April 20th, 2023

April 20th, 2023

WASHINGTON, DC - APRIL 20: U.S. President Joe Biden meets with Colombian President Gustavo Petro in the Oval Office of the White House April 20, 2023 in Washington, DC. Their meeting is expected to cover a range of topics; including migration, climate change and efforts to counter drug trafficking. (Photo by Drew Angerer/Getty Images)

On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, climate change has nothing to do with science and it never has. If government has the power to regulate air and water, then there are no limits to the power it has. They want to regulate you. It’s also a way to destroy government sovereignty. No scientist will say carbon dioxide is a pollutant – it can’t be because you’re exhaling it. Later, Speaker Kevin McCarthy calls in to discuss his debt ceiling plan, which would raise the debt ceiling in exchange for spending cuts. The real problem isn’t the revenue, it’s the expenditures. President Biden wants to spend more money than we did at the height of the pandemic. If we do nothing, in the next 10 years we will pay $10.5 Trillion just in interest alone.  Afterward, VP Mike Pence calls in with his take on abortion and foreign policy. Democrat’s position on abortion is the extremists’ position – they support taxpayer funding of abortion, up to the moment of birth.  The Biden administration destroyed everything President Trump did in the Middle East. This is the absence of American leadership on the world stage. Finally, Yeonmi Park, who escaped North Korea, calls in to talk about her new book, While Time Remains: A North Korean Defector’s Search for Freedom in America.

NY Post
The left ignores the real Biden Delaware drama to satisfy their bias

NY Post
Attorney General Merrick Garland is ‘senior’ Biden official in Hunter Biden IRS whistleblower claim

Photo by Drew Angerer

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcription of Hour 1

Segment 1

But you have. We have a thousand billionaires in America. No, The average tax rate, they pay 8%. 8%. Eight. AIG, 8%. Not AIG. H. T. E. I. G. H. They pay 8% billionaires in taxes. And tell me on your s corporations that you sent up to cover up your your communist Chinese money. Mr. President, what percentage did you pay on that. He sets up to s corporations. He and Dr. Jill, they set them up so they don’t have to pay Obamacare taxes and Medicare taxes. So he paid zero on all the funds that flowed through the corporations. He’s never released the tax returns on those corporations. You know how much they paid? 000. Now, ladies and gentlemen, here’s the thing. Do you think the federal government has enough money? He says the average billionaire we’ve a thousand pays 8% on their federal income taxes. Now, why is that deceiving? Because you might have corporations that are paying zero. Why? Because they lost money during the pandemic. They don’t have net income on which to pay federal income taxes. So it’s all a game. It’s all very, very deceiving. Our problem in this country is in taxes and tax rates. Our problem in the country is even if you give them everything they want, it’s not going to be enough. Even if you give them 100%, it’s not going to be enough because the Democrat Party exists by stealing money from you in the private sector and spending it themselves. So there’s Biden at the major economics forum at the White House today. What it should be called is the major economics illiteracy form because he’s a moron. But that said, I want you to hear some of the things he has to say. Cut to go with these actions. The United States is on track to achieve a 1.5 degree align goal of cutting emissions by 50 to 52% by 20. He has no idea what he’s saying now. Yeah, the U.S. is on track to achieve a 1.5 degree aligned goal are cutting emissions by 50 to 52% by 2030. Does anybody have any idea what that means? And what is that based on? Which research? Which scientist? Where does this come from? This stuff? It comes from nowhere. Nowhere. I remember when everybody cared about the Amazon. Everybody here Remember when they cared about the Amazon? I remember when they did and remember it was global cooling. And the Amazon is dying. By the way, I am broadcasting from the Ronald Reagan Ranch Center in the middle of liberal ville, Santa Barbara. This is a fantastic place. I’m sitting here looking at President Reagan’s Jeep that he used at his ranch. I’ll be at the ranch tomorrow for a huge event, 25th anniversary of the Young Americans Foundation. YAF acquiring the property, which could have been sold to some private developers or something. But they came in and they saved it. And if you folks want to learn more about this conference center, it’s unbelievable. You can actually come here. Free of charge. You go to YAF, talk wife, talk to one of our great sponsors as well. And there’s other things I’m looking at here. The chair that President Reagan sat in when he made calls to heads of state, just all kinds of cool things. A big chunk of the wall that came down in Berlin. Maybe we can use I on the southern border. Maybe we can use a piece of that. That wall seemed to work, didn’t it? But in any event, that’s where I am. The people here are great, and we have a great event tomorrow. And I just wanted you to be aware of that. ATF talk y ATF dot org, which is FBI spelled backwards. FAI. Right. Nobody cares. All right, so there’s Biden talking about hair by 50 52% or 21 and a half degree aligned goal. I don’t know what that means, but how do they think that they can predict whether by 2030, I don’t care how much carbon we squeeze out of the atmosphere. And as we’ve discussed before, do you know what percentage carbon is of the atmosphere? Does anybody here, no matter what me, the engineer, Do you know Matt? Matt, Come on now. .00 4%. We got to get that down here. See, by. 52 52%. Now, if we eliminate all carbon, human beings are dead. Do you know why? Who here took third grade science? It’s called in taking oxygen, exhaling carbon dioxide. Now what? Out there needs carbon dioxide to create oxygen plants. Plants need carbon dioxide. You see, Joe Biden, Miss third grade science. He forgot. So carbon dioxide is necessary in order to have plants and trees and vegetables and fruits and human beings. The idea that eliminating light bulbs or the combustion engine or whatever the hell’s next on line gas stoves is somehow going to take this massive globe in this massive universe with a sun shining upon us, and it’s going to be able to adjust the climate that takes place now and in six, ten, 12 years is so pathetically stupid, it’s just hard to believe. And so they tell you you’re a climate denier. And the climate denier. I can give you a thousand scientists with all kinds of relevant backgrounds who are climate deniers. If I were to ask Joe Biden today, can you name five experts, five of your experts that you’re relying on for your policies? He couldn’t name one. Could you name any studies? He couldn’t name one. Not one. But he’s worried about the billionaires. We got to get the you know why he’s worried about them? Because he knows you don’t give a damn about them. And that if there’s a thousand of them, it’s a thousand votes. So that’s the way he views it. The way I view it. Some of those billionaires employ tens of thousands of you. Some of those billionaires have created things that you need to survive or to improve your life, the quality of your life. That’s how people become billionaires. They create stuff like computers, like automobiles. God knows what. So they attack success, they attack capitalism. That’s all they know. So that’s what he’s doing at his major economic forum today at the White House. He’s preaching socialism. When we come back, I want to talk about the budget somewhat here because it looks like McCarthy, Speaker McCarthy is being stiffed by Biden and he’s he’s coming on in just a few minutes.

Segment 2

It’s a pleasure to have Speaker McCarthy with us. Speaker McCarthy This debt ceiling issue is coming up and Joe Biden’s given you the stiff arm. He’s got enough time to do whatever he wants to do. Take a junket to Ireland. He won’t even go to Palestine, Ohio. He won’t talk to you. He’s not doing the government’s business. They put in a $7 trillion spending plan with the help of McConnell and some of the other Republicans. And they’re telling you, take it or leave it. What are you going to do about it? And what does a $7 trillion spending plan on top of all the other inflationary spending due to this country? Well, Mark, you raise all the great points. I met with the president on February 1st. I sat down with him. I said, we’ve got to get our house in order. I said, I’ll predetermine what what the agreement has to be, but I’m never going to raise taxes and I’m not going to pass a clean debt ceiling. We can’t afford it. You brought us inflation. We’ve got bank failures now. We’ve got more dependency on China. We’ve got a curve, all that. And so for the last 78 days, he’s just ignored. He doesn’t want to negotiate. He thinks he can take this to the brink and we’ll just buckle. But you know what Republicans are going to do? We’re going to lead. So next week, we’re going to pass what I call the limit save, grow plan. Okay? You’re going to limit what government can spend. So we’re going to cap for the next ten years. We’re going to go back to 2020 to where we were four months ago. You know, it’s not going to kill anybody. Everybody was in a good place. And we’re going to cap growth at 1% a year. We’re going to save money, the taxpayer. We’re going to claw back any money that’s been sitting there. You didn’t spend in the pandemic. The pandemic is over. He signed the bill. And so if it’s money, just bring that back. We’re going to put in work requirements to help people get jobs, their pay and more to Social Security and Medicare. It makes them stronger. We’re going to put the reins, act in to curve them back. And you know, that inflation reduction bill, that that just kind of destroyed the economy. We’re going to repeal that, you know, really simple and then to grow. We’re going to put H.R. one. We’re going to make America energy independent. We’re going to cut the red tape so we could build stuff in America. Again, pretty simple and straightforward. You know, Mr. Speaker, they’re already trying to set up you and your fellow Republicans for a fall here. Schumer’s already saying you won’t be all. So in other words, they lie through their teeth. They’re very good at it. They are given voice by the corrupt media. You know, they’re going to just try and turn the tables. Anything you propose, they’ll say, oh, the little guy is going to get hurt and so forth. And so and they have run this government for years now. Several. Two or three, anyway. And the situation we’re in is thanks to them. Do you think you’re going to have a united front where people can go out and talk to the media, talk to their constituents? Because this is going to need to be done. This has to be we need all the voices out there, because if we do nothing in the next ten years, we’ll pay 10.5 trillion just in interest. But put that in perspective. Since 1940 until today, we’ve always paid 9 trillion in interest in 83 years. The real problem here is it’s not the revenue with our highest point of GDP, 20% of GDP. We’re bringing in a revenue at a 50 year average, only 17. The problem is the expenditures. He’s moved it up normally spend 21% of GDP. He’s at 23.6, going to 25. He wants to spend more money next year than we did at the height of the pandemic. He added 6 trillion. And that’s not counting what he did during COVID. That’s what brought us inflation. We’ve got an unstable world where our allies are running to China. If you want to become less dependent on China, we’ve got to curb this spending. We’ve got to bring the jobs back to America grow. If you want to curb inflation, you’ve got to spend less. Remember what Milton Friedman said. But my favorite. It’s only Washington that can create inflation. And that’s what they’ve done. You know, Mr. Speaker, the other thing is you’ve got the Federal Reserve trying to control the money supply. Then you’ve got the Democrats and the Biden administration massively increasing the the the money supply. So we have these two entities working at cross-purposes. So interest rates, should Biden succeed, are going to go up significantly more. The debt is going to go up significantly more, which means if you’re on on pension or if you’re earning a living with a salary and so forth and so on across the board, it’s going to be disastrous, is it not? It is. Every family has already lost $4,700 because of inflation. They are killing the little person. And mean, you know, the other thing, the hardworking Americans, they’re getting screwed when inflation goes up. But what’s worse is you look at the CBO, what they just said for the first time in the next ten years, three trust funds go insolvent highway, Medicare and Social Security. So for all this talk this guy does, he is the one that automatically is going to cut your Social Security and your Medicare because it goes in automatically, in effect, because of his mismanagement. He thinks he just won’t be in office by then, but it’s going to hit in a little short window. Let me just tell you this to you may or may not agree with me. During the pandemic, it was considered patriotic and righteous. When businesses were shut down, when people lost their jobs, when people lost their livelihoods in the private sector, we were told this is the way there’s a price we have to pay. And the Democrats were saying it in these Democratic controlled cities and states, and they just shut things down. And yet when the government shuts down for a long weekend or a national holiday, nothing happens. And yet Biden’s out there already talking about the apocalypse taking place. Why is it that when this private sector is forcibly shut down, that’s righteous and and patriotic, but when you’re trying to get the government under control because these bombs, they pass this stuff A few weeks before you guys took over the House of Representatives, they knew that you were going to at least challenge them on this, and they did it anyway. Why is that so sacrosanct? We’re going to have you back because we want to address this issue more. And you guys are really you know, you look engaged or ready to challenge Biden. Biden doesn’t want to talk to you. He wants to twist and turn and and do what he normally does. But we can’t we can’t hear you. So we’ll take it. Take care. We’ll get to you next time. I appreciate it. This is a unique speaker. I know some of you were very skeptical. And, you know, time will tell over the course of a period of time. But he’s certainly the most conservative speaker, certainly since Newt Gingrich. And what I find it to be is refreshingly honest and in plain spoken. So all those dweebs whose initials start with, let’s see, Hammer White, a little of flunkies. You were wrong. Now, where’s your apology?

Segment 3

One of the bigwigs here from YAF sitting right across from me making sure I don’t screw this up. Is that right? Yes, it’s Jessica. She’s great, actually. Jessica has been with the F for 18 years. Is that right? Come here, Jessica. Eight years. Correct. And you’re chief of staff and you’re vice president. And you normally operate out of Virginia, and you’re out here because it’s come here so I can tell everybody what’s taking place. I’m sorry. I’m putting her on the spot here. Jessica’s with YAF. And what are we doing here? Why is this important now? Thank you, Mark. We’re celebrating the 25th anniversary of Young America’s Foundation, saving the Reagan Ranch in 1998. And we have you out here to help us do that. And hundreds of our great friends and supporters from around the country, because people don’t know anybody could have walked in and purchased this ranch. Right. And for all we know, they would have developed it or knocked it down or whatever. You folks have secured it. You’re protected it. Most of the things that were at the ranch here in the ranch that belonged to the Reagans are on display now. I’m looking at several of them in this beautiful are Reagan Ranch Center here in Santa Barbara. And I’ve never been here before. So it’s really quite remarkable. If you want to learn more, go to YAF, talk y f dot org, and we’re going to have a fantastic event tomorrow and I’ll tell you all about it on Monday. Thank you, Jessica. Sitting next to me up in the air is Matt. Matt, How are you, buddy? Doing okay. Matt is a man of very few words. Right, Mr. Producer? You notice that. But he knows how to spell the word eight. Do you know how to spell the word eight, Matt? Well, then you got one up on Biden. But you have. We have a thousand billionaires in America know the average tax rate. They pay 8%. 8%. What an idiot. I want to continue down this road because it’s very, very important. Let’s go to cut to Mr. Producer again. Go with these actions. The United States is on track to achieve a 1.5 degree align goal are cutting emissions by 50 to 52% by 2030. And as we look forward to COP 28, we all need to show up in Dubai with 2030 targets and actions align with the Paris temperature goals that have already said we are talking about we have to show up in Dubai with 2030 targets and actions signed with the Paris. I’m not going to Dubai, are you, Mr. Producer? I hear it’s a nice place, but I’m not going. Go ahead. What’s to come if we don’t? More severe droughts, more floods, seas, rising temperatures, rising weather, instability, market unpredictability. Again, remember last week when I read you that long list of all the stuff they claimed was happening as a result of climate change and liberty and tyranny? And that book is 12 or 13 years old, Just keep adding to the list. So when we have floods and droughts excuse me, when we have whatever it is, weather, instability, I don’t even know what that means. Weather instability, It’s not going to be 72 degrees and sunny with five mile per hour winds everywhere. Every day you’re going to have floods, you’re going to have hurricanes, you’re going to have tornadoes. You’re going to have earthquakes. You’re going to have all kinds of stuff going on. And if you think that our cars and our light bulbs and our gas stoves have anything to do with a C rising, then you’re just as stupid as he is. And you don’t know how to spell the word aid either. But what is the source? Of their so-called science. This is what I want to know. But he’s not done. Cat three ago. The United States is taking a bold action to put our energy sector on a path toward net zero emissions by no later than 2050. So let’s stop a second. He’s destroying our economy. Now, that’s one way to get emissions down, by the way, is to destroy our economy. So if people aren’t working, if industries aren’t functioning, if cars aren’t driving because the gas prices are too high. Well, then I guess you can get. Carbon dioxide levels down. But carbon dioxide is not a pollutant. Did you know that America? Carbon dioxide is not a pollutant. In fact, it was a decision by the Supreme Court 5 to 4 in 2005, Massachusetts versus the EPA, where some states brought suit saying, hey, all that pollution coming out of State X is coming into the air and the atmosphere of Massachusetts. And so several of these left wing states purposely brought these suits. To change the way that the EPA regulates the air. Did you know that, Matt? It’s true. 2000 5f524 decision. Justice Stevens wrote for the majority, and he acknowledged that carbon dioxide is not a pollutant per se. However, he said under the Clean Air Act, the EPA has the authority to regulate, and if it makes a determination that something like carbon dioxide is harmful, then it is free to regulate it. In other words, there is not and never has been a statutory basis for any of this, for any of it. This is the way the left works. They don’t care. There is no legal basis or scientific basis for this. None. There is not a scientist on the planet. Who all say that carbon dioxide is a pollutant. Not one, because it’s not. It can’t be because you’re exhaling it. It’s not carbon monoxide. I’m talking about carbon dioxide. And it’s such a tiny percentage of the atmosphere, it has virtually no impact whatsoever, let alone your damn light bulbs and your gas burners and the automobile. Well, it’s man made. They don’t know that. What’s man made? What are they talking about? They don’t know what they’re talking about. This idiot has no idea what he’s talking about. Neither does the other one. Mr. Mashed Potato Face. John Kerry. He has no idea either. Zero net zero emissions by 2050. How are we going to fly our airlines with propellers? Batteries? Solar energy. Notice the use of the words, the language net zero emissions. So I can’t lose. No matter what happens, they’re going to tell you that they’ve succeeded. What they are doing is destroying our economic system. In the 1970s, I’ve written about this and we’ve talked about this. In the 1970s, there was a big meeting of Marxists and anti-capitalists in Europe. It was in France, actually. Might even have been in Paris, come to think of it. And so, you know, this is where the elitists go, where they can have their wine and all the rest. Anyway, so what happened? They put out a manifesto and they made a declaration in that manifesto to degrowth the world economy, starting with the United States. Get back to nature. It’s the degrowth movement. Then they came up with global cooling as propaganda. Then they came up with global warming as propaganda. Now they call it climate change. So if there’s cooling. Or warming or nothing. It’s your fault. This is all part of the way they intend to manage you and centralize power. And they are killing the economy and they’re going to kill prosperity. They’re going to spread poverty. That’s what they’re going to do. Look at these little countries that jumped all in. I think Sri Lanka was one. Remember what happened there? They had a depression. Their economy. While de-growth in their economy was over 30%. We’re going to put everything on electricity. We don’t have enough electricity. As the idiot governor of California with the brownouts and the blackouts. Would you do us a favor? What’s that? Would you charge your vehicles at night? They don’t even have a lot of. Electric vehicles in California anywhere. Please charge them at night. And while you’re at it, please don’t do your laundry at night. Please don’t do your dishes at night. So we should all stay home and charge our cars and do our laundry and dishes during the day. Well, what happens if we do that? They’re still not going to have enough electricity. Meanwhile, they’re shutting down hydroelectric plants. They’re shutting down coal mines. Guess what? Coal is used to produce what? Electricity. They’re shutting down drilling. Guess what? We need natural gas. To produce. What? Electricity. Electricity isn’t just created on its own. Guess what? We’re not building any new nuclear power plants. Where is this energy going to come from? Well, we could build a pipeline to Chuck Schumer’s hair. I see a lot of oil there, and maybe that’ll do the trick, but I don’t think it’s the kind of oil that we can refine because he’s not a very refined guy to begin with.

Segment 4

As you well know, I speak for myself. So I speak for myself. It’s a big lawsuit that was settled the other day. And I’ve been on social media several times calling on the rest of the media to reveal their texts, their emails, their notes, any documents they have, any audio or video they have of their internal workings and communications. Journalist A journalist involving their editors, producers involving their management and executives, board members, shareholders and anybody else. And not one of them has agreed to do it. You don’t have to be sued to do that. You can do that voluntarily. I have challenged fake Jake TAPPER to do it. Silence. He still has that stupid look on his face. I have challenged them to do it at merciless de Nicole Wallace. Joe Scarborough. And Mika. Nothing. John Heilemann. Hi, Heilemann. He won’t do it either. Then we move to the New York Times and the Washington Compost over there at the New York Slimes. We have the likes of Maggie Haberman. She hasn’t released any of her communications. Neither is Jeremy. And as Peter’s. And then we move over to the Washington Compost where Philip Butt is sitting on his butt and Philip but hasn’t released any of his over it media, which has all this dark money pouring in, apparently, and donors who are very excited about them because all they do is collect clips of Fox hosts and anti-Trump and die. DeSantis They’re sort of a knock off of media matters. Why don’t they release all of their internal communications? Why don’t you do that, boys and girls? And of course, media matters for non-Americans over there. The Soros funded operation dare not do that either. Or the list of their dark money donors, either because they’re all frauds, phonies and corrupt hypocrites. That’s why all their lies about the 2016 election were they said it was illegitimate and they apologized to the American people. They apologize to anybody. All their lies about Russia collusion. Have they apologized to Donald Trump or any of the people who they attacked? No, of course they haven’t. No, they haven’t. And I could go on and on and on and one day I will. The fact of the matter is, these are frauds or just out to destroy a competitor that they can’t even compete with. Do you realize CNN has no ratings? Do you realize, hey, they rerun running at 8 p.m. Eastern Time on Sunday and I crushed Anderson Cooper. Anderson, you should resign in shame. Do you understand, Anderson, as many people are listening to you on CNN as if you had two orange cans tied together with a string, speaking into one end and having the other end hanging out your window, yelling as loud as you can. Nobody wants to hear what you say. Nobody cares. CNN is a useless carbon footprint. And over there at MSNBC, we have Al Jazeera, which is bad enough. Why do we need MSNBC when we have Al Jazeera? This I don’t know. Now we have more more idiocy coming from the left and their Marxist ideology. You won’t want to miss it. We also have a great guest next hour in the hour after that as well. So we have a lot to do here from the Ronald Reagan Ranch Center in Santa Barbara at our conference.