April 12th, 2023

April 12th, 2023

US President Joe Biden reacts as he delivers a speech at the Windsor Bar in Dundalk, on April 12, 2023, as part of a four days trip to Northern Ireland and Ireland for the 25th anniversary commemorations of the "Good Friday Agreement". (Photo by Jim WATSON / AFP) (Photo by JIM WATSON/AFP via Getty Images)

On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, we have three huge Democrat scandals that aren’t being investigated. First, an alleged Democrat money laundeing scheme. Some Democrat supporters appear to have been donating multiple small amounts of money in other donor’s names and the DOJ has done nothing. Second, Biden lied about his contact with Hunter Biden’s business partners as Vice President. Third, DA Alvin Bragg enlisted the help from the lawfirm Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison to try and take down Donald Trump. This law frim is tied to Sen Chuck Schumer and therefore Joe Biden. Why is Bragg bringing in more Democrat lawyers? Later, why won’t Biden hold a formal press conference? It’s like he has one foot in the witness protection program. Is he too busy waving at invisible bunnies? Finally, the war on capitalism and prosperity, the war on independent energy – outlawing the combustion engine by regulation (some states doing it flat out), targeting gas stoves, HVAC systems, all perpetrated by ideologues.

PJ Media
The Democrats Don’t Want You to Read This Article About Their (Alleged) Ginormous Money Laundering Scam

Fox News
Hunter Biden’s business partners, assistants visited White House over 80 times when Biden was VP

Blaze Media
White House logs reveal George Soros’ son has made at least 14 visits

The Federalist
Manhattan D.A. Enlisted A Who’s Who Of Biden Admin Buddies For Trump Takedown

Daily Caller
‘Absolutely Not!’: Reporter Grills Jean-Pierre On Why Biden Won’t Hold Press Conferences

CNS News
America Imported $78.8 Billion in ‘Cell Phones and Other Household Goods’ From China in 2022


The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcript of Hour 1

Hour 1 Segment 1

Well, the Democrats don’t want you to know about this. A number of excellent columnists have been writing about this. And now Kevin Downey Jr. At PJ Media. The Democrats don’t want you to read this article about their alleged ginormous money laundering scam. Oh, do tell. You ready? These people are corrupt as hell. They want to limit free speech. They want to undermine freedom of the press. They want to put these enormous limits on what you can contribute. And then they steal their corrupt. Public records show some Democrats supporters appear to have been donating multiple small amounts of money, sometimes dozens of times a day that add up to tens of thousands of dollars. Naturally, the Department of Injustice seems to be too busy to look into what’s likely a colossal money laundering scheme while the DOJ spends its time chasing terrorists, parents who attend school board meetings and mother daughter interaction teams, individual straw donors are apparently unwittingly being used to make thousands of donations every year worth hundreds of thousands of dollars, if not more. Shocking. No, no, no. There’s no fraud in these campaigns. You don’t understand. Here’s how it works. Person makes a donation to a left leaning politician or organization. Bogus donors then continue to make donations, sometimes thousands of them using the original donors identity. Many of the exploited donors are elderly and or unemployed and have no idea their names and addresses are being used in their bogus donation scam. The top so-called donor in Arizona supposedly made 18,672 contributions and only three years, according to public records, which breaks down to just over 17 donations a day. Another person allegedly donated more money than the value of her home. Still, another Tucson woman claims she didn’t make the 18,000 donations made in her name to the tune of $170,000, despite what the Federal Election Commission records show. A New Orleans man whose occupation was listed as not employed allegedly made 847 separate donations for a total of over $18,000. The James O’Keefe O’Keefe Media Group, AMG, formerly Project Veritas, recently confronted some of the straw donors, many of whom appeared to have no idea their identities were being used to funnel millions of dollars to Democratic candidates. It’s incredible. A lot of money went through the far left donation organization ActBlue. ActBlue, whose website boasts of raising billions since 2004. Some of that money was sent to lefty groups such as Black Lives Matter. The burning question is this. If these people aren’t making thousands of nations every year, which seems wildly improbable that they are, then who is? Is the money coming from overseas? We don’t know. We don’t know. So they get an individual’s name and then make thousands and thousands of donations through that individual’s name to God knows how many candidates. And it’s not the individual. Now, what’s the Department of Injustice doing about that? Nothing. Absolutely nothing because the Democrat Party is corrupt as hell. You want to hear more? Fox News, Hunter Biden’s business partners and assistants visited the White House over 80 times when Joe Biden was vice president. Now remember Joe Biden saying, I don’t know anything about my son’s business activities and yet his name appears over and over again and emails and texts. He’s the big guy. He’s Mr. 10%. He goes golfing with these people. That’s another thing. And yet, according to Peter Schweitzer, who hasn’t been contradicted yet. Former professor at Stanford. I think Peter was. The Bidens have made $31 million from the communist Chinese government. $31 million. Want to hear about this. For business partners. Fox News reports a vice president to assistance at Hunter Biden’s now defunct firm visited the White House more than 80 times when his father was vice president in the Obama administration. Fox News Digital has determined President Biden has repeatedly insisted he had no knowledge of Hunter’s business dealings amid dual criminal and congressional investigations into the first son and his family. But Joan Mayer, who says she was the vice president of Hunter’s now defunct investment firm Rosemont Seneca Advisors for nine years, she says on LinkedIn made at least 17 visits to the White House during that time, according to visitor logs reviewed by Fox News Digital in October 2009, Mayer attended a vice presidential briefing and met with then Biden aide Danielle Boren. Less than a month later, she met with then Biden executive Assistant Nancy Orloff in the West Wing. In July 2013, she met in the West Wing with Kellen Suber, another executive assistant to Vice President Biden at the time. According to the logs, in December 2013 and 2014, Mayer attended a holiday reception for the vice president’s White House residence at number one Observatory Circle. According to visitor logs in September 2015, she attended a Jewish community reception at the vice president’s residence. She also met with Caitlin Demers, who was serving as an associate counsel in the and Biden’s office in June 2016 at the Eisenhower Executive Office Building, which houses the vice president’s ceremonial office. Now, why is she meeting with all these people and invited to all these things? Another former Hunter Biden assistant, Anne Marie Pearson, visited the Obama White House at least five times before she left the firm in 2014 to join then-Vice President Biden’s staff, according to visitor logs. One of those visits included an April 2014 meeting with Cathy Chung, the former Biden aide who currently serves as the Pentagon’s deputy director of protocol. It was likely interview related ahead of starting her job there. Throughout much of her five year tenure working for Biden during the Obama administration, Chung regularly communicated with Hunter, transmitting information about his father’s schedule and passing messages directly from the then vice president to honor and assistance in Hunter’s office. Fox News Digital previously reported a May 2014 person was hired as a staff assistant to then vice president. Her brother, Francis Frank Person, was a longtime Biden aide who left the White House just a few months after she joined Biden’s office. So the brother leaves, the sister moves in. Fox Business previously reported a fraying person’s ties to Hunter and how Rosemont Seneca Advisors had a financial stake in a company run by Fran and a Chinese executive with ties to officials at some of the highest levels of the Communist Party of China. Person previously claimed that Hunter Biden, Rosemont, Seneca Advisors or any affiliate or associate have never held any equity in any Harvest’s affiliated company. Despite multiple emails from Hunter and his business partner Eric Schwerin, contradicting this claim. Fran, we go to visit the White House at least seven times after he left his role there and later became a top executive at the Harvest Group, a D.C. based affiliate of Communist China’s Harvest Century Group, a top tier private Chinese real estate development firm, according to a 2015 email. Person previously told Fox News Digital the visits for personal nature that he was visiting with old colleagues and friends. What do you have going on here? Let me some this your people who’s who are working with Hunter Biden has various businesses. We’re going in and out of the White House constantly. Constantly. Dealing constantly with the vice president’s office. Attending events under the auspices of the vice president. You have people who work for the vice president, then later working with Hunter Biden. And in no time at any place in any way is Joe Biden told about any association. With any of the businesses with Hunter Biden ever. We also there’s also photos out there and we’ve seen them off of Joe Biden. Playing golf, having golf clubs, standing with. Individuals who were partners. With Hunter Biden. And again, nobody’s ever brought up a single time over all those years. Any business association. With Hunter and the communist regime in China, the corrupt regime in Ukraine at the time, or the money from the ex Moscow mayor’s wife? Nothing. Zero. Now, nobody believes that. Both person, siblings, the brother and sister kept in frequent contact with Hunter. And Schwerin, his partner, then president of Rosemont Seneca Advisors, during their Obama Biden administration roles using their government emails. That’s illegal, by the way. Fox News Digital previously reported. So here they are working out of the vice president’s office in regular communication. With Hunter Biden’s business. Using government emails. But don’t worry, nobody knew nobody. Joe Biden wasn’t told by now. Keep it back. Joe Biden’s brother, Jim, was doing business with the communist Chinese. In addition to Joe Biden’s son, Hunter, in addition to the fact when Joe Biden left the vice presidency, the communist Chinese put the bulk of the money up for the pen Biden Center in Washington, DC, where Joe Biden was paid $900,000 for doing nothing. Zippo. That’s how you launder money from a foreign company to a politician. Person in mayor did not respond to Fox News digital inquiries on whether they discussed Rosemont Seneca business during their many visits with White House officials. Schwerin again, Hunter’s partner, who managed almost every aspect of the financial life of the Bidens, according to Hunter’s ex-wife, was no stranger to the White House when Biden was vice president. He visited at least 27 times. He met with and married person at least three times between February and June 2016. Steve Ricchetti, who currently serves as Biden’s White House counselor, also met with Schwerin again, Hunter’s partner at least twice in 2016. The two visit occurred in Room 272 on February 20 91276 on August 17. Old Executive Office Building. Lots and lots of meetings between Hunter’s people, Biden’s people, as well as the incestuous relationships, as well as the fact that Hunter was Biden’s son. And no question, they had communications. Now, in addition, it’s hard to keep track. Just stick with me, an additional person and Ricchetti. Sure. We made three other visits with staffers from Vice President Biden’s office in 2016. Remember, Schwerin is Hunter’s partner, including John McGrail, who was a counselor to Biden, a lawyer to Biden. At the White House. He also met with Caitlin Demers. Who is serving as an associate counsel in Biden’s office in 2016. She served as special assistant to President Biden and later chief of staff to Ron Klain until last summer. You know, folks, this is so sleazy. No wonder they don’t want a special counsel to investigate this. Imagine all the testimony under oath in front of a grand jury. Going through the list of meetings that took place, subpoenaing all the phone calls and text messages and emails and going through them one by one by one. Can you imagine that? And this story goes on and on and on. Rob Walker, another one, one Hunter. Biden’s former business partner, Sir Rosemont. Seneca appeared at the White House 16 times when Biden was vice president. Walker’s name resurfaced last month when the House Oversight Republicans said they obtained records shown members of the Biden family received more than $1 million in payments from accounts related to Walker and their Chinese business ventures in 2017. Devin Archer, there’s more. I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 2

And I gave you more names here than it’s possible to follow or digest. And there’s actually more names in the article about the visits, about the the overlap in employment. It’s enormous. It’s incredible. It’s overwhelming. And the amounts of money that the Bidens got from these foreign governments is incredible. Tens of millions of dollars. How can there be no special counsel investigating Joe Biden? But Donald Trump is indicted for a larger issue. Oh, he called it a legal expense. And the answer is simple The Department of Justice is corrupt. Alvin Bragg is corrupt. The Democrat Party is corrupt. Why don’t they investigate this? This is a damn big deal. But apparently not enough. You won’t see it in the front page of The Washington Post, The New York Times. You won’t hear about it on the Crap News Network or MSOs, the NBC, ABC, CBS, or the rest of them. Why? Because they don’t care. They’re rooting for the Democrats. I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 3

Hey you know who else has been visiting the White House while we’re at it over at The Blaze? George Soros has proven himself instrumental fronting radical left causes over the years. But at the age of 90 to the open society he is sought after needs a new champion. The billionaire’s 37 year old son. Alexander Soros. Appears to be the new champion. Pearce, keen to carry on his father’s legacy of propping up radicals and technocrats. Recently updated White House visitor logs. They reveal that Alexander Soros has the ear of prominent officials and staffers inside the Biden administration, having visited the White House at least 14 times since Biden took office. I’m thinking 14 times, that is. Think about that. 80 times people associated with Hunter Biden’s businesses. Have visited the White House when Biden was vice president. 80 times, 14 times. 14 times. It’s like once every other month. Source. His son has visited the White House. His son shares his father’s Open Society Foundation and sits on the board of the European Council on Foreign Relations. Now there’s a Democratic fundraiser and University of California Berkeley grad. Hold on. Sorry, folks. I don’t know what that is. One second. Got it. Computers acting weird. So he’s a University of California Berkeley grad. Democrat fundraiser routinely takes selfies with left wing elites and left wing politicians such as Macron of France, Obama, Pelosi, Booker of New Jersey. Schumer of New York. And so forth. But of course, the globe. A march 30 White House revealed just how often in recent years Soros has haunted the White House. He said, attended a luxurious state dinner hosted by Biden and First Lady Jill on December one. He has met with Chief of Staff Ron Klain. Advisor Nina Roberts far. Earlier in that day. The next day, Soares met with both adviser to the counselor, to the president. Mariana, Adam and deputy national security adviser Jonathan Finer. Soros had on other occasions met with a national security adviser, Stanford excuse me, and other personnel close to the president’s inner circle. Matt Palumbo. Author and essayist who has investigated the Soros empire, told Fox and Friends First, who is notable that most of Soros’s White House visits involve national security. National security. And it goes on. So people with a lot of connections, a lot of business interests with the White House and so forth. They get in there a lot, as it turns out. They get in there a lot in this thread as I continue to pull all these stories together. We just talked about the the donors who are cheating the system, who are not being investigated. We just talked about the. The Hunter Biden business partners and associates who streamed in and out of the White House when Biden was vice president. And even now we just talked about, sources say, one son who streams in and out of the White House. Yesterday, we talked about the information that was brought to us. Bye bye. American Legal. And Reed Rubinstein. About how. Special request in violation of the federal statute by the Biden White House. Scott Archives Documents to the DOJ to Investigate Trump at Mar a Lago. That is a huge story. America first legal. And now we have this from the Federalist Manhattan D.A. enlisted a who’s who of Biden administration buddies for a Trump takedown. By Margot Cleveland, who’s been writing quite a while. It’s quite good. And New York City law firm with strong ties to Democrats and the Biden administration and a big time fundraiser for both lent the Manhattan district attorney three lawyers to help them take down Donald Trump. This cohort included former special Assistant District Attorney Mark Pomerantz, whose leaked resignation letter appears responsible for the Manhattan prosecutor’s decision to indict Trump. I remember you might remember that brag dropped the case and then all of a sudden picked it up again. The U.S. attorney’s office said there’s no case here. The Federal Election Commission said there’s no case here. Manhattan D.A. Alvin Bragg became the first prosecutor to bring such charges against a former president. The pathetic bare bones, a diagnosis quickly denounced by pundits on both sides of the aisle. Then on Friday, the House Judiciary Committee raised additional concerns about the role. Matthew Cole again got out. The former number three man in the Biden administration’s Department of Justice played in targeting a Trump. Matthew C o. L, a NGO. Colangelo. Matthew Colangelo. That would make him the Associate Attorney General of the United States. The Biden’s Justice Department. While Bragg’s hiring of Colangelo to reportedly jumpstart the investigation into Trump further indicates the indictment was politically motivated, the Manhattan DA’s office and its unprecedented use of outside Democratic connected lawyers to investigate Trump. While it even predates killing his arrival by nearly a year. Now, let’s slow down because this is important. Why would Alvin Bragg bring in outside lawyers to investigate Trump? I mean, they investigate the mob. They investigate Wall Street. It’s Manhattan, after all. They investigate the most complicated criminal activity you can imagine. Why do they need to bring in these two people? These two Democrats. Why did they later need to bring in the number three guy at the Department of Justice under Biden, The number three guy? Did you even know this, folks? In early to mid February of 2021. Bragg’s predecessor, Cyrus Vance, arranged for private criminal defense attorney and former federal prosecutor Mark Pomerantz to be a special assistant district attorney for the Manhattan DA’s office. Pomerantz, whom the New York Times noted was to work solely on the Trump investigation. Nothing else. Took a temporary leave of absence from his law firm, Paul Weiss, Rifkind Wharton Garrison. That is a huge law firm. We had defended former Senator Robert Torricelli against alleged campaign finance violations. So this lawyer is a Democrat Party hack. Slip and fall. But even before being sworn in as special assistant to the D.A., Pomerantz had reportedly, quote, been helping with the case informally for months. During the New York Times. The hiring of an outsider is a highly unusual move for a prosecutor’s office. Yes, it is highly unusual. One must wonder then, how much more unusual it is for the Matin D.A. DA’s office to receive the informal assistance of a private criminal defense lawyer? That actually might be a legal. The legacy news outlet, however, justified the hiring of Pomeranz. Based on the, quote, usual unusual complexity, unquote, of the two and a half year investigation. The former president’s family has very complex. A nondisclosure agreement. Unbelievably complex. A few months later, the DA’s office welcomed two more outsiders Alyssa Abbott Huff and Caroline Williamson. Who else about took leaves of absence from the New York law firm? The same law firm. Paul Weiss to work on the Trump investigation solely and only as special assistant days for a law firm to lend. Not one but three lawyers to the Manhattan’s DA’s office seems rather magnanimous until you consider that Paul Weiss’s previous generosity to Joe Biden. During Biden’s White House run. The law firm itself hosted a 20 $800 per plate fundraiser for about 100 guests. The chair of the Paul Weiss law firm, Brad Karp, also topped the list of Biden fundraisers by at least $100,000 for the then candidate. As someone who cares passionately about preserving the rule of law, safeguarding our democracy, protecting our fundamental liberties. I’ve been delighted to do everything I possibly can to support the job by Kamala Harris doing it, Karp wrote in an email. Karp Support of the Democrat presidential ticket isn’t surprising, given that his fellow Paul Weiss partner, Robert Schumer. Is Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer’s brother. Listen to. They’re head of this law firm. The head of this law firm’s partner. As Robert Schumer, Chuck Schumer’s brother, and this law firm gave three of its partners. To brag in the DA’s office. To investigate Trump. There’s your Schumer connection and there’s your Biden connection. In fact, Biden’s connection to the firm dates back further back when former Secretary of Homeland security in the Obama administration, Jeh Johnson, also heralding from Paul Weiss. Once elected president, Biden nominated Jonathan Kanter, a former partner of Paul Weiss, to serve as the top antitrust enforcement officer at the Department of Justice. In fact, according to Bloomberg. Paul Weiss has emerged as Biden. Aaron New York Power Center. Got that. That means it’s law Firm Paws raises a fortune in money with its connections to Biden and Schumer. And they can’t afford a Trump presidency. Folks, this is a massive, massive scandal. The third one I’ve talked about tonight. The Democrat Party money laundering. Joe Biden lying about all the contacts when he was vice president with his sons, partners and everything. And now this law firm, Paul Weiss. And it’s ties to Schumer. Schumer’s brother is a partner. And its enormous ties to Biden. And the three lawyers said it gives voluntarily at no cost temporarily, who are focused on getting Trump in the DA’s office. Wonder why The New York Times didn’t put this on the front page. There’s a resignation letter. Leaked to The New York Times. Pomerantz said that in late 2021, Briggs predecessor, Vance, had concluded that the facts warranted prosecution, and he directed the team to present evidence to a grand jury and to seek an indictment of Mr. Trump and other defendants as soon as reasonably possible. But after replacing Vance as D.A., Bragg decided not to go forward with the grand jury presentation and not to seek criminal charges at the present time, Pomerantz wrote, adding the investigation has been suspended indefinitely. This is why the house. Republicans on the Judiciary Committee want to talk to this guy, Pomerantz. There’s a lot here that the media are not reporting. But Palmer answers letter did not say was that in late 2021, at least three career prosecutors asked to move off. The investigation reportedly concerned the investigation was moving too quickly without clear evidence to support possible charges. So not the outsiders, but three career prosecutors said, what are we doing here with Trump? Stating his resignation, Pomerantz declared he believes, quote, Donald Trump is guilty of numerous felony violations, unquote. That caught the public interest warrants the criminal prosecution of Mr. Trump, unquote, and that, quote, such a prosecution should be brought without any further delay, unquote. And that letter was leaked to The New York Times. Gee, I wonder if this jackass dare. And then he writes an entire book. An entire book. Pomerantz later rejoined Paul Weiss, the law firm, and authored a book about the Trump investigation. And Pomeranz is lighter in his claims that Bragg suspended the Trump probe, triggered a political firestorm with the Manhattan D.A. sought to quell by telling the public the investigation was ongoing. And we know what happened after that. After the break. I want to do more of connecting the dots. I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 4

 So now you know why Jim Jordan and his staff for the committee are focusing in on this guy, Barack Obama? Because, ladies and gentlemen, this was a Democrat Party. Biden orchestrated indictment of President Trump. That’s exactly what just took place here. As they point out, the issue goes beyond Colangelo. Remember the number three at Justice, who this district attorney has now hired for? It seems like Brag never would have hired him at Pomerantz. His resignation letter never been leaked to The New York Times. It’s outrageous that Pomerantz was reportedly informally, quote unquote, inviting the former Manhattan D.A. while working for the Biden era New York power center law firm with extensive connections to Democrats. The same law firm where Chuck Schumer’s brother is a partner. Equally outrageous is the fact that that same law firm lent the DA’s office three lawyers who worked specifically and only on the Trump address first occasion. No wonder Alvin Bragg went into federal court asking a federal court to stop. Pomeranz from having to testify in front of this committee. And I hope the judge in the case is listening to this program. The federal district judge. She made a ruling today that she would not issue a temporary restraining order. That’s an important ruling that Bragg had sought. So she wants to hear more arguments. But there’s clearly a federal purpose here and a congressional oversight purpose here. And I’ll give you the simple two that I mentioned the other day. Number one, this Democrat law firm, this Democrat D.A., are interfering with a federal election. They’re certainly influencing a federal election by conducting itself the way it has and bringing these charges. So whether you like it or not, lefties, there’s clearly a a federal cause of action. But apart from a cause of action, Congress doesn’t need a federal cause of action. It just needs some connection and a legislative purpose. It’s a very broad authority given to Congress. And under the right circumstances, for Congress to exercise. So they’re not interfering with a criminal case. They’re trying to find out why a federal election is being tampered with. And number two, this is a national issue that goes well beyond the boundaries of Manhattan. It affects the Republican primary and it affects the general election. So this isn’t a local matter. It’s not even a state matter. It is a federal matter where the local district attorney intervened in a federal election. It’s not a local matter. And he did it for a reason. He did it on purpose. But that’s even beside the point. Pomerantz wrote a book. In my view, in clear violation of the ethics rules of New York and every other state in this country. Talking about the investigation of what took place. The fact now that he’s being asked to do virtually the same thing under oath. Should not be a problem in the least. That is at all. Maybe Mr. Bragg should have had Mr. Pomerantz sign a nondisclosure. Agreement, don’t you think, Mr. Peters? Or maybe Mr. Pomerantz, in his own way, is a porn star for writing a book like that after being a professor? These are all Democrat hacks and a Democrat hack law firm. They manipulated the system. They didn’t think they get smoked out. They were smoked out by the Federalists. And now the whole country knows the sleaze that took place. I’ll be back.