December 15th, 2022

December 15th, 2022

TOPSHOT - Aerial view of migrants camping on the banks of the Rio Bravo river (or Rio Grande river, as it is called in the US) in Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua state, Mexico, taken on November 15, 2022. - A US federal judge ruled on November 15 that the government could not use public health rules to block the entry of asylum-seeking migrants, marking the apparent end of a controversial Donald Trump-era policy that has been criticized as cruel and ineffective. (Photo by HERIKA MARTINEZ / AFP) (Photo by HERIKA MARTINEZ/AFP via Getty Images)

On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, there are already 2.5 million new illegal immigrants in America since President Biden took office and once Title 42 is ended it’s estimated to be 15,000 new unlawful immigrants a day. With a porous border comes more fentanyl poisoning for America’s children. Yet, Biden is never held accountable for not upholding his oath to defend this nation. Then, RNC spending is out of control with millions spent on mementos for donors and retreats for staffers. It’s time for GOP Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel to go. Later, Iranian authorities executed several people including children in relation to protests against the regime. A soccer player was amongst those sentenced to death for protesting Iran’s leaders.

Red State
Analysis of RNC Spending Since 2017 Shows Millions Were Spent on Private Jets, Limousines, Luxury Retreats, Broadway Shows

Special counsel Smith has subpoenaed officials in all 7 states targeted by Trump allies in 2020 election

Fox News
Iranian soccer player sentenced to death after protesting

President Donald J. Trump — Free Speech Policy Initiative

President Trump announces free speech policy plan for 2024!

Fox 5 NY
New York bans retail sale of dogs, cats, rabbits

Giuliani should be disciplined over 2020 election case, ethics panel says

‘The mood is really grim’: Washington Post staffers livid at publisher Fred Ryan after layoff announcement

Wall St Journal
Why You Might Be Having Trouble Buying Children’s Flu and Cold Medicine

Photo by Herika Martinez/AFP

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcript of Hour 1

Hour 1 Segment 1

Sometime next week. This rule 42 will be lifted. As a result of a ruling by Judge Emmet Sullivan in Washington, D.C., who hasn’t stepped a foot in hot pursuit. D’acces or McLane or McAllen, Texas. And the estimates right now. Are that the immigration surge each day will double. From seven to 8000 to 15000 a day. 15,000 immigrants, illegal immigrants will cross the border every day. Now, for those of you who are good at math, that’s 450,000 every month. 450,000 every month. I want you to think about that. Almost 6 million, give or take, for the entire year. One year. In two years. We already have four and a half million illegal aliens in this country as a result of the Biden administration. They keep saying there’s 11 million folks, there aren’t 11 million. There’s going to be 30 million. We have 50 million people in this country of 320 million who were not born here. That’s the greatest percentage of immigrants. Compared to total population in the history of this country. It’s the greatest absolute number in the history of this country. It’s about to get massively bigger. And we still have chain migration. So when people come here, they’re granted amnesty they can bring. Relatives into this country. And the average I told you the other day was 19 to 21 people. Per immigrant. The Marxists have unleashed every conceivable weapon and tool against our country. Every conceivable weapon and tool. And the Republican Party is simply unwilling to do a damn thing about it. The Constitution is explicit about the requirements for an executive. Among other things, among many things, the president has a duty. To faithfully execute the laws. He shall faithfully execute the laws. This has been litigated in the past. And it means what it says. Even if he disagrees with the law. Is required. Required to ensure that it’s enforced. Joe Biden refuses to enforce our immigration law. Who’s talking about impeaching and removing Joe Biden. The Republicans are. Handful of people. Handful of people. The Republican Senate. Not in the least. Nothing. That’s why they’re losers and that’s why they shouldn’t be in the majority. Why should they be? And here you have the president defying the Constitution in ways that are going to impact the nation and unravel the civil society. Overwhelm local law enforcement, overwhelm federal immigration enforcement, overwhelm our schools, overwhelm our hospitals. Overwhelm our country. And there are only now a little dab will do them. The governor of California goes to the border because he sees it now. That big U.S. concern about the country is concern about his future. He’s his sees himself as a presidential candidate. Well, maybe he can win in California with an open border. But the rest of the country or much of the country, you can’t. Now, What’s Mitch McConnell doing about it? Nothing. The Republicans in the Senate want to give amnesty to a couple of million people on top of this. And Schumer says all these people should get amnesty. They should all be citizens. It’s an amazing thing, the Democrat Party. Talks about demographics the Democrat Party talks about. 2044 whites will cease being the majority. I’ll be sooner than that. And then when you pointed out they accuse you of, oh, you’re pushing a replacement theory. I’m pushing anything. Well, I’m not blind to what’s taking place. But Joe Biden is not held accountable. The attorney general of the United States is not held accountable. The secretary of DHS is not held accountable. So they continue to violate the Constitution. They continue to violate immigration laws. And I’m going to tell you something, folks. You hear the word fentanyl? What does that mean? Your children do not have to be drug addicts to die from fentanyl. If they touch it. If they accidentally inhale something that has fentanyl powder on it. If it’s placed in their food. If it’s placed in their medicine. They will die from it. That’s how toxic this is. I think about this. We have children and we have grandchildren. And many of you do as well. And yet we have a president of the United States and a Democrat Party that will not protect the American people from this. It is produced mostly by the Communist Chinese. It is provided to the drug cartels in the southern border, and they’re pushing it into our country. And there are people listening to this show whose children have died from fentanyl. And they were not drug addicts. They were not potheads. They were good kids. Good kids. And more people died from fentanyl. Over 100,000. Every year. Ben died in a Vietnam War in the Korean War combined. But every year. Every year. It’s really quite appalling, is it not? That our government won’t do anything about it won’t protect the American people. Because of racial politics, because of Democrat Party politics. President is to ensure he shall ensure that the laws are faithfully executed. But he won’t impeach Trump over to nothing because they’re still chasing him down over documents. Look at this. 400 to 500000 aliens coming into this country every month. I remember when the Democrat Party was patriotic. I remember when they wanted to secure the border. Not anymore. And Joe Biden is keeping it open purposely. And what are the Republicans doing? Well, let me tell you over here, red state, Jennifer van La. Can’t read at all. But she points out that. Under this current RNC chair. That they have been on a spending spree. A spending spree. She says despite Joe Biden’s economy in three straight cycles of election losses, the RNC’s big spending days are back with a vengeance. They’re back with a vengeance. Perhaps because these losses, both RNC donors and committee members are intensely interested in the committee’s finances. Late last week, RedState provided a report dated October seven of this year that examined RNC 2122 spending. Calculated more than $500,000 in private jet expenses, $64,000 at clothing retailers, $321,000 in floral arrangements. To determine how they compare to the rest of Rona MacDonald’s tenure. RedState examined RNC expenditures from 2017 through 2022. And in addition to a review of Federal Election Commission data, Red State spoke with current vendor state party officials familiar with the workings former staffers. Several current RNC members to verify the numbers and dates. Our review found that amount spent during the 2122 election cycles seem to have been par for the course and possibly even lower than previous portions of McDaniel’s tenure. Since 2017, the RNC has spent $3.1 million on private jet services. 1.3 million on limousine and chauffeur services, 17.1 million on donor mementos. Three quarters of $1,000,000 on floral arrangements. $80,000 in alcohol related expenditures. Nearly 400,000 spent on event tickets and other entertainment activities, including $30,000 for a private box at the Las Vegas Raiders game $13,000 for Broadway shows, $9,400 at Madison Square Garden, $43,000 at top golf locations in Texas, Nevada, Virginia and Maryland. No wonder they fight like dogs for these jobs, Mr. Producer. The private box Raiders game was part of a retreat for senior staff members. RNC funds were also used to fly the senior staffers and their plus ones first class to Las Vegas and for their hotel rooms, food and alcohol, the staffers say. Senior staff retreats were also held at the Salamander Resort and Spa in Virginia in 2021 and 2022, according to another staffer. National Committee member says that at the 2021 retreat held from March 19 to 21, 30 senior staffers and their families attended and the RNC paid for Katie Walsh and Mike Shields to speak to the group. FEC reporting shows that the RNC has paid 260,000 to the resort in 2021 and 2022, classified as travel expenses and venue rental and catering. The dates of the various entertainment expenditures were provided by former staffers. Under current leadership, the RNC has spent more than $150,000 on what could be considered non-essential office expenses. Clooney $25,000 on camera, while Joe Coffey $7,000 on cupcakes, nearly 7000 on candies and diffuse. Excuse me. Candles and diffusers, $75,000 at Pottery Barn, West Elm, Restoration Hardware at Crate and Barrel. In addition, the committee’s FEC report shows expenditures totaling 381,000 classified as furniture expense. During the same time frame, more than 100,000 was spent on high end clothing stores such as Reebok, RCI, Nordstrom, Irvine Avenue, in Fine’s foot, Joy, Ralph Lauren Carhartt at Smathers and Branson. An RNC vendor tells RedState that the Vineyard Vines expansion 12,000 was likely for embroidered jackets RNC staffers recently received. According to the financial, the RNC is quite generous to its donors, spending 17 million on donor memorials and mementos and possibly more during McKinnon’s. Turn. Custom pins by legendary D.C. jeweler in hand and Christmas ornaments from Jiomart, the company that makes the White House Christmas ornaments are listed as donor and memento expenses, but the financials also include 65,000 and office supplies remain in hand and 28,000 from Shemar. The records also include more than 100,000. And hair and makeup services and dry cleaning expenses, which presumably are for McDaniel’s media appearances and wardrobe. Dry cleaning expenses are categorized mainly as office supplies or travel expenses. While the hair and makeup services are categorized as media preparation. Unbelievable how they piss away this money. But Daniel did not reply to Red States request for comment prior to publication. Update Emma Vine, an RNC employment spokesperson for McDaniel’s re-election campaign, provided a statement. I will give you that statement afterwards. She needs to go. She needs to be removed. And I notice McConnell never talks about her or the RNC or Karl Rove in the millions that that guy makes. And he just had an op ed trashing Andy Biggs in The Wall Street Journal. It’s not that I disagree with it, but, you know, Carl, you ought to keep your mouth shut and sit this one out because too many conservatives simply despise you. I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 2

The Republican establishment. The RNC, Mitch McConnell, they need to go. Well, what about Kevin McCarthy? Okay. For the 4,000,000,000th time. Biggs, Gates, the others, they don’t have anybody. In the case of McConnell, we did and do In the case of McDaniels, they do. The response from the RNC was a client of Harmeet Dhillon, and I don’t know why Harmeet decided to publish a hit piece in the middle of the night without making a serious attempt to engage with the RNC or Chairwoman McDaniel’s team. Bottom line is, they say this only adds up to 0.8% of the total amount the chairwoman raised. You sound like liberals. That’s a big deal. It’s only point 8% of what we raised. What’s the big deal? You spent millions of dollars on crap. That’s the big deal. I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 3

The Constipated News Network. Zachary Cohen. Special Counsel Jack Smith has issued a subpoena to local officials in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, for information related to the 2020 election. A spokesperson for the county told CNN. The subpoenas sent to Allegheny County is the latest in a string of requests for information sent by Smith. Smith’s team has now sent subpoenas to local and state officials and all seven of the key states. They write Georgia, New Mexico, Nevada, Michigan, Arizona, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, targeted by former President Donald Trump and his allies as part of their bid to upend Joe Biden’s legitimate victory. All right, let’s stop. Let’s stop clowning around here. The fact of the matter is. A candidate is free to challenge an election without it being called a coup. A candidate is free to challenge the electoral count without calling it an insurrection. The violence is separate and apart from all the rest of this. A candidate is free. His lawyers are free to talk to state representatives and state senators in the state legislature of a given state. Trying to lobby them for one reason or another. When it comes to a challenging the outcome of an election. That’s politics. That’s constitutional. There’s nothing illegal about it. Nothing illegal about it to upend Joe Biden’s legitimate victory. That’s propaganda from the media. There are multiple efforts to upend George W Bush’s 2000 legitimate election in Florida. Therefore, in the rest of the country. But nobody was charged with crimes. There weren’t any federal investigators. There weren’t subpoenas that were issued for communications. The lawyers who brought the challenges in one place after another in Florida on behalf of Gore. Their phones weren’t taken from them. Their licenses weren’t challenged in front of ethics committees. What’s happening here. And I don’t care if I’m the only voice in the country to say it. I don’t care. With a career prosecutor. Operating on behalf of the Biden administration. What’s happening here is a true assault on our electoral system. This is the insurrection. This is the insurrection. To dress up. What’s taking place here is some kind of a legitimate criminal investigation. Where do you draw the line and how do you draw the line between challenging an election and a state calling for new electors in a state, encouraging state representatives and state senators to consider stepping in? This has been done throughout our history. In fact, the closer to the adoption of the Constitution and its ratification, the more often it actually happened. Those efforts, they go on included putting forward slates of pro-Trump electors. And filing baseless lawsuits. Filing baseless lawsuits. Putting forward slates of pro-Trump electors. So what is the system in which putting forward slates of pro-Trump electors? Where is that addressed? It’s addressed by. The Congress of the United States, not a criminal investigation. They decide if the electors put forward should be chosen. If there’s a competition of electors, who to choose. System is very straightforward. You don’t get to criminalize the process. And look how they criminalized this, the violence that took place on January six in that building. They have used that as a hook. A hook. To make the reckless assertion. That a presidential candidate cannot go to a state legislature, go to members of the House or the Senate, even encourage the vice president to challenge the elector. When in fact he can. It’s not a coup and it’s not an insurrection. It’s the way the system is set up. And so they’ve taken what took place in the capital, and now they’re trying to get Trump and his people by broadening this. By broadening this well beyond the capital building, well beyond what took place there. Just as they’ve done with people who didn’t commit acts of violence, but where trespassing and parading, quote unquote. They’ve broadened this out. So now we have an extremely dangerous precedent. We’re a hack U.S. attorney. A hack attorney general, A hack deputy attorney general, and now a hack special counsel who, in my view, is illegitimately appointed. Are free to grab all the communications from Republicans at the local, state and federal level and their attorneys. Issuing subpoenas under penalty of prosecution if they don’t comply. One party investigating another party. Their private communications. Their attorney communications. What do you think the framers of the Constitution would say about this? The people who hate the country, the people who hate the Constitution, claim to be standing on the side of the country and the Constitution. Jamie Raskin. He comes from a family full of communists. I’m telling you the truth. He’s now. The constitutionalists who tells us what to think. Adam Schiff. One of the sleaziest snakes in the history of politics. He. It’s not passing judgment. In November 2020, Trump’s campaign, CNN fought in court to throw out over 10,000 absentee ballots in Philadelphia and Allegheny counties that were missing dates or names. Those attempts were rejected by Pennsylvania’s Supreme Court, which argued, in its opinion that while constituting technical violations of the election code, the mistakes do not want the wholesale disenfranchisement and disenfranchisement of thousands of Pennsylvania voters. This is amazing. Did not the US Supreme Court step in on this, Mr. Bertucci. About six weeks ago. To stop in the midterm elections, the counting of ballots and envelopes that weren’t signed. It didn’t have dates. And did not, in effect, the state Supreme Court eventually concur. So the litigation that was brought originally in front of the Supreme Court to stop the counting of these 10,000 and more absentee ballots in Philadelphia and Pittsburgh. Was legitimate litigation. Legitimate. And yet they cited again at CNN. They say here, federal investigators. They’re in full stride. Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, second largest, helped carry President Joe Biden to an 81,000 vote victory in the state. Now, you know why Donald Trump was challenging it. Cassini’s lawyers were correct. Attorney General Merrick Garland appointed Smith last month, but multiple state conspiracy to copy voting software, pointing to reported breaches in Georgia, Michigan and Nevada. Different allegations they’re talking about. We have a corrupt media. With a corrupt Department of Justice run by a bunch of radical leftist Obama Biden supporters. We have this buffoon, special counsel, whose wife is really a suck up to the. To the Obamas did a documentary on Michelle Obama and her mother. His mother in law gave donations. I think do the Obama and or Biden campaigns and this is the special counsel. Well, the special counsel appointment. It’s not supposed to be a special council appointment. To investigate your political opponent. The purpose of a special counsel. Is to address even the appearance of a conflict of interests with an attorney general investigating somebody on his own team. That is his president, vice president, perhaps another cabinet secretary. It has nothing to do with the appointment of a special counsel to go after your political opponent. This is the first time in modern history since there’s been this sort of a special counsel that this has ever been done, ever. He has subpoenaed the Georgia secretary of state, Brad Raffensperger, as you know, who hates Trump. So what he’s trying to build here is some kind of a substantial circumstantial case. That makes it look like. Common political discussion. Pressure. Suggestions and so forth and so on. Why don’t you do this? Why don’t you check that? Have you counted this? How about that? Or to be criminalized as an effort to prevent the legitimate and peaceful transfer of power. That is what’s going on here. And McConnell and Christie. Larry Hogan, he’s a Hutchison. I think in many respects, Bill Barr, Karl Rove and others want Trump indicted and they want him removed from the public square. And they’re not the only ones, which is why they’re out there more and more brazenly making it clear. Making it clear their attacks. And really communicating with the Department of Justice because they know they’re watching. Go ahead. Take him out. Gum up the works because we want nothing to do with him anymore. No, I don’t care who you support. I really don’t support whomever you want. But this is an American. You don’t have a special counsel investigating the Biden crime family, but you have one investigating documents. Really? Whatever you do this Sunday, I hope you’ll watch Life, Liberty and Lavin at 8 p.m. Eastern, 5 p.m. Pacific, 7 p.m. Central. And if you can’t watch it, go to your DVR now and set the recording for the time that applies to you. I really want you to watch it. We’re going to have Molly Hemingway and Victor Davis Hanson. Now we’re going to discuss the extent to which the crime the Biden crime family is being protected. The extent to which they have committed enough predicate offenses in our view, that they should have a special counsel appointed. And we’re going to get into this in great, great, great, great detail. So. I hope you will. I hope you will watch live. If you can. I hope you’ll set your DVR now. I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 4

By the way, not to mislead. Sunday show is also going to be about the Republican. So I don’t think you’re going to want to miss this. It’s going to be great. And it’s our last week life, liberty and livin on Fox until Christmas, so I think you’ll enjoy it. It’s Sunday night, which is the first night of Hanukkah. As my Catholic Italian producer reminds me. But it is. And. I think. Check it out. When we come back. Iran. Oh, Mark. Iran. Iran. The Iranian Islamo Nazi regime is just sentenced to death one of their soccer players who played on the world scene. After he protested. What’s Joe Biden even saying about the rape, torture and slaughter in the streets that’s taking place of young people, particularly young women? Who want their freedom. And by the way, whatever happened to the American feminist movement? How many women in Congress who claim to be feminists are even speaking out? Certainly not on a regular basis. Where are they? Nancy Pelosi when they’re done doing 15 movies on her? Nothing. Not a word. I’ll be right back.