February 28th, 2023

February 28th, 2023

Activists gather to rally in support of cancelling student debt, in front of the White House in Washington, DC, on August 25, 2022. - Biden announced on August 24, 2022, that most US university graduates still trying to pay off student loans will get $10,000 of relief to address a decades-old headache of massive educational debt across the country. (Photo by Stefani Reynolds / AFP) (Photo by STEFANI REYNOLDS/AFP via Getty Images)

On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, the Federal Government under President Obama essentially nationalized the student loan program and phased out private lenders, and now we are on the hook for $1.6 trillion in student loan debt while President Biden is burning through our economy and our children’s future. They used the pandemic to grow the size and power of the government and don’t want to give these powers up, and student loan welfare is only one of them. Democrats are pushing this because they view college-aged voters as their base, so they redistribute wealth to them – over $400 billion or more through student loan welfare. Democrats hate the constitution, yet claim the Constitution gives Biden these dictatorial powers to redistribute wealth as he sees fit at the expense of the American taxpayers. Also, migrant children crossing the southern border are being abducted and forced into child labor, the latest humanitarian crisis caused by the Biden administration’s open border. Not a single Democrat has shown any concern for these children, especially Biden who refuses to even visit the crisis he created. We have a massive child labor industry in our country right now which has boomed since 2020 – how does Biden, the Democrat party, and their media cronies get away with this? At the same time, we have Chinese fentanyl coming across the border too, and drug cartels in every state in every metropolitan area now. This isn’t an accident – the Biden administration is letting these crises happen.

The Federalist
With A Split Congress, Democrats Are Taking Their Election Takeover Scheme To The States

Washington Post
Rupert Murdoch’s big admission about Fox News

NY Times
Alone and Exploited, Migrant Children Work Brutal Jobs Across the U.S.

Gateway Pundit
Joe Biden Starts Shouting Out of No Where During Black History Month Reception (VIDEO)

Photo by Stefani Reynolds/AFP

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcript of Hour 1

Hour 1 Segment 1

The federal government under Obama nationalized the student loan program. There really are no more private student loan businesses to the extent they even exist. They are effectively subsidiaries of the Department of Education. Now that means you. And your children and your grandchildren are handing out student loans. And the federal government, meaning you are on the hook right now for $1.6 trillion in student loans. $1.6 trillion. And the federal government does such a fantastic job of managing money. And Joe Biden is burning through our currency. He’s burning through our economy. He’s burning through your children and grandchildren’s future like there’s no tomorrow. In addition to our debt, our own budget data, 1.30 $1.5 trillion. That’s 31.5 trillion. Our off book debt is over 250 trillion. In other words, it’s an impossibility to even effectively address it now. You saw the reckless covered spending. Now money is being used to push CRT. You saw the reckless spending on schools, $190 billion or so for schools. Where’s it gone? Hasn’t even all been spent yet. So they used the pandemic to grow the size and the wealth of the federal government to empower themselves and the government to create precedence for power grabbing, even in your homes and your businesses and your jobs and every other respect. And they don’t want to give these powers up. And their student loan welfare. That’s what it is. It’s not a forgiveness. It’s welfare. Can cost anywhere from $400 billion to $1000000000000. People who took out loans. For school. And yet you don’t have to spend that money for a school. You can spend that money on cards, you can spend that money on vacations. You can go to Las Vegas and gamble. You can do whatever you want with that money. There’s no requirement. They actually spend it on education and they took out these loans and now the rest of us are supposed to pay for them and your children and grandchildren on top of it. The Democrats are pushing this and Biden’s pushing this because they view college age, that is millennials in colleges as part of their base. Remember what I said? Always remember the power when the Democrats are acting. They redistribute wealth to their base. They do no oversight. Of their donor class. Of Soros. Of trial lawyers. Of colleges and universities. That produce brainwashed radical leftist for the Democrats. This is where they’re. Tenured Marxist professors are. This is where they have found a home. So there’s certain. Institutions and certain individuals and groups of individuals in this country under the Democrats. That her immune. They are to be subsidized. Subsidize. Receive welfare, in effect, from you. If somebody took out a loan and they can’t afford it, that’s their problem. Do you think the government should go through and pay off everybody’s mortgage? You think they ought to go through and pay off everybody’s car loan? You think they ought to go through and pay off everybody’s credit card? I mean, there’d be nothing left of this society. Zero on top of it. What about responsibility? Why should somebody who wasn’t involved in taking out a loan didn’t go through the process, didn’t make representations, representations to banks, etc.? Why should they be on the hook? But there’s even a bigger reason. And that’s the United States Constitution shall mean anywhere in the United States Constitution. Anywhere, anywhere. With a president of the United States. Has the power to forgive for $100 billion in debt. Go to article to read it. Rita. But go to Article one, Section eight, The Powers of Congress. This is considered the spending clause. The debt clause. The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes and duties, impose an excise. To pay the debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare. The United States. To borrow money on credit in the United States. And it goes on. President doesn’t have any powers of this kind? None. And so when Joe Biden issues an executive order. Giving up. Debt that is owed to the United States taxpayer. That is an unconstitutional act, that is a fascistic act by an out of control man who thinks he’s got this kind of power. He signs executive orders left and right. And, of course, he’s cheered by the Marxists in the country, whether they be historians or media types. Or nutjobs in Congress. They hate the Constitution begin with. But then they claim the Constitution gives. Gives a president these kinds of dictatorial powers, but all he has to do is have a staffer write up an executive order and sign it, and poof, $400 billion disappears. From the books of those who took out the loans and then they reappear. As debt owed by the taxpayer to him or herself. Imagine the precedent. This sends sense. We’re separation of powers. That’s the great strength of our system. Separation of powers. And it’s also. It’s also the area where the left keeps attacking and attacking and attacking and attacking. They want to change the voting system so they can never lose a presidential election. They want to turn this into a autocracy, even though they pretend otherwise. They used the language of We the people as every fascistic or Marxist regime does. Representative Rashida Talib is an American hating reprobate Marxist, not to mention an anti-Semite. Ayanna Pressley is an American hating. Marxist. Sheila Jackson Lee is just as dumb as they come. Cori Bush, another American hating Marxist. And they demand that you pay their debts. And the debts of everybody else. And of course, the consequences of this is colleges and universities. They make out like bandits. Wow. Not only does the federal government take over the student loan system, which means there’s almost no checks and balances. But now the federal government is going to dismiss student student debt or they’re going to pay for it. Is what they’re really going to do. Meaning the American taxpayer is going to be on the hook not just for the loans that are made. But for dismissing the loans. Where is this money going to come from? Doesn’t matter. Because the Democrat Party and the rhinos. They’re all about demand, not supply. Some group makes a demand. And they meet the demand. Well, what about the solar supply? Work. The supply of money, the taxpayer. It doesn’t matter. Their economics only goes one way the demand, not the supply. And meanwhile, these colleges and universities are indoctrinating children to turn on their families, to turn on their history, to turn on their country. That’s who is in the streets in 2020, in the summer. And somehow you’re compelled to pay for all of it. We have an elected Congress. We have representatives for a reason. We have a constitution for a reason. This 80 year old low IQ. Street hack politician Biden. Roles at all. The entire ideology of the left. Is an insurrection. The entire ideology. And we the people are supposed to have no say whatsoever and none. They just decide. The morons signed an executive order, and you’re on the hook. No congressional hearings, no committee votes, no participation by the American people. He just sits there and signs an executive order. Here’s Rasheeda Talib in front of the Supreme Court. Today. Cut where you go and just know this. I’ve seen things come and go. You know, when folks come in office, come and go. But movement people don’t go nowhere. Right. They can change. Yes, they can. This unhinged Supreme Court can make all these decisions, but we’re not going anywhere. And we’re going to continue to speak that truth. Again, the president of the United States, I hope you can hear me, does have the legal authority to cancel debt. She’s an idiot. She has no idea what she’s talking about. But look how they talk about the Supreme Court. So the Democrats. Have destroyed respect for all of our institutions. Until they take them over, then you won’t be able to criticize them. The unhinged Supreme Court. Now she’s not inciting violence against justice, as is she. She’s not inciting an insurrection against the Supreme Court, is she? No, no, no. Sweet Rasheeda Talib. Then we have Ayanna Pressley. Cut their teeth and go with the stroke of a pen and clear legal authority, he responded. The stroke of a pen and clear legal authority, Biden responded. In one sentence she just described a dictator. But she’s another one. She’s a moron. Go ahead. With the stroke of a pen and clear legal authority, he responded. He canceled student debt. But callous and spiteful Republican officials disconnected from the hardship of everyday folks who are burdened by this debt. Those Republican officials and corporate interests across our nation just couldn’t leave well enough alone. They saw the transformative power of folks from every walk of life unburdened by student debt, and instead they chose obstruction. This is an obnoxious, loud mouthed Marxist. So we are disconnected from the hardship of everyday folks. So in other words, everyday folks are radical Democrats. College students, formally graduate students, formally medical students, lawyers, whatever, who took out loans voluntarily. Nobody held a gun to their head. And those poor people are suffering because of what they did. And you are not the common folks you see. As she dragged her ass to Palestine, Ohio, to check out common folks. Of course not. Common folks you see there, the common folks. And you’re all rich. That’s how this works. When it comes to Marxists. And they sound like Marxists, don’t they? Their voices. Their drama, their propaganda. With a stroke of a pen and clear legal authority, Biden responded. Well, guess what? You’re not allowed to with a stroke of a pen. Cancel 400 billion to $1000000000000 in debt. And what about all the people who paid off their debt? Well, too damn bad. All the people who followed the law. Too damn bad. All the people are suffering right now that don’t have student debt, with gasoline prices, with inflation, with the labor market, with food prices. Those aren’t common people. I’ve got a lot more. I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 2

Early in our history, we had presidents who founded the country and several of them actually participated in the Constitutional Convention. They’re very strict about federal versus state authority. What the feds could spend money on and what the states could spend money on. And they were very careful in limiting the authority. The federal government then comes last century, and I’m doing this quickly where the massive explosion of federal programs. Theodore Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, big time. And then, of course, the New Deal, where the court was threatened and the court was threatened with being packed. And then then they basically adopted almost everything that Franklin Roosevelt wanted after he replaced every corp member. So then there was a big debate over federal versus state authority. And the feds just started crushing the states, started giving them grants and contracts, interfering in education. And of this is different now. This is separation of powers. That’s not even a matter between the feds and the states we now have. A president is assuming the key function of Congress when it comes to spending and debt. It’s unbelievable.

Hour 1 Segment 3

I won’t go too much in the weeds but the the radical left justices on the Supreme Court are saying these six states and the two other planet, they don’t have standing. They don’t have standing. And what they’re really looking is to 1923 cases, Massachusetts versus Mellon and Freedom versus Mellon. And they’re the Supreme Court limited the ability of state governments and individuals to challenge grants. So they’re saying in this case, there’s really no standing to challenge debt. Or debt forgiveness. Because the states don’t have any direct interest in this, and neither do the plaintiffs. They’re not directly affected. Now, what’s interesting about this, I don’t know how many federal colleges there are some mostly linked to the military, but almost all of these colleges and universities have state grants. Of some sort or another, the vast majority of them. So they are state institutions. So the federal government nationalizes the student loan program. The federal government then claims all the states excuse me, there’s these leftists on the Supreme Court and the Biden administration that the states don’t have standing when it comes to their own institutions, that it’s just the feds involved here. And in in any event, the interest of these attorneys general and these plaintiffs, it’s speculative. But what they don’t say is that the court has allowed challenges to some programs for states and individuals demonstrate sufficient potential injuries, injury. So potential injury. Otherwise they’d never be any adult to challenge the constitutionality of anything. The court can’t do it itself. And here it is so obvious this isn’t a debate over the scope of the spending clause when it comes to the federal government generally or what the definition of commerce is under the Commerce clause. This is a raw power grab. By a president from Congress. Over control, respecting spending and debt. Core functions of Congress under Article one. No such function under Article two. No such power under any reading of any precedent. Coming out of the New Deal in the Supreme Court. And Biden knows it. Because the Democrats used to say that they don’t have the authority to do this. The Democrats used to say this. Here. Poppy Harlow on CNN actually actually understood this. She’s talking to Miguel Cardona, education secretary. Cut 17, go. Even the president himself in a CNN town hall in Milwaukee last year questioned and actually laid out the limits of his authority. Listen to this. I’m prepared to write off the $10,000 debt, but not 50. Mr. President, let me ask you, because I don’t think I have the authority to do a place on the table. Then Speaker Pelosi said this in 2001 about the limits, again, of what you can do without an act of Congress. He or she was. People think that the president of the United States has the power for debt forgiveness. He does not. He can postpone. He can delay. But he does not have that power. That would best to be an act of Congress. She later said in 2022, actually, we do have this power. But you can see those are two key people in the administration and the then speaker saying there are limits to this authority. And that’s the real legal question here. Yes, it really is. But they’ve changed their tune because they’ve changed their mind. Therefore, therefore, you see, ladies and gentlemen, the Constitution should change. The law should change. It did to accommodate. Franklin Roosevelt added to accommodate Lyndon Johnson. And it should change to accommodate Joe Biden, because all of our institutions should bend of the Democrats, don’t you think? Here’s Cori Bush, another malcontent miscreant, reprobate Marxist cut 15 go fighters to never leave. It is a student debt relief plan to take significant steps to reducing the racial wealth gap. And I’m going to address that. We know that black borrowers, specifically black women, carry the heaviest student debt burden. Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Isn’t this bizarre, Senator, a racist thing to say? She says you just heard her black power. Specifically, black women carry their heavy student debt burden. Now, that’s very interesting. The complaint used to be that minorities couldn’t get loans. I remember Mr. Producer. Now the complaint is that minorities get too much in the form of loans. If I’m understanding her correctly, but this has nothing to do with pigmentation. Everything they they spew. They want you to think it does, but it doesn’t. I just deal with individuals taking out a loan. Does that now mean that the wealth gap can more Marxist pablum? More Marxist puke. The wealth gap. There’s always a wealth gap. Is there not supposed to be a wealth gap? There is not a wealth gap. We’re all servants of the state. We all get paychecks from the state. Maybe we get a little bread. Maybe we’ll get a little rice, maybe maybe some dirty water from time to time to put the EPA in charge of it. And then we’ll all starve. Starve to death. The wealth gap. Who talks like this. The wealth gap. Some people may work harder than others. Some people are more successful than others. Some people are smarter than others. Some are better entrepreneurs. Some people fail 20 times before they succeed. The wealth gap. From people who’ve never held a private sector job. It’s unbelievable. As the people on the left almost never do. Schumer. Biden. Pelosi. The wealth gap. Can’t have a wealth gap. And the irony, of course, is this isn’t being done for race. This is being done. For wealthier white liberals. That’s what it’s being done for. But regardless, there’s no basis in federal constitutional law for this unless you violate separation of powers. That’s simple. And the more you violate separation of powers, the more you threaten to turn this republic decentralized tyranny. And that’s happening more and more and more. Let’s listen to the secretary of education, Miguel Cardona. Go ahead as a visit and talk to folks. They need a little bit of help, just like the small businesses needed help, like the corporations needed help ten years ago. You know, they just need help to get back on their feet. But, you know, it’s interesting about all that. I’ve always opposed all this, quote unquote, help. I don’t think the federal government should be involved in any of this. It’s not its constitutional duty or even authority. Oh, this one needs help. Oh, that one needs help. Oh, let that one. And that’s what needs happened. Bye bye. Bye. That’s the problem with the McConnell kids and their hemorrhoids. Subsidizing the corporatists. The problem with the U.S. Chamber of No Commerce. Why do you think they have lobbyists just to protect their businesses? No, they want handouts. I oppose it all. I oppose it all. But that said, that still comes from a statute that still comes from a budgetary act passed by Congress that has nothing to do with this. Yes, I have a pen and I signed it. And so therefore, for $400 billion, nay, $1 trillion. No. No. The court’s responsibility is to protect the Constitution, order to protect this republic. And there are at least three justices on the Supreme Court who don’t believe that, including Justice Jackson, who can’t define a woman. Including Justice Sotomayor, including Justice Kagan. And they’re looking for a technicality in this case. It’s not their standing. The court precedent is clear. If it’s likely. To have an impact. And clearly it’s likely to have an impact on state because the tuitions are going to go through the roof even more than they are. So this is a racket with your money? It’s a racket. It’s a racket. How much your money is being used to subsidize and give welfare to left wing organizations. It’s a complete racket. I have a lot more to say. In connection with this. There were they split Congress. Now the federal there’s reports the Democrats are taking their election takeover scheme to the states because they never stop. They hate America. They want power. They despise you. It’s why the people in Palestine, Ohio, are ignored. That’s why minority conservatives are called white supremacists. If you disagree. With a marxist line. If you don’t fall into line, you’ll be censored. You’ll get a scarlet letter. You’ll be fired. And on and on and on. Does that sound like a free country to you? We are less free today than ever before. Now, last time I said that we had geniuses, right? What about the slaves? What about the slaves? They ask. You know what’s interesting about that? Slavery would not have been possible. But for a government sanctifying it and protecting it. Slavery would not have been possible. But for the court system protecting it. Slavery is not part of the conservative. Philosophy. It’s quite the opposite. Slavery is not part of capitalism, even though they’ve tried to hide it tied to capitalism. It’s quite the opposite. Conservatives believe in individual liberty, not for some, but for all except criminals, of course. I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 4

 So the catalyst, Sean Fleetwood. After failing to orchestrate a federal takeover of state election administration two years ago, Democrats are back with their newest strategy to seize control of America’s electoral process. Is the RNC ready to fight this fight? The Republican Lawyers Association. Is anybody even paying attention to this? In blue state legislatures, leftists are working to advance election bills that seek to dramatically overhaul state elections by enshrining Democrat backed voting practices into law. The widespread effort is an attempt to implement national Democrats H.R. one policies in states across the country. Deceptively labelled the For the People Act. H.R. one was a bill supported by congressional Democrats and Joe Biden, as you know, during the early months of 2021. It was a concentrated bid by Democrats to cement many of the unsecured practices used throughout the 2020 election into federal law and allow the federal government to oversee and control the electoral process. The measures many changes to election administration include provisions effectively banning voter ID, mandating universal man in Maryland balloting, legalizing widespread use of ballot drop boxes, among others. The bill, furthermore violates core principles of the Constitution, such as the elections clause of Article one and the electors clause of Article two, which stipulate that the states, not the federal government, are tasked with administering and overseeing elections. So House Democrats did pass H.R. one. Senate Republicans effectively killed the measure once it arrived in the Senate in typical, hyperbolic fashion. Biden legacy media, so-called unifier. And she proceeded to accuse the Senate GOP of supporting a Jim Crow era voter suppression for opposing his party’s takeover of state election administration. So now, with Republican control of the House nullifying H.R. one’s prospects of passage for at least the next two years, Democrats at the state level have taken it upon themselves to advance some of the bill’s core objectives in their respective legislatures. Here’s some examples. New Mexico, where Democrats enjoyed trifecta control of the government. Leftist politicos are working to ram through HB four before the end of 2023 legislative session. The measure seeks to expand the use of mail in voting by creating a, quote, voluntary, permanent absentee voter list, unquote, where county clerks automatically send a mail ballot to the mailing address listed on a voter registration certificate. Each time there’s a statewide election that includes his precinct. Use of such a system closely mirrors lax no excuse absentee voting and indefinite confinement rules that Democrats popularized around the country under the guise of COVID emergency to the detriment of election integrity. Have you noticed every proposal filed by the Democrats is filled with fraud or the possibility of fraud? And then when you raise it o prove it proven, they institutionalized fraud. Additionally, the bill also aims to expand the use of ballot drop boxes by requiring counties to have a minimum of two boxes within their jurisdiction. It also includes a provision permitting convicted felons to register to vote after getting out of prison, but before completing parole or probation. And prior analyses have shown most convicts registers Democrats rather than Republicans. I can promise you, if it were the other way around, they wouldn’t propose this. Look at the one that passed the state’s House, 41 to 26. It’s now going to the Senate in New Mexico. They all learned from California when California got a majority in the governorship. They changed the voting system. And of course, they redistricted in a way the Republicans couldn’t when they changed the voting system, they took a state that had been. Voting very often Republican for president. I think the only year from 1950 to. Two in 1992 that it didn’t vote Republican is when Barry Goldwater was running for president. And so you see the change in Minnesota Democrats doing similar things with Governor Tim Waltz. He’s giving illegal aliens the ability to obtain driver’s licenses. So Minnesota, Rhode Island, New Jersey, Wisconsin, New Mexico. Yeah, right. I’ll be right back.