February 24th, 2023

February 24th, 2023

Russian President Vladimir Putin attends a wreath-laying ceremony at the Eternal Flame and the Unknown Soldier's Grave in the Alexander Garden during an event marking Defender of the Fatherland Day in Moscow on February 23, 2023. (Photo by Mikhail Metzel / Sputnik / AFP) (Photo by MIKHAIL METZEL/Sputnik/AFP via Getty Images)

On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, we’ve always known that Vladimir Putin was eyeing more than just Ukraine, and now Reuters is reporting that Russia wants to push back the borders of Poland so Russia can extend its own borders. Poland is the most vigorous defender of Ukraine because they know what is taking place and know what Putin wants to do. North Korea, Iran, and China are supporting Russia’s aggression in Europe, and Europe needs to step up much more while they can.  China is laying claim to all of the South China Sea because they do not fear America under the Biden Administration. Russia and China are doing exactly what they said they would do, and right now the only country that is preventing World War 3 is Ukraine.  Meanwhile, Israel is prepared to strike an Iranian nuclear site, and the news was most likely leaked to the media by the U.S. State Department to prevent an attack on Iran. Benjamin Netanyahu has said time and again that Iran cannot get a nuclear weapon, for both their safety and our own, but the Biden Administration would rather protect Iran. Also, Nikole Hannah Jones and the phony 1619 project have a Hulu special, and Democrat media outlets like MSNBC are obsessed with promoting it. Any serious historian can disprove Jones’ lies, but she will only speak to reporters who will protect her and promote racism. We have colleges and states promoting critical race theory while the federal government uses equity to discriminate citizens by race. Later, wage growth in America is now inflationary under the Biden administration, because businesses and restaurants need to raise their prices too to make ends meet. The value of the dollar is going down while prices are going up – this is the effect of inflation. Interest rates are going to continue to go up until this country is pushed into a recession thanks to these massive Democrat spending bills supported by Mitch McConnell.

Russia’s Medvedev floats idea of pushing back Poland’s borders

Chinese fighter jet confronts US Navy plane with CNN crew aboard as tensions simmer in South China Sea

Fox News
Netanyahu readies strike on Iran nuclear facilities after secret meetings: report

Key US inflation measure surges at fastest rate since June

Fed can’t tame inflation without ‘significantly’ more hikes that will cause a recession, paper says

FDLE issues alert to be aware of ‘National Day of Hate’ promoted in U.S. by antisemitic, other groups

Photo by Mikhail Metzel/Sputnik/AFP

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Rough transcript of Hour 1

Hour 1 Segment 1

It’s a very dangerous world out there, folks. And I don’t mean that as a bumper sticker. They’ve talked about how Putin has his eyes on Eastern Europe beyond the Ukraine. And they’ve admitted it today. They’ve admitted it today. Here we have Reuters, Russia’s Medvedev. He is one of Putin’s closest confidants, Fox idea, pushing back Poland’s borders. And it’s London. Former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev said today that the only way from Moscow to ensure lasting peace with Ukraine was to push back the borders of hostile states as far as possible, even if that meant the frontiers of NATO member Poland. Medvedev, who is now deputy chairman of Russia’s Security Council, made the comments in a message on his telegram account exactly a year after Russia sent thousands of troops into Ukraine. A dab jab at an ally. President Vladimir Putin forecast on Friday that Russia would be victorious and that some kind of loose agreement would eventually end the fighting. He said victory will be achieved. We all want to happen as soon as possible and that day will come. He predicted that tough negotiations with Ukraine and the West would follow well, will culminate in some kind of an agreement. And I would add this as a footnote. You know, there was an agreement at 94 to give up your nukes. I’ve talked to you about this. And we Russia will will not only adhere to the borders, but we will help protect your borders. Ukraine and the United States and Britain have agreed to that, too. And I notice the Putin aides in their haemorrhoids in this country never mention that. But he said that deal would lack what he called fundamental agreements on real borders and not amount to an overarching European security pact, making it vital for Russia to extend its own borders now. That is why, and I quote him. It is so important to achieve all the goals of the special military operation to push back the borders that threaten our country as far as possible, even if they are the borders of Poland. Poland shares long eastern borders with Ukraine and with Russia’s ally Belarus frontier of some 125 miles and its northeastern corner with the Russian enclave of college grad. Now, this should be no surprise to anybody who’s been listening to this program for any period of time. As I read to you. From Putin’s own writings 18 months ago. How he views Poland and Romania, the Balkan States, even the former Czechoslovakia. Any encroachment on Poland’s borders would bring Russia for the first time in a direct conflict with NATO’s forces. Naito forces. Medvedev has adopted an increasingly hawkish tone and many series of outspoken interventions since the war began, with some political analysts suggesting he’s one of the people that Putin might one day consider as his successor. But he speaks for Putin. And so yet again. Yet again, Putin has made clear. Now Ukraine is just the beginning. The Ukrainians. In fighting so bravely against the Russians. And we providing them with support, but not nearly the support that they asked for. And that doesn’t mean necessarily endless amounts of money. It means the right kind of weaponry, the right kind of weaponry. So they can inflict impossible casualties on the Russians. That Putin and Russia. There’s more in mind than Ukraine. And if he had cut through Ukraine in a few days, as he expected. I believe he would have pushed hard into Poland, and I don’t think we would have done a damn thing about it. But you don’t have to believe me. Putin wants to go into Poland and Poland knows it. Pollan is the most vigorous defender of Ukraine. Poland wanted to send F-16 jets out of its NATO’s stockpile. To Ukraine. They were stopped. Because Polan knows what’s taking place. Poland is really the launching point for most of the aid that’s going into Ukraine. It’s being shipped to Poland. And then shipped over Poland’s border into Ukraine. This is why you have countryside hither to bury hither for I should say, wanted nothing to do with Russia or Ukraine or any of this stuff. Are now asking to join later. Because they know what Putin wants to do, too. They read what he wrote to. The only people that don’t seem to understand what Putin wants to do are the Putin boys. So they don’t care. They don’t care. No, I’m not a warmonger. I want to prevent a world war. I care about my kids and my grandkids, as most of you do. But please, I. I urge you. Do not listen. To those. Who said the same exact thing in the 1930s. Whether here in America or Britain or other places. The rising storm is here. Communist China is a serious military superpower now. It was not ten years ago. It is today. In one decade. In one decade, they have supplanted Russia. It’s the second most powerful superpower. On the face of the earth. And they keep spending enormous amounts for their economy. But we sit here and stare at our navels. I pretend that we can never be beaten. But of course, we can be beaten by bad generals and. And bad presidents. We surrendered in Afghanistan. How many more lessons do we need? We also surrendered in Vietnam, if I’m to be perfectly blunt about this. When the Democrats cut off our military. When the commander in chief at the Ford, Gerald Ford, was opposed to what the Democrats were doing. So they’re quite serious about this. That is the. The Russians and they want aid from China. And China is going to give them eight. Why wouldn’t they? Why wouldn’t China give them aid? China wants us. To be defeated. They want our allies to be defeated. They want Naito. To be dispirited. As they prepare for their own war. The invasion of Taiwan. But that’s just the. The latest puzzle piece for communist China. There are access is now. You have Iran, North Korea. Russia and communist China now. That’s for. North Korea is providing drones. Excuse me. North Korea. Korea’s providing artillery to the Russians. Iran’s providing drones to the Russians. China is providing economic aid by buying. All that. We have boycotted it from Russia, including their oil. It means sending weapons, buy weapons of a sort. Now they want to send serious stuff. That’s what’s taking place. Europe needs to step up much more. There’s a lot of problems here. We do need to have a special inspector general. This has been proposed and I’m all for it. To monitor how this money is being spent. But that doesn’t mean. That we roll over and pretend that this will just go away. It’s none of our business. Unfortunately, it is. And fortunately, the people of Ukraine are fighting to the death. To try and defend themselves. And fortunately, we don’t have to send any troops. And we are a very generous people. But the Ukrainians are putting their lives on the line. It was their country that was invaded. And here is a case where we won’t say and can’t say. That these people don’t want freedom, that we’re trying to impose our will. These people want freedom and they’re begging for help. So just to be clear, I’m 100% clear. Once again. Russia has made it abundantly clear. And they did it today. But if they can, they’re going to cut through Ukraine. And they’re going to hammer pollen. That’s when you might have a world War. Whether Biden responds or not. And that’s what we have to prevent. And I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 2

Joe Biden in the Oval Office. The surrender in Afghanistan. His efforts to appease China, Iran, Russia. They’ve all created signs of weakness and provocation. His flat lining effectively after inflation spending on national security and defense. And his mental state have resulted in what’s taking place now. I’m not saying China wouldn’t be. Working at breakneck speed to do what it’s doing. Because China’s been at this for a while. I’m saying that China doesn’t fear us. Not enough anyway. Now. Here’s CNN. Chinese fighter jet confronts U.S. Navy Plane with CNN crew. As tensions simmer in South China Sea. U.S. Navy reconnaissance jet flies at 21,500 feet over the South China Sea, which, of course, now communist China claims as its own. 30 miles from the contested Paracel Islands, a group of about 130 small atolls, the biggest of which are home to Chinese military bases. A voice saying it’s coming from the People’s Liberation Army. Air port crackles over the radio of the U.S. Navy P-8 Poseidon as a. And crew given rare access aboard the U.S. flight lessons in. American aircraft says Chinese airspace is 12 nautical miles not approaching any more, or you bear all responsibility, it says. So communist China is laying claim to the entirety of the South China Sea, all the navigable waters and all the airspace above it. In a few minutes, a Chinese fighter jet armed with air to air missiles intercepts the U.S. plane nestling in just 500 feet of its port side. The Chinese fighter jet was so close, the CNN crew could see the pilots turning their heads to look at them. They could make out the red star on the tail fins and the missiles it was armed with. Lieutenant Nikki Slaughter, the pilot of the American plane. How’s the twin twin engine play? Air play. Fighter aircraft. This is U.S. Navy P-8A. I have you off my left wing, and I intend to proceed to the West. I request that you do the same over. There’s no reply. No reply from the Chinese jet fighter. Which escorted the US plane for 15 minutes before turning away. To a CNN crew aboard the American jet. It’s stark evidence of the tensions brewing between the United States and China in the South China Sea. The commander of this U.S. Navy mission has a different take. I’d say it’s another Friday afternoon in the South China Sea. Navy Commander Mark Haines tells the CNN crew, In other words, we are constantly being threatened now by the communist Chinese constantly. Over the past several years, the South China Sea has emerged as a major potential flashpoint in the Asia-Pacific. Islands in it, like the Paracels, near which the US Navy plane was intercepted today, are the subject of overlapping territorial claims, in part from China, the Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, Brunei and Taiwan. Not only does the strategic waterway hold vast resources of fish, oil and gas. But about a third of global shipping passes through it worth about 3.4 trillion. In 2016, it’s worth about five or 6 trillion. China claims historic jurisdiction. Over almost the entirety of the vast sea. This is what Russia does. It claims jurisdiction over Eastern Europe. Since 2014, has built up tiny reefs and sandbars and artificial islands. Heavily fortified with missiles, runways, weapons systems. The Paracel Islands called The Ashy Islands by China are the northern part of the South China Sea, east of Danang, Vietnam, south of China’s Hainan Island. Surrounding them is 12 nautical miles of airspace that China was claiming as its own on Friday. Oh, this is our airspace. Far to the south east sits the Spratly Islands chain, just 186 miles from the Philippine island Palawan. The Philippines brought a case to The Hague and they won. But China says, no, those are our islands and they continue its military build up building bases on the Spratlys as well. I’ll be right back

Hour 1 Segment 3

I must confess. And I was talking to Mr. Producer during the break. I’m perplexed. I’m not often perplexed, but I’m perplexed. I can sit here and read exactly what Vladimir Putin said. I can read today’s news exactly what his right hand man said. About pollen. And people disbelieve. They don’t want to hear it. I’m not just talking about folks out there. I’m talking about writers at the Wall Street Journal other. They don’t want to hear it. So that tells me that. Some people. Who embrace the nomenclature, conservative or constitutionalism or or even rationality. Are none of those things. They’re ideologues. Foreign policy and national security is about prudence. They say this all the time. I wrote about it in liberty and tyranny, prudence. It’s not an ideological thing. Just like Law and Order is about prudence. It shouldn’t be an ideological thing. If there are criminals out there stealing, maiming, molesting, killing. It shouldn’t matter which party. Those people need to be prosecuted and thrown in prison or executed if they’re murderers in some cases. If you’re looking at communist China. They’ve said what they want to do. They’re doing what they want to do. We see what they’re doing or you’re listening and watching. Russia said they were going to invade Ukraine. They have invaded Ukraine, are now talking about Poland’s borders, but not now. But they’ve been for 18 months. Why not believe them? Because. The ideology tells you not to believe them. Because we despise Joe Biden, which we do. Which I do. But that doesn’t change the facts on the ground. It doesn’t change the nature of their navy, their missiles, their activities and all the rest. Has nothing to do with our border, has nothing to do with Palestine, Ohio. I hear these ridiculous parallels being made. We’re talking about national security. We’re talking about preventing World War three. And right now, the country that’s preventing World War three is Ukraine. So how is it that they’ve been made that the enemy. Those people are fighting a war. To save themselves. To protect their families. They’re not the enemy. They were invaded and they’re not going to surrender. Now. There was more going on out there. We’ve gone from Europe. We’ve gone to the. Pacific. Now we’re going to go to the Middle East. I’m just telling you what’s going on out there. Fox News. Benjamin Netanyahu Ready Strike on Iran Nuclear facilities after secret meetings, a report says now. These are secret meetings. Secret meetings. And this information was leaked to the American media. New York Post and others. Who would have leaked it. Before we get into the details. Who would have leaked it? The United States State Department would have leaked. They don’t want Israel attacking Iran. In Israel. Shares much of its intelligence and other information with the United States government. Obviously you can’t attack Iran without telling us. And then the U.S. government leaks it to the media because they don’t want Israel defending itself. They don’t want Israel. Attacking Iran. And Netanyahu has said time and time and time again, we cannot allow Iran to get nuclear weapons. Because Israel will be blown potentially off the face of the earth. Israel will be blackmailed. So will the United States and so forth. You see, Biden in the Oval Office is a grave disaster for this country. Unfortunately, historians are real historians, not Michael Beschloss and those. Moronic. Leftists. They will look back. And analyze what’s taken place. But in the meantime, we’re dealing with it present day. Spokesperson for the prime Minister said they had nothing to add in response to the report because they’re shocked because it’s leaked. Israel will prepare for possible action against Iran’s nuclear facilities after a series of secret meetings between the prime minister and leaders from the defense and intelligence ministries. According to a leaked report. So there. Look what they’ve done. Look what they’ve done with this leak. They’ve made it. Incredibly difficult to even launch an incredibly difficult mission to begin with. A marker reading. It’s out there. The Iranians have seen it. They’re not listening to the Mark Levin show. They’re reading The New York Times are reading these other papers. Israel will prepare for possible action. Quote, Israel will not allow Iran to become nuclear brigadier general. Amir Aviv, founder and chairman of the Israeli Defense Security Forum, told Fox News Digital. As we are witnessing the continued unhindered progress of the Iranian military nuclear program with weapons grade enrichment, Israel is readying its credible military option. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu held five meetings with his defense and intelligence chiefs, as well as the head of Mossad to discuss the possible attack. Local news outlet Channel 12 reported. The report did not name any source and the Times. Speculated the of Israel that officials could have leaked the report in order to make clear the country’s resolve and intent. That’s not going to happen. Why would they do that? Tensions between Israel and Iran have flared in recent weeks after a drone strike hit Iranian military facilities, with Iran claiming early investigations suggest the Israeli regime were responsible for this attempted act of aggression. And by the way. I want to continue, but before I do. Those of you who go on my social site. And I hope it’s most of you because I post those things for you, not for The New York Times, not for CNN, not for all the left wing platform. I post them for you and to you. Did you see the picture of the little girl? Mr. Producer. Was beaten to a pulp, bleeding from her face. Blood all over her little dress. Because she didn’t wear her clothing properly. I would strongly encourage you folks to take a look. This is why people in Iran are still protesting. And yet I bet you don’t hear them, do you? They might as well not be protesting with respect to American interest. Biden doesn’t talk about it. Blinken doesn’t talk about it. The Democrats. Don’t talk about it. You don’t hear it. You hear nothing in the news? As those people are being brutalized, tortured, murdered. And we’re talking about young people and young women being raped. Israel has regularly raised concerns about Iran’s nuclear program. And the report could be part of a plan to push Western allies to act rather than leave Israel to act alone. Okay, so all the speculation kicks in. Not, Netanyahu said at a national security conference on Tuesday publicly. The only thing that is a risk stop rogue nations from developing nuclear weapons is a credible military threat or a credible military action. A necessary condition. And often a sufficient condition is credible military action. The longer you wait, the harder that becomes. We’ve waited very long. Now, Biden, of course, has attempted to revive the the Iran deal. Talks stalled out in September because the Iranians kept moving the goalposts. And Biden is an idiot. US Secretary of State Blinken said Iran had moved away from. Extraneous demands, demands unrelated to the deal itself. But by that time, the talks had gone backward and the US admitted that they would not meet our bottom line requirements. We’re dealing in our own government with the most hapless. Unprofessional. Inexperienced pacifists, ideologues, probably in modern American history. Probably. It’s just unbelievable to me. What? Let’s let’s. Let’s pretend Israel. Let’s put Israel side. Let’s say Iran gets nukes. What will that do to the United States? What will I do? What will that do to the so-called moderate Arab state? What will it do to North Africa? And once they develop them, they will develop the ability to send them thousands and thousands of miles. Because China and Russia will give them that ability. It wasn’t that long ago during the Clinton administration, the Russians couldn’t even get a rocket off the ground. Remember, it crashed. Not the Russians. Excuse me, The Communist Chinese. They couldn’t get a rocket off the ground. There are laughing stock. Now they have nuclear missiles that can be merged. And so they got it from us. They got it from us. Illegally and legally. Both. Illegally and legally. I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 4

Just to underscore a point, Lloyd Austin. On CNN today, Secretary of defense. Take a listen to this. Cut forego With China recently, the tensions have gotten worse between the United States and China, especially after the U.S. shot down that surveillance balloon. You tried to call your Chinese counterpart and they didn’t answer. Yes. Okay. On the day that that happened, my office reached out to his office to schedule a call and they did not schedule the call. That’s a problem. Not really. You’ve heard me say a number of times, Caitlin, that I think it’s really, really important to to make sure that we maintain lines of communication open. I think leaders need to be able to talk to each other to avoid misperceptions and and can manage crises. And so this is really important. And so we hope that Minister Wei well, we’ll have a change of heart and and schedule that call. When was the last time you talked to him? The last time I talked to him was a couple of months ago. So. Wow. I mean, how concerning is that? That the secretary of defense in the US can’t get your counterpart in China on the phone? Again, I think the risk involved that I think is important to me. It is not like we don’t have any lines of communication open. You just saw Secretary Blinken talk to his counterpart in in Munich. And so there are diplomatic lines of communication. You folks, are you seen the writing on the wall? No, we’ve seen the writing on the wall. They feared us if they respected us. They would make that call. China is a nation. On the rise. It is a brutal, genocidal regime. It is a military power. And ultimately we are in its sights and we can be ostrich like and put our head in the sand and pretend it’s not true. But it is true. It’s absolutely true. And if we don’t start preparing, building up our military, muscling up our. Our service branches. We’re in for a hell of a tough time. Or more specifically, your kids and grandkids are because they’re not going away. And I don’t know what it’s going to take to wake this country up. I really don’t know. You know, listen to Matt Gaetz. Paul Gosar What do I mean? What’s going to take? In this economy, you need make every dollar. Can you listen to Rand Paul? Seriously? These are not people I dislike. It’s just that they’re ridiculous. I’ll be right back.