April 11th, 2023

April 11th, 2023

NEW YORK, NEW YORK - APRIL 04: Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg speaks during a press conference following the arraignment of former U.S. President Donald Trump April 4, 2023 in New York City. Former U.S. President Donald Trump pleaded not guilty to 34 felony counts stemming from hush money payments in 2016. With his indictment, Trump will become the first former U.S. president in history to be charged with a criminal offense. (Photo by Kena Betancur/Getty Images)

On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, Alvin Bragg is interfering in a federal election which is why there is national interest in his case against Donald Trump. Trump is leading in the polls and Bragg knows this, and objectively he is affecting the electoral process by indicting Trump on an issue that lies at the federal court level and has already been dismissed. We have Marxists within the Democrat party literally destroying our country and our economy, which leaves our military powerless to stop the communist regimes around the world. China and Russia are trying to gain a foothold in our hemisphere in the Caribbean and have been waiting for weak U.S leadership, which is exactly what they have now under President Biden. If federal law enforcement and federal agencies were more focused on their jobs instead of targeting patriotic meetings, this wouldn’t be going on. China has built up the largest navy in the world and isn’t stopping and is partnering up with other communist nations around the world. World War III has already begun, and we just don’t know it yet; the enemy is waging it and the first battle is in Ukraine.

Daily Caller
Manhattan DA Sues Jim Jordan To Stop Him From Investigating Trump Case

Miami Herald
Pentagon’s leaked docs show Russia and China’s reach in Latin America and the Caribbean

Washington Post
Egypt secretly planned to supply rockets to Russia, leaked U.S. document says

VILE Reid: GOP Likes ‘Lynching Vibe’, Doesn’t Care About Gun Deaths

Biden Hack Jen Psaki Calls Herself A Journalist

Photo by Kena Betancur

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Rough transcript of Hour 1

Hour 1 Segment 1

Let me help our friends up on Capitol Hill, Jim Jordan’s committee, and let me educate our and brag who really must have flunked law school, he says today in a federal lawsuit brought in the Southern District of New York, essentially that Congress has no jurisdiction in a local prosecutorial matter. And he’s asking the court to told Congress to butt out. Now, the simple answer to that isn’t even that there’s federal money involved. I have better answers, and I hope they’re listening on Capitol Hill, number one. Mr. Bragg is interfering in affecting and influencing a federal election of this. There is no doubt. There is no question. That’s why there’s national interest in this. Donald Trump is the Republican. Who’s leading in the polls for the nomination. Where that ends, I don’t know. But that’s the point. And so Mr. Bragg knows this. The fact is, objectively speaking, he is effecting. He’s affecting an electoral process, a federal electoral process. Number two, as such, this is a matter that reaches well beyond. Manhattan, New York. This is a matter that reaches throughout the nation. And ironically. That’s why he’s in federal court. Maybe he didn’t go to state court. He went into federal district court. Because it’s a federal matter. Isn’t he an idiot? I think he’s an idiot. But here’s what he knows. New York is a Democrat Party cesspool. The courts are full with Democrat hacks. Prosecutorial offices are full of Democrat hacks. The entire justice system, so-called, is filled with Democrat hacks. So of course, there are numerous federal issues here. And the Federal Court can do one of two things in throwing out this case. Number one, Mr. Bragg, why are you here? Well, it’s a federal matter. You need to stop. Oh, okay. You just defeated your argument. Number two, Mr. Bragg, clearly there are federal issues here. And so I’m throwing your case out because Congress has wide latitude to hold hearings. And I don’t think there’s any question that the criminal process that you have triggered. Will affect a Republican primary process and a presidential election. So, of course, there’s federal jurisdiction. Of course, there’s a legislative purpose by Congress. Case closed. It’s over. It’s done with. I had a waste literally 5 minutes of your time and your intelligence on this. Could I be wrong? No. Could a court rule differently? Yes. But I am not wrong. I am correct. Whoever leaked the top secret information. Whoever leaked these documents, these Pentagon documents. About Russia and China and all this information about their plans with Ukraine. About their reach into Latin America and the Caribbean. About the decline of the United States. That person has committed a treasonous act and they should face the death penalty. That’s correct. I don’t care who they are. I don’t care what party they’re in. I don’t care if they have five stars on their shoulders or no stars at all. I don’t care if they’re in the military or not. I don’t care if they’re combat heroes or not. This. Is what? Treason looks like this. And here’s a piece. In the Miami Herald. A recent leak of U.S. classified intelligence reports appears to confirm what many Latin American and Caribbean watchers have warned about in recent years. Russia and China trying to gain a foothold amid waning U.S. leadership. Excuse me, I’ve been talking about this month after month after month. On Fox behind this microphone on live TV. Screenshots of some of those documents obtained by the Miami Herald show that Russian mercenaries were planning to pitch a plan to provide security in Haiti after months of unsuccessful negotiations led by the United States to form a multinational force to help tackle escalating armed gang violence in the Caribbean nation. They also reveal that the Russian government was trying to use Brazil’s offer to mediate in a war the Kremlin launched against Ukraine to its advantage. Also according to the highly classified document. Mark, why are you reading? It’s all over the media, America. If I just keep quiet about it, it’s not going to change a damn thing. I want to confront this and address it. China’s benefiting from. From the Russian Ukraine war in countries like Nicaragua, where Moscow was a key security partner. National Security Council spokesman here, John Kirby, said. President John by John Biden. Joe Biden was briefed last week when the administration, quote, first got word that there were some documents out there, end quote. Asked if there were more documents circulating and if they believed the leak had been contained, Kirby said, We don’t know. We truly don’t know. Yeah, they are busy on Trump. Is he in Mar a Lago? Evan Ellis, a research professor of Latin American studies at the U.S. Army War College Strategic Studies Institute, said that as a U.S. government civilian employee could not confirm or deny or explicitly comment on leaked classified documents. But public source documents clearly show U.S. officials have growing concern about Russia, China and Iran’s presence in our hemisphere. This was not going on under Trump. The region, quote, is at an unprecedented level of political and economic crisis. In which you have many different states, he said, which are kind of teetering on the edge in terms of whether they continue to be transparent democratic regimes or something more radical, said Alice. The sensitive material mainly contained secret U.S. intel assessments. But the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Copies of the documents started circulating on various social media sites weeks ago. So the Miami Herald cannot independently verify them. Pentagon officials have acknowledged most are authentic, though some appear to have been altered. The FBI is investigating the source of the leak. Wow. You mean they’re going to take some of their agents off of the pursuit of January 6th? Trespassers. You see, folks, maybe if federal law enforcement, meaning the FBI, maybe if our intelligence agencies, maybe if the Defense Department bureaucracy were focused on their damn jobs. Rather than chasing innocent American citizens. Whether they be people trespassing on January six, then no more. Or people who are. Or are peacefully protesting at abortion clinics. Our parents are protesting at school board meetings. Maybe this crap wouldn’t be going on. For God’s sakes. One report, relying on information collected by the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration, said that as of late February, members of the Russian mercenary force, they Wagner Group planned to discreetly travel to Haiti to assess the potential for contracts with any government to fight against local gangs. What surprised me that Wagner would be looking for a business opportunity czar said, adding that he has no personal knowledge of their plans. Oh, you don’t say. Another report says that as of late February, Russian foreign affairs officials favored a Ukraine mediation proposal presented by Brazil’s recently re-elected president, Brazil’s president, as a communist. That’s why he’s working with the Communist Chinese. Nicaragua’s president is a communist. Its president for life, Daniel Ortega. You may remember Reagan chased him out of the hemisphere, but he’s back. In Chile, which used to be a free market democracy. Chile is a hardened socialist regime, turning more and more toward Marxism. It’s shocking. Bolivia is led by a marxist. We know about Venezuela. We know about Cuba. And there’s more. Argentina is now led by a radical socialist, moving more and more towards Marxism. And now China and Russia coming into our hemisphere. There’s an easy path. How would you stop? There’s an easy way to stop this. You say. You know what, China? It wasn’t that long ago when South Korea had tactical nuclear weapons. You got your buddies in North Korea firing missiles around. We’re going to help arm them. And you know what, Japan? We’re going to help arm Japan, too. And while we’re at it, let’s talk to our friends, the Australians and the Philippines. Let’s talk to them, too. That’s how you handle it. They’re in our neighborhood and we’re in their neighborhood. That’s how you handle it. All the pacifists, all the phonies. You want to debate Ukraine, of the Ukraine and everything else? Here’s what I’ve concluded. Given this a lot of thought now, and I think it’s quite obvious you’re ready. World War Three has already begun. Ladies and gentlemen. We just don’t know it yet. It’s already begun. The enemy has launched it. The enemy is waging it. And the first battle of World War three is in Ukraine. That’s the first battle like the state and land that Ukraine. The Sudetenland for Hitler. Oh, you know, they got Russian speaking folks over there in Ukraine. Yes, they do. And they’re serious questions about the boundaries there. Yes, there are. And our response as well, it’s none of our business. And so you’re very A-hole here. I’m an American first. You know, you’re an idiot. You only see what’s going on. The enemies in our hemisphere there in Central and South America. They’re managing both sides of the Panama Canal. They just took a deep water port in the Solomon Islands. Remember Guadalcanal? Remember the the battles there? They have a deep water port on the west coast of Africa that faces us. They are the biggest navy on the face of the earth. They have the biggest inventory numbers on the face of the earth. They have stealth bombers. They have stealth fighters. You think they need all of that to defeat Taiwan? No, it’s aimed at us. Now they’re undermining our economy. We’re undermining our economy with the idiot in the Oval Office. The dollar is no longer going to be the world currency. It’s going to be China’s currency. Can you imagine? In two short years. Two short years. The United States is in this position. The war has begun. Not because I say so, but because I’m the first to recognize it. And I don’t mean a Cold War. An actual physical military war has begun, and it’s begun in Ukraine by Russia, part of the axis powers of the new century. Iran is launching through its surrogates attacks on Israel. Through its various terrorist organizations. I’ve got more. I’ve got a heartbreak. I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 2

I just posted my comments as I spoke to you. I just wrote a couple of sentences on social media. It’s a strange thing, social media. But in addition to this platform, I think it’s important to do that. And just to reiterate. World War Three has begun. Not by us. We’re still in a state of, I don’t know, a state of pacifism. State of isolationism. I don’t know what all these isolationists and pacifists are whining about. I mean, we’re losing allies left and right to the enemy. The defense budget is flatlined, and with inflation, that means it’s being cut. I don’t know what they’re complaining about. Our our war effort. We’re giving weapons in support to Ukraine. Honestly? Big deal. Big deal. They make that like it’s the margin or Nightline or something, a World War two. It’s not. The first battle of World War three began over a year ago in Ukraine, the battle of Ukraine. It’s only going to get worse. I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 3

You know I my family says to me and my father used to say to me, my mother, too, you better be careful about the things that you say. I said, What do you mean about Putin? And AMG. I said, Why? Just be careful. My wife says that to me to be careful. Look, I’m going to be careful. Whatever that means. Want to hear more about our own hemisphere? According to the leaked report, Nicaragua, under the rule of Daniel Ortega and his wife, Rosario Murillo. See they own these countries. Still views Russia also interested in Bluefields as its primary security partner. But since the beginning of Russia’s full scale war in Ukraine has expanded ties with Beijing purchasing security equipment, agreeing to the presence of a Chinese military base and military access in Nicaragua, it assesses that Nicaraguan government probably would consider offering Beijing naval access in exchange for economic investment. Why do you think, folks? Unbelievable. Unbelievable. During congressional testimony in February 2019, the director of U.S. Southern Command at the time, U.S. Navy Admiral Craig Faller, told a Senate committee that Russia and China’s growing influence in the hemisphere was among the chief security challenges affecting the United States. So why isn’t Biden significantly increasing the defense budget? The most disturbing insight, he said, has been the degree to which external state actors, especially Russia, China and Iran. And Iran are expanding their influence in the Western Hemisphere. Russia in particular, enables actions in Venezuela, Nicaragua, Cuba that threaten hemispheric security and prosperity. And now China’s on the bandwagon. So is Iran. Does it sound like we have the right secretary of defense? Does it sound like we have the right head of the Joint Chiefs? Does it sound like we have the right anything? You see these former lieutenant colonels and major on TV and these hosts. And these phony experts going on about how we are warmongers attacking American industrial might and just blowing them off as federal contractors. You should reject them. You should shut them off. At a minimum, if we conservatives are not going to unite. Iran, a strong military. They are preparing for what looks inevitable to me. And it’s frightening, don’t get me wrong. Shame on us. We have a situation in this country I don’t believe we’ve ever faced before. We have Marxists within operating through the Democrat Party and their appendages and surrogates. Destroying our country, literally. Destroying our economy, literally. Destroying our prosperity and our strength. That’s all crucially important. If we’re going to be able to build up a military and sustain it. And of course, we are facing communists in our own hemisphere, in South East Asia, as well as fascists, as well as Islamo Nazis in Tehran, all of whom have gotten together. We’ve seen a similar script before. The battle of Ukraine is the beginning. I want you to listen to me. The battle of Ukraine is the beginning, not the end. It’s like the Sudeten land. And I’m serious about this. Oh, don’t channel the eastern part of Ukraine. They speak Russian over there and let them go. What they don’t. Any of our business all the way over here. I don’t know. Why is China concerned about it? Why is China interested in what happens to Russia? Hmm. I’m just curious, why is Iran providing Russia with deadly drones? What’s that all about? Why does Iran care? They have enough problems of their own. What’s that all about? It’s the access your propagandists in our own country who are either too stupid or too driven by their ideology to see the truth. But their names are in public, whether they be politicians. Whether they’ve written columns. And history will judge them and I will judge them. Because they’re endangering the United States. Egypt secretly planned to supply rockets to Russia. Leaked documents say Egypt was an ally, too. Not too long ago. President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi in February planned to produce 40,000 rockets for Russia and instructed officials to keep production and shipments secret to avoid problems with the West. The Washington compost. He’s one of our closest allies in the Middle East, is a recipient of billions of dollars in aid from us. Portion of a top secret mama. This one that was leaked summarizes purported conversations between Sisi and senior Egyptian military officials. Washington Post obtained the document from a trove of images of classified files posted in February and March on Discord, a chat app popular with gamers. The document has not been previously reported. The disclosure comes as Russia is fighting over whether Ukraine. Now, one other thing. Do you think intelligence agencies among our allies. You think they’re going to want to share information with the United States now? Mr. Producer. No. Now they’re not. If your responses to questions regarding the document, the veracity, the conversations it describes, Ambassador Ackerman, a spokesman for Egypt’s foreign ministry, said that Egypt’s position from the beginning is based on non-involvement in this crisis and committing to maintain an equal distance for both sides while affirming Egypt’s support to the U.N. charter and international law. In other words, he gave double speak in two languages. Double speak in two languages. So far, Egypt has not done that, but apparently that was their plan. So the Middle East alliances and peace initiatives that the Trump administration had successfully promoted and built have all but been destroyed by. Mr.. Globalism by. Mr.. 50 years of experience by Mr.. Werbach. Yeah. Like a bad bleeding, a hemorrhoid or a thigh rash for you leftists. They’re back. Yes, they’re back. Into destroying America. Here’s Lloyd Austin today. You might have heard of him. He’s the secretary of defense. Of whose country? I’m not sure. Cut to go. I was first briefed on the reports of unauthorized disclosure of sensitive and classified material. On the morning of April 6th, and since then, I’ve been convening senior department leaders daily on our response. Oh, good. You’re having meetings. That’s really cool. He’s having meetings to figure out the response. Here’s a response. One meeting, man. Well, whatever. Whoever is in the room, you find this bastard, these bastards. We’re going to bring him up on treason charges and we’re going to have him executed. You do anything you have to do to find them. Pretend their parents at a school board meeting. Pretend they’re protesters at abortion clinic. Most of all, pretend that they’re trespassers on January 6th. Put all of our resources, no holds barred and find him. Them, her, it, whatever. And find them in 48 hours. If you must talk to the Stasi across the street. The Department of Justice. Do it. I don’t care who you have to talk to. You need to deal with the phone companies. Deal with them. You need to deal with the social platform companies. You know, we’ve infiltrated them. You know how to deal with them. Do whatever you have to do, but get hammered them. Because we’re going to put an end to this right now. Well, we’ve been having meetings. We’re having meetings here. Go ahead, Mr. Producer. An urgent cross department effort. And we’ve referred the matter to the Department of Justice, which has opened a criminal investigation. Now, I can’t say much more while the Justice Department’s investigation is ongoing. But we take this very seriously, and we will continue to work closely with our outstanding allies and partners. And nothing will ever stop us from keeping America secure. While you just did stop us and. Look, we’re dealing here with a bunch of politicized boobs. A bunch of politicized boobs. I wonder if the Department of Justice even has enough FBI agents to thoroughly look into this. Given their their focus on American citizens. On a 62 year old grandfather who may have been January 6th parading on the grounds of the Capitol and they caught his face. That gets lots of people get upset at the sports teams, by the way. You know, it’s interesting, just from an analytical point of view on these mass murders lately. They’re Trump haters. The Louisville killer was a Trump hater. I suspect the Nashville killer was a Trump hater. How come they don’t talk about that? The mass killer and the. Synagogue slaughtering Jews in Pittsburgh was a Trump hater. No, no, no, we can’t. No, Let’s talk about it. The things that are said by the left, whether they’re in the media, whether they’re politicians, whether they’re in the government, whether they’re in entertainment, the things they say are beyond the pale. They’re beyond the pale. And they take no responsibility for it. None. None. I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 4

Ladies and gentlemen, more in next hour. But I want to explain to you what happens when we’re in a war situation, particularly war situation, not of our choosing, where we’re on our heels once such a war breaks out. Right now, people don’t recognize it, but that’s what’s taking place here. China is threatening us directly. As its alliance with Russia and the Russians are well on the attack in Ukraine. Not even the Axis powers in World War Two threatened America while they were invading other countries. This is more brazen than that. And in our own country, the hollowing out of the fabric of the country at the same time by the Democrat Party. We’re going to talk about what happens. When the ruling class in Washington, D.C., which has been attacked for being militaristic and I’m attacking them for closing their eyes to what’s what’s actually taking place and growing out their. I want to tell you what happens to your constitutional rights, to economic rights, and to your way of life. World War Two began in 1941. It was 81 short years ago. The end of this year, it’ll be 82 short years ago. That’s not a long time ago. That’s not a long time ago at all. I want to discuss this with you because it’s important. I don’t know what everybody else is talking about. I don’t much give a damn. You know what Woodrow Wilson did during World War One? He and his supporters passed something called the Espionage Act in 1917. 1918, they called something called the Sedition Act. They passed that. Both of those laws were used to round them up. Round them up. Over a thousand individuals charged them with violations of one law or the other. Deb’s here. Deb’s Deb’s Mr. Producer. Deb’s was a communist. He was a labor activist. He was a nominee to run for president by I guess it was the Socialist Party. And he ran for president while in prison, put there by Woodrow Wilson. They also had a major censorship campaign. One of the men who wrote really wrote the book on propaganda, actually wrote a book called Propaganda. Was giving advice to Woodrow Wilson. I don’t know how to persuade the American people. And they used it on the media. They bought media. All kinds of civil liberties were violated, just like today. World War Two. FDR was even worse with the IRS and the FBI. Then we have an IRS, an FBI problem today. I want to expand on this. When I return. I’ll be right back.