A. Alvin Bragg’s proclivity to use the the Merrick Garland line of of pursuing the law without fear or favor. I mean, those two are real peas in a pod. You know, the agenda has been clear. And tying this in for a moment. BRAGG And what they’re working on. Who is the biggest threat to China? Who has represented the biggest threat to China in modern times? Is it not Donald Trump? So, yes, the agenda is clear and intellectually you know this anecdotally you know this. There’s always there are two sides to stories. One side, the facts. And the Manhattan D.A., Alvin Bragg, being motivated by his desire to get Trump and to make a name for himself, evidenced by so many facts. I mean, starting with this number, 52%, that’s the percentage of felony cases Alvin Bragg has downgraded to misdemeanors since becoming D.A. in this number, 1119. That’s the number of felony cases brought to him last year alone that he refused to even attempt to prosecute. And one more number for you, 462%. That’s how much less likely criminals are to ever serve jail time since Bragg became the Manhattan D.A.. Isn’t that interesting. And yet he goes through legal hoops to try to turn a misdemeanor into a felony in the case of Trump. Judging by the man’s performance, food would appear to be the only category Bragg has pursued without fear or favor. And as for Garland, the original fear or favor, man. Oh, he’s nothing if not consistent. As in consistently ignoring the corruption of his boss. I mean, yes, some will point to Garland’s appointing of a special prosecutor over Joe Biden’s proclivity to paper the places he’s been with classified docs. However, even in that situation, which was unavoidable once word got out, he didn’t provide the appointed prosecutor the same sweeping authority to investigate other matters that he did to the Trump appointed prosecutor. Oh, yeah. And then there’s the Hunter Biden IRS whistleblower. We’ll pick up there next. I’m Brian Mudd, in for the great one

Segment 2

My client wrestled with whether or not to come forward. He had a lot of sleepless nights about coming forward with this. At the end of the day, he decided that he could not live with himself if he stayed quiet and said nothing. So he’s coming forward, but he knows that he’s going to be attacked. Mark Lytle, the attorney for the would be whistle blower if he gets allowed to be a whistleblower before Congress. Let’s pick up their bromide in for the great one, Mark Levin. As I talk about the three big stories during the course of this week that all speak to the greater pervasive corruption that’s been going on for some time and ultimately how the Bidens sold this country out to China. And China is leveraging that to the hilt right now. So let’s talk about the Hunter Biden IRS whistleblower. This is the latest bit of news. And potential supporting evidence of a corrupt two tiered system of justice. So in a letter penned to congressional leaders by Mark Lytle, or so you just heard, the attorney representing an IRS criminal super supervisory agent who seeks to serve as a whistleblower in the Hunter Biden investigation. Quoting the letter the title sent to Congress. My client has already made legally protected disclosures internally at the IRS through counsel to the U.S. Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration and to the Department of Justice. Office of Inspector General. The Protected Disclosures one contradict sworn testimony to Congress by a senior, a political appointee, to involve failure to mitigate clear conflicts of interest and the ultimate disposition of the case. And three detail examples of preferential treatment and politics improperly infecting decisions and protocols. That would normally be followed by career law enforcement professionals in similar circumstances. If this subject were not politically connected. Now, notably in an interview with CBS News, when questioned about the credibility of the whistleblower. Little said this. Really doesn’t come down to his credibility, whether you believe him or not. Because the things he’s been through are very well documented and the emails and other communications with the Department of Justice. So things that make you go, Hmm. The Biden administration is alleged to be covering up Biden family crimes. Not exactly hard to believe isn’t, especially given that at a minimum, there’s a video evidence of Hunter Biden committing felonies with an actual cracker. I mean, you think about so many of the absurdities that are out there with these things, right? I mean, here on one hand, we have Trump indicted over a hush money payments to a porn star and to a Playboy playboy model. And on the other hand, we have actual felonies, evidence and video. What a cracker. You cannot make this stuff up. One that is being pursued illegally. The other, no charges that have been brought against, you know, a two tiered system of justice here, picking up and will work in some of your calls as well. 877-381-3811. I’m Brian Mudd in for the great one Mark Levin.

Segment 3

Nixon and I got to know him. He was a very tough guy. He was I guess some people would say this about me, too. He was his own worst enemy. I mean, I can say that a little bit about myself, much less so than people think, I will say. But he was sort of a paranoid guy. Super candid interview that is coming to you eight Eastern Sunday on the Fox News Channel, Life Liberty Levin. You absolutely do not want to miss it, Mark, with the former president live from Mar a Lago. And this is going to be something that you’re really going to enjoy. You get a little flavor from it there, by the way. The great one is at the Reagan ranch this evening. He will be back on Monday. Bromide and for the great one, Mark Levin. And as we are taking a look at. The. Big bombshell stories of the week, a kind of tie together that speak to the big greater corruption within our federal government. But also that’s been part of a longer thing because, again, the Biden family corruption goes back a long way. Right. And a lot of it ties back to China. Who was taking advantage of us around every turn. And more and more, you take a look at what our federal government has been involved in. The tactics that are being used. What we have now come to learn that are straight out of communist China. I mean, where is the distance when our federal government is engaging in the same type of tactics of spying on citizens as the ChiComs are? Where’s the distance when you have institutionalised corruption whereby you do what you can to eliminate political opponents, including the person who has represented the single greatest threat to China. In modern American history, that being Donald Trump. It’s the kind of stuff you can’t make up. Kind of like the Steele dossier. You know, when you read through the Steele dossier. You’re like, Who could even come up with this stuff? It’s always the case that reality is stranger than fiction, right? And you got how they were the Hunter Biden tales, right? I mean, that’s ultimately what we learned. Maybe there was a touch of collaboration in there somewhere, though. I’m not entirely sure. Based upon the videos. Yeah. As I mentioned here, we have Hunter Biden on video committing felonies with an actual crack core. He’s not been charged for anything. I mean, is seven year old hush money payments to to a porn star, to a Playboy model? Get them, man. Make sure that guy goes away. But video evidence of felonies. Yeah. Let alone, you know, the far more severe stuff like, you know, selling out our country to China. Talk about some of that as we continue throughout the course of the show. See how we got a whistleblower and an attorney asserting hard evidence of a two tiered system of justice. Will this be heard? Will Congress allow for this to be heard? That’s even the question right now. I was reaching out to my sources yesterday and today Mum’s the word. There’s been no movement yet. Got a couple of days now where you have this whistleblower. Yeah, I remember Vindman. I mean, who could ever forget Alexander Vindman, the whistleblower of all whistleblowers when we’re going to impeach Trump? You’ve got to let the whistleblowers be heard this very serious. Again, we can not do anything but pursue the law without fear or favor. And no one is above it, of course. But, man, this guy. Oh, but he’s not actually the only one. Even this week, he’s not the only whistle blower. Yeah, no kidding. There’s another story that’s absolutely been buried, and that is something that we will get to in due course as well. Well, let’s go to the phones. We got Tony in Clifton, New Jersey, listening in on the great ABC. Tony, welcome to the show. How are you? Nice. Nice to chat with you tonight, Brian. Doing great. Thanks for listening. So this is a little stunning. The information is stunning. And of course, for those of us who listen to Mark and follow the daily events, we really are never sure where everything is going to be going. But what’s interesting is that we now can have information if this is all verified on Hunter Biden and his doings, because I doubt I always doubt that anything is ever going to happen to Joe Biden. But if they get his son, that would make me happy and that would also put in black and white that his administration sold out. Our country and all these other things make a trail that we believe that that that Joe Biden is an illegitimate president. Based on everything we’re finding out with Twitter and all the suppression of information we needed to know. Yeah, and I always thought he was the legitimate president. Well, Tony, you know, you bring up a couple instructive points. And the first is Joe Biden as president of the United States, the mechanism to deal with him if it is necessary is the impeachment process. Ultimately, he would he would not be arrested as president of the United States. That would be the mechanism. Hunter is obviously fair game. The important aspect of all this is information only to get it out there to the American people. I’ve got a lot more during the course of the show that I’m going to put out that kind of ties more of this together. But one of the big stories that is not being discussed that’s developed over the past week isn’t just this one whistleblower, but it’s that there’s actually been another who’s been attempting to come out and is a former Obama administration official who wants to speak to the corruption that he witnessed. When Joe Biden was vice president with Hunter and he won’t be heard. One of the things that you started thinking about, if you take several steps back in all of this, Joe Biden has been in government since the First World War, I believe, approximately. And having been. As corruptible as we have seen him to be. The number of people who have witnessed misfeasance associated with him and eventually his son. Just imagine no telling how many people there actually are. But one of the big problems you have. First, how many people within the swamp want to give him up? How many people in the swamp are truly incorruptible. How many people are, even if they want to do the right thing. Afraid of their own careers. And what happens if they step out of line? But as we have this one whistleblower, a career IRS guy, a supervisory criminal investigator. As we have another who is a 15 year former White House employee, an Obama administration official. If we get enough people that go, You know what? There’s a chart. Their strength in numbers, their strength in numbers. And so do I expect that any time in the very near future we’re going to have real accountability? I think history has shown us sadly, no. I mean, look how many examples there are right down to the grades conspiracy in the history of these states. United, which was the Trump-Russia collusion conspiracy, the Steele dossier, the paying for that by the Hillary Clinton campaign, the DNC that ended up using their law firm, the getting that through the intelligence agencies, the Justice Department, into the FISA courts, illegally surveilling the candidate and eventually the president himself, when there’s not any any accountability associated with that. Our expectations have to be low. But the difference is twofold. The first is, again, some of this is out there in the open and obvious. It is a fact. It is beyond dispute. There is video evidence of Hunter Biden committing felonies. Now, there’s not video evidence that we are aware of publicly at this point of the felonies that tie him directly to China. But there’s enough other evidence that’s been produced that certainly points to it. The ChiComs are paying the Bidens for something, right? And Hunter Biden miraculously ended up on the board of Burisma for some reason. Right. And so if you can just get enough of these people, they can hold on their strength in numbers here. Maybe we actually have a chance. There’s also another dynamic and this gets into, you know, just the, you know, sheerly theoretical stuff. RFK Junior comes out this week and he announces a a run for president. He’s polling in the double digits. I mean, out of nowhere, right, against an incumbent president tells you how many Democrats are looking for anything else. And so maybe you could have the potential for some of the swamp creatures that maybe are swamp creatures, but they just don’t want another. There are four years of Biden to potentially think this is our opportunity and thrown overboard and to get somebody else and maybe get a candidate they would prefer into the race while there’s still time to do that. There are all types of possibilities along these lines. One of the things I’m going to tie together tonight is where people have information. The problem. As Rush always would say, low information voters. Where we see people getting real information, where people are informed on a lot of this stuff. Their attitude changes. The approval rating for China and the United States right now is 19%. Ironically, there’s a greater percentage of this country using TikTok. Then there is a proving of China. And it just goes to show, you know, the level of ignorance that persist. But there are opportunities and information is the key for sure. Let’s go to Kathleen in Scranton, Pennsylvania. Kathleen, welcome to the show. Hi, Brian. What I’d like to ask about is these 51 intelligence unsigned. The paper that answers laptop was Russian disinformation. We had people like Clapper and Brandon, which are usual, but then Leon Panetta. But the one that really got me was William Webster Ham signing this paper and this laptop for now book by Miranda Devine clearly states a lot of this really was an eye opener. And she goes to it. I love that book. It’s great material. Yeah. And appreciate the call, Kathleen. Yeah. We’re going to get to the Blinken Intel letter coming up in the second hour of the show, because that’s kind of the next layer of all of this and how it’s been going on for years. Of course, to your point, going back to the 2020 election cycle, where right before the election, you have these intel officials, these former intel officials largely that came out and said, oh, yeah, it’s a Russian disinformation, the the laptop. And that was the mechanism that was used for the censorship of the New York Post story. And we now have this State Department that is not commenting. On this development that Blinken is behind it. And we have the Biden administration generally that’s not talking about it. But again, getting the information out there. All it takes. Few people here and there that want to tell the truth. And you can really begin to have this whole thing unravel on them and reach the point where your godless souls and slanders mainstream news media just can’t avoid these stories anymore. That’s the single biggest issue, is simply reaching those that are not informed informational. And it’s easier with somebody like Biden because it’s not like it’s Obama. Where whatever you think Barack Obama, you do have your average Democrat that just loves the guy. You know, for for many Trump supporters, Obama is that guy for for Democrats. And so you are not going to remove them from that relationship. Let’s get real. I mean, there’s a really good chance Joe Biden’s family isn’t even all that fond of the guy. I mean, the guy’s got no support. It’s just a matter of him not having been Trump. And there were passionate voters in his direction because of Trump. But there is an opportunity here, and that’s what we continue to work on, the information we’ll pick up there next. I’m Brian Mudd in for the great one, Mark Levin.

Segment 4

When there’d be the first frost, you’d turn on the windshield wipers. Not a joke. Could it be an oil slick on the window? Literally an oil slick on the front windshield. And how many folks across the country have had similar experiences? You know, we know public health impacts of toxins in air and water, and there’s real, real effects. You cannot make this stuff up. And that, of course, is the the former truck driver himself. Wasn’t he a school bus driver at one point as well? I believe, yes. Said that President Biden today as he was creating yet another federal bureaucracy, this one environmental justice. Yes. We now have an Office of Environmental Justice, as all federal policy must now be viewed through the prism of the impact of race. And environmental justice. In oil slicks and windshields. It’s a real crisis. I’m Brian Mudd in for Mark Levin. And so. Okay. Okay. The two tiered justice system. We’ve got a. Whistleblower and an attorney asserting hard evidence of a two tiered system of justice. Will the whistleblower be allowed to be heard by Congress? Will Adam Schiff call for the whistleblower to be heard the way that he did with Vindman? I’m sure Sheff will call for justice in this case. At about the same time, Alvin Bragg turns down a doughnut. But it would appear that Congress hearing the testimony. And pursuing the claims of the would be whistle blower. Would be the only chance for justice in that particular case. And that’s because the senior political appointee. Who committed perjury before Congress, according to said whistleblower. Yeah, none other than the original fear or favor, man. Merrick Garland. Yeah. Your federal government really? Is that corrupt? Elections have consequences. As a country, we just continue to literally and figuratively pay the price for poor decisions. And that’s why it’s imperative that information early. We do our part to share the message, to spread the truth, because that is what’s missing in this country. And when you take a look at all of this in context, you can see the layers go back to the Obama administration time and time and time again, including with Merrick Garland, which, I mean, hey, all the things about McConnell. But thank God that he kept that guy from becoming a Supreme Court justice. Yeah, we got an uphill battle, but there is room for optimism. But yeah, they do think you’re stupid. We’ll talk about Merrick Garland in Blinken next.